get_catalog_uspums <-
function( data_name = "uspums" , output_dir , ... ){ <-
" " ,
"_" ,
c( "District of Columbia" , )
# same deal with state abbreviations.. and add in fips code with left-side zeroes for the one-digit ones.
st <-
data.frame( = c( "DC" , ) , = ,
state.fips =
c( 11 , 1 , 2 , 4:6 , 8:10 , 12:13 , 15:42 , 44:51 , 53:56 ) ,
width = 2 ,
pad = "0"
st <- rbind( st , data.frame( = "PR" , = "Puerto_Rico" , state.fips = "72" ) )
catalog <- merge( data.frame( year = c( 1990 , 1990 , 2000 , 2000 , 2010 ) , percent = c( 1 , 5 , 1 , 5 , 10 ) ) , st )
catalog <- catalog[ !( catalog$year == 1990 & catalog$ == "PR" ) , ]
catalog[ catalog$year == 2010 & catalog$percent == 10 , 'full_url' ] <-
paste0( "" , catalog[ catalog$year == 2010 & catalog$percent == 10 , '' ] , "/" , tolower( catalog[ catalog$year == 2010 & catalog$percent == 10 , '' ] ) , ".2010.pums.01.txt" )
catalog[ catalog$year == 2000 & catalog$percent == 1 , 'full_url' ] <-
paste0( "" , catalog[ catalog$year == 2000 & catalog$percent == 1 , '' ] , "/revisedpums1_" , catalog[ catalog$year == 2000 & catalog$percent == 1 , 'state.fips' ] , ".txt" )
catalog[ catalog$year == 2000 & catalog$percent == 5 , 'full_url' ] <-
paste0( "" , catalog[ catalog$year == 2000 & catalog$percent == 5 , '' ] , "/REVISEDPUMS5_" , catalog[ catalog$year == 2000 & catalog$percent == 5 , 'state.fips' ] , ".TXT" )
catalog[ catalog$year == 1990 & catalog$percent == 1 , 'full_url' ] <-
paste0( "" , catalog[ catalog$year == 1990 & catalog$percent == 1 , '' ] , ".zip" )
catalog[ catalog$year == 1990 & catalog$percent == 5 , 'full_url' ] <-
paste0( "" , catalog[ catalog$year == 1990 & catalog$percent == 5 , '' ] , ".zip" )
catalog$dbfile <- paste0( output_dir , "/SQLite.db" )
catalog$design <- paste0( output_dir , '/pums_' , catalog$year , '_' , catalog$percent , '_m.rds' )
catalog$merged_tablename <- paste0( 'pums_' , catalog$year , '_' , catalog$percent , '_m' )
catalog$household_tablename <- paste0( 'pums_' , catalog$year , '_' , catalog$percent , '_h' )
catalog$person_tablename <- paste0( 'pums_' , catalog$year , '_' , catalog$percent , '_p' )
catalog$hh_structure <- paste0( "hh." , substr( catalog$year , 3 , 4 ) , ".structure" )
catalog$person_structure <- paste0( "person." , substr( catalog$year , 3 , 4 ) , ".structure" )
lodown_uspums <-
function( data_name = "uspums" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
if ( !requireNamespace( "readxl" , quietly = TRUE ) ) stop( "readxl needed for this function to work. to install it, type `install.packages( 'readxl' )`" , call. = FALSE )
if ( !requireNamespace( "descr" , quietly = TRUE ) ) stop( "descr needed for this function to work. to install it, type `install.packages( 'descr' )`" , call. = FALSE )
# # # # # # # # # #
# structure files #
# # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # 1990 # # # # # #
# if 1990 was requested in either the 1% or 5% files..
if ( 1990 %in% catalog$year ){
# create a temporary file on the local disk
tf <- tempfile()
of <- tempfile()
# download the pums sas script provided by the census bureau
cachaca( "" , tf , mode = 'wb' )
# read the script into working memory
sas.90 <- readLines( tf )
# add a leading column (parse.SAScii cannot handle a sas importation script that doesn't start at the first position)
sas.90 <- gsub( "@2 SerialNo $ 7." , "@1 rectype $ 1 @2 SerialNo $ 7." , sas.90 , fixed = TRUE )
# write the script back to memory
writeLines( sas.90 , of )
# read in the household structure
suppressWarnings( hh.90.structure <- SAScii::parse.SAScii( of , beginline = 7 ) )
# read in the person structure
suppressWarnings( person.90.structure <- SAScii::parse.SAScii( of , beginline = 125 ) )
# convert both variables to lowercase
hh.90.structure$variable <- tolower( hh.90.structure$varname )
person.90.structure$variable <- tolower( person.90.structure$varname )
# find the starting and ending positions of all rows, in both tables (needed for monet_read_tsv later)
hh.90.structure$beg <- cumsum( abs( hh.90.structure$width ) ) - abs( hh.90.structure$width ) + 1
hh.90.structure$end <- cumsum( abs( hh.90.structure$width ) )
person.90.structure$beg <- cumsum( abs( person.90.structure$width ) ) - abs( person.90.structure$width ) + 1
person.90.structure$end <- cumsum( abs( person.90.structure$width ) )
# rename all empty columns `blank_#` in both tables
if ( any( blanks <- hh.90.structure$variable ) ) ){
hh.90.structure[ hh.90.structure$variable ) , 'variable' ] <- paste0( "blank_" , 1:sum( blanks ) )
if ( any( blanks <- person.90.structure$variable ) ) ){
person.90.structure[ person.90.structure$variable ) , 'variable' ] <- paste0( "blank_" , 1:sum( blanks ) )
# `sample` is an illegal column name in monetdb, so change it in both tables
hh.90.structure[ hh.90.structure$variable == 'sample' , 'variable' ] <- 'sample_'
person.90.structure[ person.90.structure$variable == 'sample' , 'variable' ] <- 'sample_'
hh.90.structure[ hh.90.structure$variable == 'value' , 'variable' ] <- 'value_'
person.90.structure[ person.90.structure$variable == 'value' , 'variable' ] <- 'value_'
# # # # # # 2000 # # # # # #
# if 2000 was requested in either the 1% or 5% files..
if ( 2000 %in% catalog$year ){
# create a temporary file on the local disk
pums.layout <- paste0( tempfile() , '.xls' )
# download the layout excel file
cachaca( "" , pums.layout , mode = 'wb' )
# initiate a quick layout read-in function #
code.str <-
function( fn , sheet ){
# read the sheet (specified as a function input) to an object `stru
stru <- data.frame( readxl::read_excel( fn , sheet = sheet , skip = 1 ) )
# make all column names of the `stru` data.frame lowercase
names( stru ) <- tolower( names( stru ) )
# remove leading and trailing whitespace, and convert everything to lowercase
# in the `variable` column of the `stru` table
stru$variable <- stringr::str_trim( tolower( stru$variable ) )
# coerce these two columns to numeric
stru[ c( 'beg' , 'end' ) ] <- sapply( stru[ c( 'beg' , 'end' ) ] , as.numeric )
# keep only four columns, and only unique records from the `stru` table
stru <- unique( stru[ , c( 'beg' , 'end' , 'a.n' , 'variable' ) ] )
# throw out records missing a beginning position
stru <- stru[ ! stru$beg ) , ]
# calculate the width of each field
stru$width <- stru$end - stru$beg + 1
# remove overlapping fields
stru <-
!( stru$variable %in%
c( 'ancfrst1' , 'ancscnd1' , 'lang1' , 'pob1' , 'migst1' , 'powst1' , 'occcen1' , 'occsoc1' , 'filler' ) ) , ]
# remove fields that are invalid in monetdb
stru[ stru$variable == "sample" , 'variable' ] <- 'sample_'
stru[ stru$variable == "value" , 'variable' ] <- 'value_'
hardcoded.numeric.columns <-
c( "serialno" , "hweight" , "persons" , "elec" , "gas" , "water" , "oil" , "rent" , "mrt1amt" , "mrt2amt" , "taxamt" , "insamt" , "condfee" , "mhcost" , "smoc" , "smocapi" , "grent" , "grapi" , "hinc" , "finc" , "pweight" , "age" , "ancfrst5" , "ancscnd5" , "yr2us" , "trvtime" , "weeks" , "hours" , "incws" , "incse" , "incint" , "incss" , "incssi" , "incpa" , "incret" , "incoth" , "inctot" , "earns" , "poverty" )
# add a logical `char` field to both of these data.frames
stru$char <- ( stru$a.n %in% 'A' & !( stru$variable %in% hardcoded.numeric.columns ) )
# since this is the last line of the function `code.str`
# whatever this object `stru` is at the end of the function
# will be _returned_ by the function
# read in the household file structure from excel sheet 1
hh.00.structure <- code.str( pums.layout , 1 )
# read in the person file structure from excel sheet 2
person.00.structure <- code.str( pums.layout , 2 )
# # # # # # 2010 # # # # # #
# if 2010 was requested in the 10% files..
if ( 2010 %in% catalog$year ){
# create a temporary file on the local disk
pums.layout <- paste0( tempfile() , ".xlsx" )
# download the layout excel file
cachaca( "" , pums.layout , mode = 'wb' )
# initiate a quick layout read-in function #
code.str <-
function( fn , sheet ){
# read the sheet (specified as a function input) to an object `stru
stru <- data.frame( readxl::read_excel( fn , sheet = sheet , skip = 1 ) )
# make all column names of the `stru` data.frame lowercase
names( stru ) <- tolower( names( stru ) )
# remove leading and trailing whitespace, and convert everything to lowercase
# in the `variable` column of the `stru` table
stru$variable <- stringr::str_trim( tolower( stru$variable ) )
# keep only four columns, and only unique records from the `stru` table
stru <- unique( stru[ , c( 'beg' , 'end' , 'a.n' , 'variable' ) ] )
# throw out records missing a beginning position
stru <- stru[ ! stru$beg ) , ]
# calculate the width of each field
stru$width <- stru$end - stru$beg + 1
# remove racedet duplicate
stru <- stru[ ! stru$beg ) , ]
# remove fields that are invalid in monetdb
stru[ stru$variable == "sample" , 'variable' ] <- 'sample_'
hardcoded.numeric.columns <-
c( "serialno" , "hweight" , "persons" , "elec" , "gas" , "water" , "oil" , "rent" , "mrt1amt" , "mrt2amt" , "taxamt" , "insamt" , "condfee" , "mhcost" , "smoc" , "smocapi" , "grent" , "grapi" , "hinc" , "finc" , "pweight" , "age" , "ancfrst5" , "ancscnd5" , "yr2us" , "trvtime" , "weeks" , "hours" , "incws" , "incse" , "incint" , "incss" , "incssi" , "incpa" , "incret" , "incoth" , "inctot" , "earns" , "poverty" )
# add a logical `char` field to both of these data.frames
stru$char <- ( stru$a.n %in% 'A' & !( stru$variable %in% hardcoded.numeric.columns ) )
# since this is the last line of the function `code.str`
# whatever this object `stru` is at the end of the function
# will be _returned_ by the function
# read in the household file structure from excel sheet 1
hh.10.structure <- code.str( pums.layout , 1 )
# read in the person file structure from excel sheet 2
person.10.structure <- code.str( pums.layout , 2 )
unique_designs <- unique( catalog[ , c( 'year' , 'design' , 'hh_structure' , 'person_structure' , 'merged_tablename' , 'household_tablename' , 'person_tablename' , 'dbfile' ) ] )
for( i in seq_len( nrow( unique_designs ) ) ){
# open the connection to the monetdblite database
db <- DBI::dbConnect( RSQLite::SQLite() , unique_designs[ i , 'dbfile' ] )
these_files <- merge( catalog , unique_designs[ i , ] )[ , 'full_url' ]
# run the `get.tsv` function on each of the files specified in the character vector (created above)
# and provide a corresponding file number parameter for each character string.
these_tsvs <-
get.tsv ,
these_files ,
fileno = seq( length( these_files ) ) ,
MoreArgs =
zipped = unique_designs[ i , 'year' ] == 1990 ,
hh.stru = get( unique_designs[ i , "hh_structure" ] ) ,
person.stru = get( unique_designs[ i , "person_structure" ] )
# using the monetdb connection, import each of the household- and person-level tab-separated value files
# into the database, naming the household, person, and also merged file with these character strings
this_design <-
db = db ,
fn = these_tsvs, = unique_designs[ i , "merged_tablename" ] , = unique_designs[ i , "household_tablename" ] , = unique_designs[ i , "person_tablename" ] ,
hh.stru = get( unique_designs[ i , "hh_structure" ] ) ,
person.stru = get( unique_designs[ i , "person_structure" ] )
# save the monetdb-backed complex sample survey design object to the local disk
saveRDS( this_design , file = unique_designs[ i , 'design' ] , compress = FALSE )
catalog[ catalog$design == unique_designs[ i , 'design' ] , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( this_design )
cat( paste0( data_name , " survey design entry " , i , " of " , nrow( unique_designs ) , " stored at '" , unique_designs[ i , 'design' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
# construct a function that..
# takes an ascii file to be downloaded and two household/structure files,
# parses it, and saves it to a temporary file on the local disk as a tab-separated value file
get.tsv <-
fp ,
zipped ,
hh.stru ,
person.stru ,
# store the warnings into a variable
previous.warning.setting <- getOption( "warn" )
# store encoding into a variable
previous.encoding <- getOption( "encoding" )
# at the end of this function, put the warning option
# back to its original setting
on.exit( options( "warn" = previous.warning.setting ) )
on.exit( options( "encoding" = previous.encoding ) )
# set warnings to behave like errors, so if a download
# does not complete properly, the program re-tries.
options( "warn" = 2 )
# specify a temporary file on the local disk
dlfile <- tempfile()
txt_file <- tempfile()
cachaca( fp , dlfile , mode = 'wb' )
# the warning breakage can end now..
options( "warn" = previous.warning.setting )
# ..since the file has definitely downloaded properly.
# if the downloaded file was a zipped file,
# unzip it and replace it with its decompressed contents
if ( zipped ) {
tf_zip <- tempfile()
tf_zip <- unzip_warn_fail( dlfile , exdir = tempdir() )
txt_file <- tf_zip
} else {
file.copy( dlfile , txt_file )
# create two more temporary files
tf.household <- tempfile()
tf.person <- tempfile()
# initiate a read-only connection to the input file
incon <- file( txt_file , "rb")
# initiate two write-only file connections "w" - pointing to the household and person files
outcon.household <- file( tf.household , "w" )
outcon.person <- file( tf.person , "w" )
# start line counter #
line.num <- 0
# loop through every row of data in the original input file
while( length( line <- readLines( incon , 1 , skipNul = TRUE ) ) > 0 ){
if ( line.num > 1 ){
# remove goofy special characters (that will break monetdb) <- try( line <- gsub( "z" , " " , line , fixed = TRUE ) , silent = TRUE )
if ( class( ) == 'try-error' ){
line <- iconv( line , "" , "ASCII" , sub = " " )
line <- gsub( "z" , " " , line , fixed = TRUE )
line <- gsub( "m99" , " 99" , line , fixed = TRUE )
line <- gsub( "j" , " " , line , fixed = TRUE )
line <- gsub( "[^[:alnum:]///' ]" , " " , line )
line <- iconv( line , "" , "ASCII" , sub = " " )
line <- gsub( "P00083710210010540112000012110014100000028401800020193999910000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000p" , "P0008371021001054011200001211001410000002840180002019399991000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000" , line , fixed = TRUE )
line <- gsub( "H000837 623180140050999900 90012801000002005122050000000531112111521" , "H000837623180140050999900 90012801000002005122050000000531112111521" , line , fixed = TRUE )
# end of goofy special character removal
# ..and if the first character is a H, add it to the new household-only pums file.
if ( substr( line , 1 , 1 ) == "H" ) {
# add the line number at the end
line ,
1 ,
cumsum( abs( hh.stru$width ) )[ nrow( hh.stru ) ]
) ,
stringr::str_pad( fileno , 10 )
) ,
# ..and if the first character is a P, add it to the new person-only pums file.
if ( substr( line , 1 , 1 ) == "P" ) {
# add the line number at the end
line ,
1 ,
cumsum( abs( person.stru$width ) )[ nrow( person.stru ) ]
) ,
stringr::str_pad( fileno , 10 )
) ,
# add to the line counter #
line.num <- line.num + 1
# every 10k records, print current progress to the screen
if ( line.num %% 10000 == 0 ) cat( " " , prettyNum( line.num , big.mark = "," ) , "census pums lines processed" , "\r" )
# close all file connections
close( outcon.household )
close( outcon.person )
close( incon )
# now we've got `tf.household` and `tf.person` on the local disk instead.
# these have one record per household and one record per person, respectively.
# create a place to store the tab-separated value file on the local disk
hh.tsv <- tempfile()
# convert..
# the household-level file
tf.household ,
# to a tsv file
hh.tsv ,
# with these column names
names = c( hh.stru$variable , 'fileno' ) ,
# starting positions
begin = c( hh.stru$beg , hh.stru$end[ nrow( hh.stru ) ] + 1 ) ,
# ending positions
end = c( hh.stru$end , hh.stru$end[ nrow( hh.stru ) ] + 10 )
# remove the pre-tsv file
file.remove( tf.household )
# create a place to store the tab-separated value file on the local disk
person.tsv <- tempfile()
# convert..
# the person-level file
tf.person ,
# to a tsv file
person.tsv ,
# with these column names
names = c( person.stru$variable , 'fileno' ) ,
# starting positions
begin = c( person.stru$beg , person.stru$end[ nrow( person.stru ) ] + 1 ) ,
# ending positions
end = c( person.stru$end , person.stru$end[ nrow( person.stru ) ] + 10 )
# remove the pre-tsv file
file.remove( tf.person )
options( "encoding" = previous.encoding )
# return a character vector (of length two) containing the location on the local disk
# where the household-level and person-level tsv files have been saved.
c( hh.tsv , person.tsv )
# construct a function that..
# takes a character vector full of tab-separated files stored on the local disk
# imports them all into monetdb, merges (rectangulates) them into a merged (_m) table,
# and finally creates a survey design object <-
function( db , fn , , , , hh.stru , person.stru ){
# extract the household tsv file locations
hh.tfs <- as.character( fn[ 1 , ] )
# extract the person tsv file locations
person.tfs <- as.character( fn[ 2 , ] )
# read one of the household-level files into RAM..
hh.h <- read.table( hh.tfs[1], header = TRUE , sep = '\t' , na.strings = "NA" )
# unique(sapply( hh.h , dbDataType , dbObj = db ))
# count the number of records in each file
hh.lines <- sapply( hh.tfs , R.utils::countLines )
# read one of the person-level files into RAM..
person.h <- read.table( person.tfs[1], header = TRUE , sep = '\t' , na.strings = "NA" )
# unique(sapply( person.h , dbDataType , dbObj = db ))
# count the number of records in each file
person.lines <- sapply( person.tfs , R.utils::countLines )
# use the monet_read_tsv function
# to read the household files into a table called `` in the monet database
db ,
hh.tfs , ,
nrows = hh.lines ,
structure = hh.h ,
nrow.check = 10000 , = TRUE
# use the monet_read_tsv function
# to read the household files into a table called `` in the monet database
db ,
person.tfs , ,
nrows = person.lines ,
structure = person.h ,
nrow.check = 10000 , = TRUE
# remove blank_# fields in the monetdb household table
lf <- DBI::dbListFields( db , )
hh.blanks <- lf[ grep( 'blank_' , lf ) ]
for ( i in hh.blanks ) DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste( 'alter table' , , 'drop column' , i ) )
# remove blank_# fields in the monetdb person table
lf <- DBI::dbListFields( db , )
person.blanks <- lf[ grep( 'blank_' , lf ) ]
for ( i in person.blanks ) DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste( 'alter table' , , 'drop column' , i ) )
# intersect( DBI::dbListFields( db , ) , DBI::dbListFields( db , ) )
# find overlapping fields
nonmatch.fields <-
"b." ,
DBI::dbListFields( db , )[ !( DBI::dbListFields( db , ) %in% DBI::dbListFields( db , ) ) ] ,
collapse = ", "
# create the merge statement
ij <-
"create table" , ,
"as select a.* ," ,
nonmatch.fields ,
"from" , ,
"as a inner join" , ,
"as b on a.fileno = b.fileno AND a.serialno = b.serialno"
# create a new merged table (named according to the input parameter ``
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , ij )
# modify the `rectype` column for this new merged table so it's all Ms
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste( "update" , , "set rectype = 'M'" ) )
# confirm that the number of records in the merged file
# matches the number of records in the person file
DBI::dbGetQuery( db , paste( "select count(*) as count from" , ) ) ==
DBI::dbGetQuery( db , paste( "select count(*) as count from" , ) )
# add a column containing all ones to the current table
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste0( 'alter table ' , , ' add column one int' ) )
DBI::dbSendQuery( db , paste0( 'UPDATE ' , , ' SET one = 1' ) )
# create a survey complex sample design object <-
weight = if( grepl( "1990" , ) ) ~pwgt1 else ~pweight , # weight variable column
id = ~1 , # sampling unit column (defined in the character string above)
data = , # table name within the monet database (defined in the character string above)
dbtype = "SQLite" ,
dbname = DBI::dbGetInfo( db )$gdk_dbpath
# ..and return that at the end of the function.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.