
## Export: inla.setOption inla.getOption

##! \name{inla.option}
##! \alias{inla.option}
##! \alias{inla.options}
##! \alias{inla.setOption}
##! \alias{inla.getOption}
##! \title{Set and get global options for INLA}
##! \description{Set and get global options for INLA}
##! \usage{
##! inla.setOption(...)
##! inla.getOption(option)
##! }
##! \arguments{
##!   \item{...}{Option and value,  like \code{option=value} or \code{option, value}; see the Examples}
##!   \item{option}{The option to get. If \code{option = NULL} then
##!     \code{inla.getOption} then \code{inla.getOption} will display the
##!     current defaults, otherwise, \code{option} must be one of
##!     inla.call: The path to the inla-program.
##!     inla.arg: Additional arguments to \code{inla.call}
##!     fmesher.call: The path to the fmesher-program
##!     fmesher.arg: Additional arguments to \code{fmesher.call}
##!     num.threads: Number of threads to use.
##!     keep: Keep temporary files?
##!     working.directory: The name of the working directory.
##!     silent: Run the inla-program in a silent mode?
##!     debug : Run the inla-program in a debug mode?
##!     internal.binary.mode : if \code{FALSE} the (some) output are in ascii format instead of binary format.
##!                            Using this option,  then \code{inla.collect.results} will fail (Expert mode)
##!     internal.experimental.mode :  Expert option
##!     cygwin : The home of the Cygwin installation (default "C:/cygwin") [Remote computing for Windows only]
##!     ssh.auth.sock: The ssh bind-adress (value of $SSH_AUTH_SOCK int the
##!     Cygwin-shell). [Remote computing for Windows only]
##!     enable.inla.argument.weights : if \code{TRUE} the \code{inla} accepts argument \code{weights} 
##!     show.warning.graph.file : Give a warning for using the obsolete argument
##!                               \code{graph.file} instead of \code{graph} 
##!     scale.model.default : The default value of argument \code{scale.model} which
##!                           optionally scale intrinisic models to have generalized
##!                           unit average variance 
##! The options are stored in the variable \code{inla.options} in the
##!     \code{.GlobalEnv}-environment.
##!   }
##! }
##! \author{Havard Rue \email{hrue@math.ntnu.no}}
##! \examples{
##! ## set number of threads
##! inla.setOption("num.threads", 2)
##! ## alternative format
##! inla.setOption(num.threads=2)
##! ## check it
##! inla.getOption("num.threads")

`inla.getOption` = function(
    option = c("inla.call",
    if (missing(option))
        stop("argument is required.")

    envir = inla.get.inlaEnv()

    option = match.arg(option, several.ok = TRUE)
    if (exists("inla.options", envir = envir))
        opt = get("inla.options", envir = envir)
        opt = list()

    if (is.null(opt$inla.call))
        inla.call = inla.call.builtin()
    else if (inla.strcasecmp(opt$inla.call, "remote") || inla.strcasecmp(opt$inla.call, "inla.remote"))
        inla.call = gsub("\\\\", "/", system.file("bin/remote/inla.remote", package="INLA"))
        inla.call = opt$inla.call

    if (is.null(opt$fmesher.call))
        fmesher.call = inla.fmesher.call.builtin()
        fmesher.call = opt$fmesher.call

    default.opt = list(
        inla.call = inla.call,
        fmesher.call = fmesher.call, 
        inla.arg = NULL,
        fmesher.arg = "", 
        num.threads = NULL, 
        keep = FALSE, 
        working.directory = NULL, 
        silent = TRUE, 
        debug = FALSE, 
        internal.binary.mode = TRUE, 
        internal.experimental.mode = FALSE, 
        cygwin = "C:/cygwin",
        cygwin.home = paste("/home/", inla.get.USER(), sep=""), 
        ssh.auth.sock = paste("/tmp/ssh-auth-sock-", inla.get.USER(), sep=""),
        enable.inla.argument.weights = FALSE, 
        show.warning.graph.file = TRUE, 
        scale.model.default = FALSE

    res = c()
    for (i in 1:length(option)) {
        if (inla.is.element(option[i], opt)) {
            res = c(res, inla.get.element(option[i], opt))
        } else {
            res = c(res, inla.get.element(option[i], default.opt))

    return (res)

`inla.setOption` = function(...)
    ## now supports more formats, and also the common one
    ##     inla.setOption("keep", TRUE)
    ## and
    ##     inla.setOption(keep=TRUE)
    ## and
    ##     inla.setOption(keep=TRUE, num.threads=10)

    `inla.setOption.core` = function(
        option = c("inla.call",
            "scale.model.default"), value)
        envir = inla.get.inlaEnv()

        option = match.arg(option, several.ok = FALSE)
        if (!exists("inla.options", envir = envir))
            assign("inla.options", list(), envir = envir)
        if (is.character(value)) {
            eval(parse(text=paste("inla.options$", option, "=", shQuote(value), sep="")),
                 envir = envir)
        } else {
            eval(parse(text=paste("inla.options$", option, "=", inla.ifelse(is.null(value), "NULL", value), sep="")),
                 envir = envir)
        return (invisible())

    called = list(...)
    len = length(names(called))
    if (len > 0L) {
        for(i in 1L:len) {
            do.call(inla.setOption.core, args = list(names(called)[i], called[[i]]))
    } else {
    return (invisible())
andrewzm/INLA documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:12 a.m.