Man pages for andreaskapou/processHTS
Process HTS Files and Data

annot_dataAnnotation example data
bs_dataBismark Cov formatted BS-Seq example data
create_enh_regionCreate enhancer regions from gene annotation data.
create_methyl_regionCreate methylation regions for each gene promoter.
create_prom_regionCreate promoter regions from gene annotation data.
discard_bs_noise_readsDiscard BS-Seq noisy reads
discard_chrDiscard selected chromosomes
extract_fpkmExtract FPKM from string
extract_gene_nameExtract gene name from string
hg19_dataHuman Genome Assembly 19 chromosome sizes.
intersect_cgi_tssKeep CGIs that intersect with promoter regions
minmax_scalingCompute the min-max scaling
plot_prom_cpg_densityPlot promoter CpG density
plot_prom_cpg_histPlot promoter CpG histogram
pool_bs_seq_repRead and pool replicates from BS-Seq data
preprocess_bs_seqPre-process BS-Seq data in any given format
process_beatson_enh_wrapWrapper method for processing Beatson enhancer RNA-Seq and...
process_beatson_wrapWrapper method for processing Beatson RNA-Seq and BS-Seq HTS...
process_diff_beatsonProcess differential BS-Seq and RNA-Seq Beatson HTS data
process_diff_haib_caltechProcess differential BS-Seq and RNA-Seq HAIB Caltech HTS data
process_haib_caltech_wrapWrapper method for processing ENCODE HAIB and Caltech HTS...
processHTS'processHTS': A package for processing HTS data and files
read_annot_beatsonRead gene annotation file from Beatson
read_bs_bismark_covRead Bismark Cov formatted BS-Seq file
read_bs_encode_haibRead ENCODE HAIB bed formatted BS-Seq file
read_chrom_sizeRead genome chromosome sizes file.
read_encode_cgiRead file containing CpG island locations
read_enh_beatsonRead Beatson bed formatted enhancer file
read_rna_beatsonRead Beatson bed formatted RNA-Seq file
read_rna_encode_caltechRead ENCODE Caltech bed formatted RNA-Seq file
rnaseq_dataRNA-Seq example data
rrbs_dataRRBS example data
andreaskapou/processHTS documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:33 a.m.