
Defines functions mirt.specify.partable

Documented in mirt.specify.partable

## File Name: mirt.specify.partable.R
## File Version: 0.111

##   function parameter table specification
mirt.specify.partable <- function(mirt.partable, parlist, verbose=TRUE)
    mirt.partable0 <- mirt.partable
    mirt.partable0$prior.type <- paste(mirt.partable0$prior.type)
    if(length(unique(mirt.partable$group))==1L) ####
        parlist <- list(all=parlist) ####
    parlistfull <- parlist ####
    gnames <- names(parlistfull) ####
    if(!all(gnames %in% unique(mirt.partable$group))) ####
        stop('Defined group variable names in parlist do not match mirt.partable') ####
    items <- paste0( mirt.partable$item )
    for(gg in gnames){ ####
        parlist <- parlistfull[[gg]] ####
        LP <- length(parlist) ####  moved this down from first line
        for (pp in 1:LP) {
            # pp <- 1 extract parameter
            par.pp <- names(parlist)[[pp]]
            # extract data frame with parameter specifications
            dfr.pp <- parlist[[pp]]
            #@@ check item names
            g1 <- sort(setdiff( rownames(dfr.pp), items ) )
            dfr.pp <- dfr.pp[ intersect( rownames(dfr.pp), items ),, drop=FALSE]
            if (verbose){
                cat("*** Process group ", gg, " - parameter ", par.pp, "\n")
                if ( length(g1) > 0 ){
                    cat("  - Following items do not exist in parameter table: ", paste0( g1, collapse=" " ), "\n")

            # loop through items and parameters
            NI.pp <- nrow(dfr.pp)
            NP.pp <- ncol(dfr.pp)
            if (NI.pp>=1){
            for (ii in 1:NI.pp) {
                for (cc in 1:NP.pp) {
                    # ii <- 1 ; cc <- 2
                    ind <- which((paste(mirt.partable0$item)==rownames(dfr.pp)[ii]) &
                                     (paste(mirt.partable0$name)==colnames(dfr.pp)[cc]) &
                                     mirt.partable0$group==gg) ####
                    if (!is.na(dfr.pp[ii, cc])) {
                                warning(sprintf("Parameter \'%s\' is not relevant for item %s",
                                                         colnames(dfr.pp)[cc], rownames(dfr.pp)[ii]))
                      if (par.pp !="prior.type") {
                        mirt.partable0[ind, par.pp] <- dfr.pp[ii, cc]
                      } else {
                        mirt.partable0[ind, par.pp] <- paste(dfr.pp[ii, cc])
    mirt.partable0$prior.type <- as.factor(mirt.partable0$prior.type)
    if(!all(mirt.partable0$prior.type %in% c('none', 'norm', 'beta', 'lnorm'))) ####
        stop('Improper prior.type declared. Please only use the following:
             \'none\', \'norm\', \'beta\', \'lnorm\' ') ####
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.