get_catalog_scf <-
function( data_name = "scf" , output_dir , ... ){
base_url <- ""
latest_year <-
"(.*)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(.*)" ,
"\\2" ,
'scf([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' ,
readLines( "" , warn = FALSE ) ,
value = TRUE
catalog <-
year =
c( 1989 , 1992 , 1995 , 1998 , 2001 , 2004 , 2007 , 2009 , seq( 2010 , latest_year , 3 ) ) ,
main_url =
c( 'scf89s' , 'scf92s' , 'scf95s' , 'scf98s' , 'scf01s' , 'scf2004s' , 'scf2007s' , 'scf2009ps' , paste0( "scf" , seq( 2010 , latest_year , 3 ) , "s" ) ) ,
extract_url =
c( 'scfp1989s' , 'scfp1992s' , 'scfp1995s' , 'scfp1998s' , 'scfp2001s' , 'scfp2004s' , 'scfp2007s' , 'rscfp2009panels' , paste0( "scfp" , seq( 2010 , latest_year , 3 ) , "s" ) ) ,
rw_url =
c( 'scf89rw1s' , 'scf92rw1s' , 'scf95rw1s' , 'scf98rw1s' , 'scf2001rw1s' , 'scf2004rw1s' , 'scf2007rw1s' , 'scf2009prw1s' , paste0( "scf" , seq( 2010 , latest_year , 3 ) , "rw1s" ) ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
catalog$output_filename <- paste0( output_dir , "/scf " , catalog$year , ifelse( catalog$year == 2009 , " panel" , "" ) , ".rds" )
catalog$rw_filename <- paste0( output_dir , "/scf " , catalog$year , ifelse( catalog$year == 2009 , " panel" , "" ) , " rw.rds" )
catalog[ c( 'main_url' , 'extract_url' , 'rw_url' ) ] <- sapply( catalog[ c( 'main_url' , 'extract_url' , 'rw_url' ) ] , function(z) paste0(base_url , z , '.zip') )
lodown_scf <-
function( data_name = "scf" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
cachaca( catalog[ i , "main_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
scf.m <- data.frame( haven::read_dta( unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , '/unzips' ) ) ) )
file.remove( unzipped_files )
cachaca( catalog[ i , "extract_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
scf.e <- data.frame( haven::read_dta( unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , '/unzips' ) ) ) )
file.remove( unzipped_files )
cachaca( catalog[ i , "rw_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
rw <- data.frame( haven::read_dta( unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , '/unzips' ) ) ) )
file.remove( unzipped_files )
names( scf.m ) <- tolower( names( scf.m ) )
names( scf.e ) <- tolower( names( scf.e ) )
names( rw ) <- tolower( names( rw ) )
# the number of rows in the main file should exactly equal
# the number of rows in the extract file
stopifnot( nrow( scf.m ) == nrow( scf.e ) )
# the 2007 replicate weights file has a goofy extra record for some reason..
# delete it manually.
# if the current year being downloaded is 2007,
# then overwrite the replicate weights table (rw)
# with the same table, but missing unique id 1817
# (which is the non-matching record)
if ( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 2007 ) rw <- rw[ !( rw$yy1 == 1817 ) , ]
# the number of rows in the main file should exactly equal
# the number of rows in the replicate weights file, times five
if( nrow( scf.m ) != ( nrow( rw ) * 5 ) ){
print( "the number of records in the main file doesn't equal five times the number in the rw file" )
print( paste( 'scf.m rows:' , nrow( scf.m ) , " / rw rows:" , nrow( rw ) ) )
stop( "this must be fixed before continuing." )
# the 1989 files contain unique identifiers `x1` and `xx1`
# instead of `y1` and `yy1` .. change those two columns in all three data files.
if ( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 1989 ){
names( scf.m )[ names( scf.m ) == 'x1' ] <- 'y1' ; names( scf.m )[ names( scf.m ) == 'xx1' ] <- 'yy1' ;
names( scf.e )[ names( scf.e ) == 'x1' ] <- 'y1' ; names( scf.e )[ names( scf.e ) == 'xx1' ] <- 'yy1'
names( rw )[ names( rw ) == 'x1' ] <- 'y1' ; names( rw )[ names( rw ) == 'xx1' ] <- 'yy1'
# confirm that the only overlapping columns
# between the three data sets are `y1`
# (the unique primary economic unit id - peu)
# and `yy1` (the five records of the peu)
stopifnot( all.equal( sort( intersect( names( scf.m ) , names( scf.e ) ) ) , c( 'y1' , 'yy1' ) ) )
stopifnot( all.equal( sort( intersect( names( scf.m ) , names( rw ) ) ) , c( 'y1' , 'yy1' ) ) )
stopifnot( all.equal( sort( intersect( names( scf.e ) , names( rw ) ) ) , c( 'y1' , 'yy1' ) ) )
# throw out the unique identifiers ending with `1`
# because they only match one-fifth of the records in the survey data
rw$y1 <- NULL
# `scf.m` currently contains
# five records per household -- all five of the implicates.
# add a column `one` to every record, containing just the number one
scf.m$one <- 1
# add a column `five` to every record, containing just the number five
scf.m$five <- 5
# note: this column should be used to calculate weighted totals.
# break `scf.m` into five different data sets
# based on the final character of the column 'y1'
# which separates the five implicates
scf.1 <- scf.m[ substr( scf.m$y1 , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) ) == 1 , ]
scf.2 <- scf.m[ substr( scf.m$y1 , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) ) == 2 , ]
scf.3 <- scf.m[ substr( scf.m$y1 , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) ) == 3 , ]
scf.4 <- scf.m[ substr( scf.m$y1 , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) ) == 4 , ]
scf.5 <- scf.m[ substr( scf.m$y1 , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) , nchar( scf.m$y1 ) ) == 5 , ]
# count the total number of records in `scf.m`
m.rows <- nrow( scf.m )
# merge the contents of the extract data frames
# to each of the five implicates
imp1 <- merge( scf.1 , scf.e )
imp2 <- merge( scf.2 , scf.e )
imp3 <- merge( scf.3 , scf.e )
imp4 <- merge( scf.4 , scf.e )
imp5 <- merge( scf.5 , scf.e )
rm( scf.1 , scf.2 , scf.3 , scf.4 , scf.5 , scf.m , scf.e ) ; gc()
# confirm that the number of records did not change
sum( nrow( imp1 ) , nrow( imp2 ) , nrow( imp3 ) , nrow( imp4 ) , nrow( imp5 ) ) == m.rows
# sort all five implicates by the unique identifier
imp1 <- imp1[ order( imp1$yy1 ) , ]
imp2 <- imp2[ order( imp2$yy1 ) , ]
imp3 <- imp3[ order( imp3$yy1 ) , ]
imp4 <- imp4[ order( imp4$yy1 ) , ]
imp5 <- imp5[ order( imp5$yy1 ) , ]
# replace all missing values in the replicate weights table with zeroes..
rw[ rw ) ] <- 0
# ..then multiply the replicate weights by the multiplication factor
rw[ , paste0( 'wgt' , 1:999 ) ] <- rw[ , paste0( 'wt1b' , 1:999 ) ] * rw[ , paste0( 'mm' , 1:999 ) ]
# only keep the unique identifier and the final (combined) replicate weights
rw <- rw[ , c( 'yy1' , paste0( 'wgt' , 1:999 ) ) ]
# sort the replicate weights data frame by the unique identifier as well
rw <- rw[ order( rw$yy1 ) , ]
# save the five implicates and the replicate weights file
saveRDS( list( imp1 , imp2 , imp3 , imp4 , imp5 ) , file = catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , compress = FALSE )
saveRDS( rw , file = catalog[ i , 'rw_filename' ] , compress = FALSE )
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( imp1 )
rm( imp1 , imp2 , imp3 , imp4 , imp5 , rw ) ; gc()
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored at '" , catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
# delete the temporary files
file.remove( tf )
#' variant of \code{mitools::MIcombine} that only uses the sampling variance from the first implicate instead of averaging all five
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @rdname scf
#' @export
scf_MIcombine <-
function (results, variances, call =, df.complete = Inf, ...) {
m <- length(results)
oldcall <- attr(results, "call")
if (missing(variances)) {
variances <- suppressWarnings(lapply(results, vcov))
results <- lapply(results, coef)
vbar <- variances[[1]]
cbar <- results[[1]]
for (i in 2:m) {
cbar <- cbar + results[[i]]
# vbar <- vbar + variances[[i]]
cbar <- cbar/m
# vbar <- vbar/m
evar <- var("rbind", results))
r <- (1 + 1/m) * evar/vbar
df <- (m - 1) * (1 + 1/r)^2
if (is.matrix(df)) df <- diag(df)
if (is.finite(df.complete)) {
dfobs <- ((df.complete + 1)/(df.complete + 3)) * df.complete *
vbar/(vbar + evar)
if (is.matrix(dfobs)) dfobs <- diag(dfobs)
df <- 1/(1/dfobs + 1/df)
if (is.matrix(r)) r <- diag(r)
rval <- list(coefficients = cbar, variance = vbar + evar *
(m + 1)/m, call = c(oldcall, call), nimp = m, df = df,
missinfo = (r + 2/(df + 3))/(r + 1))
class(rval) <- "MIresult"
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