
Defines functions mice.impute.2lonly.function

Documented in mice.impute.2lonly.function

## File Name: mice.impute.2lonly.function.R
## File Version: 0.298

#*** general imputation function at level 2
mice.impute.2lonly.function <- function( y, ry, x, wy=NULL, type, imputationFunction,
        cluster_var, ... )
    res <- mice_imputation_factor_pmm_prepare(y=y)
    y <- res$y
    y_aggr <- res$y_aggr
    is_factor <- res$is_factor
    wy <- mice_imputation_define_wy(wy=wy, ry=ry)

    pos <- parent.frame(n=2)
    #--- extract arguments
    res <- mice_imputation_get_states(pos=pos)
    vname <- res$vname
    imputationFunction_vname <- mice_imputation_extract_list_arguments(
                micearg=imputationFunction, vname=vname, miceargdefault="norm" )
    #-- extract cluster index
    cluster_var <- mice_imputation_extract_list_arguments(
                        micearg=cluster_var, vname=vname, miceargdefault=NULL )
    if ( ! is.null(cluster_var) ){
        data <- ma_exists_get(x='data', pos=pos)
        clusterx <- data[, cluster_var]
    if (is.null(cluster_var)){
        if ( sum(type==-2) !=1 ){
            stop( "No cluster variable!\n")
        warning( paste0( "Cluster variables for '2lonly.function' should be\n",
                        "  specified with the 'cluster_var' argument.\n",
                        "  'type=-2' is deprecated for this function.") )
        clusterx <- x[,type==-2 ]

    # calculate aggregated values
    x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x[,type %in% c(1,2)]))
    a21 <- data.frame(x,y_=y)
    a2 <- rowsum( a21, clusterx, na.rm=FALSE)
    clusterx0 <- as.numeric( paste0( rownames(a2)))
    a2 <- a2 / rowsum( 1+0*y, clusterx, na.rm=FALSE )[,1]
    a1 <- cbind( clusterx0, a2 )
    N1 <- ncol(a1)
    cly2 <- unique( clusterx[ ry ] )  # clusters without missings on y
    ry2 <- a1[,1] %in% cly2
    wy2 <- ! ( a1[,1] %in% unique( clusterx[ ! wy ] ) )
    x1 <- as.matrix(a1[, - c(1,N1)])
    y_a1 <- as.matrix(a1[,N1])
    y_a1[!ry2,1] <- NA
    #*** collect arguments and apply general imputation method
    args <- list( y=y_a1, ry=ry2, x=x1[,-1], ... )
    imp_function <- paste0("mice.impute.", imputationFunction_vname )
    args <- mice_imputation_args_include_wy(imp_function=imp_function,
                    args=args, wy=wy2)
    ximp2 <- do.call( what=imp_function, args=args )

    #*** data postprocessing
    cly2 <- a1[wy2, 1]
    i1 <- match( clusterx, cly2 )
    imp <- ( ximp2[i1] )[wy]
    imp <- mice_imputation_factor_pmm_convert_factor(imp=imp,
                    is_factor=is_factor, y_aggr=y_aggr)
alexanderrobitzsch/miceadds documentation built on June 2, 2024, 10:10 a.m.