#' @title Coaching Plot
#' @description creates coach table or plot
#' @param coach coach
#' @param position position
#' @param stat_name stat name
#' @param fwd database
#' @param output_type table or chart
#' @return plotly object or datatable
#' @examples get_coach_positional_chart(coach,position,stat_name,fwd,output_type)
#' @export
get_coach_positional_chart <- function(coach,position,stat_name,fwd,output_type){
coachA <- coach
pos <- position
s <- stat_name
s1 <- ifelse(s == "Fantasy Rank", "Fantasy Points", s)
sinput <- c("Fantasy Rank","Pass Attempts","Passing Yards","Passing TD","Rush Attempts","Rushing Yards","Rushing TD",
"Targets","Receptions","Receiving Yards","Receiving TD")
sconvert <- c("ppr","passatt","passyards","passtd","rushatt","rushyards","rushtd","targets","receptions","recyards","rectd")
si <- match(s, sinput)
coachdffinal <- coach_main_table(coachA,fwd)
names(coachdffinal) <- gsub('[.]', '', tolower(names(coachdffinal)))
coachyears <- max(coachdffinal$year):min(coachdffinal$year)
if(pos == "QB"){
coachdfvalues <- matrix(nrow = length(coachyears), ncol = 3)
rownames(coachdfvalues) <- coachyears
colnames(coachdfvalues) <- c("QB1","RQB1","PQB1")
posv <- c("QB1")
for(i in 1:nrow(coachdfvalues)){
week1 <- coachdffinal[i,4]
week2 <- coachdffinal[i,5]
teamA <- coachdffinal[i,3]
coachdfvalues[i,] <- NA
df <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
select(player,player_id,passatt,games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
df <- merge(df, positions, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-passatt, ties.method = "first"))
df$PositionTier <- paste0(df$position,df$Weeks_Pos_Rank)
colnames(df)[3] <- "sort"
df2 <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
select(player,player_id,sconvert[si],games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions2 <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
df2 <- merge(df2, positions2, by = "player_id")
df2 <- df2 %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-get(sconvert[si]), ties.method = "first"))
df <- merge(df,df2, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% filter(grepl("QB",PositionTier)) %>% select(player_id,player.x,PositionTier,sconvert[si],Weeks_Pos_Rank.y)
for(j in 1:length(posv)){
p <- paste0("P",posv[j])
r <- paste0("R",posv[j])
p1 <- df$player_id[df$PositionTier == posv[j]]
coachdfvalues[i,posv[j]] <- df$Weeks_Pos_Rank.y[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,p] <- df$player.x[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,r] <- df[df$player_id == p1,4]
coachdfvalues <- as.data.frame(coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal <- cbind(coachdffinal, coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal[,4:8] <- sapply(coachdffinal[,4:8], as.numeric)
plotdf <- coachdffinal %>% arrange(year)
getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(3, "Dark2"))
if(s == "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = QB1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, color = getPalette(2)[1]) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[1]) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) +
scale_y_reverse() + ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + labs(title = "") + theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$QB1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1)
if(s != "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = RQB1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, color = getPalette(2)[1]) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[1]) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) +
ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + labs(title = "") + theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RQB1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1)
g <- ggplotly(p)
g$x$data[[1]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: QB1", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PQB1, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RQB1, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$QB1, "<br>")
g$x$data[[2]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: QB1", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s1, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RQB1, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
final_prod <- g %>% layout(images = list(source = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amazehayes/ffstats_navbar/master/www/DLF_Logo-2-black-80.png",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
x = 0.87,
y = 0.15,
sizex = 0.15,
sizey = 0.15,
opacity = 0.1,
layer = "below"),
legend = list(orientation = "h", xanchor = "center", x = 0.5, y = -0.25)) %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>% layout(xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE), yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE))
if(pos == "RB"){
coachdfvalues <- matrix(nrow = length(coachyears), ncol = 6)
rownames(coachdfvalues) <- coachyears
colnames(coachdfvalues) <- c("RB1","RB2","RRB1","RRB2","PRB1","PRB2")
posv <- c("RB1","RB2")
for(i in 1:nrow(coachdfvalues)){
week1 <- coachdffinal[i,4]
week2 <- coachdffinal[i,5]
teamA <- coachdffinal[i,3]
coachdfvalues[i,] <- NA
df <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
select(player,player_id,rushatt,games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
df <- merge(df, positions, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-rushatt, ties.method = "first"))
df$PositionTier <- paste0(df$position,df$Weeks_Pos_Rank)
colnames(df)[3] <- "sort"
df2 <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
select(player,player_id,sconvert[si],games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions2 <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
df2 <- merge(df2, positions2, by = "player_id")
df2 <- df2 %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-get(sconvert[si]), ties.method = "first"))
df <- merge(df,df2, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% filter(grepl("RB",PositionTier)) %>% select(player_id,player.x,PositionTier,sconvert[si],Weeks_Pos_Rank.y)
for(j in 1:length(posv)){
p <- paste0("P",posv[j])
r <- paste0("R",posv[j])
p1 <- df$player_id[df$PositionTier == posv[j]]
coachdfvalues[i,posv[j]] <- df$Weeks_Pos_Rank.y[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,p] <- df$player.x[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,r] <- df[df$player_id == p1,4]
coachdfvalues <- as.data.frame(coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal <- cbind(coachdffinal, coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal[,4:10] <- sapply(coachdffinal[,4:10], as.numeric)
plotdf <- coachdffinal %>% arrange(year)
getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(2, "Dark2"))
if(s == "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = RB1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, aes(color = "RB1")) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[1]) +
ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + theme_classic() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RB1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = RB2, color = "RB2"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = RB2), size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[2]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RB2, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) + scale_y_reverse() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) + labs(title = "") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", values = c(RB1 = getPalette(2)[1], RB2 = getPalette(2)[2]), labels = c("RB1","RB2"))
if(s != "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = RRB1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, aes(color = "RB1")) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[1]) +
ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + theme_classic() + labs(title = "") +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RRB1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = RRB2, color = "RB2"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = RRB2), size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[2]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RRB2, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", values = c(RB1 = getPalette(2)[1], RB2 = getPalette(2)[2]), labels = c("RB1","RB2"))
g <- ggplotly(p)
g$x$data[[2]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: RB1", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PRB1, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RRB1, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$RB1, "<br>")
g$x$data[[5]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: RB2", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PRB2, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RRB2, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$RB2, "<br>")
g$x$data[[3]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: RB1", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s1, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RRB1, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
g$x$data[[6]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: RB2", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s1, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RRB2, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
final_prod <- g %>% layout(images = list(source = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amazehayes/ffstats_navbar/master/www/DLF_Logo-2-black-80.png",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
x = 0.87,
y = 0.15,
sizex = 0.15,
sizey = 0.15,
opacity = 0.1,
layer = "below"),
legend = list(orientation = "h", xanchor = "center", x = 0.5, y = -0.25)) %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>% layout(xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE), yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE))
if(pos == "WR"){
coachdfvalues <- matrix(nrow = length(coachyears), ncol = 9)
rownames(coachdfvalues) <- coachyears
colnames(coachdfvalues) <- c("WR1","WR2","WR3","RWR1","RWR2","RWR3","PWR1","PWR2","PWR3")
posv <- c("WR1","WR2","WR3")
for(i in 1:nrow(coachdfvalues)){
week1 <- coachdffinal[i,4]
week2 <- coachdffinal[i,5]
teamA <- coachdffinal[i,3]
coachdfvalues[i,] <- NA
df <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
select(player,player_id,targets,games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
df <- merge(df, positions, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-targets, ties.method = "first"))
df$PositionTier <- paste0(df$position,df$Weeks_Pos_Rank)
colnames(df)[3] <- "sort"
df2 <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
select(player,player_id,sconvert[si],games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions2 <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
df2 <- merge(df2, positions2, by = "player_id")
df2 <- df2 %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-get(sconvert[si]), ties.method = "first"))
df <- merge(df,df2, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% filter(grepl("WR",PositionTier)) %>% select(player_id,player.x,PositionTier,sconvert[si],Weeks_Pos_Rank.y)
for(j in 1:length(posv)){
p <- paste0("P",posv[j])
r <- paste0("R",posv[j])
p1 <- df$player_id[df$PositionTier == posv[j]]
coachdfvalues[i,posv[j]] <- df$Weeks_Pos_Rank.y[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,p] <- df$player.x[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,r] <- df[df$player_id == p1,4]
coachdfvalues <- as.data.frame(coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal <- cbind(coachdffinal, coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal[,4:12] <- sapply(coachdffinal[,4:12], as.numeric)
plotdf <- coachdffinal %>% arrange(year)
getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(3, "Dark2"))
if(s == "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = WR1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, aes(color = "WR1")) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(3)[1]) +
ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + theme_classic() + labs(title = "") +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$WR1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = WR2, color = "WR2"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = WR2), size = 3, color = getPalette(3)[2]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$WR2, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = WR3, color = "WR3"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = WR3), size = 3, color = getPalette(3)[3]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$WR3, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) + scale_y_reverse() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", values = c(WR1 = getPalette(3)[1], WR2 = getPalette(3)[2], WR3 = getPalette(3)[3]),
labels = c("WR1","WR2","WR3"))
if(s != "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = RWR1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, aes(color = "WR1")) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(3)[1]) +
ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + theme_classic() + labs(title = "") +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RWR1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = RWR2, color = "WR2"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = RWR2), size = 3, color = getPalette(3)[2]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RWR2, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = RWR3, color = "WR3"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = RWR3), size = 3, color = getPalette(3)[3]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RWR3, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", values = c(WR1 = getPalette(3)[1], WR2 = getPalette(3)[2], WR3 = getPalette(3)[3]),
labels = c("WR1","WR2","WR3"))
g <- ggplotly(p)
g$x$data[[2]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: WR1", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PWR1, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RWR1, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$WR1, "<br>")
g$x$data[[5]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: WR2", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PWR2, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RWR2, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$WR2, "<br>")
g$x$data[[8]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: WR3", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PWR3, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RWR3, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$WR3, "<br>")
g$x$data[[3]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: WR1", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s1, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RWR1, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
g$x$data[[6]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: WR2", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s1, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RWR2, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
g$x$data[[9]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: WR3", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RWR3, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
final_prod <- g %>% layout(images = list(source = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amazehayes/ffstats_navbar/master/www/DLF_Logo-2-black-80.png",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
x = 0.87,
y = 0.15,
sizex = 0.15,
sizey = 0.15,
opacity = 0.1,
layer = "below"),
legend = list(orientation = "h", xanchor = "center", x = 0.5, y = -0.25)) %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>% layout(xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE), yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE))
if(pos == "TE"){
coachdfvalues <- matrix(nrow = length(coachyears), ncol = 6)
rownames(coachdfvalues) <- coachyears
colnames(coachdfvalues) <- c("TE1","TE2","RTE1","RTE2","PTE1","PTE2")
posv <- c("TE1","TE2")
for(i in 1:nrow(coachdfvalues)){
week1 <- coachdffinal[i,4]
week2 <- coachdffinal[i,5]
teamA <- coachdffinal[i,3]
coachdfvalues[i,] <- NA
df <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
select(player,player_id,targets,games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2, team == teamA) %>%
df <- merge(df, positions, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-targets, ties.method = "first"))
df$PositionTier <- paste0(df$position,df$Weeks_Pos_Rank)
colnames(df)[3] <- "sort"
df2 <- fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
select(player,player_id,sconvert[si],games) %>% group_by(player_id,player) %>% summarise_all(sum)
positions2 <- unique(fwd %>% filter(year == coachyears[i], week >= week1, week <= week2) %>%
df2 <- merge(df2, positions2, by = "player_id")
df2 <- df2 %>% group_by(position) %>% mutate(Weeks_Pos_Rank = rank(-get(sconvert[si]), ties.method = "first"))
df <- merge(df,df2, by = "player_id")
df <- df %>% filter(grepl("TE",PositionTier)) %>% select(player_id,player.x,PositionTier,sconvert[si],Weeks_Pos_Rank.y)
for(j in 1:length(posv)){
p <- paste0("P",posv[j])
r <- paste0("R",posv[j])
p1 <- df$player_id[df$PositionTier == posv[j]]
coachdfvalues[i,posv[j]] <- df$Weeks_Pos_Rank.y[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,p] <- df$player.x[df$player_id == p1]
coachdfvalues[i,r] <- df[df$player_id == p1,4]
coachdfvalues <- as.data.frame(coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal <- cbind(coachdffinal, coachdfvalues)
coachdffinal[,4:10] <- sapply(coachdffinal[,4:10], as.numeric)
plotdf <- coachdffinal %>% arrange(year)
getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(2, "Dark2"))
if(s == "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = TE1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, aes(color = "TE1")) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[1]) +
ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + labs(title = "") + theme_classic() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$TE1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = TE2, color = "TE2"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = TE2), size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[2]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$TE2, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) + scale_y_reverse() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", values = c(TE1 = getPalette(2)[1], TE2 = getPalette(2)[2]), labels = c("TE1","TE2"))
if(s != "Fantasy Rank"){
p <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = year, y = RTE1)) + geom_line(size = 1.5, aes(color = "TE1")) +
geom_point(size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[1]) +
ylab(s) + xlab("Year") + labs(title = "") + theme_classic() +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RTE1, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = RTE2, color = "TE2"), size = 1.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = year, y = RTE2), size = 3, color = getPalette(2)[2]) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(plotdf$RTE2, na.rm = TRUE), color = "black", linetype = "dashed", size = 1) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = plotdf$year) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", values = c(TE1 = getPalette(2)[1], TE2 = getPalette(2)[2]), labels = c("TE1","TE2"))
g <- ggplotly(p)
g$x$data[[2]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: TE1", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PTE1, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RTE1, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$TE1, "<br>")
g$x$data[[5]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Year: ", plotdf$year, "<br>",
"Position: TE2", "<br>",
"Player: ", plotdf$PTE2, "<br>",
s1,": ", plotdf$RTE2, "<br>",
s1," Rank: ", plotdf$TE2, "<br>")
g$x$data[[3]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: TE1", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s1, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RTE1, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
g$x$data[[6]]$text <- paste0("Coach: ", coachA, "<br>",
"Position: TE2", "<br>",
"Stat: ", s1, "<br>",
"Average: ",round(mean(plotdf$RTE2, na.rm = TRUE),2), "<br>")
final_prod <- g %>% layout(images = list(source = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amazehayes/ffstats_navbar/master/www/DLF_Logo-2-black-80.png",
xref = "paper",
yref = "paper",
x = 0.87,
y = 0.15,
sizex = 0.15,
sizey = 0.15,
opacity = 0.1,
layer = "below"),
legend = list(orientation = "h", xanchor = "center", x = 0.5, y = -0.25)) %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE) %>% layout(xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE), yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE))
if(output_type == "table"){
if(output_type == "chart"){
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