# This is an RStudio Addin that provides a GUI frontend
# to mean_of_top_and_bottom_cells.
#' Generate a "Mean of top and bottom cells" report for a
#' selected merge data file and configuration file.
#' `addin_60_mean_of_top_and_bottom_cells` opens a GUI that allows you to select
#' a merge data file containing results of a manufacturing staining run,
#' and a configuration file defining the columns of interest.
#' It then creates an Excel workbook and Word document reporting on the data.
#' @export
addin_60_mean_of_top_and_bottom_cells = function() {
intro <- shiny::tagList(shiny::p(
'This app reads a merge data file containing results',
'of a QC staining run',
'and creates a report on the data.'
ui <- miniUI::miniPage(
.well {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
h3 { margin-top: 10px; }
miniUI::gadgetTitleBar("Mean of top and bottom cells",
right=miniUI::miniTitleBarButton('done', 'Create Report', primary=TRUE)),
shiny::h3('Select Merge Data'),
'Click the "Browse" button to select a merge data file',
'containing information about the samples.',
shiny::br(), shiny::br(),
shiny::actionButton('browse', 'Browse...'),
shiny::br(), shiny::br(),
# This will be the tissue / aggregation selection panel
shiny::h3('Select Configuration File'),
'Click the "Browse" button to select a configuration file',
'containing the names of the columns of interest, one per line.',
shiny::br(), shiny::br(),
shiny::actionButton('browse_config', 'Browse...'),
shiny::br(), shiny::br(),
shiny::numericInput('adjacent_max', 'Maximum ratio of adjacent fluors',
shiny::h4(shiny::textOutput('error'), style='color: maroon')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
merge_file = shiny::reactiveVal()
config_file = shiny::reactiveVal()
# Handle the browse button by selecting a data file
shiny::observeEvent(input$browse, {
caption='Select a merge data file',
multi=FALSE, filters = utils::Filters['txt',]
output$merge_file = shiny::renderText(merge_file())
# Create / update the tissue category / summarize by section
if (!shiny::isTruthy(merge_file())) {
output$options = shiny::renderUI(NULL);
} else {
# We have to read enough of the merge file to find the field column
# name and the list of tissue categories
merge_path = merge_file()
merge_names =
vroom::vroom(merge_path, n_max=1, show_col_types=FALSE)
field_col = phenoptr::field_column(merge_names)
# Maybe make a tissue category selection widget
if ('Tissue Category' %in% names(merge_names)) {
tissue_categories =
vroom::vroom(merge_path, show_col_types=FALSE,
col_select='Tissue Category', na='#N/A') %>%
`[[`('Tissue Category') %>%
unique() %>%
tissue_select =
shiny::column(6, shiny::checkboxGroupInput(
'tissue_categories', 'Select tissue categories:',
selected = tissue_categories,
} else tissue_select = NULL
# Make an "aggregate by" widget
by_choices = c('Slide ID', field_col)
agg_select = shiny::column(6,
shiny::selectInput('by', 'Summarize by',
by_choices, selected=by_choices[1]))
output$options = shiny::renderUI(shiny::fluidRow(tissue_select, agg_select))
# Handle the browse config button by selecting a config file
shiny::observeEvent(input$browse_config, {
caption='Select a configuration file',
multi=FALSE, filters = utils::Filters['txt',]
output$config_file = shiny::renderText(config_file())
# Handle the done button by processing files or showing an error
shiny::observeEvent(input$done, {
error_text = get_error_text()
if (error_text == '') {
shiny::showNotification('Processing, please wait!', duration=NULL,
closeButton=FALSE, type='message')
# Make nice strings for reporting
merge_path = normalizePath(merge_file(), winslash='/')
config_path = normalizePath(config_file(), winslash='/')
tissue_cat_str = dplyr::if_else(is.null(input$tissue_categories),
"NULL", deparse(input$tissue_categories))
cmd = stringr::str_glue(
' merge_file="{merge_path}",\n',
' config_file="{config_path}",\n',
' by="{input$by}",\n',
' tissue_categories={tissue_cat_str},\n',
' adjacent_max={input$adjacent_max})')
message('Running command\n', cmd)
merge_path, config_path, input$by, input$tissue_categories,
} else {
shiny::showNotification(error_text, type='message')
# Handle the cancel button by quitting
shiny::observeEvent(input$cancel, {
# Set error message in response to user input
# For some reason this doesn't work as a reactive so just make
# it a function and call as needed
set_error_text = function() {
output$error = shiny::renderText(get_error_text())
get_error_text = function() {
if (is.null(merge_file())) {
'Please select a merge cell seg data file.'
} else if (is.null(config_file())) {
'Please select a configuration file.'
} else ''
# Initialize
output$error =
shiny::renderText('Please select a merge cell seg data file.')
# Run the gadget in a dialog
viewer <- shiny::dialogViewer(
'Create mean of top and bottom cells report',
width=900, height=700)
shiny::runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.