
Defines functions prodes2raster

Documented in prodes2raster

#' @title Match PRODES to raster.
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Rasterize a PRODES vector to match a reference raster resolution.
#' @param file_pd      A length-one character. Path to a PRODES map (a
#' shapefile).
#' @param file_rt      A length-one character. Path to raster of reference (a
#' tif).
#' @param raster_path  A length-one character. An optional file path to store
#' the resulting raster.
#' @param tile         DEPRECATED. A length-one character. The Landsat scene id
#' (6 numbers).
#' @param year_pd      A integer. The years of deforestation to keep in the
#' output.
#' @param prodes_lbl   A tibble mapping the labels of PRODES from Portuguesse to
#' English. It must contain the PRODES' labels in Portuguese (label_ld_pt,
#' character) and english (label_pd, character), and its ID (id_pd, an integer
#' that must have a one-to-one relationship to label_id).
#' @return             A raster object.
#' @export
prodes2raster <- function(file_pd, file_rt,
                          raster_path = tempfile(pattern = "prodes2raster",
                                                 fileext = ".tif"),
                          tile, year_pd, prodes_lbl){

  id_pd <- label_pd_pt <- NULL

  if (!missing(tile))
    warning("Argument tile is deprecated; it will be ignored.", call. = FALSE)

  label_pd <- NULL
  stopifnot(c("id_pd", "label_pd_pt") %in% colnames(prodes_lbl))
  fname <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file_pd))

  # prepare labels for recoding and reclassification
  unique_label_pt <- prodes_lbl %>%
    dplyr::group_by(label_pd_pt) %>%
    dplyr::slice(1) %>%
  unique_id_pd <- prodes_lbl %>%
    dplyr::group_by(id_pd) %>%
    dplyr::slice(1) %>%
  key_label_pt <- unique_label_pt %>%
    ensurer::ensure_that("label_pd" %in% colnames(.),
                         err_desc = "Missing field 'label_pd'.") %>%
    dplyr::pull(label_pd) %>%
  key_id_pd <- unique_id_pd %>%
    dplyr::pull(id_pd) %>%
  names(key_label_pt) <- unique_label_pt %>% dplyr::pull(label_pd_pt)
  names(key_id_pd)    <- unique_id_pd    %>% dplyr::pull(label_pd)

# rasterization
  mb_raster <- raster::raster(file_rt)
  class_name <- mainclass <- label <- label_id <- NULL
  sf::st_read(dsn = dirname(file_pd), layer = fname,
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) %>%
    ensurer::ensure_that(all(c("class_name", "mainclass") %in% colnames(.)),
                         err_desc = "Columns not found.") %>%
    dplyr::filter(class_name %in% c(names(key_label_pt),
                                    apply(expand.grid(c('d', 'r'), year_pd), 1, paste0,
                                          collapse = ''))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(label    = dplyr::recode(mainclass, !!!key_label_pt),
                  label_id = dplyr::recode(label,     !!!key_id_pd)) %>%
    dplyr::select(label_id) %>%
    vector2raster(raster_r = mb_raster,
                  vector_field = "label_id",
                  raster_path = raster_path) %>%
    attr("file") %>%
    attr("name") %>%

#' @title Convert the PRODES' scene format to LANDSAT's.
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Convert the PRODES' 5 digit scene Id to Landsat's 6 digit scene Id.
#' @param prodes_scene A character. A PRODES scene id.
#' @return             A character. A Landsat scene id.
#' @export
prodes2scene <- function(prodes_scene){
  res <- NA
  if (length(prodes_scene) == 1) {
    if (is.na(prodes_scene) || nchar(prodes_scene) != 5)
    res <- gsub('^([0-9]{3})([0-9]+)$', '\\10\\2', prodes_scene)
  }else if (length(prodes_scene) > 1) {
    res <- vapply(prodes_scene, prodes2scene, character(1))

#' @title Compute PRODES areas.
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Compute the area of each of the PRODES' labels
#' @param pd_polygons An sf object (polygons).
#' @return A tibble.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pd_polygons <- sf::st_read("prodes_233_067.shp", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' prodes_compute_area(pd_polygons)
#' }
prodes_compute_area <- function(pd_polygons){
  ano <- area <- mainclass <- tmp_area <- NULL
  # Aggregate area for each label
  lab_csum <- pd_polygons %>%
    ensurer::ensure_that(all(c("ano", "mainclass") %in% colnames(.)),
                         err_des = "Missing columns.") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(tmp_area = units::drop_units(sf::st_area(.))) %>%
    sf::st_set_geometry(value = NULL) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(mainclass, ano) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(area = sum(tmp_area))
  # Forest area in the reference year (the last & only one)
  for_ref_area <- lab_csum %>% dplyr::filter(mainclass == "FLORESTA")
  stopifnot(nrow(for_ref_area) == 1)
  # Reverse cum_sum of deforestation
  def_csum <- lab_csum %>%
    dplyr::filter(mainclass == "DESMATAMENTO") %>%
    dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(ano)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lbl_area_csum = cumsum(area)) %>%
  # Estimate forest cover by adding the deforested area of former years
  # a_forest(x-1) = a_forest(x) + a_deforest(x)
  for_adj <- dplyr::tibble(mainclass = "FLORESTA",
                           ano = def_csum[['ano']] - 1,
                           area =  for_ref_area[["area"]] +
  # Assemble results
  res <- lab_csum %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(for_adj) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(mainclass, ano) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.by_group = TRUE)

#' @title Rasterize PRODES.
#' @author Alber Sanchez, \email{alber.ipia@@inpe.br}
#' @description Rasterize a PRODES map
#' @param ref_path     A length-one character. Path to a PRODES shp
#' @param pyear        A numeric. A PRODES year
#' @param cov_res      A results coverage.
#' @param level_key_pt A list for recoding values for translating portuguesse to english. See named list on help(recode)
#' @param level_key    A list for recoding values. See named list on help(recode)
#' @param class_name_filter A character. Constrain rasterization to these classes (labels).
#' @return A raster object
prodes_rasterize <- function(ref_path, pyear, cov_res, level_key_pt,
                             level_key, class_name_filter = "FLORESTA"){
  stopifnot(length(ref_path) == 1)

  tmp_raster_path <- file.path(paste0(tempfile(pattern = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(ref_path))), ".tif"))
  tmp_vector_path <- file.path(paste0(tempfile(pattern = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(ref_path))), ".shp"))

  # prepare the vector to rasterize
  class_name <- lab_ref <- lab_ref_pt <- mainclass <- NULL
  tmp_vector <- ref_path %>%
    cov_read() %>%
    ensurer::ensure_that(all(c("class_name", "lab_ref", "lab_ref_pt",
                               "mainclass") %in% colnames(.))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(class_name %in% c(class_name_filter, paste0('d', pyear))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lab_ref_pt = dplyr::recode(mainclass, !!!level_key_pt)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lab_ref = dplyr::recode(lab_ref_pt, !!!level_key)) %>%
    cov_proj(proj4string = cov_srs(cov_res)) %>%
    dplyr::select(lab_ref) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lab_ref = as.integer(lab_ref))

  # rasterize
  # store # raster::dataType(cov_res) <- "FLT8S"
  raster::writeRaster(raster::setValues(cov_res, NA),
                      filename = tmp_raster_path, overwrite = TRUE)
  # NOTE: Problem on creating a simple point shapefile with OGR
  # https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2006-March/008130.html
    sf::st_write(tmp_vector, dsn = tmp_vector_path,
                 delete_dsn = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, delete_layer = TRUE)
  cov_ref <- gdalUtilities::gdal_rasterize(src_datasource = tmp_vector_path,
                                           dst_filename = tmp_raster_path,
                                           a = "lab_ref",
                                           l = stringr::str_replace(basename(tmp_vector_path), ".shp", "")) %>%

  # clean tmp files
  if (file.exists(tmp_vector_path))
    res <- file.remove(tmp_vector_path)
  res <- lapply(c("dbf", "prj", "shx"), function(ext){
    f <- paste0(substring(tmp_vector_path, 1, nchar(tmp_vector_path) - 3), ext)
    if (file.exists(f))

albhasan/sits.prodes documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m.