#' Testing the discriminatory power of PD rating model
#' \code{dp.testing} performs testing of discriminatory power of the model in use applied to application portfolio
#' in comparison to the discriminatory power from the moment of development. Testing is performed based on area
#' under curve (AUC) from the application portfolio and development sample under assumption that latter is a
#' deterministic (as given) and that test statistics follow the normal distribution.
#' Standard error of AUC for application portfolio is calculated as proposed by
#' Hanley and McNeil (see References).
#'@param app.port Application portfolio (data frame) which contains default indicator (0/1) and
#' calibrated probabilities of default (PD) in use.
#'@param def.ind Name of the column that represents observed default indicator (0/1).
#'@param pdc Name of the column that represent calibrated PD in use.
#'@param auc.test Value of tested AUC (usually AUC from development sample).
#'@param alternative Alternative hypothesis. Available options are: \code{"less", "greater", "two.sided"}.
#'@param alpha Significance level of p-value for hypothesis testing. Default is 0.05.
#' Due to the fact that test of discriminatory power is usually implemented on the application portfolio,
#' certain prerequisites are needed to be fulfilled. In the first place model should be developed
#' and rating scale should be formed. In order to reflect appropriate role and right moment of
#' tests application, presented simplified example covers all steps before test implementation.
#'@return The command \code{dp.testing} returns a data frame with input parameters along with
#' hypothesis testing metrics such as estimated difference of observed (application portfolio) and testing AUC,
#' standard error of observed AUC, p-value of testing procedure and accepted hypothesis.
#'Hanley J. and McNeil B. (1982). The meaning and use of the area under a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
#' Radiology (1982) 43 (1) pp. 29-36.
#'#estimate some dummy model
#'mod.frm <- `Creditability` ~ `Account Balance` + `Duration of Credit (month)` +
#' `Age (years)`
#'lr.mod <- glm(mod.frm, family = "binomial", data = loans)
#'#model predictions
#'loans$pred <- unname(predict(lr.mod, type = "response", newdata = loans))
#'#scale probabilities
#'loans$score <- scaled.score(probs = loans$pred, score = 600, odd = 50/1, pdo = 20)
#'#group scores into rating
#'loans$rating <- sts.bin(x = round(loans$score), y = loans$Creditability, y.type = "bina")[[2]]
#'#create rating scale
#'rs <- loans %>%
#' group_by(rating) %>%
#' summarise(no = n(),
#' nb = sum(Creditability),
#' ng = sum(1 - Creditability)) %>%
#' mutate(dr = nb / no)
#'#calcualte portfolio default rate
#'sum(rs$dr * rs$no / sum(rs$no))
#'#calibrate rating scale to central tendency of 27% with minimum PD of 5%
#'ct <- 0.27
#'min.pd <- 0.05
#'rs$pd <- rs.calibration(rs = rs,
#' dr = "dr",
#' w = "no",
#' ct = ct,
#' min.pd = min.pd,
#' method = "log.odds.ab")[[1]]
#'sum(rs$pd * rs$no / sum(rs$no))
#'#bring calibrated PDs to the development sample
#'loans <- merge(loans, rs, by = "rating", all.x = TRUE)
#'#calculate development AUC
#'auc.dev <- auc.model(predictions = loans$pd, observed = loans$Creditability)
#'#simulate some dummy application portfolio
#'app.port <- loans[sample(1:nrow(loans), 400), ]
#'#calculate application portfolio AUC
#'auc.app <- auc.model(predictions = app.port$pd, observed = app.port$Creditability)
#'#test deterioration of descriminatory power measured by AUC
#'dp.testing(app.port = app.port,
#' def.ind = "Creditability",
#' pdc = "pd", auc.test = 0.7557,
#' alternative = "less",
#' alpha = 0.05)
#'@importFrom stats pnorm
dp.testing <- function(app.port, def.ind, pdc, auc.test, alternative, alpha = 0.05) {
if (!is.data.frame(app.port)) {
stop("app.port (application portfolio) is not a data frame.")
if (any(!(c(def.ind, pdc)%in%names(app.port)))) {
stop("arguments def.ind (default indicator) and/or pdc (calibrated pd) cannot be found
in the app.port (application portfolio) data frame.")
if (alpha < 0 | alpha > 1 | auc.test < 0 | auc.test > 1) {
stop("alpha and auc.test have to be between 0 and 1.")
alt.opts <- c("less", "greater", "two.sided")
if (!alternative[1]%in%alt.opts) {
msg <- paste0("alternative argument has to be one of: ", paste(alt.opts, collapse = ", "), ".")
y <- app.port[, def.ind]
pd <- app.port[, pdc]
cond.00 <- !sum(y[!is.na(y)]%in%c(0, 1)) == length(y[!is.na(y)])
if (cond.00) {
stop("def.ind has to be 0/1 variable.")
cc <- complete.cases(app.port[, c(def.ind, pdc)])
app.port <- app.port[cc, ]
if (nrow(app.port) == 0) {
stop("No complete cases for app.port.")
if (any(!cc)) {
warning("There are some incomplete cases. Check def.ind and pdc columns.")
auc <- auc.model(predictions = pd, observed = y)
q1 <- auc / (2 - auc)
q2 <- (2 * auc^2) / (1 + auc)
auc.se <- sqrt((auc * (1 - auc) + (sum(y) - 1) * (q1 - auc^2) + (sum(1-y) - 1) * (q2 - auc^2)) /
(sum(y) * sum(1-y)))
test.stat <- (auc - auc.test) / auc.se
p.val <- switch(alternative[1], "less" = pnorm(test.stat),
"greater" = pnorm(test.stat, lower.tail = FALSE),
"two.sided" = 2 * pnorm(abs(test.stat), lower.tail = FALSE))
h.sign <- switch(alternative[1], "less" = c(" >= ", " < "),
"greater" = c(" <= ", " > "),
"two.sided" = c(" != ", " != "))
res <- data.frame(auc = auc,
auc.test = auc.test,
estimate = auc - auc.test,
auc.se = auc.se,
test.stat = test.stat,
p.val = p.val,
alpha = alpha,
res = ifelse(p.val >= alpha,
paste0("H0: AUC", h.sign[1], " AUC test"),
paste0("H1: AUC", h.sign[2], " AUC test")))
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