#' Risk factor clustering
#' \code{rf.clustering} implements correlation based clustering of risk factors.
#' Clustering procedure is base on \link[stats]{hclust} from \code{stats} package.
#'@param db Data frame of risk factors supplied for clustering analysis.
#'@param metric Correlation metric used for distance calculation. Available options are:
#' \item \code{"raw pearson"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist(1 - cor(db, method = "pearson"))};
#' \item \code{"raw spearman"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist(1 - cor(db, method = "spearman"))};
#' \item \code{"common pearson"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist((1 - cor(db, method = "pearson")) / 2)};
#' \item \code{"common spearman"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist((1 - cor(db, method = "spearman")) / 2)};
#' \item \code{"absolute pearson"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist(1 - abs(cor(db, method = "pearson")))};
#' \item \code{"absolute spearman"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist(1 - abs(cor(db, method = "spearman")))};
#' \item \code{"sqrt pearson"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist(sqrt(1 - cor(db, method = "pearson")))};
#' \item \code{"sqrt spearman"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist(sqrt(1 - cor(db, method = "spearman")))};
#' \item \code{"x2y"} - calculated distance \code{as.dist(1 - dx2y(d = db)[[2]]))}.
#'\code{x2y} metric is proposed by Professor Rama Ramakrishnan and details can be found on this
#' \href{https://rviews.rstudio.com/2021/04/15/an-alternative-to-the-correlation-coefficient-that-works-for-numeric-and-categorical-variables/}{link}.
#' This metric is especially handy if analyst wants to perform clustering before any binning procedures and to decrease number of risk factors. Additionally,
#' \code{x2y} algorithm process numerical and categorical risk factors at once and it is able to identify
#' non-linear relationship between the pairs. Metric \code{x2y} is not symmetric with respect to inputs - \code{x, y},
#' therefore arithmetic average of values between \code{xy} and \code{yx} is used to produce the final value for each pair.
#'@param k Number of clusters. If default value (\code{NA}) is passed, then automatic elbow method
#' will be used to determine the optimal number of clusters, otherwise selected number of clusters will be used.
#'@return The function \code{rf.clustering} returns a data frame with: risk factors, clusters assigned and
#' distance to centroid (ordered from smallest to largest).
#' The last column (distance to centroid) can be used for selection of one or more risk factors per
#' cluster.
#'#clustering using common spearman metric
#'#first we need to categorize numeric risk factors
#'num.rf <- sapply(loans, is.numeric)
#'num.rf <- names(num.rf)[!names(num.rf)%in%"Creditability" & num.rf]
#'loans[, num.rf] <- sapply(num.rf, function(x)
#' sts.bin(x = loans[, x], y = loans[, "Creditability"])[[2]])
#'#replace woe in order to convert to all numeric factors
#'loans.woe <- replace.woe(db = loans, target = "Creditability")[[1]]
#'cr <- rf.clustering(db = loans.woe[, -which(names(loans.woe)%in%"Creditability")],
#' metric = "common spearman",
#' k = NA)
#'#select one risk factor per cluster with min distance to centorid
#'cr %>% group_by(clusters) %>%
#' slice(which.min(dist.to.centroid))
#'@import monobin
#'@import dplyr
#'@import rpart
#'@importFrom stats hclust cor cutree dist pchisq pnorm xtabs as.dist
#'@importFrom utils combn
rf.clustering <- function(db, metric, k = NA) {
db.ncol <- ncol(db)
if (db.ncol < 4) {
stop("At least 4 risk factors have to be available in db argument.")
metric.opt <- c("raw pearson", "raw spearman", "common pearson", "common spearman",
"absolute pearson", "absolute spearman", "absolute pearson", "absolute spearman",
"sqrt pearson", "sqrt spearman", "x2y")
if (!metric%in%metric.opt) {
msg <- paste0("metric argument has to be one of: ", paste(metric.opt, collapse = ", "), ".")
if (!is.na(k)) {
k <- as.numeric(k)
if (is.na(k)) {
if (!metric%in%"x2y") {
cond <- any(!sapply(db, is.numeric))
if (cond) {
msg <- paste0("For metric ", metric, " all risk factors have to be of numeric type.")
distance <- switch(metric, "raw pearson" = as.dist(1 - cor(db, method = "pearson")),
"raw spearman" = as.dist(1 - cor(db, method = "spearman")),
"common pearson" = as.dist((1 - cor(db, method = "pearson")) / 2),
"common spearman" = as.dist((1 - cor(db, method = "spearman")) / 2),
"absolute pearson" = as.dist(1 - abs(cor(db, method = "pearson"))),
"absolute spearman" = as.dist(1 - abs(cor(db, method = "spearman"))),
"sqrt pearson" = as.dist(sqrt(1 - cor(db, method = "pearson"))),
"sqrt spearman" = as.dist(sqrt(1 - cor(db, method = "spearman"))),
"x2y" = as.dist(1 - dx2y(d = db)[[2]]))
clust <- hclust(distance, method = "centroid")
if (is.na(k)) {
min.g <- 3
max.g <- min(c(30, db.ncol))
clusters <- cutree(clust, k = min.g:max.g)
k <- automatic.elbow(distance = distance, clusters = clusters)
} else {
k <- ifelse(k > 100, 100, k)
k <- ifelse(k > db.ncol, db.ncol - 1, k)
distance <- as.matrix(distance)
distance <- cbind.data.frame(rf = row.names(distance), distance)
rownames(distance) <- NULL
clusters <- cutree(clust, k = k)
clusters <- as.data.frame(clusters, check.names = FALSE)
clusters <- cbind.data.frame(rf = row.names(clusters), clusters)
rownames(clusters) <- NULL
dc <- merge(distance, clusters, by = "rf")
dc <- split(x = dc, f = dc[, ncol(dc)])
ced <- lapply(dc, function(x) clust.dist(dd = x))
ced <- unname(c(ced, recursive = TRUE))
res <- cbind.data.frame(bind_rows(dc), dist.to.centroid = ced)
res <- res[order(res$clusters, res$dist.to.centroid),
c("rf", "clusters", "dist.to.centroid")]
calc.mae.reduction <- function(y.hat, y.actual) {
model.error <- mean(abs(y.hat - y.actual))
baseline <- mean(y.actual, na.rm = TRUE)
baseline.error <- mean(abs(baseline - y.actual))
result <- 1 - model.error / baseline.error
result <- max(0.0, min(result, 1))
calc.misclass.reduction <- function(y.hat, y.actual) {
tab <- table(y.hat, y.actual)
model.error <- 1 - sum(diag(tab)) / sum(tab)
majority.class <- names(which.max(table(y.actual)))
baseline.preds <- rep(majority.class, length(y.actual))
baseline.error <- mean(baseline.preds != y.actual)
result <- 1 - model.error / baseline.error
result <- max(0.0, min(result, 1.0))
x2y.inner <- function(x, y) {
if (length(unique(x)) == 1 | length(unique(y)) == 1) {
min.leaf <- round(0.1 * length(y))
min.leaf <- ifelse(min.leaf < 30, 30, min.leaf)
#if y is continuous
if (is.numeric(y)) {
preds <- predict(rpart(y ~ x, method = "anova",
control = rpart.control(minsplit = min.leaf,
minbucket = min.leaf)),
type = "vector")
calc.mae.reduction(y.hat = preds, y.actual = y)
#if y is categorical
else {
preds <- predict(rpart(y ~ x, method = "class",
control = rpart.control(minsplit = min.leaf,
minbucket = min.leaf)),
type = "class")
calc.misclass.reduction(y.hat = preds, y.actual = y)
x2y <- function(x, y) {
missing <- is.na(x) | is.na(y)
x <- x[!missing]
y <- y[!missing]
x2y.val <- x2y.inner(x, y)
dx2y <- function(d) {
rfl <- ncol(d)
rfn <- names(d)
pairs.comb <- combn(rfl, 2)
pairs <- cbind(pairs.comb, pairs.comb[2:1, ])
n <- ncol(pairs)
res <- data.frame(x = rfn[pairs[1,]],
y = rfn[pairs[2,]],
x2y = rep(0.00, n),
x2y.avg = rep(0.00, n))
#calculate x2y metric
for (i in 1:n) {
x <- d %>% pull(pairs[1, i])
y <- d %>% pull(pairs[2, i])
res[i, 3] <- x2y(x, y)
#add average x2y metric for each pair
for (i in 1:ncol(pairs.comb)) {
rf.l.x <- rfn[pairs.comb[1, i]]
rf.l.y <- rfn[pairs.comb[2, i]]
cond.x <- res$x%in%c(rf.l.x, rf.l.y)
cond.y <- res$y%in%c(rf.l.x, rf.l.y)
cond <- cond.x & cond.y
res$x2y.avg[cond] <- mean(res$x2y[cond])
#add diagonal elements
diag.2.append <- data.frame(x = rfn, y = rfn, x2y = 1, x2y.avg = 1)
res <- bind_rows(res, diag.2.append)
res <- res %>% arrange(desc(x2y))
x2y.ori <- as.data.frame.matrix(xtabs(x2y ~ x + y, res))
x2y.avg <- as.data.frame.matrix(xtabs(x2y.avg ~ x + y, res))
return(list(raw = x2y.ori, averaged = x2y.avg))
automatic.elbow <- function(distance, clusters) {
distance <- as.matrix(distance)
distance <- cbind.data.frame(rf = row.names(distance), distance)
rownames(distance) <- NULL
clusters <- as.data.frame(clusters, check.names = FALSE)
clusters <- cbind.data.frame(rf = row.names(clusters), clusters)
rownames(clusters) <- NULL
nc <- ncol(clusters)
wss.res <- vector("list", nc - 1)
for (i in 2:nc) {
clusters.l <- clusters[, c(1, i), drop = FALSE]
nc.l <- as.numeric(names(clusters.l)[2])
dc <- merge(distance, clusters.l, by = "rf")
dc <- split(x = dc, f = dc[, ncol(dc)])
wss.l <- sum(sapply(dc, function(x) wss(dd = x)))
wss.res[[i]] <- data.frame(nc = nc.l, wss = wss.l)
wss.res <- data.frame(bind_rows(wss.res))
elbow.points <- nrow(wss.res)
dist2l.res <- rep(NA, elbow.points)
b <- c(wss.res$nc[1], wss.res$wss[1])
c <- c(wss.res$nc[elbow.points], wss.res$wss[elbow.points])
for (i in 1:elbow.points) {
a <- c(wss.res$nc[i], wss.res$wss[i])
dist2l.res[i] <- dist2l(a = a, b = b, c = c)
elbow.point <- which.max(dist2l.res)
res <- wss.res[elbow.point, "nc"]
wss <- function(dd) {
dd <- dd[, -c(1, ncol(dd))]
clust.centroid <- apply(dd, 2, mean)
res <- sum(sweep(dd, 2, clust.centroid, FUN = "-")^2)
dist2l <- function(a, b, c) {
v1 <- b - c
v2 <- a - b
m <- cbind(v1, v2)
d <- abs(det(m))/sqrt(sum(v1 * v1))
clust.dist <- function(dd) {
dd <- dd[, -c(1, ncol(dd))]
clust.centroid <- apply(dd, 2, mean)
res <- apply((dd - clust.centroid)^2, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x)))
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