get_catalog_timss <-
function( data_name = "timss" , output_dir , ... ){
catalog <-
year = c( 1995 , 1999 , 2003 , 2007 , 2011 , 2015 ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
catalog$output_folder <- paste0( output_dir , "/" , catalog$year , "/" )
catalog$dbfile <- paste0( output_dir , "/SQLite.db" )
lodown_timss <-
function( data_name = "timss" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# open the connection to the monetdblite database
db <- DBI::dbConnect( RSQLite::SQLite() , catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ] )
# # # # # # # # # # # #
# download all files #
# # # # # # # # # # # #
c99 <- c( "aus" , "bfl" , "bgr" , "can" , "chl" , "twn" , "cyp" , "cze" , "eng" , "fin" , "hkg" , "hun" , "idn" , "irn" , "isr" , "ita" , "jpn" , "jor" , "kor" , "lva" , "ltu" , "mkd" , "mys" , "mda" , "mar" , "nld" , "nzl" , "phl" , "rom" , "rus" , "sgp" , "svk" , "svn" , "zaf" , "tha" , "tun" , "tur" , "usa" )
c95_1 <- c("AUS", "AUT", "CAN", "CYP", "CSK", "GBR", "GRC", "HKG", "HUN", "ISL", "IRN", "IRL", "ISR", "JPN", "KOR", "KWT", "LVA", "NLD", "NZL", "NOR", "PRT", "SCO", "SGP", "SVN", "THA", "USA")
c95_2 <- c("AUS", "AUT", "BFL", "BFR", "BGR", "CAN", "COL", "CYP", "CSK", "DNK", "GBR", "FRA", "DEU", "GRC", "HKG", "HUN", "ISL", "IRN", "IRL", "ISR", "JPN", "KOR", "KWT", "LVA", "LTU", "NLD", "NZL", "NOR", "PHL", "PRT", "ROM", "RUS", "SCO", "SGP", "SLV", "SVN", "ZAF", "ESP", "SWE", "CHE", "THA", "USA")
c95_3 <- c("AUS", "AUT", "CAN", "CYP", "CSK", "DNK", "FRA", "DEU", "GRC", "HUN", "ISL", "ISR", "ITA", "LVA", "LTU", "NLD", "NZL", "NOR", "RUS", "SVN", "ZAF", "SWE", "CHE", "USA")
# specify the pathway to each and every spss data set to download.
ftd <-
paste0( "" , 1:3 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , 1:4 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , 1:3 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , 1:4 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , 1:2 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , 1:2 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , 1:2 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , c99 , ".zip" ) ,
paste0( "" , c95_1 , ".ZIP" ) ,
paste0( "" , c95_2 , ".ZIP" ) ,
paste0( "" , c95_3 , ".ZIP" )
if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 1999 ){
# download the 1999 sas import scripts
cachaca( '' , tf , mode = 'wb' )
s99 <- unzip( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 1995 ){
# download the 1995 sas import scripts
cachaca( '' , tf , mode = 'wb' )
s95_1 <- unzip( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
cachaca( '' , tf , mode = 'wb' )
s95_2 <- unzip( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
cachaca( '' , tf , mode = 'wb' )
s95_3 <- unzip( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
s95 <- c( s95_1 , s95_2 , s95_3 )
# for each file to download..
for ( j in grep( catalog[ i , 'year' ] , ftd , value = TRUE ) ){
# download the damn file
cachaca( j , tf , mode = 'wb' )
# unzip the damn file
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
# copy all unzipped files into the year-appropriate directory
stopifnot( all( file.copy( unzipped_files , paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "/" , tolower( basename( unzipped_files ) ) ) ) ) )
# # # # # # # # # # #
# import all files #
# # # # # # # # # # #
# construct a vector with all downloaded files
files <- list.files( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , full.names = TRUE )
# figure out the unique three-character prefixes of each file
prefixes <- unique( substr( basename( files ) , 1 , 3 ) )
if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] >= 2003 ){
# loop through each prefix
for ( p in prefixes ){
# confirm no overwriting
if( file.exists( paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , '/' , p , '.rds' ) ) ) stop( "rds file already exists. delete your working directory and try again." )
# initiate an empty object
y <- NULL
# loop through each saved file matching the prefix pattern
for ( this.file in files[ substr( basename( files ) , 1 , 3 ) == p ] ){
# read the file into RAM
x <- haven::read_spss( this.file )
# coerce the file into a data.frame object
x <- x , optional = TRUE )
if( nrow( x ) > 0 ){
if ( !is.null( y ) & catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 2003 & any( !( names( x ) %in% names( y ) ) ) ) for ( j in names( x )[ !( names( x ) %in% names( y ) ) ] ) y[ , j ] <- NA
if ( !is.null( y ) & catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 2003 & any( !( names( y ) %in% names( x ) ) ) ) for ( j in names( y )[ !( names( y ) %in% names( x ) ) ] ) x[ , j ] <- NA
# stack it
y <- rbind( y , x ) ; rm( x ) ; gc()
# remove the original file from the disk
file.remove( this.file )
# make all column names lowercase
names( y ) <- tolower( names( y ) )
# save that single all-country stack-a-mole
saveRDS( y , file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , '/' , p , '.rds' ) , compress = FALSE )
} else {
if ( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 1999 ){
suf <- c( 'm1' , 'm2' )
sasf <- s99
se <- 8
} else {
suf <- 1
sasf <- s95
se <- 7
# loop through both suffixes
for ( s in suf ){
# loop through each prefix
for ( p in prefixes ){
# confirm no overwriting
if( file.exists( paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , '/' , p , s , '.rds' ) ) ) stop( "rds file already exists. delete your working directory and try again." )
if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] == 1995 ){ <- sasf[ grep( toupper( paste0( p , "(.*)\\.sas" ) ) , toupper( basename( sasf ) ) ) ]
if( length( ) > 1 ) <-[ !grepl( "score" , tolower( ) ) ]
} else { <- sasf[ grep( toupper( paste0( p , "(.*)" , s , "\\.sas" ) ) , toupper( basename( sasf ) ) ) ]
if( length( ) > 1 ) <-[ grep( "ctrm" , tolower( ) ) ]
# initiate an empty object
y <- NULL
# loop through each saved file matching the prefix and suffix pattern
for ( this.file in files[ substr( basename( files ) , 1 , 3 ) == p & substr( basename( files ) , 7 , se ) == s ] ){
# read the file into RAM
x <- read_SAScii( this.file , )
# coerce the file into a data.frame object
x <- x , optional = TRUE )
# stack it
y <- rbind( y , x ) ; rm( x ) ; gc()
file.remove( this.file )
if( !is.null( y ) ){
# make all column names lowercase
names( y ) <- tolower( names( y ) )
# some earlier files have `jkindic` instead of `jkrep`. fix that.
if( 'jkindic' %in% names( y ) & !( 'jkrep' %in% names( y ) ) ) names( y ) <- gsub( 'jkindic' , 'jkrep' , names( y ) )
# save that single all-country stack-a-mole
saveRDS( y , file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , '/' , p , s , '.rds' ) , compress = FALSE )
# the current working directory should now contain one r data file (.rds)
# for each original prefixed data.frame objects, all separated by year-specific folders.
for ( rdss in rev( list.files( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , full.names = TRUE ) ) ){
dfx <- readRDS( rdss )
ppv <- grep( "(.*)0[1-5]$" , names( dfx ) , value = TRUE )
ppv <- unique( gsub( "0[1-5]$" , "" , ppv ) )
# actual plausible values
pv <- NULL
# confirm '01' thru '05' are in the data set.
for ( j in ppv ) if ( all( paste0( j , '0' , 1:5 ) %in% names( dfx ) ) ) pv <- c( pv , j )
# if there are any plausible values variables,
# the survey design needs to be both multiply-imputed and replicate-weighted.
if( length( pv ) > 0 ){
# loop through all five iterations of the plausible value
for ( j in 1:5 ){
y <- dfx
# loop through each plausible value variable
for ( vn in pv ){
# copy over the correct iteration into the main variable
y[ , vn ] <- y[ , paste0( vn , '0' , j ) ]
# erase all five originals
y <- y[ , !( names( y ) %in% paste0( vn , '0' , 1:5 ) ) ]
# save the implicate
DBI::dbWriteTable( db , paste( gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( rdss ) ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] , j , sep = "_" ) , y )
} else {
DBI::dbWriteTable( db , paste( gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( rdss ) ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] , sep = "_" ) , dfx )
# make the replicate weights table, make the survey design
if( 'totwgt' %in% names( dfx ) | 'tchwgt' %in% names( dfx ) ){
if( 'totwgt' %in% names( dfx ) ) wgt <- 'totwgt' else wgt <- 'tchwgt'
z <- dfx[ , c( wgt , 'jkrep' , 'jkzone' ) ]
rm( dfx ) ; gc()
for ( j in 1:75 ){
z[ z$jkzone != j , paste0( 'rw' , j ) ] <- z[ z$jkzone != j , wgt ]
z[ z$jkzone == j & z$jkrep == 1 , paste0( 'rw' , j ) ] <- z[ z$jkzone == j & z$jkrep == 1 , wgt ] * 2
z[ z$jkzone == j & z$jkrep == 0 , paste0( 'rw' , j ) ] <- 0
design_weights <- z[ , paste0( 'rw' , 1:75 ) ]
rm( z )
# where there any imputed variables?
if( length( pv ) > 0 ){
five_tablenames <- paste( gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( rdss ) ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] , 1:5 , sep = "_" )
# if so, construct a multiply-imputed,
# database-backed, replicate-weighted
# complex sample survey design.
design <-
weights = as.formula( paste( "~" , wgt ) ) ,
repweights = design_weights ,
data = mitools::imputationList( datasets = as.list( five_tablenames ) , dbtype = "SQLite" ) ,
type = "other" ,
combined.weights = TRUE ,
dbtype = "SQLite" ,
dbname = catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ]
# workaround for a bug in survey::svrepdesign.character
design$mse <- TRUE
} else {
one_tablename <- paste( gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( rdss ) ) , catalog[ i , 'year' ] , sep = "_" )
# otherwise, construct a
# database-backed, replicate-weighted
# complex sample survey design
# without the multiple imputation.
design <-
weights = as.formula( paste( "~" , wgt ) ) ,
repweights = design_weights ,
data = one_tablename ,
type = "other" ,
combined.weights = TRUE ,
dbtype = "SQLite" ,
dbname = catalog[ i , 'dbfile' ]
# workaround for a bug in survey::svrepdesign.character
design$mse <- TRUE
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( design )
saveRDS( design , file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , '/' , gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( rdss ) ) , '_design.rds' ) , compress = FALSE )
saveRDS( design_weights , file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , '/' , gsub( "(.*)\\.(.*)" , "\\1" , basename( rdss ) ) , '_weights.rds' ) , compress = FALSE )
# delete the temporary files
suppressWarnings( file.remove( tf , unzipped_files ) )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored in '" , catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
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