
#' Interactive Conditional Density Plot
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param y a "factor" interpreted to be the dependenty variable
#' @param title optional title for the plot
#' @param showlegend boolean indicating if a legend should be displayed.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{\link[graphics]{cdplot}}
#' @example inst/examples/fdPlotConditionalDensity.R
#' @export
# 1. add annotations to indicate y variable levels
fdPlotConditionalDensity <- function(x, y, title  = NULL, showlegend = TRUE, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  cdcPlotData <- cdplot(x, y, ..., plot = F)
  xPoints <- pretty(range(x), n = 100)
  traces = lapply(names(cdcPlotData), function(d){
    list(x = xPoints, y = cdcPlotData[[d]](xPoints), 
      fill = 'tozeroy', type = 'scatter', name = d,
      showlegend = showlegend
  layout = list(
    plot_bgcolor = "#f6f6f6",
    margin = list(
      t = 30,
      l = 40,
      r = 30,
      b = 40
    xaxis = list(title = dots$xlab),
    yaxis = list(range = c(0, 1)),
    title = title
  config <- list(displaylogo = FALSE, displayModeBar = FALSE)
  fdPlotly(traces, layout, config, width = '100%')

#' Interactive Confusion Matrix
#' @param x confusion matrix with row and column names representing classes. It 
#'   is expected that the rownames represent actual classes while column names
#'   represent the predicted classes
#' @param class html class to style the confusion matrix table
#' @param digits number of digits to display in the tooltip
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/fdPlotConfusionMatrix.R 
fdPlotConfusionMatrix <- function(x, class = 'table table-bordered', digits = 3){
  if (is.table(x)) {
    x <- as.data.frame.matrix(x) 
  } else if (is.matrix(x)){
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
  makeTooltip <- function(x, title, pct, phrase){
    tpl <- '
    <div data-toggle="tooltip" title="%s"data-value=%s data-phrase="%s">
    sprintf(tpl, title, pct, phrase, x)
  d2 <- x
  for (i in 1:NROW(d2)){
    for (j in 1:NCOL(d2)){
      phrase <- if (i == j) 'correctly' else 'incorrectly'
      pct <- x[i, j]/sum(x[i,])
      title <- sprintf('%s %% of %s are %s classified as %s',
        format(pct*100, digits = digits), rownames(x)[i], phrase, colnames(x)[j]
      background = if (i == j) {
        paste0('rgba(44, 160, 44, ', pct , ' )')
      } else {
        paste0('rgba(214, 39, 40,  ', pct, ' )')
      d2[i,j] <- makeTooltip(
        paste0(x[i, j], ' (', format(pct*100, digits = digits), '%)'),
  d2 <- cbind(Actual = rownames(d2), d2)
  fdSimpleTable(d2, class = paste(class, 'fd-confusion-matrix'))

#' Interactive performance plots for classification models.
#' @param perf an object of class \code{\link[ROCR]{performance}}
#' @param digits number of digits to display
#' @param title optional title
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/fdPlotClassificationPerformance.R
fdPlotClassificationPerformance <- function(perf, digits = 3, title = NULL){
  if (!inherits(perf, 'performance')){
    stop("The argument perf needs to be an object of class performance.")
  d <- data.frame(
    x = perf@x.values[[1]],
    y = perf@y.values[[1]],
    cutoff = perf@alpha.values[[1]]
  tpl <- "%s: %s"
  d$text <- paste(
    sprintf(tpl, perf@x.name, format(d$x, digits = digits)), "<br>",
    sprintf(tpl, perf@y.name, format(d$y, digits = digits)), "<br>",
    sprintf(tpl, 'Threshold', format(d$cutoff, digits = digits))
  dat <- list(
      x = d$x,
      y = d$y,
      type = 'scatter',
      mode = 'line',
      showlegend = F,
      hoverinfo = 'text',
      text = d$text
      x = d$x,
      y = d$x,
      type = 'scatter',
      mode = 'line',
      showlegend = F,
      hoverinfo = "text"
  layout_ <- list(
    plot_bgcolor = "#f6f6f6",
    margin = list(
      t = 10,
      l = 40,
      r = 30,
      b = 30
    hovermode = 'closest',
    xaxis = list(title = perf@x.name),
    yaxis = list(title = perf@y.name),
    title = title
  config <- list(displaylogo = FALSE, displayModeBar = FALSE)
  fdPlotly(dat, layout_, config)
alteryx/flightdeck documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:39 a.m.