
Defines functions optimize_n_eff optimize_n_rse optimize_groupsize combine_norm_group_fim

Documented in optimize_groupsize optimize_n_eff optimize_n_rse

#' Extract a normalized group FIM
#' Extract an individual FIM for each group in a design 
#' @param poped.db A PopED database
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{evaluate.fim}}
#' @return A list of FIMs, one for each group in a design.
#' @keywords internal
extract_norm_group_fim <- function (poped.db,...) {
  num_groups <- poped.db$design$m
  fim_group <- list()
  for(i in 1:num_groups){
    tmp_design <- poped.db$design
    tmp_design$m <- 1
    for(nam in names(tmp_design)[names(tmp_design)!="m"]){
      tmp_design[[nam]] <- tmp_design[[nam]][i,,drop=F]
    tmp_design$groupsize[,] <- 1
    tmp_db <- poped.db
    tmp_db$design <- tmp_design
    tmp_fim <- evaluate.fim(tmp_db,...)
    fim_group[[paste0("grp_",i)]] <- tmp_fim

combine_norm_group_fim <- function(norm_group_fim,n_per_group){
  fim <- 0
  for(i in 1:length(norm_group_fim)){
    fim <- fim+n_per_group[i]*norm_group_fim[[i]]

#' Title Optimize the proportion of individuals in the design groups
#' @param poped.db A PopED database. 
#' @param props The proportions of individuals in each group 
#'              (relative to the total number of individuals) 
#'              to start the optimization from. 
#' @param trace Should there be tracing of the optimization? Value can be integer values.
#' Larger numbers give more information.              
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{ofv_fim}} and \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
#' @return A list of the  initial objective function value, optimal proportions,
#' the objective function value with those proportions, 
#' the optimal number of individuals in each group (with integer number of individuals),
#' and the objective function value with that number of individuals.
#' @export
#' @example tests/testthat/examples_fcn_doc/examples_optimize_groupsize.R
optimize_groupsize <- 
           props = c(poped.db$design$groupsize/sum(poped.db$design$groupsize)),
    # need to fix:
    # limits on the proportions to account for max and min values of N in each group
    # return actual values.
  if(sum(props) != 1) stop("The sum of the proportions are not equal to 1\n") # check that the proportions add up to one
  if(poped.db$design$m==1) stop("There is only one group, so group proportions of individuals cannot be optimized")
    cat("\nOptimization does not maintain groupsize limits\n")
  # Transform the parameters
  convert_to_lcp <- function(p){
    if(sum(p)!=1) stop("Probabilities do not add up to one")
    p_rem <- 1
    for(i in 1:(length(p)-1)){
      lcp[i] <- boot::logit(p[i]/p_rem)
      p_rem <- p_rem-p[i]
    lcp[length(p)] <- boot::logit(1)
  convert_from_lcp <- function(p) {
    p_rem <- 1
    for(i in 1:(length(p)-1)){
      q[i] <- p_rem * boot::inv.logit(p[i])
      p_rem <- p_rem - q[i]
    q[length(p)] <- p_rem
  # convert to and from logit of conditional probability
  # (foo <- convert_to_lcp(c(0.3,0.2,0.3, 0.2)))
  # convert_from_lcp(foo)
  # convert_from_lcp(c(0,0,0,0,0,0))
  # Optimization
  n_per_group <- poped.db$design$groupsize
  n_tot <- sum(n_per_group)
  #props <- c(n_per_group/n_tot)
  norm_group_fim <- extract_norm_group_fim(poped.db)
  ofv_fun <- function(props,norm_group_fim,n_tot, poped.db, ...){
    fim_tmp <- combine_norm_group_fim(norm_group_fim,props*n_tot)
  initial_ofv <- ofv_fun(props,norm_group_fim,n_tot, poped.db, ...)
  if(trace) cat("Initial proportions:\n",props,"\n\n")

  # ofv_fun(poped.db$design$groupsize/sum(poped.db$design$groupsize),norm_group_fim,
  #         sum(poped.db$design$groupsize),poped.db)
  # same as the typical calculation?
  # evaluate_design(poped.db)$ofv
  opt_fun <- function(lcp,...){
  # convert proportions to logit of conditional probabilities
  lcp <- convert_to_lcp(props)
  opt_var <- lcp[-(length(lcp))]
  #if(length(opt_var)==1){method = c("BFGS")} else {method = c("Nelder-Mead")}
  #if(length(opt_var)==1){method = c("BFGS")} else {method = c("BFGS")}
  # rescale function
  init_fun_val <- opt_fun(opt_var)
  fnscale_val <- -1
  if(init_fun_val<1e-6) fnscale_val <- -init_fun_val
  p <- optim(opt_var, opt_fun,...,control=list(fnscale=fnscale_val,trace=trace),method = c("BFGS"))
  final_props <- convert_from_lcp(c(p$par,Inf)) # the proportions in each group
  if(!all.equal(sum(final_props),1)) stop("something went wrong\n the sum of the optimized proportions are not equal to 1\n") # check that the proportions add up to one
  n_per_group_opt <- final_props*n_tot # the numbers of individuals in each group
  ofv_opt <- p$value # the new OFV value
  #initial_ofv <- evaluate_design(poped.db)$ofv # the original value
  if(trace) cat("\nOptimized proportions:\n",final_props,"\n\n")
  # find the best n
  best_n_res <- list()
  ofv_fun_n <- function(n){
    fim_tmp <- combine_norm_group_fim(norm_group_fim,n)
  rounded_n <- round(n_per_group_opt)
  rounded_ofv <- NULL
    rounded_ofv <- ofv_fun_n(rounded_n)
    best_n_res$rounded <- list(n=rounded_n,ofv=rounded_ofv)
  floor_n <- floor(n_per_group_opt)
  floor_n_ofv <- ofv_fun_n(floor_n)
  extra_n <- n_tot-sum(floor_n)
  floor_n_opt <- floor_n
  floor_n_opt_ofv <- floor_n_ofv
  for(i in 1:extra_n){
    # add 1 individual to each group and take the best
    add_on_calc_ofv <- function(j){
      floor_n_tmp <- floor_n_opt
      floor_n_tmp[j] <- floor_n_tmp[j] + 1
      floor_n_tmp_ofv <- ofv_fun_n(floor_n_tmp)
    res <- sapply(1:length(floor_n),add_on_calc_ofv)
    out <- res[,which.max(res["ofv",])] 
    floor_n_opt <- out$n
    floor_n_opt_ofv <- out$ofv
  best_n_res$floor <- list(n=floor_n_opt,ofv=floor_n_opt_ofv)
  best_n_res <- simplify2array(best_n_res)
  best_n <- best_n_res[,which.max(best_n_res["ofv",])] 
  if(trace) cat("Optimized number of individuals per group\n",
                "OFV: ",best_n$ofv,"\n",

              opt_ofv_with_n=best_n$ofv) )

#' Optimize the number of subjects based on desired uncertainty of a parameter.
#' Optimize the number of subjects, 
#' based on the current design and the desired uncertainty of a single parameter
#' @param poped.db A PopED database. 
#' @param bpop_idx The index number of the parameter, currently only bpop parameters are allowed.
#' @param need_rse The relative standard error (RSE) one would like to achieve (in percent, by default). 
#' @param use_percent Should the RSE be represented as a percentage (T/F)?
#' @param allowed_values A vector of the allowed total number of subjects in the study.
#' @return The total number of subjects needed and the RSE of the parameter.
#' @export
#' @example tests/testthat/examples_fcn_doc/examples_optimize_n_rse.R
optimize_n_rse <- function(poped.db,
                           use_percent = TRUE,
                           allowed_values = seq(poped.db$design$m,
  n_per_group = poped.db$design$groupsize
  n_tot <- sum(n_per_group)
  props = c(n_per_group/n_tot)
  norm_group_fim <- extract_norm_group_fim(poped.db)

  ofv_fun <- function(n_tot){
    fim_tmp <- combine_norm_group_fim(norm_group_fim,props*n_tot)
    ofv <- get_rse(fim_tmp,poped.db,use_percent = use_percent)[cumsum(poped.db$parameters$notfixed_bpop==1)[bpop_idx]] - need_rse
      ofv <- Inf
    } else {
      ofv <- abs(ofv)

  result <- optim_LS(n_tot, ofv_fun, allowed_values = allowed_values,maximize = F,trace = F)
  fim_final <- combine_norm_group_fim(norm_group_fim,props*result$par)
  par_rse <- get_rse(fim_final,poped.db,use_percent = use_percent)[cumsum(poped.db$parameters$notfixed_bpop==1)[bpop_idx]]


#' Translate efficiency to number of subjects
#' optimize HOW MANY n there should be to achieve efficiency=1 compared to a reference OFV
#' @param poped.db A PopED database. 
#' @param ofv_ref A reference OFV value to compare to.
#' @param norm_group_fim The FIM per individual in each design group. If \code{NULL}, then
#' these are computed.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{evaluate.fim}} and \code{efficiency}.
#' @return The number of individuals needed.
#' @export
#' @example tests/testthat/examples_fcn_doc/examples_optimize_groupsize.R
optimize_n_eff <- function(poped.db,
                           norm_group_fim = NULL,  
  n_per_group = poped.db$design$groupsize
  n_tot <- sum(n_per_group)
  props = c(n_per_group/n_tot)
  if(is.null(norm_group_fim)) norm_group_fim <- extract_norm_group_fim(poped.db,...)
  ofv_fun <- function(n_tot){
    fim_tmp <- combine_norm_group_fim(norm_group_fim,props*n_tot)
    ofv_tmp <- ofv_fim(fim_tmp,poped.db)
    eff <- efficiency(ofv_ref, 
    ofv <- (eff - 1)^2
    #if(ofv<0) ofv <- Inf
  result <- optim(n_tot,ofv_fun,lower = 0,upper = sum(poped.db$design$groupsize)*10,method = "L-BFGS-B")
andrewhooker/PopED documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 5:22 p.m.