

# Get data over a SciDB connection of a bounding box
# @param con                A SciDB connection object
# @param arrayname          A string. The name of the array
# @param pixelSize          A number. The length of one side of a pixel
# @param lonlat.mat         A 2x2 matrix. The 2 columns are the WGS84 longitude, and WGS84 latitude
# @param start              An integer. The start date as YYYYMMDD
# @param end                An integer. The end date as YYYYMMDD
# @param origin             An integer. A YYYYMMDD date. The day when the time_id == 0
# @param period             An integer. The number of days between observations
# @param yearly             A logical Do the dates yearly match January the 1st?
# @return                   A data frame
.getSdbDataFromBB <- function(con, arrayname, pixelSize, lonlat.mat, start, end,
                              origin, period, yearly){
  # transform to SciDB dimension indexes
  stid <- .ymd2tid(ymd = start, origin = origin, period = period, yearly = yearly)
  etid <- .ymd2tid(ymd = end, origin = origin, period = period, yearly = yearly)
  lonlat.mat <- .wgs84gmpi(lonlat.mat = lonlat.mat, pixelSize = pixelSize)
  # build the bounding box matrix
  bb.mat <- cbind(lonlat.mat, c(stid, etid))
  rownames(bb.mat) <- NULL
  colnames(bb.mat) <- c(colnames(lonlat.mat), "time_id")
  bb.mat[, 1] <- sort(bb.mat[, 1])
  bb.mat[, 2] <- sort(bb.mat[, 2])
  bb.mat[, 3] <- sort(bb.mat[, 3])
  # run the AFl query
  afl <- .sdb_between(arrayname = arrayname, bb.mat = bb.mat)
  return(scidb::iquery(db = con, query = afl, return = TRUE, binary = FALSE))

# Build a SciDB between query
# @param arrayname  A string. The name of the array
# @param bb.mat     A 2xd matrix. The bounding box. The rows are the minimum and maximum dimension ids. d is the number of dimensions
.sdb_between <- function(arrayname, bb.mat){
  ind <- paste(paste(bb.mat[1,], collapse = ","), paste(bb.mat[2,], collapse = ","), sep = ",")
  return(paste("between(", arrayname, ",", ind, ")", sep = ""))

# Get data over a SciDB connection of a data.frame of sample points
# @param samples.df A data.frame of samples. It must have 2 columns with the WGS84 longitude and latitude of the sample
# @param lonlat     A character vector. The names of the columns in samples.df that contain the  WGS84 longitude and latitude
# @param con        A SciDB connection object
# @param arrayname  A string. The name of the array
# @param pixelSize  A number. The length of one side of a pixel
# @return           A list of lists. Each inner list has 2 elements: A row of samples.df and the results of the SciDB query for the longitude and latitude
.getSdbDataFromPoints <- function(samples.df, lonlat, con, arrayname, pixelSize){
  crid <- scidbutil::wgs84gmpi(as.matrix(samples.df[lonlat]), pixelSize)
  samples.df["col_id"] <- crid[, 1]
  samples.df["row_id"] <- crid[, 2]
  res <- list()
  for(i in 1:nrow(crid)){
    cr <- crid[i, ]
    afl <- paste("between(", paste(arrayname, cr[1], cr[2], 0, cr[1], cr[2], 500, sep =',' ), ")", sep = "")
    res[[i]] <- list(sample = samples.df[i, ], time_series = scidb::iquery(con, afl, return = TRUE, binary = FALSE))


# Is the given year a leap year?
# @param year An int. The year
# @return     A logical
.isLeapYearHelper <- function(year){
  leapyear <- FALSE
  if (year %% 4 != 0){
    leapyear <- FALSE
  }else if (year %% 100 != 0){
    leapyear <- TRUE
  }else if (year %% 400 == 0){
    leapyear <- TRUE

# Transform a year and day-of-the-year to a integer vector
# @param year   An int. A year
# @param doy    An int. A day of the year (January the 1st is doy 1)
# @return       An int vector. The year, the month and the day
.ydoy2dateHelper2 <- function(year, doy){
  firstdayRegular <- c(1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366)
  firstdayLeap    <- c(1, 32, 61, 92, 122, 153, 183, 214, 245, 275, 306, 336, 367)
    firstday <- firstdayLeap
    firstday <- firstdayRegular
  for (i in 1:(length(firstday) - 1)){
    start <- firstday[i]
    end <- firstday[i + 1]
    if(doy >= start && doy < end){
      month <- i
  day <- doy - firstday[month] + 1
  return(c(year = year, month = month, day = day)) # return(paste(year, month, day, sep = "/"))

# Transform a date into a time_id index
# @param ymd    An int. A YYYYMMDD date
# @param origin An int. A YYYYMMDD date. The day when the time_id == 0
# @param period An int. The number of days between observations
# @param yearly A boolean. Do the dates yearly match January the 1st?
# @return       An integer. The time_id matching ymd or 0 is ymd doesn't match
.ymd2tid <- function(ymd, origin, period, yearly){
  res = 0
  dy = 0
  # cast YYYYDDMMs to numbers
  ymd.dvec <- .ymd2ymd(ymd)
  origin.dvec <- .ymd2ymd(origin)
  dtymd <- as.Date(paste(ymd.dvec['year'], ymd.dvec['month'], ymd.dvec['day'], sep = "/"), origin = "1970-01-01")
  dtor <- as.Date(paste(origin.dvec['year'], origin.dvec['month'], origin.dvec['day'], sep = "/"), origin = "1970-01-01")
    dy <- round(365/period)                                                     # periods per year
    dtor <- as.Date(paste(ymd.dvec['year'], 1, 1, sep = "/"), origin = "1970-01-01")
  ndays <- as.integer(difftime(time1 = dtymd, time2 = dtor, units = "days"))    # days from origin to ymd
  if(ndays %% period == 0){
    res <- ndays/period + (ymd.dvec['year'] - origin.dvec['year']) * dy
    names(res) <- "time_id"

# Split a YYYYMMDD date into its parts
# @param ymd    An int YYYYMMDD
# @return       An int vector with the year, month, and day
.ymd2ymd <- function(ymd){
  y <- floor(ymd / 10000)
  m <- floor((ymd - y * 10000)/100)
  d <- (ymd - y * 10000 - m * 100)
  return(c(year = y, month = m, day = d))

# Transform year-day-of-the-year into a date
# @param yyyydoy    An int YYYYDOY
# @return           An integer YYYYMMDD
.ydoy2ymd <- function(yyyydoy){
  y <- floor(yyyydoy / 1000)
  doy <- floor(yyyydoy - y * 1000)
  ymd <- .ydoy2dateHelper2(year = y, doy = doy)
  res <- ymd['year'] * 10000  + ymd['month'] * 100 + ymd['day']
  names(res) <- NULL


# Return a time index (timid) from the input date (MODIS DOY) and time period (e.g 8 days).
# @param dateDOY Input day in year and day-of-the-year format (e.g 2001032 is Febraury the 2nd of 2001)
# @param period Number of days between observations (e.g 8)
# @param startyear Initial year of the index (e.g 2000)
# @return A number
.date2grid <- function(dateDOY, period, startyear){
  res = -1
  year = as.numeric(substr(x = dateDOY, start = 1, stop = 4))
  doy = as.numeric(substr(x = dateDOY, start = 5, stop = 7))
  ppy = round(365 / period) # Periods per year
  if(period > 0 && (doy - 1) %% period == 0){
    idd = (doy - 1) / period
    idy = (year - startyear) * ppy
    res = idy + idd

# Transforms a date into the year-day_of_the_year date (YYYYDOY)
# @param dateAsText Date as a text string
# @return Character representing a date as day-of-the-year (YYYYDOY)
.date2ydoy <- function(dateAsText){
  d <- .text2date(dateAsText)
  yearOriginText <- paste(format(d, "%Y"), "/01/01", sep="")
  yearOrigin <- as.POSIXlt(yearOriginText)
  doy <- as.numeric(as.Date(d, origin = "1970-01-01") - as.Date(yearOrigin, origin = "1970-01-01")) + 1
  res <- paste(format(d, "%Y"), sprintf("%03d", doy), sep="")

# Return a year and day-of-the-year from the given time_id.
# @param time_id Input time index
# @param period Number of days between observations (e.g 8)
# @param startyear Initial year of the index (e.g 2000)
# @return A number vector  representing a date in the format year and day-of-the-year format (e.g 2001032 is Febraury the 2nd of 2001)
.grid2date <- function(time_id, period, startyear){
  res <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(time_id))
  ppy = trunc((365 / period)) + 1 # Periods per year
  ys <- (trunc(time_id / ppy) + as.numeric(startyear)) * 1000
  mod <- time_id %% ppy
  res = ys + (mod * period + 1)

# Is the given year is a leap year?
# @param year NUmeric year
# @return TRUE is the year is leap, FALSE otherwise
.isLeapYear <- function(year){
  leapyear <- sapply(year, .isLeapYearHelper)
  return (leapyear)

# Move a Date object a certain number of years, i.e 2000-10-31 moved 5 years becomes 2005-10-31
# @param Date1 A list made of Date objects
# @param numberOfYears An integer number representing a of years
# @return Date1
.moveDateByYears <- function(Date1, numberOfYears){
  for(i in 1:length(Date1)){
    originY <- as.numeric(format(Date1[i], format = "%Y"))
    originM <- format(Date1[i], format = "%m")
    originD <- format(Date1[i], format = "%d")
    newYear <- originY + numberOfYears
    Date1[i] <- as.Date(paste(newYear, originM, originD, sep = "-"), origin = "1970-01-01")

# Format a POSIXlt object
# @param aPOSIXlt A date object
# @return A string
.POSIXlt2txt <- function(aPOSIXlt){
  y <- aPOSIXlt[["year"]] + 1900
  m <- aPOSIXlt[["mon"]] + 1
  d <- aPOSIXlt[["mday"]]
  mtt <- m
  dtt <- d
  if(nchar(as.character(m)) < 2){
    mtt <- paste("0", m, sep = "")
  if(nchar(as.character(d)) < 2){
    dtt <- paste("0", d, sep = "")
  paste(y, mtt, dtt, sep = "-")

# Estimate the values for the time-series for the supplied sample times
# @param  ts.df data.frame with 2 columns: time and value
# @param  sampletime ????????????????????????????
# @return a vector of sampled values
.sampleTS <- function(ts.df, sampletime){
  # ts.df data.frame with 2 columns: time and value
  #t <-c(1,3,6, 9,20)
  #v <-c(100,103,104,108,109)
  #ts.df <- as.data.frame(cbind(t, v))
  #sampletime <- c(6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24)
  #sampletime <- 8:25
  #ts.df <- tsdf[, c("sampleDate", "evi")]
  #sampletime <- as.numeric(tsdf$tileDate)

  val <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(sampletime))
  for(i in 1:length(val)){
    val[i] <- NaN
  for(rid in 2:nrow(ts.df)){
    r0 <- ts.df[rid - 1,]
    r1 <- ts.df[rid,]
    for(stid in 1:length(sampletime)){
      if(sampletime[stid] > r0[1] && sampletime[stid] <= r1[1]){
        x <- as.numeric(c(r0[1], r1[1])) # time
        y <- as.numeric(c(r0[2], r1[2])) # value
        m <- stats::lm(y~x)
        val[stid] <- stats::predict.lm(m, newdata = data.frame(x = sampletime[stid]))
      }else if(sampletime[stid] == r0[1]){
        val[stid] <- r0[2]
  #plot(x = t, y = v, type = "l")
  #points(x = t, y = v)
  #lines(x = sampletime, y = val, col = "blue")

# Transforms a date given as text to a date object
# @param dateAsText Date as a text string
# @return A date object (POSIXlt)
.text2date <- function(dateAsText){
  if(nchar(dateAsText) == 7){# YYYYDOY
    d <- .ydoy2date(dateAsText)
  }else if(nchar(dateAsText) == 8){# YYYYMMDD
    yyyy <- substr(dateAsText, 1, 4)
    mm <- substr(dateAsText, 5, 6)
    dd <- substr(dateAsText, 7, 8)
    d <- as.POSIXlt(paste(yyyy, mm, dd, sep = "/"))
  }else if(nchar(dateAsText) == 10 & length(grep(".", dateAsText, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)) > 0){# YYYY.MM.DD
    d <- as.POSIXlt(gsub("[.]", "/", dateAsText))
    d <- as.POSIXlt(dateAsText)
  res <- d

# Transform a time_id into dates
# @param time_id.vector Vector of time indexes
# @param period days between images (MOD09Q1 is 8, MOD13Q1 is 16)
# @return a list of Date objects
.time_id2date <- function(time_id.vector, period){
  ydoy <- sapply(time_id.vector, FUN = .time_id2ydoy, period = period)
  res <- lapply(ydoy, FUN = .ydoy2date)

# Transform a time_id into year-day_of_the_year
# @param time_id A time id
# @param period days between images (MOD09Q1 is 8, MOD13Q1 is 16)
# @return A number
.time_id2ydoy <- function(time_id, period){
  freqperyear <- round(365/period)
  YYYY <- as.integer(time_id / freqperyear) + 2000
  tid <- as.numeric(time_id)
  if(tid < freqperyear){
    DOY <- tid * period
    DOY <- (tid)%%freqperyear * period
  YYYY * 1000 + DOY + 1

# Transform a date in the year-day_of_the_year format to a date
# @param YYYYDOY Numeric or character with 4 digits for the year and 3 for the day of the year (i.e 2012324)
# @return A date object
.ydoy2date <- function(YYYYDOY){
  res <- ""
    year.vec <- YYYYDOY %/% 1000
    doy.vec <- YYYYDOY - (year.vec * 1000)
  }else if(is.character(YYYYDOY)){
    year.vec <- as.numeric(substr(YYYYDOY, 1, 4))
    doy.vec <- as.numeric(substr(YYYYDOY, 5, 7))
    stop("Unexpected datatype")
  if (!(doy.vec > 0 && doy.vec < 367)){
    stop("Invalid day-of-the-year interval")
  charDates <- sapply(1:length(YYYYDOY), .ydoy2dateHelper, year.vec = year.vec, doy.vec = doy.vec)
  return (as.Date(charDates, origin = "1970-01-01"))
.ydoy2dateHelper <- function(i, year.vec, doy.vec){
  ymd <- .ydoy2dateHelper2(year = year.vec[i], doy = doy.vec[i])
  return(paste(ymd['year'], ymd['month'], ymd['day'], sep = "/"))


# Add position columns to MODIS data retrieved from a SciDB's 3D array
# @param sdbdf A data frame made of MODIS data. The ID columns must be named as "col_id", "row_id", and "time_id"
# @return A data frame with additional columns
.addPosition <- function(sdbdf, period, startyear){
  #sinus = sp::CRS("+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs")
  pixelSize <- .calcPixelSize(4800, .calcTileWidth())
  # get unique positions from the data
  cr.id <- unique(sdbdf[c("col_id", "row_id")])
  t.id <- unique(sdbdf["time_id"])
  # add MODIS SINUSOIDAL coordinates
  xy.sin <- cbind(cr.id, .getxyMatrix(as.matrix(cr.id), pixelSize))
  xy.sin["crid"] <- apply(xy.sin[ , c("col_id", "row_id")] , 1 , paste , collapse = "-" )
  xy.sin["col_id"] <- xy.sin["row_id"] <- NULL
  # add year-day-of-the-year
  t.ydoy <- cbind(t.id, .grid2date(unlist(t.id), period, startyear))
  colnames(t.ydoy)[2] <- "ydoy"
  sdbdf["crid"] <- apply(sdbdf[ , c("col_id", "row_id")] , 1 , paste , collapse = "-" )
  sdbdf <- merge(sdbdf, t.ydoy, by = "time_id")
  sdbdf <- merge(sdbdf, xy.sin, by ="crid")
  # add dates from ydoy
  if("cdoy" %in% names(sdbdf)){ # uses the reported DOY when available
    sdbdf["ydoy"] <- (floor(sdbdf["ydoy"] / 1000) * 1000) + sdbdf["cdoy"]
  sdbdf["datetime"] <- .ydoy2date(unlist(sdbdf["ydoy"]))

# Calculate the length of a MODIS pixel. Resolution is the number of pixel in one dimension (e.g 4800)
# @param resolution Square root of the number of pixels on an image
# @param tileWidth Width of a tile
# @return A number
.calcPixelSize <- function(resolution, tileWidth){
  #earth.radius <- 6371007.181 # MODIS synusoidal parameter - SPHERICAL EARTH!
  #tile.rows <- resolution#4800
  #tile.cols <- tile.rows
  cell.size <- tileWidth / resolution

# Calculate the width of a MODIS tile
# @return A number
.calcTileWidth <- function(){
  modisHtiles <- 36
  #modisVtiles <- 18
  corner.ul.x <- -20015109.354
  #corner.ul.y <- 10007554.677
  corner.lr.x <- 20015109.354
  #corner.lr.y <- -10007554.677
  tile.width <- (corner.lr.x - corner.ul.x) / modisHtiles
  #tile.height <- (corner.lr.y - corner.ul.y) / modisVtiles
  #tile.height <- tile.width # Tiles seem to be squared

# Return the GMPI of the first pixel (top left) of the given MODIS tile
# @param modisTileId A character with a MODIS tile id (i.e "h10v08")
# @param nrows Number of rows in a MODIS image (i.e for MOD09Q1 is 4800)
# @param ncols Number of rows in a MODIS image (i.e for MOD09Q1 is 4800)
# @return Numeric vector containing the c(i,j) pixel coordinates in th GMPI
.getFirstGmip <- function(modisTileId, nrows, ncols){
  thtv <- as.numeric(.getHV(modisTileId))
  iGpid <- thtv[1] * nrows
  jGpid <- thtv[2] * ncols
  res <- c(iGpid, jGpid)

# Get the tileH and tileV from a MODIS tile Id
# @param modisTileId A character with a MODIS tile id (i.e "h10v08")
# @return A character vector of 2 elements c(tH, tV)
.getHV <- function(modisTileId){
  tH <- substr(modisTileId, 2, 3)
  tV <- substr(modisTileId, 5, 6)
  res <- c(tH, tV)

# Get the adquisition time of a MODIS HDF file name
# @param hdfFilename HDF filename
# @return Character. A date in the format year and day of the year YYYYDOY
.getTimeFromHdfFilename <- function(hdfFilename){
  fileNameParts <- unlist(strsplit(hdfFilename, split = "[.]"))
  res <- substr(fileNameParts[2], 2, nchar(fileNameParts[2]))
  return (res)

#Return the coords (MODIS synusoidal SR-ORG:6974) of the center of the given pixel
# @param colrowid.Matrix A numeric matrix with 2 columns: col_id and row_id
# @param pixelSize Pixel size in meters
# @return A 2-column matrix
.getxyMatrix <- function(colrowid.Matrix, pixelSize){
  x <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(nrow(colrowid.Matrix)))
  y <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(nrow(colrowid.Matrix)))
  corner.ul.x <- -20015109.354
  corner.ul.y <- 10007554.677
  x <- corner.ul.x + (pixelSize/2) + (colrowid.Matrix[,1] * pixelSize)
  y <- corner.ul.y - (pixelSize/2) - (colrowid.Matrix[,2] * pixelSize)

# Calculate the MODIS's tile index from the given array's spatial indexes
# @param col_id Array's col ID
# @param row_id Array's row ID
# @param nrows Number of rows in a MODIS image (i.e for MOD09Q1 is 4800)
# @param ncols Number of rows in a MODIS image (i.e for MOD09Q1 is 4800)
# @return A list with 2 numeric values
.ids2tile <- function(col_id, row_id, nrows, ncols){
  th <- as.integer(col_id/nrows)
  tv <- as.integer(row_id/ncols)
  res <- c(th, tv)

# Report the missing time_ids
# @param tid A vector of time ids
# @return A vecor with the missing time ids between the maximum and minimum time id provided
.missingtids <- function(tid){
  test <- min(tid):max(tid)
  return(setdiff(test, tid))

# Calculate the col_id & row_id corresponding to the given MODIS sinusoidal coordinates
# @param lonlat.mat A numeric matrix with 2 columns: lon and lat on MODIS sinusoidal coordinates
# @param pixelSize Pixel size in meters
# @return A 2-column matrix (col_id and row_id)
.sinusoidal2gmpi <- function(lonlat.mat, pixelSize){
  col_id <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(nrow(lonlat.mat)))
  row_id <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(nrow(lonlat.mat)))
  # Upper left corner of MODIS CRS
  corner.ul.x <- -20015109.354
  corner.ul.y <- 10007554.677
  # distance to origin
  dx <- lonlat.mat[,1] - corner.ul.x
  dy <- corner.ul.y - lonlat.mat[,2]
  # gmpi
  col_id <- trunc(dx %/% pixelSize - 1)
  row_id <- trunc(dy %/% pixelSize - 1)
  cbind(col_id, row_id)

# Calculate the col_id & row_id corresponding to the given WGS84 coordinates
# @param lonlat.mat A numeric matrix with 2 columns: lon and lat on WGS84
# @param pixelSize Pixel size in meters
# @return A 2-column matrix (col_id and row_id)
.wgs84gmpi <- function(lonlat.mat, pixelSize){
  proj4326 <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
  proj_modis_sinusoidal <- "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs"
  S <- sp::SpatialPoints(lonlat.mat)
  sp::proj4string(S) <- sp::CRS(proj4326)
  llmat <- sp::spTransform(S, sp::CRS(proj_modis_sinusoidal))
  res <- .sinusoidal2gmpi(llmat@coords, pixelSize)
  rownames(res) <- NULL
  colnames(res) <- c('col_id', 'row_id')


# Return the filename of the path to the file
# @param filepath Character representing the full path to the file
# @return Character representing the filename including the file extension
.getFilenameFromFilepath <- function(filepath){
  filePathParts <- unlist(strsplit(filepath, split = "/"))
  res <- filePathParts[length(filePathParts)]

# Return the filepath of the path witout the last part (filename)
# @param filepath Character representing the full path to the file
# @return Character representing the filepath without the file name
.getFilepathFromFilepath <- function(filepath){
  filePathParts <- unlist(strsplit(filepath, split = "/"))
  res <- filePathParts[-length(filePathParts)]
  res <- paste0(res, sep = '/', collapse="")
  res <- substr(res, 1, nchar(res) - 1)

# Get the MODIS tile id from the modis filename
# @param fileName Name of the file
# @return The name of the file
.getTileIdFromFilename <- function(fileName){
  tmp <- unlist(strsplit(fileName, split = "[.]"))
  res <- tmp[3]

#---- OTHER ----

# Parse an array schema
# @param schema A string. Array schema - "<red:int16,nir:int16,quality:uint16> [col_id=48000:67199,1014,5,row_id=38400:52799,1014,5,time_id=0:9200,1,0]"
# @return A list containing 2 data.frame
.scidbProcessSchema <- function(schema){
  arrayname <- substr(schema, start = 1, stop = which(strsplit(schema, "")[[1]]=="<")[1] - 1)
  attdim <- vector(mode = "character", length = 2)
  attdim[1] <- substr(schema, start = which(strsplit(schema, "")[[1]]=="<")[1], stop = which(strsplit(schema, "")[[1]]==">")[1])
  attdim[2] <- substr(schema, start = which(strsplit(schema, "")[[1]]=="[")[1], stop = which(strsplit(schema, "")[[1]]=="]")[1])
  attdef <- unlist(strsplit(x = .removeFisrtLast(attdim[1]), split = ","))
  dimdef <- unlist(strsplit(x = .removeFisrtLast(attdim[2]), split = ","))
  atname <- character(0)
  attype <- character(0)
  atnull <- logical(0)
  for(el in attdef){
    el.split <- unlist(strsplit(x = el, split = ":"))
    atname <- c(atname, el.split[1])
    atcomp <- el.split[2]
    if(" " %in% atcomp){
      atcompsplit <- unlist(strsplit(x = atcomp, split = " "))
      attype <- c(attype, atcompsplit[1])
      atnull <- c(atnull, as.logical(atcompsplit[2]))
      attype <- c(attype, atcomp)
      atnull <- c(atnull, FALSE)
  dmname <- character(0)
  dmstart <- numeric(0)
  dmend <- numeric(0)
  dmchunk <- numeric(0)
  dmover <- numeric(0)
  for(i in 1:length(dimdef)){
    it <- i %% 3
    if(it == 0){
      dmover  <- c(dmover, as.numeric(dimdef[i]))
    }else if(it == 1){
      tmp1 <- unlist(strsplit(dimdef[i], split = "="))
      dmname <- c(dmname, tmp1[1])
      tmp2 <- unlist(strsplit(tmp1[2], split = ":"))
      dmstart <- c(dmstart, as.numeric(tmp2[1]))
      dmend <- c(dmend, as.numeric(tmp2[2]))
    }else if(it == 2){
      dmchunk  <- c(dmchunk, as.numeric(dimdef[i]))
  att.df <- data.frame(name = atname, type = attype, nullable = atnull)
  dim.df <- data.frame(name = dmname, start = dmstart, end = dmend, chunk = dmchunk, overlap = dmover, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  list(arrayName = arrayname, dimensions = dim.df, attributes = att.df)

# Removes the first and last character from a single string
# @param x A string
# @return A string
.removeFisrtLast <- function(x){
  substring(x, first = 2, last = nchar(x) - 1)

# Get the characters of a string from right to left
# @param x A string
# @param n The number of chars
# @return The requested characters
.substrRight <- function(x, n){
  res <- substr(x, nchar(x)-n+1, nchar(x))

# ---- DEPRECATED ----

# Get the data used by Christopher Stephan on his thesis "Automating Near Real-Time Deforestation Monitoring With Satellite Image Time Series"
#.getCSBFastData <- function(){
#scidb::scidbconnect(host = "localhost")
##BETWEEN(MOD13Q1, 57084, 46857, 0, 57104, 46881, 400); --    191 100 cells
##BETWEEN(MOD13Q1, 56995, 46840, 0, 57264, 47069, 400); -- 22 604 400 cells
#siteA <- scidb::iquery("BETWEEN(MOD13Q1, 57084, 46857, 0, 57104, 46881, 400);", `return` = TRUE, afl = TRUE, iterative = FALSE, n = Inf)
#save(siteA, file = "siteA.Rbin")
#siteB <- scidb::iquery("BETWEEN(MOD13Q1, 56995, 46840, 0, 57264, 47069, 400);", `return` = TRUE, afl = TRUE, iterative = FALSE, n = Inf)
#save(siteB, file = "siteB.Rbin")

# .ids2tile.dummy <- function(colrow_id, samples.mat, nrows, ncols){
#   vals <- samples.mat[colrow_id,]
#   .ids2tile(col_id = vals[1], row_id = vals[2], nrows = nrows, ncols = ncols)
# }
albhasan/scidbutil documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:48 p.m.