
getPolyCI <- function(y, sigma, testMat, threshold, confidence_level,
                      computeCI = TRUE, test = "quadratic",
                      truncPmethod = "symmetric", contrasts = NULL) {
  # What are we testing? 
  if(is.null(contrasts)) {
    etaMat <- diag(length(y))
  } else {
    etaMat <- t(contrasts)
  # Computing CIs
  if(test == "quadratic") { # Quadratic
    polyhedral <- apply(etaMat, 2, polyhedral.workhorse,
                        u = y, sigma = sigma, testMat = testMat,
                        threshold = threshold, computeCI = computeCI,
                        alpha = confidence_level, truncPmethod = truncPmethod)
    noCorrection <- sapply(polyhedral, function(x) x$noCorrection)
  } else if(test == "linear") { # Linear
    polyhedral <- apply(etaMat, 2, linearPolyhedral,
                        u = y, sigma = sigma, a = testMat,
                        threshold = threshold, computeCI = computeCI,
                        alpha = confidence_level, truncPmethod = truncPmethod)
    noCorrection <- rep(FALSE, ncol(etaMat))
  polyPval <- sapply(polyhedral, function(x) x$pval)
  polyCI <- do.call("rbind", lapply(polyhedral, function(x) x$ci))
  return(list(pval = polyPval, ci = polyCI, noCorrection = noCorrection))

getNaiveCI <- function(y, sigma, confidence_level, contrasts = NULL,
                       computePval = FALSE) {
  if(is.null(contrasts)) {
    contrasts <- diag(length(y))
  naiveCI <- matrix(nrow = nrow(contrasts), ncol = 2)
  pvalues <- numeric(nrow(contrasts))
  quant <- qnorm(1 - confidence_level / 2)
  for(i in 1:nrow(contrasts)) {
    cont <- contrasts[i, ]
    contsd <- as.numeric(sqrt(t(cont) %*% sigma %*% cont))
    observed <- sum(cont * y)
    naiveCI[i, ] <- observed + c(-1, 1) * contsd * quant
    pvalues[i] <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(observed / contsd))
  if(computePval) {
    result <- list(ci = naiveCI, pval = pvalues)
  } else {
    result <- naiveCI

getNullCI <- function(muhat, nullDist, confidence_level) {
  p <- length(muhat)
  nullCI <- matrix(nrow = p, ncol = 2)
  for(i in 1:nrow(nullCI)) {
    nullCI[i, ] <- muhat[i] - quantile(nullDist[, i], c(1 - confidence_level / 2, confidence_level / 2))

  if(nrow(nullDist) < 1 / confidence_level * 5) {
    warning("Number of samples from the truncated distribution may be insufficient
            for accurate CI computation!")


getMleCI <- function(muhat, mleDist, confidence_level) {
  p <- length(muhat)
  mleCI <- matrix(nrow = p, ncol = 2)
  q <- confidence_level / 2
  for(i in 1:p) {
    mleCI[i, ] <- muhat[i] - quantile(mleDist[, i], c(1 - q, q))

  if(nrow(mleDist) < 1 / confidence_level * 5) {
    warning("Number of samples from the truncated distribution may be insufficient
            for accurate CI computation!")

getHybridCI <- function(y, sigma, testMat, threshold, pthreshold, confidence_level,
                        contrasts = NULL,
                        hybridPval = NULL, trueHybrid = FALSE, rbIters = NULL,
                        test = "quadratic") {
  ci <- getSwitchCI(y, sigma, testMat, threshold, pthreshold, confidence_level,
                    quadlam = rep(1, length(y)),
                    t2 = 10^-10,
                    testStat = 0, rbIters = rbIters, test)

getSwitchCI <- function(y, sigma, testMat, threshold, pthreshold,
                        confidence_level, contrasts = NULL,
                        quadlam, t2, testStat, hybridPval = NULL,
                        trueHybrid = FALSE, rbIters = NULL,
                        test = "quadratic") {
  if(is.null(contrasts)) {
    contrasts <- diag(length(y))
  if(test == "linear") {
    testVec <- testMat

  p <- length(y)
  # Place holder for hybridPval
  if(is.null(hybridPval)) {
    hybridPval <- rep(0, p)

  # Naive or Hybrid?
  if(test == "quadratic") {
    secondThreshold <- getQuadraticThreshold(t2, quadlam)
    if(testStat > secondThreshold) {
      ci <- t(sapply(1:length(y), function(j) y[j] + c(-1, 1) * qnorm(1 - confidence_level / 2) * sqrt(sigma[j, j])))
  } else if(test == "linear") {
    contsd <- as.numeric(sqrt(t(testVec) %*% sigma %*% testVec))
    secondThreshold <- numeric(2)
    secondThreshold[1] <- qnorm(pnorm(threshold[1], sd = contsd) * t2, sd = contsd)
    secondThreshold[2] <- qnorm(pnorm(threshold[2], sd = contsd, lower.tail = FALSE) * t2,
                                sd = contsd, lower.tail = FALSE)
    testStat <- sum(y * testVec)
    if(testStat < secondThreshold[1] | testStat > secondThreshold[2]) {
      ci <- getNaiveCI(y, sigma, confidence_level, contrasts, FALSE)$ci

  # Computing polyhedral CIs ----------
  if(test == "quadratic") {
    a <- (confidence_level - t2 * pthreshold) / 2
  } else if(test == "linear") {
    a <- (confidence_level - t2) / 2
  polyCI <- getPolyCI(y, sigma, testMat, threshold, a , computeCI = TRUE,
                      test = test, contrasts = contrasts)
  poly <- polyCI$ci

  observed <- as.numeric(contrasts %*% y)
  if(!trueHybrid) {
    noBonferroni <- getPolyCI(y, sigma, testMat, threshold, 2 * a, computeCI = TRUE,
                              test = test, contrasts = contrasts)$ci
    poly[observed < 0, 1] <- noBonferroni[observed < 0, 1]
    poly[observed > 0, 2] <- noBonferroni[observed > 0, 2]
  # Computing global-null CIs ---------
  if(trueHybrid) {
    whichCompute <- which(!polyCI$noCorrection)
    computeFull <- TRUE
  } else {
    whichPval <- (hybridPval < confidence_level) & (polyCI$pval > confidence_level)
    whichCompute <- which(!polyCI$noCorrection & whichPval)
    computeFull <- FALSE

  nullCI <- cbind(rep(-Inf, nrow(contrasts)), rep(Inf, nrow(contrasts)))
  if(length(whichCompute) > 0) {
    if(test == "quadratic") {
      nullCI[whichCompute, ] <- quadraticRB(y, sigma, testMat, threshold, a,
                                            variables = contrasts[whichCompute, , drop = FALSE],
                                            computeFull = computeFull,
                                            rbIters = rbIters)
    } else if(test == "linear") {
      nullCI[whichCompute, ] <- linearRB(y, sigma, testVec, threshold, a,
                                         rbIters = rbIters,
                                         variables = contrasts[whichCompute, , drop = FALSE],
                                         computeFull = computeFull)

  ci <- cbind(pmax(poly[, 1], nullCI[, 1]),
              pmin(poly[, 2], nullCI[, 2]))

ammeir2/PSAT documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:40 a.m.