#' Create data frames for plotting from model elements.
#' @description
#' This function takes as input a model consisting of variables/compartments
#' and flows, and creates a list of data frames with label and position
#' information for plotting a flow diagram.
#' The resulting object is used as an input to \code{\link{make_diagram}},
#' which creates a **ggplot2** based diagram. The function attempts to make
#' decent decisions regarding the placement of variables (boxes),
#' flows (arrows), and labels. However, complex models with complex diagrams
#' will likely need user modification. This is documented in the vignettes.
#' @param model_list A list of model elements. This list is required and
#' must contain these two elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `variables`: A character vector specifying the names of all variables.
#' \item `flows`: A list that is the same length as `variables`. Each sub-list
#' element is a character vector of any length specifying the flows into
#' and out of the variable. Note that **flowdiagramr** assumes that the
#' order of `flows` matches that of the `variables` vector.
#' \item IMPORTANT: All `variables` entries must start with an upper case letter,
#' followed by any combination of letters and numbers
#' (e.g., S, Si, or Aml2). All parameters contained in `flows` must start
#' with a lower case letter followed by any combination of letters and
#' numbers (e.g., b, bBmax, kS, p21S). All variables and parameters MUST
#' be separated by math notation (e.g., +, -, *, /). Most math functions
#' (e.g., `sin`, `cos`) are currently not supported.
#' \item See examples and details below and vignettes.
#' }
#' @param model_settings A list of optional settings to adjust layout. The
#' following elements are supported. If not provided, they default to a
#' single row and all sizes of 1.
#' \itemize{
#' \item `varlocations`: A matrix containing all `model_list$variables` entries
#' in specific locations on a grid. See examples.
#' \item `varbox_x_size`: Either a scalar or a vector that changes the default
#' width of variable boxes. For example, `varbox_x_size = 1.5` makes each
#' box 1.5 units in width. If a scalar, the value is used for all variables.
#' If a vector, the length must correspond to number of variables,
#' and the provided values are applied to the variables in the order
#' provided in `model_list$vars`.
#' \item `varbox_y_size`: Same as `varbox_x_size` but for the height of
#' the boxes.
#' \item `varspace_x_size`: Either a scalar or a vector that changes the
#' spacing between variable boxes in the x/horizontal dimension. If
#' `varspace_x_size` is a scalar, all spaces between boxes in the x
#' direction will be the same. For example, `varspace_x_size = 1.5` puts
#' 1.5 units of space in the x direction between boxes. If you provide a
#' vector, it needs to be of dimension one less than the number of columns
#' in `varlocations`. Spacing starts at the left, thus the first number is
#' the spacing between the first column and second column, etc. Spacing
#' is measured between the right edge of one box to the left edge of
#' the next box.
#' \item `varspace_y_size`: Same as `varspace_y_size` but for the vertical
#' dimension. If you provide a vector, it needs to be of dimension one
#' less than the number of rows in `varlocations`. Spacing starts at the
#' bottom, thus the first number is the spacing between the lowest and
#' second lowest row, etc. Spacing is measured between the bottom edge
#' of one box to the top edge og the next box.
#' \item See examples and details below and vignettes.
#' }
#' @return A list of two data frames containing all necessary information
#' for the model variables/boxes and flows/arrows to be plotted
#' by the \code{\link{make_diagram}} function.
#' The data frames are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `variables`: A data frame containing information for all variables.
#' The data frame contains these columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `id`: A numeric id for each variable.
#' \item `name`: The name of the variable as provided in the model
#' specification.
#' \item `xmin`: Left edge location of variable box.
#' \item `xmax`: Right edge location of variable box.
#' \item `ymin`: Lower edge of location variable box.
#' \item `ymax`: Upper edge of location variable box.
#' \item `xlabel`: Horizontal position (midpoint) of label.
#' \item `ylabel`: Vertical position (midpoint) of label.
#' \item `label_text`: Text that will appear as the label of the box. Can
#' be different from `name`.
#' \item `outline_color`: The outline color of variable boxes.
#' \item `fill_color`: The fill color of the variable boxes.
#' \item `label_color`: The color of the box labels for each variable.
#' \item `label_size`: Text size for variable labels.
#' }
#' \item `flows`: A data frame containing information for all flows.
#' The data frame contains these columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `id`: A numeric id for each flow.
#' \item `name`: The name of the flow. Typically a mathematical expression.
#' If a main flow with an interaction, this name is for id purposes
#' only because the `label_text` will be the actual label displayed
#' in the diagram. Thus, the name might be duplicated in other rows.
#' \item `type`: Type of flow. One of main, interaction, or external.
#' \item `from`: The variable from which the arrow originate. That is, the
#' variable donating the flow.
#' \item `to`: The variable to which the arrow will point. That is, the
#' variable receiving the flow.
#' \item `xstart`: The starting horizontal position of the arrow.
#' \item `xend`: The ending horizontal position of the arrow.
#' \item `ystart`: The starting vertical position of the arrow.
#' \item `yend`: The ending vertical position of the arrow.
#' \item `xlabel`: Horizontal position (midpoint) of label.
#' \item `ylabel`: Vertical position (midpoint) of label.
#' \item `curvature`: The amount of curvature applied to arrow.
#' Higher numbers indicate more curvature; 0 = straight line.
#' \item `label_text`: The label that will appear in the diagram. This is a
#' duplicate of `name` so that user can update `label_text` as desired
#' but retain the original math for reference.
#' \item `line_color`: The color of the flow arrow line.
#' \item `line_size`: The size (width) of the flow arrow line.
#' \item `line_type`: The linetype of the flow arrow line.
#' \item `label_color`: Color of `label_text`.
#' \item `label_size`: The text size of `label_text`.
#' \item `arrow_size`: The size of the arrow point on the flow line.
#' \item `show_arrow`: Logical for whether to plot the flow arrow line
#' (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' }
#' }
#' @details
#' `variables` needs to be specified as a vector of model variables,
#' e.g., `variables <- c("Pred","Prey")`. `flows` need to be specified as a
#' list, with each list entry containing the flows/processes for each
#' variable in the order in which the variables appear. Flows need to be
#' named according to `VARIABLENAME_flows`.
#' Example:
#' \code{flows <- list(Pred_flows = c(r*Pred, -k1*Pred*Prey),
#' Prey_flows = c(g*Prey, -k2*Pred*Prey))}. Each flow, i.e. each entry in
#' the flow vector, needs to be a valid mathematical expression made up of
#' variables and parameters. The rules are as described above.
#' As an example, the following includes a parameter *b* and two variables,
#' *S* and *I*: `b*S*I`. The following includes a parameter *s* and two
#' variables, *Bg* and *I2*: `Bg*s*I2`. See more examples below and in
#' the vignettes.
#' The variables and flows data frames returned in the output list from this
#' function contain a few columns that are provided to make it easier for
#' the user to make changes to the data frames manually, but are not used
#' by the package to make the diagram itself. In the `variables` data frame,
#' `id` and `name` are unique identifiers that are not used by the package
#' to make the diagram -- changing these will have no impact on the final
#' diagram. In the `flows` data frame, `id`, `name`, `from`, and `to` are
#' identifiers provided to make it easier for the user to understand each
#' row of the data frame. Changing these columns will have no impact on the
#' final diagram. All other columns contain information that impacts the
#' drawn diagram itself. Users can update them -- and may want to in many
#' cases -- but any updates to values in the remaining columns will be seen
#' in the diagram itself. See the description of the output data frames below.
#' @examples
#' # basic model specification
#' variables <- c("S","I","R")
#' flows <- list(S_flows = c("-b*S*I"),
#' I_flows = c("b*S*I","-g*I"),
#' R_flows = c("g*I"))
#' mymodel <- list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
#' diag_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list = mymodel)
#' mydiag <- make_diagram(diag_list)
#' # adding optional specifications
#' varlocations <- matrix(data = c("S", "", "R",
#' "", "I", "" ),
#' nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' mysettings <- list(varlocations = varlocations)
#' diag_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list = mymodel, model_settings = mysettings)
#' mydiag <- make_diagram(diag_list)
#' # use of model_settings to change sizes and spacing, including vectorization
#' variables <- c("S","I","R")
#' flows <- list(S_flows = c("-b*S*I"),
#' I_flows = c("b*S*I","-g*I"),
#' R_flows = c("g*I"))
#' mymodel <- list(variables = variables, flows = flows)
#' var_locs <- matrix(c("S", "", "R", "", "I", ""), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)
#' mysettings = list(
#' varlocations = var_locs,
#' varbox_x_size = c(1,2,1),
#' varbox_y_size = c(0.5,0.5,2),
#' varspace_x_size = 2,
#' varspace_y_size = 1)
#' diag_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list = mymodel,
#' model_settings = mysettings)
#' make_diagram(diag_list)
#' # another simple model for pathogen (prey) and immune response (predator)
#' variables = c("Pat","Imm")
#' flows = list(Pat_flows = c("g*Pat*(1-Pat/pmax)", "-dP*Pat", "-k*Pat*Imm"),
#' Imm_flows = c("r*Pat*Imm", "-dI*Imm"))
#' mymodel = list(variables, flows)
#' diag_list <- prepare_diagram(mymodel)
#' mydiag <- make_diagram(diag_list)
#' # manually switch to vertical layout
#' varlocations <- matrix(data = c("Pat", "Imm"),
#' nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' mysettings <- list(varlocations = varlocations)
#' diag_list <- prepare_diagram(mymodel,mysettings)
#' mydiag <- make_diagram(diag_list)
#' @export
# this function calls the following helper functions
# add_default_aes()
# add_locations()
# add_plus_signs()
# check_model_list()
# check_model_settings()
# fix_arrow_pos()
# get_vars_pars()
# set_curvature()
# set_feedback_curvature()
# set_node_to_na()
# update_tofroms()
prepare_diagram <- function(model_list,
model_settings = list(
varlocations = NULL,
varbox_x_size = NULL,
varbox_y_size = NULL,
varspace_x_size = NULL,
varspace_y_size = NULL)
## CONDUCT PRELIMINARY CHECKS ###############################################
# Code block that does various checks and processing of input
# This code block uses these helper functions:
# check_model_list()
# check_model_settings()
#check to make sure model_list is provided
#and is a properly specified model
if (is.null(model_list))
stop('Argument model_list is required.')
checkmsg <- check_model_list(model_list)
#in case the user didn't explicitly name the variable and flow elements, we do it here
names(model_list) <- c("variables","flows")
# check all user-provided model_settings to make sure entries are what
# they should be
if (!is.null(model_settings))
checkmsg <- check_model_settings(model_list, model_settings)
# Set model_settings components that are not user-provided
# also, vectorize all entries box/space size entries
# For each model_settings component, if user didn't set it,
# we set a default here
# default for varlocations is a matrix with a single row
# If user did not provide values for sizing/spacing,
# we set vectors of length nvars and nvars-1 for box and space sizing
# each with the default value of 1
# note that we assign it to model_settings.
# these updated settings will also be returned as part of the list of values
# this function returns
#first, if varlocations matrix is not provided, make a single-row matrix
if (is.null(model_settings$varlocations)) {
model_settings$varlocations = matrix(model_list$variables,nrow=1)
# determine number of variables, rows and columns
nvars = length(model_list$variables)
nrows = nrow(model_settings$varlocations) # varlocations is a matrix
ncols = ncol(model_settings$varlocations) # varlocations is a matrix
# if user didn't provide a value, we use default of 1
# as many box size numbers as there are boxes/variables
if (is.null(model_settings$varbox_x_size)) {
model_settings$varbox_x_size = rep(1, nvars)
if (is.null(model_settings$varbox_y_size)) {
model_settings$varbox_y_size = rep(1, nvars)
# one more row/column less for spacing than is in the matrix
if (is.null(model_settings$varspace_x_size)) {
model_settings$varspace_x_size = rep(1, ncols - 1)
if (is.null(model_settings$varspace_y_size)) {
model_settings$varspace_y_size = rep(1, nrows - 1)
# If user provided a single number for box and space size, we turn it into vectors here
# this way we can consistently operate on vectors of the right size everywhere
if (length(model_settings$varbox_x_size) == 1) {
model_settings$varbox_x_size = rep(model_settings$varbox_x_size, nvars)
if (length(model_settings$varbox_y_size) == 1) {
model_settings$varbox_y_size = rep(model_settings$varbox_y_size, nvars)
if (length(model_settings$varspace_x_size) == 1) {
model_settings$varspace_x_size = rep(model_settings$varspace_x_size, ncols - 1)
if (length(model_settings$varspace_y_size) == 1) {
model_settings$varspace_y_size = rep(model_settings$varspace_y_size, nrows - 1)
# At this stage, all input checking and processing should be done
# Code block that does some processing
# to make rest of code more concise
# This pulls out all list elements in model_settings and assigns them
# to individual variables with their respective names
# this is done for convenience so we don't have to keep calling
# model_settings$varlocations and can just call varlocations, etc
varlocations <- model_settings$varlocations
varbox_x_size <- model_settings$varbox_x_size
varbox_y_size <- model_settings$varbox_y_size
varspace_x_size <- model_settings$varspace_x_size
varspace_y_size <- model_settings$varspace_y_size
#assign to variables outside of model_list
#basically same as above for model_settings
variable_names <- model_list$variables # vector of names
flows_list <- model_list$flows # a list flows for each variable
# End code block that extracts lists
## PROCESS VARIABLES #######################################################
# Code block that goes through all variables and
# creates the variables data frame
# This code block uses these helper functions:
# add_locations()
#number of variables/compartments in model
nvars <- length(variable_names)
# Create a data frame for all variables
variables <- data.frame(
id = 1:nvars, # numeric id for nodes
name = variable_names # names for labels
# Add location information for each variable and add to data frame
# See comments within function for details
# this function only adds location information to real/named variables
# provided by the user.
variables <- add_locations(
# End code block that processes variables
# At this stage, the variable data frame is complete and done
## PROCESS FLOWS ###########################################################
# Code block that starts processing flows
# This code block uses these helper functions:
# add_plus_signs()
# get_vars_pars()
# if a flow element is a single empty character string, then no flow is
# generated and those flows can be removed here
# if a variable in the flows_list has no flows, then the result is a
# variable box with no flows in or out.
# first_elements <- sapply(flows_list, "[[", 1) # first element of each sublist
# nonempty_flows <- which(first_elements != "") # find non-blank elements
# flows_list <- flows_list[nonempty_flows] # keep the non-blank list elements
#add implicit + signs to make explicit before additional parsing
# implicit + signs are added to any flow without an explicit "-" in front
flows_list <- add_plus_signs(flows_list)
#turns flow list into matrix, adding NA
#(from modelbuilder code base)
#variables are along rows and flows along columns.
flowmat <- t(sapply(flows_list, `length<-`, max(lengths(flows_list))))
# if there are just two variables and a single flow between them,
# the flowmat is oriented incorrectly (nodes across columns). this
# can be diagnosed by checking to see if flowmat has rownames.
# if not, the matrix needs to be transposed.
if(is.null(rownames(flowmat))) {
flowmat <- t(flowmat)
#strip leading +/- from flows and replace with no space, this way we have
#character vectors of the flows without leading math, which we need for
#processing labels
flowmatred <- sub("\\+|-","",flowmat)
#extract only the + or - signs from flows so we know the direction
signmat <- gsub("(\\+|-).*","\\1",flowmat)
#Loop over all variables, for each variable, loop over flows
#create a flows data frame for storing the flow information
flows <- data.frame() # empty until binded to during first iteration of loop
#start loop over variables (rows in the flowmatred matrix)
for(i in 1:nrow(flowmatred))
varflowsfull <- flowmat[i, ] #all flows with sign for current variable
varflows <- flowmatred[i, ] #all flows for current variable, without sign
varflowsigns <- signmat[i, ] #signs of flows for current variable
#remove NA entries because these only show up to match the
#matrix dimensions needed given the variable with the largest
#number of flows in/out.
varflows <- varflows[!is.na(varflows)]
#start loop over all the flows in/out of the current variable (node)
for(j in 1:length(varflows)) {
currentflowfull <- varflowsfull[j]
currentflow <- varflows[j]
currentsign <- varflowsigns[j]
# Find the variables for which the current flow appears, i.e., what
# other rows of the matrix does it show up in. It may not show up in
# any other rows, and this logic is evaluated later on.
connectvars <- unname(which(flowmatred == currentflow, arr.ind = TRUE)[,1])
# Extract the variable names in the flow expression
varspars <- unique(get_vars_pars(currentflowfull))
# Extract first letter of each character string. As evaluated below, if
# the first letter is UPPERCASE, then it is a variable. Otherwise, is
# is a parameter.
varfirsts <- substr(varspars, start = 1, stop = 1)
# varfirsts is now a vector of the variables AND parameters that
# are in the flow math
# extract any strings that start with an upper case letter
# (state variable) and are present in the current flow. So, if P1 and P2
# are in this flow they both will be found.
varvec <- varspars[which(varfirsts %in% LETTERS)] #variables are UPPERCASE
#extract the numeric ids for the variables in this flow
varsids <- variables[which(variables$name %in% varvec), "id"]
## This first chunk further processes the connectvars vector
## information. After this, the flows diagram can be created effectively.
## For clarity, this chunk is kept separate from the creation of the
## flows data frame below; thus, one may notice redundant IF/THEN
## statements. The connectvars vector is the backbone that defines
## which variables each flow connects/interacts with.
# add a connecting variable if the expression contains only one
# variable, is only in one row of the flow matrix, and the row in
# which it occurs does not correspond with the variable in the expression.
# this is rare, but can occur in predator-prey style models.
# the multiple condition IF statement checks:
# 1. That there is one, and only one, variable in the expression
# 2. The expression occurs in one, and only one, row of the flow matrix
# 3. That the variable in the expression is not the variable row in which
# the expression occurs in the flow matrix.
# This ends up being an internal feedback loop mediated by another
# variable's state.
# Note that these must be nested.
if(length(varsids) == 1) {
if(length(unique(connectvars)) == 1) {
if(!(unique(connectvars) %in% varsids)) {
# create a flag for adding interaction, this is used below
connectvars <- unique(c(connectvars, varsids))
flag <- TRUE
# Assign connecting variables for inflows (+ flows).
# This block is just to update the connectvars vector. the flows
# data frame is created using this information below in a separate
# if/then block
if(currentsign == "+") {
# If the flow does not show up in any other rows (length(connectvars) == 1)
# and there are no variables in the flow math, then the only connecting
# variable is the current (i) variable
if(length(connectvars) == 1 & length(varvec) == 0) {
connectvars <- i
# If the flow does not show up in any other rows (length(connectvars) == 1)
# and there is at least one variable in the flow math, then the
# connecting variable(s) will either be the current variable once
# (indicating an inflow like births) or the current variable twice
# (indicating a feedback flow)
if(length(connectvars) == 1 & length(varvec) >= 1){
# if the current (i) variable does not show up in the flow math
# then the connecting variable is just the current variable once,
# indicating a independent inflow from out of the system (e.g., birth)
if(!variables$name[i] %in% varvec) {
connectvars <- i
# is the the current (i) variables shows up in the flow math, then
# the connecting variables are the current variable twice, indicating
# a feedback loop
if(variables$name[i] %in% varvec) {
connectvars <- c(i, i)
# If there are more than one unique connecting variables, then
# the connecting variables are simply those defined above by
# searching the matrix of flows and/or the variables in the expression
if(length(connectvars) > 1) {
connectvars <- connectvars
} #end function block for inflows
## This chunk uses information about the sign of the flow and the
## connecting variables (connectvars) to generate a flows data frame
## with columns for: from, to, label, interation, out_interaction,
## and direct_interaction.
# If current sign is negative, it is an outflow and goes either to the
# connectvar that is not equal to the current variable id (indexed by i)
# or it goes to NA (this happens when there is an unspecified death
# compartment, for example). in the code below, the 'cn' object is used
# to store the "to" variable id. it is either NA or one of the ids in the
# 'connectvars' vector.
if(currentsign == "-") {
if(length(connectvars) == 1) {
cn <- NA #placeholder for unspecified compartment (deaths, typically)
} else {
#flow goes to the variable that is not i because variable i is the
#donating variable.
cn <- connectvars[connectvars!=i]
# Create a data frame with all the necessary segment information
tmp <- data.frame(from = i,
to = cn,
name = currentflow,
interaction = FALSE,
out_interaction = FALSE,
direct_interaction = FALSE)
# Bind to edge data frame for flows
flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(flows, tmp)
} #end function block for outflows
# If the current sign is positive AND the flow only shows up in
# one row of the flow matrix, then this is an inflow external to the
# system or as a function of the current variable itself.
if(currentsign == "+" & length(connectvars) == 1) {
# These are typically births/imports
if(connectvars == i) {
tmp <- data.frame(from = NA,
to = i,
name = currentflow,
interaction = FALSE,
out_interaction = FALSE,
direct_interaction = FALSE)
flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(flows, tmp)
# If the current sign is positive and the length of connecting variables
# is equal to two, then it is:
# a feedback loop (1 unique connecting variable)
# a physical flow between two unique variables
# an interaction flow between to unique variables
if(currentsign == "+" & length(connectvars) == 2) {
# These are feedbacks of somekind
if(length(unique(connectvars)) == 1) {
tmp <- data.frame(from = i,
to = i,
name = currentflow,
interaction = FALSE,
out_interaction = FALSE,
direct_interaction = FALSE)
} else {
# These are physical flows between two variables
tmp <- data.frame(from = connectvars[connectvars!=i],
to = i,
name = currentflow,
interaction = FALSE,
out_interaction = FALSE,
direct_interaction = FALSE)
# update interaction flag if flag exists
if(exists("flag")) {
# the flag for interactions was set above
tmp$direct_interaction <- TRUE
# remove flag from the environment
flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(flows, tmp)
# add an interaction flag if two variables are in the flow
if(length(varvec) > 1) {
if(length(unique(connectvars)) > 1) {
# this means that the flow connects two variables and both
# are present in the flow math
flows[nrow(flows), "interaction"] <- TRUE
} else {
# this means that the flow comes from or goes to somewhere out
# of the system, and only 1 variable is included in the
# flow math. this is designated as an "out_interaction"
flows[nrow(flows), "out_interaction"] <- TRUE
} #end loop over all flows for a given variable
} #end loop over all variables
# At this point, we can remove any rows where the name is blank. These
# are only included above so that proper indexing through flowmat is
# done.
flows <- subset(flows, name != "")
# finished creating all flows for the flows dataframe
# not all information is present or correct yet
# code block below further update the flows DF
# At this stage, the flows dataframe has the following columns:
# from, to, name, interaction, out_interaction, direct_interaction
# some cleanup of flow data frame
# things that the code above didn't do quite right
# Keep only distinct rows; duplication occurs because one variable's
# inflow can be another variable's outflow, but we only want these once
# in the data frame for edges (segments/arrows/flows).
flows <- unique(flows)
# keep original name for all flows. this gets overwritten when the interaction
# flow is added. but we want to retain this for later for the user and to
# match up interaction flows.
flows$orig_name <- flows$name
# Parse the meaning of duplicate labels. Usually this is a complex mix
# of a direct, physical flows and interactions from several other
# state variables. We assume that the "main" flow among the "auxilliary"
# duplicate flows is the one that traverses left-to-right (e.g., 1 to 2)
# with the smallest gap and has no interaction flags.
dups <- as.matrix(table(flows$name)) # tally the occurences of each flow
dupids <- rownames(dups)[which(dups[,1] > 1)] # grab the one with >1 occurence
if(length(dupids) > 0) {
flowdups <- subset(flows, name %in% dupids) # take a subset of the edge data frame
flows <- subset(flows, !(name %in% dupids)) # restrict flows to non-duplicate flows
flowdups <- subset(flowdups, sign(to-from) == 1) # keep left-to-right flows
flowdups <- subset(flowdups, interaction == FALSE &
out_interaction == FALSE &
direct_interaction == FALSE) # drop interactions
if(nrow(flowdups) == 0) {
stop(paste0("There are duplicate flows across variables that failed to\n",
"parse easily. Check to make sure all inflows have no sign or '+' signs\n",
"and all outflows have '-' signs."))
diffs <- with(flowdups, to - from) # calc difference between nodes
mainid <- which(diffs == min(diffs)) # keep the minimum node diff as main flow
maindup <- flowdups[mainid, ] # extract just the main flow for physical flow
intdup <- flowdups[mainid, ] # extract again for interaction flow, which is parsed later on
intdup$interaction <- TRUE # set interaction flag to TRUE
flows <- rbind(flows, maindup, intdup)
# Duplicate rows with out_interaction == TRUE to assign the interaction
# flag and then remove the out_interaction flag. This is done to
# achieve appropriate labeling. We want the physical flow to have no label
# and for the interaction arrow to carry the label.
repdf <- subset(flows, out_interaction == TRUE)
if(nrow(repdf) != 0) { # avoids errors if no rows
repdf$interaction <- TRUE # set this to TRUE for linetypes
repdf$out_interaction <- NULL # remove this now
flows[which(flows$out_interaction == TRUE), "name"] <- "" # take away the name for the physical flow
flows$out_interaction <- NULL # remove this now
flows <- rbind(flows, repdf) # tack them together
# remove out_interaction completely now that interaction is
# appropriately flagged with correct labeling
flows$out_interaction <- NULL
# set up columns needed to define interactions and subset out for interaction
# settings separate from other flows. these are all merged back together
# after interactions are given appropriate settings.
flows$linkfrom <- NA #empty column for interaction flows, but needed for binding
flows$linkto <- NA #empty column for interaction flows, but needed for binding
flows$generator <- FALSE #empty column for interaction/generation flows, but needed for binding
ints <- subset(flows, interaction == TRUE)
flows <- subset(flows, interaction == FALSE)
# If there are interactions, then duplicate them and reassign the to/from
# columns such that we have two segments for each interaction flagged
# row: (1) the physical flow with from/to for donating and receiving
# varables and (2) an interaction flow with an NA for the to column
# and from is the non-donating variable in the flow math. A new "link"
# column is added to identify which variable is linking the interaction
# (the link is the "from" variable in the physical flow).
if(nrow(ints) > 0) { # avoids errors if no interactions
# Here we check for "mediation" flows: flows that should go directly from
# from one variable to another, but are not physical flows. For example,
# infected cells produce new virus, but it is not a flow of cells, per se.
# Mediation flows can be identified as interaction flows where
# is.na(from) == TRUE. This is because the flow only shows up as a positive
# in one row of the flow matrix AND it contains variables beyond the one
# whose math it shows up in. The from variable is set to the first variable
# encountered, and then the typical logic after this sets the other
# variable encountered as the linking variable.
for(i in 1:nrow(ints)) {
if(is.na(ints[i,"from"])) {
# extract variable ids in the flowmath
v <- get_vars_pars(ints[i, "name"]) #strips away math, leaving just letters
vf <- substr(v, start = 1, stop = 1) #get first letters
v <- v[which(vf %in% LETTERS)] #subset to upper case VARIABLES
ids <- variables[variables$name %in% v, "id"] #extract the relevant numeric ids
ints[i, "from"] <- ids[1] # set from variable to first var encountered
ints[i, "generator"] <- TRUE
# if the mediation flow is added, we can remove this from the main
# flows because it will look like an external flow with from == NA.
fid <- which(flows$orig_name == ints[i, "name"])
if(length(fid) > 0) {
flows <- flows[-fid, ]
intflows <- ints # duplicate
intflows$name <- "" # strip the name from the physical flow
intflows <- unique(intflows) # just keep unique flows
intflows$interaction <- FALSE # reset interaction to false b/c a main flow now
# Redefine the from, to, and link columns for the interaction
# arrows. "to" is NA until updated to meet at the center
# of the physical flow arrow.
for(i in 1:nrow(ints)) {
tmp <- ints[i, ]
v <- get_vars_pars(tmp$name) #strips away math, leaving just letters
vf <- substr(v, start = 1, stop = 1) #get first letters
v <- v[which(vf %in% LETTERS)] #subset to upper case VARIABLES
ids <- variables[variables$name %in% v, "id"] #extract the relevant numeric ids
if(is.na(ints[i, "to"])){
# If the receiving node is NA, then this is an interaction
# with a feedback flow, meaning the "link node" is also NA.
ints[i, "linkfrom"] <- NA
ints[i, "linkto"] <- NA
} else if(ints[i, "to"] == ints[i, "from"]) {
# If the to and from nodes are the same, this is a feedback
# flow that does not require a link, so NAs.
ints[i, "linkfrom"] <- NA
ints[i, "linkto"] <- NA
} else {
# In all other cases, the "link from" node will be the current
# "from" node and the "link to" node will be the current "to" node.
ints[i, "linkfrom"] <- tmp$from
ints[i, "linkto"] <- tmp$to
# Redefine the "from" node as the other node in this interaction.
ints[i, "from"] <- ids[which(ids != tmp$from)]
ints[i, "to"] <- NA # set NA for "to" node for all interactions
# Recombine the edge data frame
flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(flows, ints, intflows)
# Keep only distinct rows.
flows <- unique(flows)
# At this stage, the flows dataframe has the following columns:
# from, to, name, interaction, direct_interaction, linkfrom, linkto
## ADD SPATIAL INFORMATION TO FLOWS #########################################
# This next large chunk assigns spatial information to all flows.
# Spatial information includes: xmin, xmax, xlabel, ymin, ymax, ylabel.
## Direct, physical flows
# These are simple flows from one variable to another, identified by
# flows that have real numbers in the from and to columns, and are also
# not links
simple_flows <- subset(flows, !is.na(from) & !is.na(to) & is.na(linkfrom))
if(nrow(simple_flows) > 0) { # only execute if these exist
# add columns for to-be added information
simple_flows$xmin <- NA_real_
simple_flows$xmax <- NA_real_
simple_flows$ymin <- NA_real_
simple_flows$ymax <- NA_real_
# Loop over the simple flows and identify the relative positions of the
# to and from variables. This is necessary because start and end points
# of arrows will change if the alignment of the nodes is horizontal
# or vertical
for(i in 1:nrow(simple_flows)) {
tmp <- simple_flows[i,]
from_node <- subset(variables, id == tmp$from)
to_node <- subset(variables, id == tmp$to)
# if the start and end variables are in the same row (y = y) AND
# the start and end variables are in different columns (x != x), then
# we set the y values for start and end to the mean of the y start
# variable box (the middle) and the xmin location is the max x of
# the left-most (starting) box and the min x of the right-most (ending) box
if(from_node$ymin == to_node$ymin & from_node$xmin != to_node$xmin) {
if(from_node$xmin > to_node$xmin) {
# flow from right to left if from-node to right of to-node
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- from_node$xmin # left edge
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- to_node$xmax # right edge
} else { # otherwise flow left to right
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- from_node$xmax # right edge
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- to_node$xmin # left edge
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- mean(c(from_node$ymin, from_node$ymax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- mean(c(to_node$ymin, to_node$ymax)) # middle
# if the start variable is above the end variable (y1 > y2) AND
# the start and end variables are in the same column (x ranges overalap),
# then we set the ymin of the arrow the bottom of the originating box and
# the ymax of the arrow to the top of the terminating box. the x location
# for start and end is set to the middle of the box (mean of top and bottom)
# overlap test for x ranges to apply to all vertical alignments
overlap_test <- from_node$xmax >= to_node$xmin & from_node$xmin <= to_node$xmax
if(from_node$ymin > to_node$ymin & overlap_test) {
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- mean(c(from_node$xmin, from_node$xmax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- mean(c(to_node$xmin, to_node$xmax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- from_node$ymin # bottom
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- to_node$ymax # top
# if the start variable is below the end variable (y1 < y2) AND
# the start and end variables are in the same column (x = x), then
# we set the ymin of the arrow the top of the originating box and
# the ymax of the arrow to the bottom of the terminating box. the x location
# for start and end is set to the middle of the box (mean of top and bottom)
if(from_node$ymin < to_node$ymin & overlap_test) {
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- mean(c(from_node$xmin, from_node$xmax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- mean(c(to_node$xmin, to_node$xmax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- from_node$ymax # top
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- to_node$ymin # bottom
# if the start variable is above the ending variable (y1 > y2) AND
# the start variable is to the left of the ending variable (x1 < x2), then
# the flow start is set to the right-middle of the originating box and
# the flow end is set to the left-middle of the terminating box. this
# creates an angled flow arrow pointing down and to the right.
if(from_node$ymin > to_node$ymin & !overlap_test & from_node$xmin < to_node$xmin) {
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- from_node$xmax # right edge
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- to_node$xmin # left edge
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- mean(c(from_node$ymin, from_node$ymax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- mean(c(to_node$ymin, to_node$ymax)) # middle
# if the start variable is above the ending variable (y1 > y2) AND
# the start variable is to the right of the ending variable (x1 > x2), then
# the flow start is set to the left-middle of the originating box and
# the flow end is set to the right-middle of the terminating box. this
# creates an angled flow arrow pointing down and to the left.
if(from_node$ymin > to_node$ymin & !overlap_test & from_node$xmin > to_node$xmin) {
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- from_node$xmin # left edge
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- to_node$xmax # right edge
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- mean(c(from_node$ymin, from_node$ymax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- mean(c(to_node$ymin, to_node$ymax)) # middle
# if the start variable is below the ending variable (y1 < y2) AND
# the start variable is to the left of the ending variable (x1 < x2), then
# the flow start is set to the right-middle of the originating box and
# the flow end is set to the left-middle of the terminating box. this
# creates an angled flow arrow pointing up and to the right.
if(from_node$ymin < to_node$ymin & !overlap_test & from_node$xmin < to_node$xmin) {
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- from_node$xmax # right edge
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- to_node$xmin # left edge
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- mean(c(from_node$ymin, from_node$ymax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- mean(c(to_node$ymin, to_node$ymax)) # middle
# if the start variable is below the ending variable (y1 < y2) AND
# the start variable is to the right of the ending variable (x1 > x2), then
# the flow start is set to the left-middle of the originating box and
# the flow end is set to the right-middle of the terminating box. this
# creates an angled flow arrow pointing up and to the left.
if(from_node$ymin < to_node$ymin & !overlap_test & from_node$xmin > to_node$xmin) {
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- from_node$xmin # left edge
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- to_node$xmax # right edge
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- mean(c(from_node$ymin, from_node$ymax)) # middle
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- mean(c(to_node$ymin, to_node$ymax)) # middle
# if the flow starts and ends in the same place, this is a feedback
# flow that needs minor offsets in the x direction.
if(from_node$xmin == to_node$xmin & from_node$ymin == to_node$ymin) {
middle <- mean(c(from_node$xmin, from_node$xmax))
simple_flows[i, "xmin"] <- middle - 0.25 # minor offset to the left for start
simple_flows[i, "xmax"] <- middle + 0.25 # minor offset to the right for end
simple_flows[i, "ymin"] <- from_node$ymax # top
simple_flows[i, "ymax"] <- to_node$ymax # top
} # end loop over simple, physical flows
} # end direct physical flows if/then for existence
## In flows
# These flows only have a to id and from is NA
in_flows <- subset(flows, is.na(from) & !is.na(to) & is.na(linkfrom))
if(nrow(in_flows) > 0) { # only exectute if these exist
# The xlabel, ymax locations define the top/middle of the node, which
# is xmax/ymax for in-flows
in_flows <- merge(in_flows, variables[,c("xlabel","ymax", "id")],
by.x = "to",
by.y = "id")
in_flows$xmax <- in_flows$xlabel
in_flows$xlabel <- NULL # remove the column
# ymin is the y starting point of the arrow, defined as the end point (ymax) + 0.5
in_flows$ymin <- in_flows$ymax + 0.25
# xmin is the x starting point of the arrow, defined as left-edge of the node
left_edges <- variables[,c("id", "xmin")]
in_flows <- merge(in_flows, left_edges, by.x = "to", by.y = "id")
} # end in flows if/then for existence
## Out flows
# These flows only have a from id, to is NA, linkfrom is NA, and no interaction
out_flows <- subset(flows, !is.na(from) & is.na(to) &
is.na(linkfrom) & interaction == FALSE)
if(nrow(out_flows) > 0) { # only execute if these exist
# The xlabel, ymin locations define the bottom/middle of the node, which
# is xmin/ymin for out-flows
out_flows <- merge(out_flows, variables[,c("xlabel","ymin", "id")],
by.x = "from",
by.y = "id")
out_flows$xmin <- out_flows$xlabel
out_flows$xlabel <- NULL # remove the column
# ymax is the y end point of the arrow, defined as the start point (ymin) - 0.5
out_flows$ymax <- out_flows$ymin - 0.25
# xmax is the x end point of the arrow, defined as right-edge of the node
right_edges <- variables[,c("id", "xmax")]
out_flows <- merge(out_flows, right_edges, by.x = "from", by.y = "id")
} # end out flows if/then for existence
## Interaction flows
# These are flows where the interaction column is TRUE and both linkfrom
# and linkto have values
int_flows <- subset(flows, interaction == TRUE & !is.na(linkfrom) & !is.na(linkto))
if(nrow(int_flows) > 0) { # only execute if these exist
# add columns for to-be added information
int_flows$xmin <- NA_real_
int_flows$xmax <- NA_real_
int_flows$ymin <- NA_real_
int_flows$ymax <- NA_real_
# the end point is the middle of the simple flow going from "linkfrom" to "linkto"
# loop over the out_flows to get correct matching of the simple flows
for(i in 1:nrow(int_flows)) {
int_tmp <- int_flows[i,] # get one row to work with
simple_to <- int_tmp$linkto # to variable id
simple_from <- int_tmp$linkfrom # from variable id
# get the direct flow arrow for end positions
simple_tmp <- subset(simple_flows, to == simple_to & from == simple_from)
this_ymax <- mean(c(simple_tmp$ymin, simple_tmp$ymax)) # middle of direct flow
this_xmax <- mean(c(simple_tmp$xmin, simple_tmp$xmax)) # middle of direct flow
# get the from variable for start positions
var_tmp <- subset(variables, id == int_tmp$from)
this_ymin <- var_tmp$ymax # top of box
this_xmin <- mean(c(var_tmp$xmin, var_tmp$xmax)) # middle of box
# replace NAs
int_flows[i, "xmin"] <- this_xmin
int_flows[i, "xmax"] <- this_xmax
int_flows[i, "ymin"] <- this_ymin
int_flows[i, "ymax"] <- this_ymax
# remove from memory to avoid overwriting potential
rm(this_xmin, this_xmax, this_ymax,this_ymin)
} # end interaction variable loop
} # end interaction variable if/then for existence
## External interaction flows
# These are interaction arrows that go from a state variable (node) to
# another arrow that is either an outflow, inflow, or feedback flow.
# Regular interactions for physical flows between variables are already
# handled above. These external interaction flows are special, and we
# treat them as such.
# External flows are identified as having the interaction as TRUE and
# the linkto is NA.
ext_flows <- subset(flows, interaction == TRUE & is.na(linkto))
# We also need to know the locations of all the other flows, so create
# a temporary flows dataframe here
other_flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(simple_flows, in_flows, out_flows, int_flows)
# update vertical edges to avoid overlaps
other_flows <- fix_arrow_pos(other_flows)
# Now loop through the ext_flows for spatial processing, if there is at least 1 row
if(nrow(ext_flows) > 0) {
# add columns for to-be added information
ext_flows$xmin <- NA_real_
ext_flows$xmax <- NA_real_
ext_flows$ymin <- NA_real_
ext_flows$ymax <- NA_real_
for(i in 1:nrow(ext_flows)) {
tmp <- ext_flows[i,]
# use the flow math to determine if this is associated with an
# outflow or inflow
direction <- signmat[which(flowmatred == tmp$name)]
if(direction == "-") {
# if an outflow (direction == "-"), then this is associated with a
# row in the other_flows data frame where the from location
# is different than the from location in the tmp data frame AND
# the name is empty
to_flow <- NULL # null out to avoid errors
to_flow <- subset(other_flows, orig_name == tmp$orig_name)
# this can sometimes produce a data frame with an NA row because of
# an NA in the fields used above in the logical constraint, that
# row is dropped here
drops <- which(is.na(to_flow$from) & is.na(to_flow$to))
if(length(drops) > 0){
to_flow <- to_flow[-drops, ]
# And it is associated with the variable in the from element
from_node <- NULL # null this out to avoid errors
from_node <- variables[variables$id == tmp$from, ]
# For these complex interactions, we assume a horizontal flow
# arrangment, user must update if more complex
if(from_node$xlabel > mean(c(to_flow$xmin, to_flow$xmax))) {
# this implies and arrow going from right to left
tmp$xmin <- from_node$xmin # left edge
tmp$xmax <- mean(c(to_flow$xmin, to_flow$xmax)) # middle
tmp$ymin <- from_node$ylabel # middle
tmp$ymax <- mean(c(to_flow$ymin, to_flow$ymax)) # middle
} else { # assume left to right
tmp$xmin <- from_node$xmax # right edge
tmp$xmax <- mean(c(to_flow$xmin, to_flow$xmax)) # middle
tmp$ymin <- from_node$ylabel # middle
tmp$ymax <- mean(c(to_flow$ymin, to_flow$ymax)) # middle
} # end left-right if/then
} # end direction "-" if
if(direction == "+") {
# if the flow is a "+", then this associated with either a feedback
# flow or an external flow into the system
# first find the to_flow, which will be the flow with a to variable
# that is not the current from variable and the name is empty
to_flow <- NULL # null out to avoid errors
to_flow <- other_flows[other_flows$orig_name == tmp$name, ]
# this can sometimes produce a data frame with an NA row because of
# an NA in the fields used above in the logical constraint, that
# row is dropped here
drops <- which(is.na(to_flow$from) & is.na(to_flow$to))
if(length(drops) > 0){
to_flow <- to_flow[-drops, ]
# And it is associated with the variable in the from element
from_node <- NULL # null this out to avoid errors
from_node <- variables[variables$id == tmp$from, ]
# For these complex interactions, we assume a horizontal flow
# arrangment, user must update if more complex
if(from_node$xlabel > mean(c(to_flow$xmax, to_flow$xmax))) {
# this implies and arrow going from right to left
tmp$xmin <- from_node$xmin # left edge
tmp$xmax <- mean(c(to_flow$xmin, to_flow$xmax)) # middle
tmp$ymin <- from_node$ylabel # middle
tmp$ymax <- mean(c(to_flow$ymin, to_flow$ymax)) # middle
} else { # assume left to right
tmp$xmin <- from_node$xmax # right edge
tmp$xmax <- mean(c(to_flow$xmin, to_flow$xmax)) # middle
tmp$ymin <- from_node$ylabel # middle
tmp$ymax <- mean(c(to_flow$ymin, to_flow$ymax)) # middle
} # end left-right if/then
# Last, the "+" flows can be either an external entry or a feedback.
# External entries will have no "from", feedbacks will. If the flow
# is pointing to an external entry, then all location information is
# fine. If it is pointing to a feedback loop, we need to update it
# slightly to hit the curve. Manual adjustments will be required by the
# user, still.
if(!is.na(tmp$from)) {
tmp$ymax <- tmp$ymax + 0.5 # this hits the top of the curve, generally
} # end direction "+"
loc_cols <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")
ext_flows[i, loc_cols] <- tmp[ , loc_cols]
} # end external flow loop
} # end external flow if
## Combine flows back together
flows <- NULL # set original df to null to avoid/identify any potential errors
flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(other_flows, ext_flows)
## Add label locations for all flows
# label locations are mid points, which are means of the start and end positions
flows$xlabel <- with(flows, (xmax + xmin) / 2)
flows$ylabel <- with(flows, (ymax + ymin) / 2)
## Update 'generator' column for single interaction flows
# here we do one final update to the generator column to move some flows
# that are conviently identified as 'direct_interactions' to be identified
# as 'generator' instead. these are identified by flows where:
# direct_interaction == TRUE AND
# is.na(linkto) == TRUE AND
# is.na(linkfrom) == TRUE AND
# is.na(to) == FALSE AND
# is.na(from) == FALSE
gen_ids <- which(flows$direct_interaction == TRUE &
is.na(flows$linkto) == TRUE &
is.na(flows$linkfrom) == TRUE &
is.na(flows$from) == FALSE &
is.na(flows$to) == FALSE)
if(length(gen_ids) > 0) {
flows[gen_ids, "direct_interaction"] <- FALSE
flows[gen_ids, "generator"] <- TRUE
# flows cannot be both an interaction and a generator, default back to
# interaction because that is the most common meaning
gen_int_ids <- which(flows$generator == TRUE & flows$interaction == TRUE)
if(length(gen_int_ids) > 0) {
flows[gen_int_ids, "generator"] <- FALSE
# set default curvature of all flows, this also applies label updates
# to curved arrows, so we do this before making minor adjustments below
flows <- set_curvature(variables, flows)
# apply a minor offset to move the label away from the line
# this is done flow by flow to determine if it is vertical or horizontal
for(i in 1:nrow(flows)) {
tmp <- flows[i, ]
# processing for direct flows
if(tmp$interaction == FALSE & is.na(tmp$from) == FALSE & is.na(tmp$to) == FALSE) {
if(tmp$xmin == tmp$xmax) { # vertical
flows[i, "xlabel"] <- flows[i, "xlabel"] - 0.25 # move to left
} else { # horizontal
flows[i, "ylabel"] <- flows[i, "ylabel"] + 0.1 # move up
} else if((is.na(tmp$from) | is.na(tmp$to)) &
tmp$interaction == FALSE) { # processing for in/out flows
#place label at beginning of arrow
if(is.na(tmp$from)) {
flows[i, "xlabel"] <- flows[i, "xmin"] - 0.1
flows[i, "ylabel"] <- flows[i, "ymin"] + 0.1
#move label at end of arrow
if(is.na(tmp$to)) {
flows[i, "xlabel"] <- flows[i, "xmax"] + 0.1
flows[i, "ylabel"] <- flows[i, "ymax"] - 0.1
# processing for interactions
if(tmp$interaction == TRUE) {
if(tmp$xmax == tmp$xmin) { # vertical
flows[i, "xlabel"] <- flows[i, "xlabel"] + 0.02
} else { # horizontal
flows[i, "ylabel"] <- flows[i, "ylabel"] + 0.2
# add a diff column so we can identify flows that traverse more than
# one variable. these will be updated to have curvature that goes over
# or under the nodes it is bypassing. works best with just a couple. if there
# is lots of traversing, then manual intervention will be required by the user
flows$diff <- with(flows, abs(to-from))
# set curvature of feedback loops. this is pretty different from the
# "regular" curvature settings, so we made a separate function for this
# operation.
flows <- set_feedback_curvature(flows)
# set to/from columns in flows to NA if value is not in node dataframe
flows <- set_node_to_na(flows, variables)
# remove rows with no location information
flows <- flows[!is.na(flows$xmin) &
!is.na(flows$xmax) &
!is.na(flows$ymin) &
!is.na(flows$ymax), ]
# convert direct interaction to flag to regular interaction flag,
# now only relevant for plotting
# get row ids for the "direct interactions"
ids <- which(flows$interaction == FALSE & flows$direct_interaction == TRUE)
# set interaction to TRUE since this now is just for plotting aesthetics
flows[ids, "interaction"] <- TRUE
# remove the direct_interaction column because all processing is complete
flows$direct_interaction <- NULL # delete the flagging column
# update all to and froms such that each is the variable label
# until now, the to/from in flows has just been numeric. these
# need to be character strings for the variable labels for plotting
flows <- update_tofroms(flows, variables)
# update interaction column to be type column, one of
# main, interaction, or external. this is needed for plotting
flows$type <- "main" # intialize the column as all "main" flows
# set the interaction flows according to the interaction flag
flows$type <- ifelse(flows$interaction == TRUE, "interaction", flows$type)
# external flows are not interactions and either the to or from id NA
flows$type <- ifelse(flows$interaction == FALSE & (is.na(flows$to) | is.na(flows$from)),
"external", flows$type)
# generators are id'd in the generator column
flows$type <- ifelse(flows$generator == TRUE, "generator", flows$type)
flows$interaction <- NULL # remove the interaction column
flows$generator <- NULL # remove the generator column
#sort flows by type, main/external/interaction
flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(
flows[flows$type == "main", ],
flows[flows$type == "generator", ],
flows[flows$type == "external", ],
flows[flows$type == "interaction", ]
#add a row id so it's easier for users to know which row to alter
flows$id = 1:nrow(flows)
# add a unique id for users when interacting with update_diagram()
# for variables, this is just the name columne
# for flows, the unique id is the first letter of the "type" and
# then the collapsed original name, separated by "_"
part1 <- substr(flows$type, 1, 1)
paste_it_too <- function(x) { # little helper function for lapply
ch <- get_vars_pars(x)
paste0(ch, collapse = "")
part2 <- unlist(lapply(flows$orig_name, paste_it_too))
# overwrite orig_name, gets changed to name in add_default_aes after
# label column is created
flows$orig_name <- paste0(part1, "_", part2)
# update flows column ordering
flows <- flows[, c("id",
# update flows x/y min/max column names to be start/end for clarity
cols_to_change <- which(colnames(flows) %in% c("xmin","xmax","ymin","ymax"))
colnames(flows)[cols_to_change] <- c("xstart","xend","ystart","yend")
# update variables column ordering
variables <- variables[ , c("id",
# one final check for duplicated arrows within types that need to have names
# combined so that only one arrow is plotted. if this is not done, then
# duplicate arrows are plotted on top of one another. the diagram looks
# correct, but the heavy arrow is not pleasing.
new_flows <- data.frame()
# find flows within type that overlap and combine down to one line
for(do_type in unique(flows$type)) {
tmp <- subset(flows, type == do_type)
new_tmp <- tmp
compare <- tmp[ , c("xstart", "xend", "ystart", "yend")]
compare$id <- with(compare, paste0(xstart, xend, ystart, yend))
# loop over compare to find which rows are duplicated with which
for(i in 1:nrow(compare)) {
test <- compare[i, "id"]
targ <- compare[, "id"]
ids <- which(targ == test)
if(length(ids) > 0) {
newname <- paste(tmp[ids, "orig_name"], collapse = "_")
new_tmp[i, "orig_name"] <- newname
new_flows <- dplyr::bind_rows(new_flows, new_tmp)
new_flows$id <- NA_real_
flows <- unique(new_flows)
flows$id <- 1:nrow(flows)
# remove row names, those are confusing
rownames(flows) <- NULL
rownames(variables) <- NULL
# add default aesthetics and unique ids
dflist <- add_default_aes(variables, flows)
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