
## Export: inla.rgeneric.define inla.rgeneric.ar1.model

##!\title{rgeneric models}
##!\description{A framework for defining latent models in R}
##!inla.rgeneric.define(model.def = NULL, ...)
##!        cmd = c("graph", "Q", "initial", "log.norm.const", "log.prior", "quit"),
##!        theta = NULL,
##!        args = NULL)
##!  \item{model.def}{The definition of the model; see \code{inla.rgeneric.ar1.model}}
##!  \item{cmd}{The allowed commands}
##!  \item{theta}{Values of theta}
##!  \item{args}{Further args}
##!  \item{...}{Further args}
##!  This is a test-implementation of how a latent model can be
##!  defined within R, and details would likely change in the future.
##!  See \code{inla.rgeneric.ar1.model} and the documentation for a
##!  worked through example of how to define the AR1 model this way.
##!  Using this function require the \code{multicore}-package, and
##!  only runs smoothly under Linux.}
##!\author{Havard Rue \email{hrue@math.ntnu.no}}

`inla.rgeneric.define` = function(model.def = NULL, ...)
    model = list(
            definition = model.def,
            fifo = list(c2R = tempfile(), R2c = tempfile()), 
            args = list(...)
    class(model) = "inla-rgeneric"
    return (model)

`inla.rgeneric.loop` = function(model, debug = FALSE)
    debug.cat = function(...) {
        if (debug)
            cat("R", ...)
    stopifnot(inherits(model, "inla-rgeneric"))
    while (TRUE) {
        if (file.exists(model$fifo$R2c)) {
            R2c = fifo(model$fifo$R2c, "wb", blocking=TRUE)
    debug.cat("Open file R2c", model$fifo$R2c, "\n")

    while (TRUE) {
        if (file.exists(model$fifo$c2R)) {
            c2R = fifo(model$fifo$c2R, "rb", blocking=TRUE)
    debug.cat("Open file c2R", model$fifo$c2R, "\n")
    Id = NA
    n = -1L
    ntheta = -1L
    ## Enter the loop
    while (TRUE) {
        Id = readBin(c2R, what = integer())
        cmd = readBin(c2R, what = character())
        debug.cat("Id[", Id, "]. Got command:", cmd, "\n")

        if (cmd %in% "Q") {
            debug.cat("ntheta", ntheta, "\n")
            if (ntheta > 0L) {
                theta = readBin(c2R, what = numeric(), n = ntheta)
           } else {
                theta = numeric(0)
            debug.cat("Got theta", theta, "\n")
            Q = do.call(model$definition, args = list(cmd = cmd, theta = theta, args = model$args))
            Q = inla.as.dgTMatrix(Q)
            stopifnot(dim(Q)[1L] == n && dim(Q)[2L] == n)
            idx = which(Q@i <= Q@j)
            len = length(Q@i[idx])
            writeBin(as.integer(len), R2c)
            writeBin(as.integer(Q@i[idx]), R2c)
            writeBin(as.integer(Q@j[idx]), R2c)
            writeBin(Q@x[idx], R2c)
        } else if (cmd %in% "graph") {
            G = do.call(model$definition, args = list(cmd = cmd, theta = NULL, args = model$args))
            G = inla.as.dgTMatrix(G)
            n = dim(G)[1L]
            idx = which(G@i <= G@j)
            len = length(G@i[idx])
            debug.cat("Put len =", len, "\n")
            writeBin(as.integer(len), R2c)
            writeBin(as.integer(G@i[idx]), R2c)
            writeBin(as.integer(G@j[idx]), R2c)
        } else if (cmd %in% "initial") {
            init = do.call(model$definition, args = list(cmd = cmd, theta = NULL, args = model$args))
            ntheta = length(init)
            debug.cat("Put ntheta =", ntheta, "\n")
            debug.cat("Put initial", init, "\n")
            writeBin(as.integer(length(init)), R2c)
            if (length(init) > 0L) {
                writeBin(init, R2c)
        } else if (cmd %in% "log.norm.const") {
            if (ntheta > 0L) {
                theta = readBin(c2R, what = numeric(), n = ntheta)
            } else {
                theta = numeric(0)
            debug.cat("Got theta",  theta, "\n")
            lnc = do.call(model$definition, args = list(cmd = cmd, theta = theta, args = model$args))
            debug.cat("Put log.norm.const", lnc, "\n")
            writeBin(lnc, R2c)
        } else if (cmd %in% "log.prior") {
            if (ntheta > 0L) {
                theta = readBin(c2R, what = numeric(), n = ntheta)
            } else {
                theta = numeric(0)
            debug.cat("Got theta",  theta, "\n")
            lp = do.call(model$definition, args = list(cmd = cmd, theta = theta, args = model$args))
            debug.cat("Put log.prior", lp, "\n")
            writeBin(lp, R2c)
        } else if (cmd %in% c("quit", "exit")) {
            debug.cat("Got a cleanup-and-exit-loop-message\n")
            unlink(R2c, force = TRUE)
            unlink(c2R, force = TRUE)
        } else {
            stop(paste("Unknown command", cmd))

    return (invisible())

`inla.rgeneric.ar1.model` = function(
        cmd = c("graph", "Q", "initial", "log.norm.const", "log.prior", "quit"),
        theta = NULL,
        args = NULL)
    ## this is an example of the 'rgeneric' model. here we implement
    ## the AR-1 model as described in inla.doc("ar1"), where 'rho' is
    ## the lag-1 correlation and 'prec' is the *marginal* (not
    ## conditional) precision.

    interpret.theta = function(n, ntheta, theta)
        ## internal helper-function to map the parameters from the
        ## internal-scale to the user-scale
        return (list(prec = exp(theta[1L]),
                     rho = 2*exp(theta[2L])/(1+exp(theta[2L])) - 1.0))

    graph = function(n, ntheta, theta)
        ## return the graph of the model. the values of Q is only
        ## interpreted as zero or non-zero.
        if (FALSE) {
            ## slow and easy: dense-matrices
            G = toeplitz(c(1, 1, rep(0, n-2L)))
            ## you *can* do this to avoid transfering zeros, but then
            ## its better to use the sparseMatrix()-approach below.
            G = inla.as.dgTMatrix(G)
        } else {
            ## fast and little more complicated: sparse matrices. we
            ## only need to define the lower-triangular of G!
            i = c(
                    ## diagonal
                    1L, n, 2L:(n-1L),
                    ## off-diagonal
            j = c(
                    ## diagonal
                    1L, n, 2L:(n-1L),
                    ## off-diagonal
            x = 1 ## meaning that all are 1
            G = sparseMatrix(i=i, j=j, x=x, giveCsparse = FALSE)
        return (G)

    Q = function(n, ntheta, theta)
        ## returns the precision matrix for given parameters
        param = interpret.theta(n, ntheta, theta)
        if (FALSE) {
            ## slow and easy: dense-matrices
            Q = param$prec/(1-param$rho^2) * toeplitz(c(1+param$rho^2, -param$rho, rep(0, n-2L)))
            ## first and last diagonal term is 1*marg.prec
            Q[1, 1] = Q[n, n] = param$prec/(1-param$rho^2)
            ## you *can* do this to avoid transfering zeros, but then
            ## its better to use the sparseMatrix()-approach below.
            Q = inla.as.dgTMatrix(Q)
        } else {
            ## fast and a little more complicated: sparse matrices. we
            ## only need to define the lower-triangular G!
            i = c(
                    ## diagonal
                    1L, n, 2L:(n-1L),
                    ## off-diagonal
            j = c(
                    ## diagonal
                    1L, n, 2L:(n-1L),
                    ## off-diagonal
            x = param$prec/(1-param$rho^2) * c(
                    ## diagonal
                    1L, 1L, rep(1+param$rho^2, n-2L),
                    ## off-diagonal
                    rep(-param$rho, n-1L))
            Q = sparseMatrix(i=i, j=j, x=x, giveCsparse=FALSE)
        return (Q)

    log.norm.const = function(n, ntheta, theta)
        ## return the log(normalising constant) for the model.
        param = interpret.theta(n, ntheta, theta)
        prec.innovation  = param$prec / (1.0 - param$rho^2)
        val = n * (- 0.5 * log(2*pi) + 0.5 * log(prec.innovation)) + 0.5 * log(1.0 - param$rho^2)
        return (val)

    log.prior = function(n, ntheta, theta)
        ## return the log-prior for the hyperparameters. the
        ## '+theta[1L]' is the log(Jacobian) for having a gamma prior
        ## on the precision and convert it into the prior for the
        ## log(precision).
        param = interpret.theta(n, ntheta, theta)
        val = (dgamma(param$prec, shape = 1, rate = 1, log=TRUE) + theta[1L] + 
               dnorm(theta[2L], mean = 0, sd = 1, log=TRUE))
        return (val)

    initial = function(n, ntheta, theta)
        ## return the initial values
        return (rep(1, ntheta))

    quit = function(n, ntheta, theta)
        return (invisible())

    cmd = match.arg(cmd)
    val = do.call(cmd, args = list(
                               n = as.integer(args$n),
                               ntheta = as.integer(args$ntheta), 
                               theta = theta))
    return (val)
andrewzm/INLA documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:12 a.m.