
Defines functions tam_mml_mfr_dataprep

## File Name: tam_mml_mfr_dataprep.R
## File Version: 9.189

#- MFR data preparation
tam_mml_mfr_dataprep <- function( formulaA, xsi.setnull, B, Q,
        resp, pid, facets, beta.fixed )
    tA <- stats::terms(formulaA)
    tlab <- attr(tA, "factors")
    # redefine formula
    stlab <- apply( tlab, 1, sum )
    ind <- which( stlab==0 )
    nullfacets <- names(stlab)[ind]
    if ( is.null(pid) ){
        pid <- seq( 1, nrow(resp) )
        cat("   --- Created person identifiers.\n")

    #---- data restructuring for non-identifiable combinations
    facets_labs <- setdiff( rownames(tlab), c("item", "step") )
    # create combination of pid and facets
    FF <- length(facets_labs)
    combi <- pid
    if ( FF>0){
        for (ff in 1:FF){
            combi <- paste0( combi, "-", facets[, facets_labs[ff] ] )
    dups <- duplicated( combi )
    dups1 <- combi[ dups ]
    dups_combi <- any( dups )
    PSF <- FALSE
    #***** begin duplications of identifiers
    if ( dups_combi ){
        NC <- max( table( table( combi) ) )
        N1 <- nchar( paste(max(table(combi))))
        facets$psf <-  paste0("PF", 10^N1 + 1 )
        for (cc in dups1){
            # cc <- dups1[1]
            ind <- which( combi==cc )
            N0 <- length(ind)
            h1 <- paste0("PF", 10^N1 + seq(1,N0) )
            facets$psf[ind] <- h1
        nullfacets <- c( nullfacets, "psf" )
        PSF <- TRUE
        cat("   -- Created a pseudo facet 'psf' (with zero effects)\n")
        cat("   -- because of non-unique person-facet combinations.\n")
    #**** end duplications of identifiers

    #--- new formula
    formula_update <- paste( c( attr( tA, "term.labels"), nullfacets ), collapse=" + ")
    inc <- ""
    if ( attr(tA, "intercept") %in% c(0,-1)){ inc <- " 0 + "}
    formula_update <- stats::as.formula( paste0( "~ ", inc, formula_update ) )
    xsi.setnull <- unique( c( xsi.setnull, nullfacets ) )
    if ( length(xsi.setnull)==0 ){
        xsi.setnull <- NULL

    #-- define dimensions for beta fixed
    D <- 1
    if ( ! is.null(B) ){
        D <- dim(B)[[3]]
    if ( ! is.null(Q) ){
        D <- dim(Q)[[2]]
    if ( is.null(beta.fixed) ){
        beta.fixed <- cbind( 1, 1:D, 0 )

    res <- list( formula_update=formula_update, xsi.setnull=xsi.setnull,
                beta.fixed=beta.fixed, facets=facets, PSF=PSF, pid=pid  )

mfr.dataprep <- tam_mml_mfr_dataprep
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.