
Defines functions newPairwiseAlignments .valid.PairwiseAlignments get_aligned_pattern .show_PairwiseAlignments

### =========================================================================
### PairwiseAlignments objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### A PairwiseAlignments object contains two aligned XStringSet objects.

        pattern="AlignedXStringSet0",  # of length N
        subject="AlignedXStringSet0",  # of length N
        score="numeric",               # of length N

### Combine the new parallel slots with those of the parent class. Make sure
### to put the new parallel slots *first*.
setMethod("parallelSlotNames", "PairwiseAlignments",
    function(x) c("pattern", "subject", "score", callNextMethod())

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Constructors.

newPairwiseAlignments <-
function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
         gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1,
         baseClass = "BString", pwaClass = "PairwiseAlignments") {
    seqtype <- substr(baseClass, 1, nchar(baseClass) - 6)  # remove "String" suffix
    getMismatches <- function(x) {
        whichMismatches <- which(x[["values"]] == "?")
        if (length(whichMismatches) == 0) {
            value <- integer(0)
        } else {
            start <- cumsum(x[["lengths"]])[whichMismatches]
            end <- start + (x[["lengths"]][whichMismatches] - 1L)
            value <-
              eval(parse(text =
                   paste("c(", paste(start, ":", end, sep = "", collapse = ", "), ")")))
    getRange <- function(x) {
        if (!(x[["values"]][1] %in% c("-", "+"))) {
            start <- 1L
        } else if (length(x[["values"]]) == 1) {
            start <- integer(0)
        } else {
            start <- x[["lengths"]][1] + 1L
        if (!(x[["values"]][length(x[["values"]])] %in% c("-", "+"))) {
            end <- sum(x[["lengths"]])
        } else if (length(x[["values"]]) == 1) {
            end <- integer(0)
        } else {
            end <- sum(x[["lengths"]][-length(x[["lengths"]])])
        IRanges(start = start, end = end)
    getIndels <- function(x, indelChar) {
        if (x[["values"]][1] %in% c("-", "+")) {
            x[["values"]] <- x[["values"]][-1]
            x[["lengths"]] <- x[["lengths"]][-1]
        if (x[["values"]][length(x[["values"]])] %in% c("-", "+")) {
            x[["values"]] <- x[["values"]][-length(x[["values"]])]
            x[["lengths"]] <- x[["lengths"]][-length(x[["lengths"]])]
        isIndels <- (x[["values"]] == indelChar)
        if (!any(isIndels))
            IRangesList(IRanges(integer(0), integer(0)))
                            cumsum(c(1L, ifelse(isIndels, 0L, x[["lengths"]])[-length(x[["lengths"]])]))[isIndels],
                            width = x[["lengths"]][isIndels]))
    if (length(pattern) != 1 || length(subject) != 1)
        stop("'pattern' and 'subject' must both be of length 1")
    if (nchar(pattern) != nchar(subject))
        stop("'pattern' and 'subject' must have the same number of characters")
    type <-
                c("global", "local", "overlap", "global-local", "local-global",
                  "subjectOverlap", "patternOverlap"))
    if (type == "subjectOverlap") {
      warning("type = 'subjectOverlap' has been renamed type = 'global-local'")
      type <- "global-local"
    if (type == "patternOverlap") {
      warning("type = 'patternOverlap' has been renamed type = 'local-global'")
      type <- "local-global"
    gapOpening <- as.double(abs(gapOpening))
    if (length(gapOpening) != 1 || is.na(gapOpening))
        stop("'gapOpening' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")
    gapExtension <- as.double(abs(gapExtension))
    if (length(gapExtension) != 1 || is.na(gapExtension))
        stop("'gapExtension' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")

    explodedPattern <- safeExplode(pattern)
    explodedSubject <- safeExplode(subject)
    degappedPattern <- explodedPattern[explodedPattern != "-"]
    degappedSubject <- explodedSubject[explodedSubject != "-"]
    availableLetters <-
      sort(unique(c(unique(degappedPattern), unique(degappedSubject))))
    if (is.null(substitutionMatrix)) {
        substitutionMatrix <- diag(length(availableLetters)) - 1
        dimnames(substitutionMatrix) <- list(availableLetters, availableLetters)
    } else if (is.character(substitutionMatrix)) {
        if (length(substitutionMatrix) != 1)
            stop("'substitutionMatrix' is a character vector of length != 1")
        tempMatrix <- substitutionMatrix
        substitutionMatrix <- try(getdata(tempMatrix), silent = TRUE)
        if (is(substitutionMatrix, "try-error"))
            stop("unknown scoring matrix \"", tempMatrix, "\"")
    if (!is.matrix(substitutionMatrix) || !is.numeric(substitutionMatrix))
        stop("'substitutionMatrix' must be a numeric matrix")
    if (!identical(rownames(substitutionMatrix), colnames(substitutionMatrix)))
        stop("row and column names differ for matrix 'substitutionMatrix'")
    if (is.null(rownames(substitutionMatrix)))
        stop("matrix 'substitutionMatrix' must have row and column names")
    if (any(duplicated(rownames(substitutionMatrix))))
        stop("matrix 'substitutionMatrix' has duplicated row names")
    availableLetters <-
      intersect(availableLetters, rownames(substitutionMatrix))

    substitutionMatrix <-
      matrix(as.double(substitutionMatrix[availableLetters, availableLetters]),
             nrow = length(availableLetters),
             ncol = length(availableLetters),
             dimnames = list(availableLetters, availableLetters))

    comparison <- rle(safeExplode(compareStrings(pattern, subject)))
    whichPattern <- which(comparison[["values"]] != "-")
    patternRle <-
      structure(list(lengths = comparison[["lengths"]][whichPattern],
                     values = comparison[["values"]][whichPattern]),
                class = "rle")
    whichSubject <- which(comparison[["values"]] != "+")
    subjectRle <-
      structure(list(lengths = comparison[["lengths"]][whichSubject],
                     values = comparison[["values"]][whichSubject]),
                class = "rle")
    substitutionIndices <- (explodedPattern != "-") & (explodedSubject != "-")
        pattern =
              unaligned = XStringSet(seqtype, paste(degappedPattern, collapse = "")),
              range = getRange(patternRle), mismatch = getMismatches(patternRle),
              indel = getIndels(comparison, "-")),
        subject =
              unaligned = XStringSet(seqtype, paste(degappedSubject, collapse = "")),
              range = getRange(subjectRle), mismatch = getMismatches(subjectRle),
              indel = getIndels(comparison, "+")),
        type = type,
        score =
                match(explodedPattern[substitutionIndices], availableLetters) +
                  length(availableLetters) *
                     (match(explodedSubject[substitutionIndices], availableLetters) - 1)]) +
            gapOpening * sum(comparison[["values"]] %in% c("+", "-")) +
              gapExtension * sum(comparison[["lengths"]][comparison[["values"]] %in% c("+", "-")]),
        gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension)

    function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
             gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1, ...)

setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "XString", subject = "XString"),
    function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
             gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1) {
        if (seqtype(pattern) != seqtype(subject))
            stop("'pattern' and 'subject' must contain ",
                 "sequences of the same type")
        PairwiseAlignments(as.character(pattern), as.character(subject),
                                  type = type, substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
                                  gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
                                  baseClass = xsbaseclass(pattern))

setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "XStringSet", subject = "missing"),
    function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
             gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1) {
        if (length(pattern) != 2)
            stop("'pattern' must be of length 2 when 'subject' is missing")
        if (diff(nchar(pattern)) != 0)
            stop("'pattern' elements must have the same number of characters")
        PairwiseAlignments(as.character(pattern[1]), as.character(pattern[2]),
                                  type = type, substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
                                  gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
                                  baseClass = xsbaseclass(pattern))

setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "character", subject = "missing"),
    function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
             gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1, baseClass = "BString") {
        if (length(pattern) != 2)
            stop("'pattern' must be of length 2 when 'subject' is missing")
        if (diff(nchar(pattern)) != 0)
            stop("'pattern' elements must have the same number of characters")
        PairwiseAlignments(pattern[1], pattern[2],
                                  type = type, substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
                                  gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
                                  baseClass = baseClass)

setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "character", subject = "character"),
    function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
             gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1, baseClass = "BString") {
        newPairwiseAlignments(pattern = pattern, subject = subject, type = type,
                                     substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
                                     gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
                                     baseClass = baseClass, pwaClass = "PairwiseAlignments")

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### Validity.

.valid.PairwiseAlignments <- function(object)
    message <- NULL
    if (!identical(class(unaligned(pattern(object))), class(unaligned(subject(object)))))
        message <- c(message, "'unaligned(pattern)' and 'unaligned(subject)' must be XString objects of the same base type")
    if (length(object@type) != 1 || !(object@type %in% c("global", "local", "overlap", "global-local", "local-global")))
        message <- c(message, "'type' must be one of 'global', 'local', 'overlap', 'global-local', or 'local-global'")
    if (!isSingleNumber(object@gapOpening) || object@gapOpening < 0)
        message <- c(message, "'gapOpening' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")
    if (!isSingleNumber(object@gapExtension) || object@gapExtension < 0)
        message <- c(message, "'gapExtension' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")

       problems <- .valid.PairwiseAlignments(object)
        if (is.null(problems)) TRUE else problems

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### get_aligned_pattern()

### 'x_pattern' and 'x_subject' must come from the "pattern" and "subject"
### slots of a PairwiseAlignments object of length 1. They're both expected
### to be AlignedXStringSet0 objects of length 1.
### 'global.pattern' and 'global.subject' must indicate whether the pattern
### and/or subject were globally aligned or not.
get_aligned_pattern <- function(x_pattern, x_subject,
                                global.pattern=TRUE, global.subject=TRUE,
    if (!is(x_pattern, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(x_pattern) != 1L)
        stop("'x_pattern' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
    if (!is(x_subject, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(x_subject) != 1L)
        stop("'x_subject' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
    aligned_pattern <- aligned(x_pattern)[[1L]]  # XString object

    ## Sanity check:
    if (check) {
        aligned_subject <- aligned(x_subject)[[1L]]  # XString object

    ans <- aligned_pattern
    original_pattern <- x_pattern@unaligned[[1L]]  # XString object
    ## We only need 'original_subject' for its length.
    original_subject <- x_subject@unaligned[[1L]]  # XString object
    if (global.pattern) {
        start1 <- start(x_pattern@range)
        if (start1 > 1L) {
            prefix1 <- subseq(original_pattern, end=start1 - 1L)
            ans <- c(prefix1, ans)
        end1 <- end(x_pattern@range)
        if (end1 < length(original_pattern)) {
            suffix1 <- subseq(original_pattern, start=end1 + 1L)
            ans <- c(ans, suffix1)
    if (global.subject) {
        start2 <- start(x_subject@range)
        if (start2 > 1L) {
            prefix2 <- rep.int(XString(seqtype(ans), "-"), start2 - 1L)
            ans <- c(prefix2, ans)
        end2 <- end(x_subject@range)
        if (end2 < length(original_subject)) {
            suffix2 <- rep.int(XString(seqtype(ans), "-"),
                               length(original_subject) - end2)
            ans <- c(ans, suffix2)

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### Accessor methods.

setMethod("pattern", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@pattern)
setMethod("subject", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@subject)

setMethod("type", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@type)

setGeneric("alignedPattern", function(x) standardGeneric("alignedPattern"))
setGeneric("alignedSubject", function(x) standardGeneric("alignedSubject"))

setMethod("alignedPattern", "PairwiseAlignments",
        x_pattern <- pattern(x)
        x_subject <- subject(x)
        x_type <- type(x)
        global.pattern <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
        global.subject <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
        ans <- do.call(c,
                function(i) {
                    as(get_aligned_pattern(x_pattern[i], x_subject[i],
                                           global.pattern, global.subject),
        names(ans) <- names(x_pattern@unaligned)

setMethod("alignedSubject", "PairwiseAlignments",
        x_pattern <- pattern(x)
        x_subject <- subject(x)
        x_type <- type(x)
        global.pattern <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
        global.subject <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
        ans <- do.call(c,
                function(i) {
                    as(get_aligned_pattern(x_subject[i], x_pattern[i],
                                           global.subject, global.pattern),
        names(ans) <- names(x_subject@unaligned)

setMethod("score", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@score)
setMethod("insertion", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) indel(subject(x)))
setMethod("deletion", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) indel(pattern(x)))
setMethod("indel", "PairwiseAlignments",
          function(x) new("InDel", insertion = insertion(x), deletion = deletion(x)))
setMethod("nindel", "PairwiseAlignments",
          function(x) new("InDel", insertion = nindel(subject(x)), deletion = nindel(pattern(x))))
setMethod("nchar", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x, type="chars", allowNA=FALSE) nchar(subject(x)))
setMethod("seqtype", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) seqtype(subject(x)))
setGeneric("pid", signature="x", function(x, type="PID1") standardGeneric("pid"))
setMethod("pid", "PairwiseAlignments",
          function(x, type="PID1") {
              type <- match.arg(type, c("PID1", "PID2", "PID3", "PID4"))
              denom <-
                       "PID1" = nchar(x),
                       "PID2" = nmatch(x) + nmismatch(x),
                       "PID3" = pmin(nchar(unaligned(pattern(x))), nchar(unaligned(subject(x)))),
                       "PID4" = (nchar(unaligned(pattern(x))) + nchar(unaligned(subject(x)))) / 2)
              100 * nmatch(x)/denom

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "show" method
### TODO: Maybe make the "show" method format the alignment in a SGD fashion
### i.e. split in 60-letter blocks and use the "|" character to highlight
### exact matches.

.show_PairwiseAlignments <- function(x)
    x_len <- length(x)
    if (x_len == 0L)
        cat("Empty ")
    cat(switch(type(x), "global"="Global", "overlap"="Overlap",
               "local"="Local", "global-local" = "Global-Local",
        " ", class(x), sep="")
    if (x_len == 0L) {
    cat(" (1 of ", x_len, ")\n", sep="")
    x1 <- x[1L]

    x_type <- type(x)
    global.pattern <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
    global.subject <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
    p1start <- if (global.pattern)
                   paste0("[", start(x1@pattern@range), "]")
    s1start <- if (global.subject)
                   paste0("[", start(x1@subject@range), "]")
    width <- max(nchar(p1start), nchar(s1start))
    if (width != 0L) {
        width <- width + 1L
        p1start <- format(p1start, justify="right", width=width)
        s1start <- format(s1start, justify="right", width=width)

    width <- getOption("width") - 9L - width
    pattern1 <- toSeqSnippet(alignedPattern(x1)[[1L]], width)
    subject1 <- toSeqSnippet(alignedSubject(x1)[[1L]], width)
    cat("pattern:", p1start, " ", pattern1, "\n", sep="")
    cat("subject:", s1start, " ", subject1, "\n", sep="")
    cat("score:", score(x1), "\n")

setMethod("show", "PairwiseAlignments",
    function(object) .show_PairwiseAlignments(object)
anandhupresannan/biostrings documentation built on Nov. 2, 2019, 1:47 p.m.