#' locally download, import, prepare icpsr microdata
#' get_catalog_icpsr retrieves a listing of all available extracts for a microdata set
#' @param data_name a character vector with a microdata abbreviation
#' @param catalog \code{data.frame} detailing available microdata extracts
#' @param series_number any data series number from http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/series
#' @param study_numbers one or more study numbers from http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/studies?q=
#' @param archive defaults to "ICPSR" but other archives include "HMCA" , "NACJD" , "NAHDAP" , "NADAC" , "civicleads" , "RCMD" , "ADDEP" , "childcare" , "NCAA" , "NACDA" , "DSDR" , "METLDB"
#' @param bundle_preference when multiple filetypes are available, which should be given priority?
#' @param ... passed to \code{get_catalog} and \code{lodown_}
#' @export
lodown_icpsr <-
function( data_name , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
if( !( 'your_email' %in% names(list(...)) ) ) stop( "`your_email` parameter must be specified. create an account at https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/cgi-bin/newacct" )
if( !( 'your_password' %in% names(list(...)) ) ) stop( "`your_password` parameter must be specified. create an account at https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/cgi-bin/newacct" )
your_email <- list(...)[["your_email"]]
your_password <- list(...)[["your_password"]]
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
login <- "https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/rpxlogin"
terms <- "https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/cgi-bin/terms"
download_prefix <- "https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/cgi-bin/bob/zipcart2?"
values <-
agree = "yes",
path = "ICPSR" ,
study = catalog[ i , 'study_number' ] ,
ds = catalog[ i , 'dsNo' ] ,
bundle = catalog[ i , 'bundle' ] ,
dups = "yes",
# Accept the terms on the form,
# generating the appropriate cookies
httr::POST(terms, body = values)
httr::POST(login, body = values)
catalog[ i , 'full_url' ] ,
query = values
httr::POST(terms, body = values)
httr::POST(login, body = values)
catalog[ i , 'full_url' ] ,
destfile = tf ,
FUN = httr::GET ,
filesize_fun = 'unzip_verify' ,
httr::write_disk( tf , overwrite = TRUE ) ,
httr::progress() ,
query = values
unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = gsub( "/$" , "" , catalog[ i , "unzip_folder" ] ) , junkpaths = TRUE )
# delete the temporary files
file.remove( tf )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " unzipped to '" , catalog[ i , 'unzip_folder' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
#' @rdname lodown_icpsr
#' @export
get_catalog_icpsr <-
function( series_number = NULL , study_numbers = NULL , archive = "ICPSR" , bundle_preference = c( "rdata" , "stata" , "sas" , "spss" , "delimited" , "ascsas" , "ascstata" , "ascspss" , "ascii" , "gis" , "doc" ) ){
if( is.null( study_numbers ) ){
series_page <- paste0( "https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/" , archive , "/series/" , series_number )
series_xml <- xml2::read_html( series_page )
study_numbers <- gsub( "[^0-9]" , "" , rvest::html_text( rvest::html_nodes( series_xml , ".studyNo" ) ) )
series_results <- NULL
for( study_number in study_numbers ){
study_page <- paste0( "https://pcms.icpsr.umich.edu/pcms/api/1.0/studies/" , study_number , "/files" )
study_datasets <- jsonlite::fromJSON( study_page , simplifyDataFrame = TRUE )
study_datasets$fileUris <- study_datasets$files <- NULL
available_bundles <- study_datasets[ grep( "^bundles" , names( study_datasets ) ) ][[1]]
sorted_bundle_preference <- available_bundles[ bundle_preference ]
sorted_bundle_preference[ , 'this_bundle' ] <- NA
for( i in seq( ncol( sorted_bundle_preference ) - 1 ) ){
sorted_bundle_preference[ is.na( sorted_bundle_preference[ , 'this_bundle' ] ) & sorted_bundle_preference[ , i ] , 'this_bundle' ] <-
names( sorted_bundle_preference )[ i ]
if( any( is.na( sorted_bundle_preference[ , 'this_bundle' ] ) ) ){
cat( "removing datasets without matching bundles\r\r\n\n" )
print( study_datasets[ is.na( sorted_bundle_preference[ , 'this_bundle' ] ) , ] )
study_datasets$bundle <- sorted_bundle_preference$this_bundle
this_study <- study_datasets[ !is.na( study_datasets[ , 'bundle' ] ) , ]
in_results_not_study <- setdiff( names( series_results ) , names( this_study ) )
in_study_not_results <- setdiff( names( this_study ) , names( series_results ) )
this_study[ in_results_not_study ] <- NA
if( !is.null( series_results ) ) series_results[ in_study_not_results ] <- NA
this_study$study_number <- study_number
series_results <- rbind( series_results , this_study )
series_results[ , 'full_url' ] <-
"https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/cgi-bin/bob/zipcart2?study=" ,
series_results[ , 'study_number' ] ,
"&bundle=" ,
series_results[ , 'bundle' ] ,
"&ds=" ,
series_results[ , 'dsNo' ]
icpsr_stata <-
function( path_to_stata , catalog_entry ){
x <- data.frame( haven::read_dta( path_to_stata ) )
# path to the supplemental recodes file
path_to_supp <- grep( "upplemental( |_|-)syntax\\.do$" , list.files( catalog_entry[ , 'unzip_folder' ] , full.names = TRUE ) , value = TRUE )
# read the supplemental recodes lines into R
commented.supp.syntax <- readLines( path_to_supp )
# and remove any stata comments
uncommented.supp.syntax <- SAScii::SAS.uncomment( commented.supp.syntax , "/*" , "*/" )
# remove blank lines
supp.syntax <- stringr::str_trim( uncommented.supp.syntax[ uncommented.supp.syntax != "" ] )
# confirm all remaining recode lines contain the word 'replace'
# right now, the supplemental recodes are relatively straightforward.
# should any of them contain non-'replace' syntax, this part of this
# R script will require more flexibility
length( supp.syntax ) ==
sum( unlist( lapply( "replace" , grepl , supp.syntax ) ) )
# figure out exactly how many recodes will need to be processed
# (this variable will be used for the progress monitor that prints to the screen)
how.many.recodes <- length( supp.syntax )
# loop through the entire stata supplemental recodes file
for ( j in seq( supp.syntax ) ){
# isolate the current stata "replace .. if .." command
current.replacement <- supp.syntax[ j ]
# locate the name of the current variable to be overwritten
space.positions <-
" " ,
variable <- substr( current.replacement , space.positions[1] + 1 , space.positions[2] - 1 )
# figure out the logical test contained after the stata 'if' parameter
condition.to.blank <- unlist( strsplit( current.replacement , " if " ) )[2]
# add an x$ to indicate which data frame to alter in R
condition.test <- gsub( variable , paste0( "x$" , variable ) , condition.to.blank )
# build the entire recode line, with a "<- NA" to overwrite
# each of these codes with missing values
recode.line <-
"x[ no.na( " ,
condition.test ,
") , '" ,
variable ,
"' ] <- NA"
# uncomment this to print the current recode to the screen
# print( recode.line )
# execute the actual recode
eval( parse( text = recode.line ) )
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