
#' Output from a record test
#' A simple class that wraps the outpur from a record test like e.g.
#' \code{recTest_Missing} and comes with a print/summary method.
#' @param Index logical vector of test results
#' @param Desc character expression describing the test
#' @param x an object of class \code{recTest}
#' @details Internally, this is a list with two entries: a logical matrix named
#'   \code{Index} with as many rows as records and as many columsn as tests, and
#'   a character vector \code{Desc} with one entry per test. The constructor
#'   \code{recTest} takes just one test result, but multiple tests can be
#'   combined using \code{addRecTest}.
#' @return An object of class \code{recTest} (invisibly for the print-method)
#' @name recTest-class
#' @seealso \code{\link{recTest_Missing}}
#' @export
recTest = function(Index, Desc)
	if (!is.logical(Index)) stop("Index must be logical vector")
	if (!is.character(Desc)) stop("Desc must be a character expression")
	if (length(Desc) > 1) {
		warning("Only first element of argument Desc is used")
		Desc = Desc[1]
	ret = list(Index = matrix(Index, ncol=1), Desc = Desc)
	class(ret) = "recTest"

#' @rdname recTest-class
#' @export
print.recTest = function(x, ...)
	ret = summary(x)
	print(ret, ...)

#' @rdname recTest-class
#' @export
summary.recTest = function(x, ...)
	tabfun = function(x) table(factor(x, level=c(TRUE, FALSE)), useNA="always")
	ret = t(apply(x$Index, 2, tabfun))
	ret = data.frame(Description=x$Desc, ret, check.names=FALSE)

#' Working with record test results
#' Functions to combine, compress and apply record test results.
#' @param x,y,rt Objects of class \code{recTest}
#' @return For \code{addRecTest}, a new \code{recTest} object that combines the
#'   results from both tests. \cr\cr
#'   For \code{compressRecTest}, a reduced \code{recTest} object that only
#'   retains tests that failed at least once.\cr\cr
#'   For \code{filterOnRecTest}, a subset of the original data frame passed in:
#'   if \code{failed=FALSE}, the subset of records that passed all tests;
#'   otherwise the subset of records that failed at least one test, augmented
#'   by a new column \code{FailedTest} that describes which test(s) each record
#'   failed. 
#' @name recTest-functions
#' @export
addRecTest = function(x, y)
	if (nrow(x$Index) != nrow(y$Index)) stop("Number of records tested does not match")
	ret = list(Index = cbind(x$Index, y$Index), Desc = c(x$Desc, y$Desc))
	class(ret) = "recTest"

#' @rdname recTest-functions
#' @export
compressRecTest = function(x)
	keep = apply(x$Index, 2, function(x) any(!x | is.na(x)) )
	if (!any(keep) ) {
		warning("Cannot compress recTest: all tests passed")
	x$Index = x$Index[, keep, drop=FALSE]
	x$Desc  = x$Desc[keep]

#' @rdname recTest-functions
#' @param data the data frame for which the record tests were performed
#' @export
filterOnRecTest = function(data, rt, failed=FALSE)
	if ( nrow(data) != nrow(rt$Index) ) stop("Cannot filter x: different number of records from rt")
	ff = apply(rt$Index, 1, function(x) all(x | is.na(x)) )
	if (failed) { ff = !ff }
	data = data[ff,]
	if (failed) {
		fail = apply(rt$Index[ff,], 1, function(x) paste(rt$Desc[!x & !is.na(x)], collapse="; "))
		data = cbind(data, FailedTest=fail)

#' Tools for checking records in a data frame
#' These functions check for records in a data frame that some required
#' property.
#' @param x the data frame where to check
#' @param v a character vector giving full variable names
#' @details These are tools for checking with records in a data frame have a
#'    required property (not missing, specified values etc.) Record test of this
#'    type are usually run after running basic tests on variables as well as
#'    generic pre-processing to adjuts data formats. The output allows both
#'    a top-level summary of how many records pass a series of record tests, as
#'    well as identification of the records that fail one or more of the
#'    required tests.\cr\cr
#'    The data frame is the first argument, to permit simple use of the
#'    pipe-operator.
#' @return An object of class \code{recTest}.
#' @name recTests-generic
#' @seealso \code{\link{dplyr::'\%>\%'}} \code{\link{varTests-generic}}

#' @rdname recTests-generic
#' @export
recTest_Missing = function(x, v)
	val  = !is.na(x[, v])
	desc = paste("Value not missing in '", v, "'", sep="")
	recTest(Index = val, Desc = desc)

#' @rdname recTests-generic
#' @param cc a vector of correct (permissible) codes for variable \code{v}
#' @export
recTest_CorrectCodes = function(x, v, cc)
	val  = x[, v] %in% cc
	desc = paste("Correct codes in '", v, "'", sep="")
	recTest(Index = val, Desc = desc)

#' @rdname recTests-generic
#' @param lower,upper smallest/largest permissible value for variable \code{v}
#' @export
recTest_InRange = function(x, v, lower, upper)
	val  = (lower <= x[, v] ) & ( x[,v] <= upper)
	desc = paste("Valid range for '", v, "'", sep="")
	recTest(Index = val, Desc = desc)

#' @rdname recTests-generic
#' @param v1,v2 variable names
#' @export
recTest_LessOrEqual = function(x, v1, v2)
	val  = x[, v1] <= x[,v2]
	desc = paste("'",v1, "' less or equal to '", v2, "'", sep="")
	recTest(Index = val, Desc = desc)

## ??????
varMatchingMissing = function(v1, v2, x)
	flag = TRUE ; text = "ok"
	vv1  = x[, v1]
	vv2  = x[, v2]
	if ( any(is.na(vv1) != is.na(vv2) ) ) {
		flag = FALSE		
		text = paste("Variables '", v1, "' and '", v2, "' have non-matching pattern of missingness", sep="")
	list(flag=flag, text=text)
alexploner/R.HDSS documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:32 a.m.