Man pages for ambu-vijayan/baseq
Basic Sequence Processing Tool for Biological Data

clean_DNA_fileClean DNA file
clean_DNA_sequenceClean DNA sequence
clean_RNA_fileClean RNA file
clean_RNA_sequenceClean RNA sequence
clean_sequenceClean DNA or RNA sequence
count_basesCount the number of A's, C's, G's, and T's in a DNA sequence
count_seq_patternCount frequency of a pattern in a sequence
dna_to_proteinTranslation of a DNA sequence
dna_to_rnaTranscription of a DNA sequence
fastq_to_fastaConvert a FASTQ file to a FASTA file
gc_contentCalculate GC content of a DNA sequence
gc_content_fileGC content of sequences in a multi FASTA file
read.fasta_to_dfRead a fasta file into a dataframe and assign to the...
read.fasta_to_listRead a fasta file into a list and assign to the environment
read.fastq_to_dfRead a Fastq file and store it as a dataframe
read.fastq_to_listRead a Fastq file and store it as a list
reverse_complementGenerate Reverse Complement of DNA sequence
rna_reverse_complementGenerate Reverse Complement of DNA sequence
rna_to_dnaReverse Transcription of a RNA sequence
rna_to_proteinTranslation of a RNA sequence
write.df_to_fastaWrite a data frame to a fasta file
write.df_to_fastqWrite a FASTQ file from a dataframe of reads
write.list_to_fastaWrite a list of sequences to a FASTA file
write.list_to_fastqWrite a list of sequences and quality scores to a FASTQ file
ambu-vijayan/baseq documentation built on May 6, 2023, 10:31 p.m.