

# Classify sits bricks
suppressMessages(library(sits, quietly = TRUE, verbose = FALSE))

# script setup ----
base_path <- "/home/alber/Documents/data/experiments/prodes_reproduction"
no_data <- -9999 # Landsat no value
path_to_bricks <- c(
  mod13            = file.path(base_path, "data", "raster", "bricks_modis_cropped"),
  l8mod_interp     = file.path(base_path, "data", "raster", "brick_interp"),
  l8mod_starfm     = file.path(base_path, "data", "raster", "brick_starfm"),
  l8_simple        = file.path(base_path, "data", "raster", "brick_simple"),
  l8_mask_cloud    = file.path(base_path, "data", "raster", "brick_mask_cloud")
stopifnot(all(vapply(path_to_bricks, dir.exists, logical(1))))

# Handle console input ----
opt_parser = list(
  make_option("--train", type = "character", default = NULL,
              help = "Name of a train e.g. 'train_13'", metavar = "character"),
  make_option("--tiles", type = "character", default = NULL,
              help = "ID of the tiles to classify e.g. '225063 226064 233067'",
              metavar = "character"),
  make_option("--btype", type = "character", default = NULL,
              help = "Type to brick to use. e.g. 'l8mod_starfm'",
              metavar = "character"),
  make_option("--bands", type = "character", default = NULL,
              help = "Name of the bands to classify e.g. 'ndvi evi nir mir red blue swir2'",
              metavar = "character"),
  make_option("--years", type = "character", default = NULL,
              help = "Years to classify e.g. '2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017'",
              metavar = "character"),
  make_option("--cores", type = "integer", default = 24,
              help = "Number of cores. The default is %default.",
              metavar = "number"),
  make_option("--ram", type = "integer", default = 96,
              help = "Amount of memory to use. The default is %default.",
              metavar = "number"),
  make_option("--debug", type = "character", default = "DEBUG",
              help = "Debug level. The default is %default",
              metavar = "character"),
  make_option("--log", type = "character", default = "rep_prodes.log",
              help = "Path to log file. The default is %default",
              metavar = "character")
) %>% OptionParser()
opt <- parse_args(opt_parser)
if (length(opt) != 10 || sum(sapply(opt, is.null)) != 0) {
  stop("Wrong arguments!")
if (!all(opt$btype %in% names(path_to_bricks))) {
  stop(sprintf("Invalid brick! The available options are: %s", paste0(names(path_to_bricks), collapse = ", ")))
if (parallel::detectCores() < opt$cores) {
  stop(sprintf("Not enough cores (The system has %s).", parallel::detectCores()))
valid_btypes <- c("l8mod_interp", "l8mod_starfm", "l8_simple", "l8_maskcloud")
if (!(opt$btype %in% valid_btypes)) {
  stop(sprintf("Invalid type of brick. The valid options are %s", valid_btypes))

# parse arguments ----
train      <- opt$train                                # "train_40"
brick_type <- opt$btype                                # "l8_simple"
tiles      <- unlist(strsplit(opt$tiles, split = " ")) # c("225063", "226064", "233067")
bands      <- unlist(strsplit(opt$bands, split = " ")) # c("ndvi", "evi", "nir", "mir", "red", "blue", "swir2")
years      <- unlist(strsplit(opt$years, split = " ")) # 2012:2017
multicores <- opt$cores                                # 24
mem        <- opt$ram                                  # 96
cov_timeline <- NULL

# log setup ----
logger                 <- log4r::create.logger()
log4r::logfile(logger) <- file.path(opt$log)
log4r::level(logger)   <- opt$debug
log4r::info(logger, "Initializing...")
log4r::info(logger, "Logging parameters... ")
log4r::info(logger, paste(names(opt), opt, sep = " = "))

# script ----
log4r::info(logger, "Cheking results' directory...")
result_path <- file.path(base_path, "03_classify",
                         stringr::str_replace(train, "train", "rep_prodes"),
if (!dir.exists(result_path)) {
  log4r::info(logger, "Making result's directory...")
  dir.create(result_path, recursive = TRUE)
log4r::debug(logger, result_path)

# train
log4r::info(logger, "Loading samples...")
samples_path <- "/home/alber/Documents/data/experiments/prodes_reproduction/data/samples"
prodes_samples_simple <- prodes_samples_starfm <- prodes_samples_mask_cloud <- NULL
if (brick_type == "l8mod_interp") {
  data(list = "prodes_samples_interpolated", package = "sits.prodes")
  prodes_samples <- prodes_samples_interpolated
}else if (brick_type == "l8mod_starfm") {
  data(list = "prodes_samples_starfm", package = "sits.prodes")
  prodes_samples <- prodes_samples_starfm
}else if (brick_type == "l8_simple") {
  data(list = "prodes_samples_simple", package = "sits.prodes")
  prodes_samples <- prodes_samples_simple
}else if (brick_type == "l8_maskcloud") {
  data(list = "prodes_samples_mask_cloud", package = "sits.prodes")
  prodes_samples <- prodes_samples_mask_cloud
  stop("Unknown type of brick")
log4r::info(logger, "Training model...")
sits_model <- sits_train(prodes_samples,
                         sits_svm(formula = sits_formula_linear()))
log4r::info(logger, "Classification: support vector machine")
log4r::info(logger, "formula: sits_formula_linear()")

log4r::info(logger, "Saving vector of labels used during training...")
training_labels <- sits_model %>%
  environment() %>%
  .[["data.tb"]] %>%
  dplyr::pull(label) %>% unique() %>% sort()
training_bands <- sits_model %>%
  environment() %>%
  .[["data.tb"]] %>%
  matrix(c(training_labels, seq_along(training_labels)), ncol = 2,
         dimnames = list(NULL, c("Label", "Code"))),
  file = file.path(result_path, "int_labels.csv"),
  quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
log4r::info(logger, sprintf("Training label codes saved to %s",
                            file.path(result_path, "int_labels.csv")))

log4r::info(logger, "Gathering bricks' metadata...")
if (brick_type == "mod13") {
  data("timeline_2000_2017", package = "sits")
  cov_timeline <- timeline_2000_2017

# brick_tb is the intersection of the bricks available and the user's request
brick_tb <- path_to_bricks[brick_type] %>%
                       err_desc = sprintf("Invalid type of brick: %s",
                                          brick_type)) %>%
  list.files(full.names = TRUE, pattern = '*tif$') %>%
  get_brick_md() %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
  dplyr::filter(pathrow %in% tiles, year %in% years, band %in% training_bands) %>%
  ensurer::ensure_that(all(.$time_steps == .$time_steps[1]),
                       err_desc = "Inconsistent number of time-steps among bricks!")

# validate bands
log4r::debug(logger, paste("Bands requested:", paste(bands, collapse = ", ")))
log4r::debug(logger, paste("Bands available:", paste(unique(brick_tb$band), collapse = ", ")))
log4r::debug(logger, paste("Bands training:", paste(training_bands, collapse = ", ")))
if (!identical(sort(unique(brick_tb$band)), sort(training_bands))) {
  msg <- sprintf("Band missmatch between training (%s) and brick (%s)",
                 paste(training_bands, collapse = ", "),
                 paste(sort(unique(brick_tb$band)), collapse = ", "))
  log4r::error(logger, msg)
if (!identical(sort(bands), sort(training_bands))) {
  msg <- sprintf("Band missmatch between request (%s) and brick (%s). Using common bands for Deep Learning classification... ",
                 paste(bands, collapse = ", "),
                 paste(sort(unique(brick_tb$band)), collapse = ", "))
  log4r::warn(logger, msg)

# get SITS configuration parameters
sits_conf <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml",
                                            package = "sits"))

# classify bricks
img_res <- list()
for (path_row in sort(unique(brick_tb$pathrow))) {
  for (y in sort(unique(brick_tb$year))) {
    bricks <- brick_tb %>% dplyr::filter(pathrow == path_row, year == y)
                sprintf("Processing path-row %s for year %s for bands %s ...",
                        path_row, y, paste0(training_bands, collapse = " ")))
    log4r::debug(logger, bricks)
    log4r::info(logger, "Getting coverage metadata...")

    # get MODIS defaults
    scale_factor   <- sits_conf$RASTER_scale_factor$MODIS
    missing_values <- sits_conf$RASTER_missing_value$MODIS
    minimum_values <- sits_conf$RASTER_minimum_value
    maximum_values <- sits_conf$RASTER_maximum_value
    # buid a time line of the same lenght of the brick
    # NOTE: it approximates the dates of the images in the bricks!
    if (stringr::str_detect(brick_type, "^l8.+")) {
      band_names <- c("ndvi", "evi", "blue", "green", "red", "nir", "mir",
                      "swir1", "swir2", "class", "dark", "substrate",
      scale_factor   <- as.list(rep(1/10000, length(band_names)))
      maximum_values <- as.list(rep(10000,   length(band_names)))
      minimum_values <- as.list(rep(0,       length(band_names)))
      missing_values <- rep(no_data, length(band_names))
      names(maximum_values) <- names(minimum_values) <- names(missing_values) <- names(scale_factor) <- band_names
      maximum_values$substrate <- maximum_values$vegetation <- 50000
      t_steps <- as.numeric(unique(bricks$time_steps)[1])
      cov_timeline <- seq(from = as.Date(unique(bricks$start_date)[1]),
                          by = ceiling(365/t_steps), length.out = t_steps)

    coverage_name <- paste(brick_type, path_row, y, sep = '_')
    scoverage <- sits::sits_coverage(files = bricks$path, name = coverage_name,
                                     bands = bricks$band,
                                     scale_factor = scale_factor,
                                     maximum_values = maximum_values,
                                     minimum_values = minimum_values,
                                     missing_values = missing_values,
                                     timeline = cov_timeline)
    result_filepath <- file.path(result_path,
                                 paste(coverage_name, "svm", sep = "_"))
    param_ls <- list(coverage_name = coverage_name, result_filepath = result_filepath)
    log4r::debug(logger, paste(names(param_ls), param_ls, sep = " = "))
    sits::sits_classify_raster(file = result_filepath,
                               coverage = scoverage,
                               ml_model = sits_model,
                               memsize = mem,
                               multicores = multicores)
    img_res[[length(img_res) + 1]] <- result_filepath
    log4r::info(logger, paste0("Completed partial bricks classification. The results are stored in ", result_filepath))

log4r::info(logger, "Post-processing")
for (f in unlist(img_res)) {
  print("do the bayesian filtering")

log4r::info(logger, "Finished!")
albhasan/sits.prodes documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m.