Man pages for ananata/fastq2otu
FASTQ2OTU: Automate microbiome analyses

assignSeqTaxonomyAssign Taxonomy Uses DADA2's assignTaxonomy function to...
check_assign_taxCheck for valid inputs for fastAssignTaxa
check_fastPairedCheck for valid inputs for fastPaired
check_fastq2otuCheck for valid inputs for fastq2otu
check_fastSingleCheck for valid inputs for fastPaired
check_filt_paramsCheck for valid inputs for fastFilter
check_primer_trimCheck for valid inputs for fastPrimerTrim
check_seq_dumpCheck for valid inputs for fastSeqDump
fastAssignTaxa-classFASTASSIGNTAXA Custom Class
fastFilter-classFASTFILTER Custom Class
fastPaired-classInherits methods and attributes from fastq2otu class Lists...
fastPlotQuality-classFASTPLOTQUALITY Custom Class
fastPrimerTrim-classFASTPRIMERTRIM Custom Class
fastq2otu-classFASTQ2OTU Custom Super-Class
fastReport-classFASTREPORT Custom Class
fastSeqDump-classFASTSEQDUMP Custom Class
fastSingle-classInherits methods and attributes from fastq2otu class Lists...
filtTrimFilter and trim single or paired-end data
getMeanQualityProfileGet quality profile of a fastq file(s).
getSeqsDownload SRA data using fastq-dump Parses list of SRA...
mergeSamplesMerge OTU tables from different samples
plot_qualityCreate a function the plots quality graphs on individual...
plotSeqOverlapPlot the quality profile of paired-end data The figure...
readConfigRead in a config file (preferred method)
removeChimerasRemove Chimeric Sequences Enables the use of DADA2's...
runPipelineExecute project workflow from FASTQ input to OTU output using...
saveSeqsSave sequence frequency tables in RDS file
saveTaxonomyTablesSave OTU Tables
setFastAssignTaxaCreate a fastAssignTaxa object
setFastFilterCreate a fastFilter object
setFastPairedCreate a fastPaired object
setfastPlotQualityCreate a fastPlotQuality object
setFastPrimerTrimCreate a fastPrimerTrim object Users have the option of...
setFastReportCreate a fastReport object Users have the option of creating...
setFastSeqDumpCreate a fastSeqDump object Users have the option of...
setFastSingleCreate a fastSingle object
trimAdaptersRemove primers from sequences
ananata/fastq2otu documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 4:20 p.m.