
Defines functions confusion_raster asses_accuracy_area f1_score asses_accuracy_simple add_upacc

Documented in add_upacc asses_accuracy_area asses_accuracy_simple confusion_raster f1_score

#' @title Add user and producer accuracies to a confusion matrix.
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Add user and produser accuracies to a confusion matrix.
#' @param conmat A confusion matrix or a list.
#' @return       The conmat with an extra row and column, or a list.
#' @export
add_upacc <- function(conmat){
    if (is.matrix(conmat)) {
        stopifnot(nrow(conmat) == ncol(conmat))
        ac_mat <- asses_accuracy_simple(conmat)
        cmat <- cbind(conmat, ac_mat$user)
        cmat <- rbind(cmat, c(ac_mat$producer, NA))
        colnames(cmat)[ncol(cmat)] <- "user_acc"
        rownames(cmat)[nrow(cmat)] <- "prod_acc"
    }else if (is.list(conmat)) {
        return(lapply(conmat, add_upacc))
    }else {
        stop("Unknow type of argument")

#' @title Asses accuracy
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Compute the overall, user, and producer accuracies.
#' @param error_matrix A matrix given in sample counts. Columns represent the reference data and rows the results of the classification
#' @return             A list of numeric vectors: The overall, user and producer accuracies
#' @export
asses_accuracy_simple <- function(error_matrix){
    overall <- sum(diag(error_matrix))/sum(error_matrix)
    acc_user <- diag(error_matrix)/rowSums(error_matrix)
    acc_prod <- diag(error_matrix)/colSums(error_matrix)
    names(acc_user) <- colnames(error_matrix)
    names(acc_prod) <- rownames(error_matrix)
    return(list(overall = overall, user = acc_user, producer = acc_prod))

#' @title Compute the F1 score.
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Compute the F1 score from a confusion matrix.
#' @param confusion_matrix A matrix given in sample counts. Columns represent the reference data and rows the results of the classification.
#' @return                 A tibble with precision, recall and f1 score.
f1_score <- function(confusion_matrix){
        # cm <- matrix(c(24, 2,  1, 3, 30,  4, 0,  5, 31), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
        # f1_score(cm)
        # precision recall    f1
        # <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
        # 1     0.889  0.889 0.889
        # 2     0.811  0.811 0.811
        # 3     0.861  0.861 0.861
        precision <- diag(confusion_matrix)/colSums(confusion_matrix)
    recall    <- diag(confusion_matrix)/rowSums(confusion_matrix)
        f1_score <- 2 * precision * recall/(precision + recall)
        return(tibble::tibble(precision, recall, f1_score))

#' @title Asses accuracy and estimate area according to Olofsson
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Compute the accuracy normalized by the area. Note that, these computations don't work on clustered sampling because the equations are different.
#' @param error_matrix A matrix given in sample counts. Columns represent the reference data and rows the results of the classification
#' @param class_areas  A vector of the total area of each class on the map
#' @return             A list of lists: The error_matrix, the class_areas, confidence interval (confint95, a list of two numerics) and the accuracy (accuracy, a list of three numerics: overall, user, and producer)
#' @export
asses_accuracy_area <- function(error_matrix, class_areas){

    stopifnot(length(colnames(error_matrix)) > 0 && length(rownames(error_matrix)) > 0)
    stopifnot(sum(colnames(error_matrix) == rownames(error_matrix)) == length(colnames(error_matrix))) # the order of columns and rows do not match
    stopifnot(all(colnames(error_matrix) %in% names(class_areas))) # do names match?
    stopifnot(all(names(class_areas) %in% colnames(error_matrix))) # do names match?
    class_areas <- class_areas[colnames(error_matrix)] # re-order elements
    stopifnot(all(colnames(error_matrix) == names(class_areas))) # do names' positions match?

    W <- class_areas/sum(class_areas)
    #W.mat <- matrix(rep(W, times = ncol(error_matrix)), ncol = ncol(error_matrix))
    n <- rowSums(error_matrix)
    n.mat <- matrix(rep(n, times = ncol(error_matrix)), ncol = ncol(error_matrix))
    p <- W * error_matrix / n.mat                                                 # estimated area proportions
    # rowSums(p) * sum(class_areas)                                               # class areas according to the map, that is, the class_areas vector
    error_adjusted_area_estimate <- colSums(p) * sum(class_areas)                 # class areas according to the reference data
    Sphat_1 <- vapply(1:ncol(error_matrix), function(i){                          # S(phat_1) - The standard error of the area estimative is given as a function area proportions and sample counts
        sqrt(sum(W^2 * error_matrix[, i]/n * (1 - error_matrix[, i]/n)/(n - 1)))
    }, numeric(1))
    SAhat <- sum(class_areas) * Sphat_1                                           # S(Ahat_1) - Standard error of the area estimate
    Ahat_sup <- error_adjusted_area_estimate + 2 * SAhat                          # Ahat_1 - 95% superior confidence interval
    Ahat_inf <- error_adjusted_area_estimate - 2 * SAhat                          # Ahat_1 - 95% inferior confidence interval
    Ohat <- sum(diag(p))                                                          # Ohat   - Overall accuracy
    Uhat <- diag(p) / rowSums(p)                                                  # Uhat_i - User accuracy
    Phat <- diag(p) / colSums(p)                                                  # Phat_i - Producer accuracy
            # errorArea = SAhat,
            error_matrix = error_matrix,
            class_areas = class_areas,
            confint95 = list(
                superior = Ahat_sup,
                inferior = Ahat_inf
            accuracy = list(
                overall = Ohat,
                user = Uhat,
                producer = Phat

#' @title Compute the confusion matrix between two raster files.
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description  Compute the confusion matrix between two raster files.
#' @param r1_path A length-one character. Path to a raster file. The reference raster to appear in the colums of the confusion matrices.
#' @param r2_path A length-one character. Path to a raster file.
#' @param key_ls  A named list used to recode the integer values of r1_path and r2_path. The list is made of labels and its names are the numbers (as character) in the rasters.
#' @return        A list as explained in caret::confusionMatrix
#' @export
confusion_raster <- function(r1_path, r2_path, key_ls){
    lev <- names(key_ls)
    lab <- unlist(key_ls)
    stopifnot(length(lev) > 0)
    stopifnot(length(lev) == length(lab))
    stopifnot(all(is.atomic(lev), is.atomic(lab)))

    r1 <- r1_path %>% raster::raster()
    r2 <- r2_path %>% raster::raster()

    # match rasters
    if (!raster::compareRaster(r1, r2, extent = TRUE, rowcol = FALSE, crs = TRUE,
                               stopiffalse = FALSE, showwarning = TRUE)) {
        tmp_fn <- r2_path %>% basename() %>% tools::file_path_sans_ext() %>%
            paste0('_') %>% tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
        r2 <- raster::projectRaster(from = r2, to = r1, method = "ngb",
                                    filename = tmp_fn)
    data_df <- raster::stack(r1, r2, quick = FALSE)[] %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        tidyr::drop_na() %>%
        dplyr::rename("lab_ref_num" = !!names(.[1]),  # reference labels as integers
                      "lab_pred_num" = !!names(.[2])) # predicted labels as integers
    caret::confusionMatrix(data      = factor(data_df$lab_pred_num, levels = lev, labels = lab),
                           reference = factor(data_df$lab_ref_num,  levels = lev, labels = lab)) %>%
albhasan/sits.prodes documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m.