get_catalog_nis <-
function( data_name = "nis" , output_dir , ... ){
combined_paths <- NULL
for( nis_ftp_site in
"" ,
) ) {
nis_ftp_contents <- RCurl::getURL( nis_ftp_site , dirlistonly = TRUE , ssl.verifypeer = FALSE )
nis_ftp_paths <- paste0( nis_ftp_site , strsplit( nis_ftp_contents , '(\r)?\n' )[[1]] )
combined_paths <- c( combined_paths , nis_ftp_paths )
for( nis_ftp_site in
"" ,
) ) {
nis_ftp_contents <- RCurl::getURL( nis_ftp_site , dirlistonly = TRUE , ssl.verifypeer = FALSE )
possible_filenames <- grep( "\\.dat$|\\.R$" , strsplit( nis_ftp_contents , '>|<' )[[1]] , value = TRUE , = TRUE )
nis_ftp_paths <- paste0( nis_ftp_site , possible_filenames )
combined_paths <- c( combined_paths , nis_ftp_paths )
dat_files <- grep( "\\.dat$|dat\\.zip$" , combined_paths , value = TRUE , = TRUE )
dat_years <- gsub( "(.*)([0-9][0-9])(.*)" , "\\2" , basename( dat_files ) )
dat_years[ dat_years == "NHFSPUF.DAT" ] <- "09"
dat_years <- ifelse( as.numeric( dat_years ) > 94 , 1900 + as.numeric( dat_years ) , 2000 + as.numeric( dat_years ) )
catalog <-
full_url = dat_files ,
year = dat_years ,
directory = ifelse( grepl( "NHFS" , dat_files ) , "flu" , ifelse( grepl( "TEEN" , toupper( dat_files ) ) , "teen" , "main" ) ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# zipped files first
catalog <- catalog[ order( catalog$year , catalog$directory , !grepl( "zip" , catalog$full_url , = TRUE ) ) , ]
# remove duplicates
catalog <- catalog[ !duplicated( catalog[ , c( 'year' , 'directory' ) ] ) , ]
# determine related R scripts
r_scripts <- as.character( sapply( paste0( ifelse( catalog$directory == 'flu' , 'nhfs' , ifelse( catalog$directory == 'teen' , 'teen' , 'nis' ) ) , "puf" , ifelse( catalog$directory != 'flu' , substr( catalog$year , 3 , 4 ), "" ) , "\\.r" ) , grep , combined_paths , = TRUE , value = TRUE ) )
catalog$r_script <-
ifelse( catalog$year == 2015 ,
paste0( "" ,
ifelse( catalog$directory == 'teen' , "teen-" , "" ) ,
"puf" ,
substr( catalog$year , 3 , 4 ) ,
".r" ) ,
ifelse( r_scripts == 'character(0)' , NA ,
r_scripts ) )
# determine related sas scripts
sas_scripts <- as.character( sapply( paste0( ifelse( catalog$directory == 'flu' , 'nhfs' , ifelse( catalog$directory == 'teen' , 'teen' , 'nis' ) ) , "puf" , ifelse( catalog$directory != 'flu' , substr( catalog$year , 3 , 4 ), "" ) , "\\.sas" ) , grep , combined_paths , = TRUE , value = TRUE ) )
catalog$sas_script <-
ifelse( catalog$year > 2014 , gsub( "\\.r$" , "\\.sas" , catalog$r_script ) ,
ifelse( sas_scripts == 'character(0)' , NA , sas_scripts ) )
catalog$output_filename <- paste0( output_dir , "/" , catalog$year , " " , catalog$directory , ".rds" )
lodown_nis <-
function( data_name = "nis" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# download the file
cachaca( catalog[ i , "full_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
if( grepl( "\\.zip$" , catalog[ i , "full_url" ] , = TRUE ) ){
unzipped_file <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , '/unzips' ) )
if( length( unzipped_file ) > 1 ) stop( "only expecting one file" )
file.copy( unzipped_file , tf , overwrite = TRUE )
file.remove( unzipped_file )
} else unzipped_file <- basename( catalog[ i , "full_url" ] )
file.copy( tf , paste0( tempdir() , "/" , basename( unzipped_file ) ) )
if( ! catalog[ i , 'r_script' ] ) ){
before_encoding <- getOption( "encoding" )
options( encoding = "windows-1252" )
# load the r script into a character vector
httr::GET( catalog[ i , 'r_script' ] , httr::write_disk( tf , overwrite = TRUE ) )
script.r <- readLines ( tf )
# remove the Hmisc library
script.r <- script.r[ !grepl( 'library(Hmisc)' , script.r , fixed = TRUE ) ]
# change the path to the data to the local working directory
script.r <- gsub( "path-to-data" , normalizePath( tempdir() , winslash = "/" ) , script.r , fixed = TRUE )
# change the path to the file to the public use file directory within your current working directory
script.r <- gsub( "path-to-file" , normalizePath( tempdir() , winslash = "/" ) , script.r , fixed = TRUE )
# correct lines of the r script that just are not allowed
script.r <- gsub( "IHQSTATUSlevels=c(,M,N,V)" , "IHQSTATUSlevels=c(NA,'M','N','V')" , script.r , fixed = TRUE )
# this line also creates an error. nope. fix it.
script.r <- gsub( "=c(," , "=c(NA," , script.r , fixed = TRUE )
# everything after `Step 4: ASSIGN VARIABLE LABELS` is unnecessary
# converting these variables to factors blanks out many values that should not be blanked out
# for a prime example, see what happens to the `seqnumhh` column. whoops.
# figure out the line position of step four within the character vector
cutoff <- max( grep( "ASSIGN VARIABLE LABELS" , script.r , fixed = TRUE ) )
# reduce the r script to its contents from the beginning up till step four
script.r <- script.r[ seq( cutoff ) ]
# save the r script back to the local disk
writeLines( script.r , tf )
# run the now-reduced r script
source( tf )
options( encoding = before_encoding )
# create a character string containing the name of the nis puf data.frame object
nis.df <-
'NIS' ,
if( catalog[ i , 'directory' ] == 'teen' ) 'TEEN' ,
'PUF' ,
substr( catalog[ i , 'year' ] , 3 , 4 )
# copy the data.frame produced by the r script over to the object `x`
if( catalog[ i , 'directory' ] == 'flu' ) x <- get( "NHFSPUF" ) else x <- get( nis.df )
rm( list = nis.df )
} else {
script.txt <- readLines( catalog[ i , 'sas_script' ] , warn = FALSE )
# throw out everything at and after section d
script.sub <- script.txt[ grep( "D. CREATES PERMANENT SAS DATASET|INFILE &flatfile LRECL=721|INFILE &flatfile LRECL=773" , script.txt ):length( script.txt ) ]
# save the reduced sas import script to the local disk
writeLines( script.sub , tf )
x <- read_SAScii( paste0( tempdir() , "/" , basename( unzipped_file ) ) , tf )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
# add a column of ones
x$one <- 1
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( x )
saveRDS( x , file = catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , compress = FALSE )
# delete the temporary files
file.remove( tf , paste0( tempdir() , "/" , basename( unzipped_file ) ) )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored at '" , catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
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