Man pages for alexvpickering/rkal
Run, Import, and Export 'kallisto' Quantifications

build_kallisto_indexDownload ensembl transcriptome and build index for 'kalliso'...
construct_esetConstruct expression set
detect_pairedDetect if experiment is pair-ended.
filter_genesFilter genes in RNA-seq ExpressionSet
get_fastq_id1sGet first sequence identifiers for fastq.gz files
get_fastq_pairsGet pairs from bulk fastq files
get_kallisto_indexGet path to kallisto index
get_pkg_versionGet version of kallisto from system command.
get_quant_metaTransform GEO metadata for quantification
get_vsdGet variance stabilized data for exploratory data analysis
import_quantsImport kallisto quants
load_archs4_seqLoad ExpressionSet from ARCHS4 h5 file
load_seqLoad bulk RNA-Seq data into an ExpressionSet.
run_kallisto_bulkRuns kallisto quantification for bulk samples.
select_pairsSelect pairs and replicates for an experiment.
setup_fdataSetup feature annotation data
validate_pairsValidate sample pairing for pair-ended RNA seq
validate_repsValidate sample replicates for RNA seq
alexvpickering/rkal documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 8:38 p.m.