predict.ordPen <- function(object, newx, newu = NULL, newz = NULL,
offset = rep(0,nrow(as.matrix(newx))), type = c("link", "response", "class"), ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
TYPE <- switch(type, link="link", response="response", class = "class")
## Check the newx matrix
if(TYPE == "class" & object$model != "cumulative")
stop("type 'class' only available for cumulative model.")
if(!(is.matrix(newx) | is.numeric(newx) |
stop("newx has to be a matrix, numeric vector or data.frame")
stop("Missing values in newx are not allowed")
newx <- as.matrix(newx)
stop("Entries of newx have to be of type 'numeric'")
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
if(any(abs(newx - round(newx)) > tol) | any(newx < 1))
stop("newx has to contain positive integers")
if(ncol(newx) != length(object$xlevels))
stop("inadequate ncol(newx)")
if(any(apply(newx,2,max) > object$xlevels))
stop("too high class levels in newx")
## Check the other arguments
if(!is.null(object$ulevels) & is.null(newu))
stop("no newu given")
if(object$zcovars > 0 & is.null(newz))
stop("no newz given")
if (!is.null(object$ulevels))
if(!(is.matrix(newu) | is.numeric(newu) |
stop("newu has to be a matrix, numeric vector or data.frame")
stop("Missing values in newu are not allowed")
newu <- as.matrix(newu)
if(nrow(newu) != nrow(newx))
stop("newu and newx do not have correct dimensions")
stop("Entries of newu have to be of type 'numeric'")
if(any(abs(newu - round(newu)) > tol) | any(newu < 1))
stop("newu has to contain positive integers")
if(ncol(newu) != length(object$ulevels))
stop("inadequate ncol(newu)")
if(any(apply(newu,2,max) > object$ulevels))
stop("too high class levels in newu")
newcat <- rbind(c(object$xlevels,object$ulevels),
if (!is.null(newu))
warning("newu not used")
newcat <- rbind(object$xlevels,newx)
if(object$model == "cumulative")
xuz <- rbind(coding(newcat + 1, constant=FALSE, splitcod=FALSE)[-1,])
p0 <- ncol(xuz)
px <- ncol(newcat)
q <- nrow(object$coefficients) - p0
if(object$restriction == "effect"){
xceffect <- object$coefficients[1:p0, ,drop=F]
xcdummy <- matrix(NA, p0, ncol(xceffect))
backmeans <- apply(xceffect, 2, function(x) unlist(lapply(split(x, rep(1:px, times = object$xlevels)), `[`, 1)))
xgrp <- rep(1:px,object$xlevels)
for(j in 1:px){
for(i in 1:ncol(xceffect)){
xcdummy[xgrp==j,i] <- xceffect[xgrp==j,i] - backmeans[j,i]
object$coefficients[1:p0,] <- xcdummy
object$coefficients[p0+(1:q),] <- sweep(object$coefficients[p0+(1:q),,drop=F], 2, apply(as.matrix(backmeans),2,sum), "-")
etaList <- list()
probList <- list()
classList <- list()
for(l in 1:length(object$lambda)){
betaHat <- object$coefficients[,l]
intercepts <- betaHat[p0+(1:q)]
nonintercepts <- matrix(0, nrow=p0, ncol=q)
nonintercepts <- nonintercepts + betaHat[1:p0]
betaMat <- rbind(intercepts, -nonintercepts)
etaMat <- cbind(1, xuz) %*% betaMat
probMat <- cbind(invlink(etaMat[,1]), invlink(etaMat[,2:q]) - invlink(etaMat[,1:(q-1)]))
probMat <- cbind(probMat, 1-rowSums(probMat))
colnames(etaMat) <- paste0("logit(P[Y<=", 1:(q), "])")
colnames(probMat) <- paste0("P[Y=", 1:(q+1), "]")
probClass <- factor(max.col(probMat), levels=(1:(q+1)), labels=as.character(1:(q+1)))
etaList[[l]] <- etaMat
probList[[l]] <- probMat
classList[[l]] <- probClass
if(TYPE == "link")
fit <- etaList
else if(TYPE == "response")
fit <- probList
fit <- classList
xuz <- rbind(coding(newcat + 1, constant=TRUE, splitcod=FALSE)[-1,])
p0 <- ncol(xuz) - 1
px <- ncol(newcat)
if(object$restriction == "effect"){
xceffect <- object$coefficients[-1, ,drop=F]
xcdummy <- matrix(NA, p0, ncol(xceffect))
backmeans <- apply(xceffect, 2, function(x) unlist(lapply(split(x, rep(1:px, times = object$xlevels)), `[`, 1)))
xgrp <- rep(1:px, object$xlevels)
for(j in 1:px){
for(i in 1:ncol(xceffect)){
xcdummy[xgrp==j,i] <- xceffect[xgrp==j,i] - backmeans[j,i]
object$coefficients[1+(1:p0),] <- xcdummy
if (object$zcovars > 0)
if(!(is.matrix(newz) | is.numeric(newz) |
stop("newz has to be a matrix, numeric vector or data.frame")
stop("Missing values in newz are not allowed")
newz <- rbind(as.matrix(newz))
if(nrow(newz) != nrow(newx))
stop("newz and newx do not have correct dimensions")
stop("Entries of newz have to be of type 'numeric'")
if(ncol(newz) != object$zcovars)
stop("inadequate ncol(newz)")
xuz <- cbind(xuz,newz)
else if (!is.null(newz))
warning("newz not used")
rownames(xuz) <- rownames(newx)
eta <- xuz%*%object$coef + matrix(rep(offset,ncol(object$coef)),
if (object$model == "linear" | TYPE == "link")
fit <- eta
if (object$model == "logit")
fit <- plogis(eta)
fit <- exp(eta)
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