
Defines functions .graphicModule

# Author:
#   Florian Rohart,
# created: 16-03-2016
# last modified: 24-08-2016
# Copyright (C) 2016
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal helpers functions to run "plotIndiv" functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# df: data frame with all the information needed: coordinates (x,y,z),
#   grouping factor 'group', 'Block' that indicates the block,
#   names (ind.names), 'pch', 'cex' or each point,
#   'col.per.group' that gives the color of each point,
#   'pch.legend' that gives the pch of each point for the legend (same as pch?)
# as well as: x0 and y0 if plot centroid==TRUE
# centroid
# star
# ellipse
# df.ellipse
# xlim
# ylim
# title
# X.label
# Y.label
# legend
# display.names

background = NULL)
    object.pls = c("mixo_pls", "mixo_spls", "mixo_mlspls", "rcc")
    object.pca = c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca", "prcomp")
    object.blocks = c("sgcca", "rgcca")
    object.mint = c("mint.pls", "mint.spls", "mint.plsda", "mint.splsda")
    # to satisfy R CMD check that doesn't recognise x, y and group (in aes)
    x = y = group = pch = studyname = pch.levels = Var1 = Var2 = NULL
    size.title = plot_parameters$size.title
    size.subtitle = plot_parameters$size.subtitle
    size.xlabel = plot_parameters$size.xlabel
    size.ylabel = plot_parameters$size.ylabel
    size.axis = plot_parameters$size.axis
    size.legend = plot_parameters$size.legend
    size.legend.title = plot_parameters$size.legend.title
    legend.title = plot_parameters$legend.title
    legend.title.pch = plot_parameters$legend.title.pch
    legend.position = plot_parameters$legend.position
    point.lwd = plot_parameters$point.lwd
    # check whether pch and group are the same factors,
    #   otherwise we need two legends
    group.pch = "same"
    temp = table(df$group, df$pch)
    # if factors are the same, there should be only one value
    #   different from 0 per column/row
    # if pch is same factor as color, then same legend
    a = NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(temp))
        a = c(a, sum(temp[i,]!=0))
    if(sum(a) != nrow(temp))
        group.pch = "different"
    } else {
        a = NULL
        for(j in 1:ncol(temp))
            a = c(a, sum(temp[,j]!=0))
        if(sum(a) != ncol(temp))
        group.pch = "different"
    df$pch.levels = factor(as.character(df$pch.levels)) #forced to be character,
    #   so that the order of the levels is the same all the time
    #   (1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3...), instead of changing between ggplot2 and
    #   the rest
    # df$pch.levels is sorted in the legend, we need to have the df$pch in the
    #   same order so that points/legend are matching
    # unique(df$pch.levels)[a$ix] is ordered
    values.pch = unique(df$pch) [a$ix]
    #values.pch = unique(df$pch)[match(unique(df$pch.levels),
    #   sort(levels(df$pch.levels)))]#as.numeric(levels(df$pch.levels))
    # makes pch and pch.levels correspond
    #df$pch = factor(df$pch) #number or names
    # shape in ggplot is ordered by the levels of pch.levels:
    #   levels(factor(as.character(df$pch.levels)))
    # override if only one pch
    if(nlevels(factor(df$pch)) == 1)
    group.pch = "same"

    #-- Start: ggplot2
    if (style == "ggplot2")
        nResp = nlevels(df$Block)
        if (is.null(layout))
            nRows = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/2)))
            nCols = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/nRows)))
            layout = c(nRows, nCols)
        } else {
            if (length(layout) != 2 || !is.numeric(layout) ||
            stop("'layout' must be a numeric vector of length 2.")
            nRows = layout[1]
            nCols = layout[2]
        #note: at this present time, ggplot2 does not allow xlim to be changed
        #   per subplot, so cannot use xlim properly
        #-- Initialise ggplot2
        p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, color = group, shape = pch.levels)) +
        labs(title=title, x = X.label, y = Y.label) +
        theme_bw() + theme(strip.text = element_text(size = size.subtitle,
            face = "bold"))
            for(i in 1:length(background))
            background = do.call(rbind,background)

            p = p+geom_polygon(data = background,aes(x=Var1, y=Var2,
            fill = col), inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend
            p = p + scale_fill_manual(values =
            if(is.null(xlim))# we choose xlim that fits the points,
            #   and not the background
            xlim = range(df$x)
            if(is.null(ylim))# we choose ylim that fits the points,
            #   and not the background
            ylim = range(df$y)
        #-- Display sample or row.names
        for (i in levels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, df$group == i),
                    size = 0, shape = 0)
            } else {
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, df$group == i),
                size = subset(df, df$group == i)$cex[1], stroke = point.lwd)
            if (centroid == TRUE)
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df[, c("col", "x0", "y0",
                "Block", "cex", "pch", "group")], df$group == i),
                aes(x=x0,y=y0), size = 0, shape = 0)
        #-- Modify scale colour - Change X/Ylabel - split plots into Blocks
        p = p + scale_color_manual(values = unique(col.per.group)[match(
        levels(factor(as.character(df$group))), levels(df$group))],
        name = legend.title, breaks = levels(df$group))

        if(group.pch == "same")
            p = p + scale_shape_manual(values = values.pch[match(
            name = legend.title, breaks = levels(factor(df$group)),
            guide = FALSE)
            #match(..) reorder the values as the values of pch.levels,
            #if there's more than 10 levels, R/ggplot orders characters
            #different than values 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, etc
        } else {
            # if pch different factor, then second legend
            p = p + scale_shape_manual(values = values.pch[match(
            name = legend.title.pch, breaks = levels(df$pch.levels))
        p = p + #labs(list(title = title, x = X.label, y = Y.label)) +
        facet_wrap(~ Block, ncol = nCols, scales = "free", as.table = TRUE)
        #as.table to plot in the same order as the factor
        p = p + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=size.title),
        axis.text=element_text(size=size.axis))# bigger title
        #-- xlim, ylim
        p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)
        #-- color samples according to col
        for (i in unique(df$col))
            for(j in 1:nlevels(df$Block))
                if (display.names)
                    p = p +geom_point(data = subset(df, col == i &
                    df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j]),size = 0, shape = 0,
                    color = unique(df[df$col == i & df$Block ==
                    levels(df$Block)[j], ]$col))+
                    geom_text(data = subset(df, col == i & df$Block ==
                    aes(label = names),
                    color = df[df$col == i & df$Block ==
                    levels(df$Block)[j], ]$col,
                    size = df[df$col == i & df$Block ==
                    levels(df$Block)[j], ]$cex,show.legend  = FALSE)
                if (centroid == TRUE)
                    p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df[, c("col", "x0", "y0",
                    "Block", "cex", "pch", "group")], col == i),
                    aes(x = x0, y = y0),
                    color = unique(df[df$col == i &
                    df$Block == levels(df$Block)[1], ]$col),
                    size = unique(df[df$col == i &
                    df$Block == levels(df$Block)[1], ]$cex),
                    shape = 8, stroke = point.lwd)
        #-- Legend
        if (!legend)
            p = p + theme(legend.position="none")
        } else if(group.pch == "same") {
            p = p + guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape =
            if(display.names | any(class.object%in%object.mint) ) {19} else
            unique(df$pch.legend), size = 3,stroke=point.lwd)))    +
            legend.text=element_text(size=size.legend)) +
        } else if(group.pch == "different") {
            p = p + guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes =
            list(size=3, stroke=point.lwd)))
        #-- abline
        if (abline)
        p = p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), linetype = 2,
        colour = "darkgrey") + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0),
        linetype = 2, colour = "darkgrey")
        #-- star
        if (star == TRUE)
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_segment(data = subset(df, group ==
                aes(x = x0, y = y0, xend = x, yend = y),
                #label = "Block"),
                color = unique(col.per.group)[i],size = point.lwd)
        #-- ellipse
        if (ellipse == TRUE)
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                if( !is.na(match(paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1),
                    p = p + geom_path(data = df.ellipse,
                    aes_string(x = paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1),
                    y = paste0("Col", 2 * i),
                    #label = "Block",
                    group = NULL),#, shape = NULL),
                    color = unique(col.per.group)[i], size =
                    point.lwd, inherit.aes = FALSE)
    #-- End: ggplot2
    #-- Start: ggplot2
    if (style=="ggplot2-MINT")
        nResp = nlevels(df$Block)
        if (is.null(layout))
            nRows = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/2)))
            nCols = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/nRows)))
            layout = c(nRows, nCols)
        } else {
            if (length(layout) != 2 || !is.numeric(layout) ||
            stop("'layout' must be a numeric vector of length 2.")
            nRows = layout[1]
            nCols = layout[2]
        #note: at this present time, ggplot2 does not allow xlim to be
        #   changed per subplot, so cannot use xlim properly
        df$studyname = factor(df$pch, labels = study.levels)
        #-- Initialise ggplot2
        p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, color = group, shape = studyname)) +
        labs(title=title, x = X.label, y = Y.label) +
        theme_bw() + theme(strip.text = element_text(size = size.subtitle,
        face = "bold"))
        #-- Display sample or row.names
        for (i in levels(df$group))
            p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, df$group == i),
            size = subset(df, df$group == i)$cex[1], stroke = point.lwd)
        #-- Modify scale colour - Change X/Ylabel - split plots into Blocks
        p = p + scale_colour_manual(values = unique(col.per.group)[match(
        levels(factor(as.character(df$group))), levels(df$group))],
        name = legend.title, breaks = levels(df$group)) +
        labs(shape = "Study")#levels(object$study)[study.ind])
        p = p + scale_shape_manual(values = as.numeric(levels(factor(df$pch))))
        # replace the shape/pch by the input, it's converted by default to
        # 1,2,3.. by ggplots
        p = p + #labs(list(title = title, x = X.label, y = Y.label)) +
        facet_wrap(~ Block, ncol = nCols, scales = "free", as.table = TRUE)
        #as.table to plot in the same order as the factor
        p = p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=size.title),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size=size.xlabel),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = size.ylabel),
        axis.text = element_text(size = size.axis))# bigger title
        #-- xlim, ylim
        p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        #-- Legend
        if (!legend)
            p = p + theme(legend.position="none")
            p = p + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes =
            list(size = unique(df$cex)))) +
            theme(legend.title = element_text(size = size.legend.title),
            legend.text = element_text(size = size.legend))+
            theme(legend.position = legend.position)
        #-- abline
        if (abline)
        p = p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), linetype = 2,
        colour = "darkgrey") + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0),
        linetype = 2,colour = "darkgrey")
        #-- centroid
        if (centroid == TRUE) #only when one block
            for (i in levels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df,  df$group == i),
                aes(x = x0, y = y0),
                color = subset(df, df$group == i)$col[1],
                size = subset(df, df$group == i)$cex[1],
                shape = 8, stroke = point.lwd)
        #-- star
        if (star == TRUE) #only when one block
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_segment(data = subset(df, group ==
                aes(x = x0, y = y0, xend = x, yend = y),
                #label = "Block"),
                color = unique(col.per.group)[i],size = point.lwd)
        #-- ellipse
        if (ellipse == TRUE) #only when one block
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_path(data = df.ellipse,
                aes_string(x = paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1),
                y = paste0("Col", 2 * i),
                #label = "Block",
                group = NULL),# shape = NULL),
                color = unique(col.per.group)[i], size = point.lwd,
                inherit.aes =FALSE)
    #-- End: ggplot2
    if (style=="lattice")
        #-- Start: Lattice
        p = xyplot(y ~ x | Block, data = df, xlab = list(label=X.label,
        cex=size.xlabel), ylab = list(label=Y.label,cex=size.ylabel),
        main = list(label = title, cex = size.title), as.table = TRUE,
        #as.table plot in order
        groups = if (display.names) {names} else {group},
        scales= list(x = list(relation = "free", limits = xlim,cex=size.axis),
        y = list(relation = "free", limits = ylim,cex=size.axis)),
        #-- Legend
        key = if(legend == TRUE)
            if (!any(class.object%in%object.mint))
                if(group.pch == "same")
                    list(space = legend.position, title = legend.title,
                    cex.title = size.legend.title,
                    point = list(col =  col.per.group),cex=size.legend,
                    pch = if(display.names | any(class.object%in%object.mint))
                    {16} else unique(df$pch.legend),text =
                } else {
                    list(space = legend.position, cex.title = size.legend.title,
                    point = list(
                    col =  c(NA, col.per.group, NA, NA, rep("black",
                    cex = c(size.legend.title, rep(size.legend,
                    length(col.per.group)), size.legend, size.legend.title,
                    pch = c(NA, rep(16, length(col.per.group)), NA, NA,
                    text = list(outcome = c(legend.title, levels(df$group),
                    "", legend.title.pch, levels(df$pch.levels)))
            } else {#we add the shape legend
                list(space = legend.position, cex.title = size.legend.title,
                point = list(
                col =  c(NA, col.per.group, NA, NA, rep("black",
                cex = c(size.legend.title, rep(size.legend,
                length(col.per.group)), size.legend, size.legend.title,
                pch = c(NA, rep(16, length(col.per.group)), NA, NA,
                text = list(outcome = c(legend.title, levels(df$group),
                "", "Study", study.levels))
        } else {
        panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups, display = display.names,...)
            #-- Abline
            if (abline)
                panel.abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")
                panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")
            #-- Background
            if (!is.null(background)) # only first block: plsda and splsda
                for (i in 1 : length(background))
                panel.polygon(background[[i]], col = names(background)[i],
            #-- Display sample or row.names
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                if (display)
                    ltext(x = df$x[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]],
                    y = df$y[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]],
                    labels = groups[subscripts & df$group ==
                    levels(df$group)[i]], col = "white", cex = 0)
                } else {
                    lpoints(x = df$x[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]],
                    y = df$y[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]],
                    col = "white", cex = 0, pch = 0)
            #-- color samples according to col
            for (i in unique(df$col))
                if (display)
                    ltext(x = df$x[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i],
                    y = df$y[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i],
                    labels =  groups[subscripts & df$col == i],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col, cex =
                    df$cex[subscripts][df$col[subscripts] == i])
                } else {
                    lpoints(x = df$x[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i],
                    y = df$y[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col,
                    cex = df$cex[subscripts][df$col[subscripts] == i],
                    pch = df$pch[subscripts][df$col[subscripts] == i])
        #the lattice plot needs to be printed in order to display the ellipse(s)
        #-- centroid
        if (centroid)
            panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
            for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
                other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
                ind = which(panels == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
                trellis.focus("panel", ind[2], ind[1], highlight = FALSE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$x)
                    y0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$y)
                    panel.points(x = x0, y = y0, col = unique(col.per.group)[i],
                    pch = 8, cex = df[other & df$group ==
                    levels(df$group)[i], ]$cex)
        #-- star
        if (star)
            panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
            for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
                other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
                ind = which(panels == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
                trellis.focus("panel", ind[2], ind[1], highlight = FALSE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    for (q in 1: length(df[other & df$group ==
                    levels(df$group)[i]  , "x"]))
                        x0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i] ,
                        y0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i] ,
                        panel.segments(x0, y0, df[other & df$group ==
                        levels(df$group)[i], ]$x[q],
                        df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$y[q],
                        col = unique(col.per.group)[i], cex = df[other &
                        df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$cex,
                        pch = df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$pch)
        #-- ellipse
        if (ellipse)
            panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
            for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
                other.ellipse = df.ellipse$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
                ind = which(panels == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
                trellis.focus("panel",ind[2], ind[1], highlight = FALSE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    panel.lines(x = df.ellipse[other.ellipse, paste0("Col",
                    2*(i - 1) + 1)],
                    y = df.ellipse[other.ellipse, paste0("Col", 2 * i)],
                    col = unique(col.per.group)[i])
    #-- End: Lattice
    if (style=="graphics")
        #-- Start: graphics
        #df$pch = as.numeric(df$pch) #number or names
        opar = par(c("mai","mar","usr","cxy","xaxp","yaxp"))
        reset.mfrow = FALSE
        # if set to TRUE, the algorithm ends up with  par(mfrow=reset.mfrow)
        #-- Define layout
        nResp = nlevels(df$Block)
        if (is.null(layout))
            # check if there are enough plots in mfrow
            omfrow = par("mfrow")
            available.plots = prod(omfrow)
            if (available.plots<nResp)
            # if not enough plots available, we create our new plot
                nRows = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/2)))
                nCols = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/nRows)))
                layout = c(nRows, nCols)
                par(mfrow = layout)
                if (nRows * nCols < nResp)
                reset.mfrow=TRUE # we changed mfrow to suits our needs,
                #so we reset it at the end
        } else {
            if (length(layout) != 2 || !is.numeric(layout) ||
            stop("'layout' must be a numeric vector of length 2.")
            nRows = layout[1]
            nCols = layout[2]
            par(mfrow = layout)
            if (nRows * nCols < nResp)
        for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
            if (legend & group.pch == "same")
                par(mai=c(1.360000, 1.093333, 1.093333,
                (max(strwidth(c(levels(df$group),legend.title),"inches"))) + 1),
            } else if(legend & group.pch == "different") {
                par(mai=c(1.360000, 1.093333, 1.093333,
                "inches"))) + 1), xpd=TRUE)
            other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
            plot(df[other, "x" ], df[other, "y" ],
            type = "n", xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label,
            xlim = c(xlim[[k]][1], xlim[[k]][2]), ylim = c(ylim[[k]][1],
            cex.axis = size.axis, cex.lab = size.xlabel, lwd = point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- initialise plot
            if (nlevels(df$Block) == 1 & !any(class.object%in%c(object.mint,
                "sgcca", "rgcca")))
                # avoid double title when only one block is plotted
                titlemain = NULL
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = TRUE
                titlemain = levels(df$Block)[k]
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = df.ellipse$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
            #add title of the 'blocks'
            title(main = titlemain, line = 1, cex.main = size.subtitle)
            #-- Display sample or row.names
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                if (display.names)
                    text(x = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"],
                    labels = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other,
                    col = "white", cex = 0,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
                } else {
                    points(x = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"],
                    col = "white", cex = 0, pch = 0,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- color samples according to col
            for (i in unique(df$col))
                if (display.names)
                    text(x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"],
                    labels = df[df$col == i & other, "names"],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col, cex = df[df$col == i, ]$cex,
                } else {
                    points(x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col, cex = df[df$col == i, ]$cex,
                    pch = df[df$col == i, ]$pch,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            if (legend & group.pch == "same")
                pch.legend = NULL
                for (i in 1:nlevels(df$group))
                pch.legend = c(pch.legend, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i],
                legend(par()$usr[2]+0.1, par()$usr[4] -
                (par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3])/2, col = col.per.group,
                legend = levels(df$group), pch = if(display.names) {16} else
                unique(df$pch.legend), title = legend.title, cex = size.legend,
                lty = 0,lwd = point.lwd)
            } else if(legend & group.pch == "different") {
                legend(par()$usr[2]+0.1, par()$usr[4] -
                col =  c(NA, col.per.group, NA, NA, rep("black",
                legend = c(legend.title, levels(df$group), "",
                legend.title.pch, levels(df$pch.levels)),
                pch = c(NA, rep(16, length(col.per.group)), NA, NA, values.pch),
                cex = max(c(size.legend.title, size.legend)),
                lty = 0,
                lwd = point.lwd
            if (legend)
            par(xpd=FALSE) # so the abline does not go outside the plot
            #-- Abline
            if (abline)
            abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = 2,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Star
            if (star == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    for (q in 1: length(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                    other, "x"]))
                        segments(x0, y0, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                        other, "x"][q], df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                        other, "y"][q],
                        cex = df$df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other,
                        "cex"], col = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                        other, "col"], lwd = point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Centroid
            if (centroid == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    points(cbind(x0,y0), pch = 8, cex = df$df[df$group ==
                    levels(df$group)[i] & other, "cex"],
                    col = unique(col.per.group)[i], lwd = point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Ellipse
            if (ellipse == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    lines(x = df.ellipse[other.ellipse,
                    paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1)],
                    y = df.ellipse[other.ellipse, paste0("Col", 2 * i)],
                    col = unique(col.per.group)[i],lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Background
            if (!is.null(background)) # only first block: plsda and splsda
                for (i in 1 : length(background))
                polygon(background[[i]], col = names(background)[i], border=NA)

            if (nlevels(df$Block) == 1 & !any(class.object%in%c(object.mint,
            "sgcca", "rgcca")))
            # avoid double title when only one block is plotted
                title(title, line = 1, cex.main = size.title)#,...)
            } else {
                title(title, outer=TRUE, line = -2,cex.main = size.title)#,...)
        if (reset.mfrow)
        par(mfrow = omfrow)
    #-- End: graphics
    if (style=="3d")
        if(requireNamespace("rgl") == FALSE)
        stop("the rgl package is required for 3d plots")

        #-- Start: 3d
        for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
            rgl::par3d(windowRect = c(500, 30, 1100, 630))
            if (!is.null(title))
                mat = matrix(1:2, 2)
                rgl::layout3d(mat, heights = c(1, 10), model = "inherit")
                rgl::text3d(0, 0, 0, title)
            if(any(class.object %in% c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca", "prcomp",
            "mixo_splsda", "mixo_plsda", "mixo_mlsplsda")))
                other = TRUE
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = TRUE
            } else {
                other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = df.ellipse$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
            rgl::par3d(userMatrix = rgl::rotationMatrix(pi/80, 1, -1/(100*pi), 0))
            if (legend)
                rgl::legend3d(x = "right",
                legend = levels(df$group),
                col = col.per.group,
                pch = rep(16,length(unique(df$pch))),
                pt.cex = unique(df$cex),
                bty = "n")
            #-- Display sample or row.names
            for (i in unique(df$col))
                if (display.names)
                    for (cex_i in unique(df[df$col == i, ]$cex))
                        ind = which(df[df$col == i, ]$cex == cex_i)
                        rgl::text3d(x = df[df$col == i &  other, "x"][ind],
                        y = df[df$col == i &  other, "y"][ind],
                        z = df[df$col == i &  other, "z"][ind],
                        texts = df[df$col == i &  other, "names"][ind],
                        color = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], cex = cex_i)
                    cex = 20*df[df$col == i, ]$cex
                    for (pch_i in unique(df[df$col == i, ]$pch))
                        ind = which(df[df$col == i, ]$pch == pch_i)
                        if(pch_i == "sphere")
                            for (cex_i in unique(df[df$col == i, ]$cex[ind]))
                                ind_cex = which(df[df$col == i, ]$cex[ind] ==
                                rgl::points3d(x = df[df$col == i &
                                other, "x"][ind][ind_cex],
                                y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind][ind_cex],
                                z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind][ind_cex],
                                col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind][ind_cex],
                                size = cex_i*20, radius = cex_i, add = TRUE)
                        } else if (pch_i == "tetra") {
                            rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::tetrahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i &
                            other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size =
                        } else if (pch_i == "cube") {
                            rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::cube3d(),x = df[df$col == i &
                            other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size =
                        } else if (pch_i == "octa") {
                            rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::octahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i &
                            other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size =
                        } else if (pch_i == "icosa") {
                            rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::icosahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i &
                            other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i &other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size =
                        } else if (pch_i == "dodeca") {
                            rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::dodecahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i &
                            other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size =
            #-- Ellipse
            if (ellipse)
                coords = matrix(cbind(df[other, "x"],
                df[other, "y"],
                df[other,"z"]),ncol = 3)
                centr.coords = apply(coords, 2, function(x)
                tapply(x, df$group, mean))
                if (length(unique(df$group)) == 1)
                centr.coords = matrix(centr.coords, nrow=1)
                rownames(centr.coords) = levels(df$group)
                lg = levels(df$group)
                for(i in 1:length(lg))
                    g   = lg[i]
                    sel = df$group == g
                    s   = cov(coords[sel, , drop = FALSE])
                    cc  = centr.coords[i,]
                    # lines(ellipse(s, centre=cc), col=unique(col.per.group)[i])
                    rgl::shade3d(rgl::ellipse3d(s, centre = cc, level =
                    df.ellipse$ellipse.level[1]), col=unique(col.per.group)[i],
                    alpha = alpha)
            #-- Centroid
            if (centroid == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    z0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "z"])
                    rgl::points3d(x=x0, y=y0,z=z0, cex=df$df[df$group ==
                    levels(df$group)[i] & other, "cex"], col =
            #-- Star
            if (star == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    z0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "z"])
                    for (q in 1: length(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                    other, "x"]))
                        rgl::segments3d(x=c(x0, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                        other, "x"][q]), y=c(y0,df[df$group ==
                        levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"][q]),
                        z=c(z0, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                        other, "z"][q]),
                        cex=df$df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                        other, "cex"], col=df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] &
                        other, "col"])
            #-- draws axes/box --#
            if (axes.box == "box")
                rgl::axes3d(marklen = 25)
            if (axes.box == "bbox")
                rgl::bbox3d(color = c("#333377", "black"), emission = gray(0.5),
                specular = gray(0.1), shininess = 5, alpha = 0.8, marklen = 25)
            if (axes.box == "both")
                rgl::axes3d(marklen = 25); rgl::box3d()
                rgl::bbox3d(color = c("#333377", "black"), emission = gray(0.5),
                specular = gray(0.1), shininess = 5, alpha = 0.8, marklen = 25)
            #-- add axes labels --#
            rgl::mtext3d(X.label, "x-+", line = 1)
            rgl::mtext3d(Y.label, "y-+", line = 1.5)
            rgl::mtext3d(Z.label, "z+-", line = 1)
            if (! any(class.object%in% c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca",
            "prcomp", "mixo_splsda", "mixo_plsda", "mixo_mlsplsda")))
            rgl::title3d(main = levels(df$Block)[k])
        #-- output --#
        return(invisible(cbind(df$x, df$y, df$z)))
    if (style%in%c("graphics","3d"))
    p = NULL
ajabadi/mixOmics2 documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:08 a.m.