#' Modelling the Economic Value of Credit Rating System
#' \code{evrs} calculates the economic benefits of improved PD model based on increase of portfolio return.
#' Implemented algorithm replicates the framework presented in the Reference under assumption that
#' bank adopts continuous PD rating scale. Despite this assumption, results are almost identical for scenarios
#' of base case portfolio from the Reference.
#'@param db Data frame with at least the following columns: default indicator (target), PDs of model in use,
#' PDs of benchmark model and LGD values.
#'@param pd Name of PD of model in use within db argument.
#'@param benchmark Name of PD of benchmark model within db argument.
#'@param lgd Name of LGD values within db argument.
#'@param target Name of target (default indicator 0/1) within db argument.
#'@param sigma Measurement error of model in use. If default value (\code{NA}) is passed, then measurement error
#' is calculated as standard deviation of PD difference of model in use and benchmark model.
#'@param r Risk-free rate.
#'@param elasticity Elasticity parameter used to define customer churn in case of loan overpricing.
#'@param prob.to.leave.threshold Threshold for customers' probability to leave in case of loan overpricing.
#'@param sim.num Number of simulations. Default is 500.
#'@param seed Random seed to ensure reproducibility. Default is 991.
#'@return The command \code{evrs} returns a list of two elements. The first element is data frame
#' \code{summary.tbl} and it provides simulation summary: number of simulations, number of successful simulations,
#' population size (number of observations of supplied \code{db} data frame), measurement error,
#' average churn value (number of customers that left the portfolio due to the overpricing), average return of simulated
#' portfolios, return of benchmark portfolio and return difference (main result of the simulation). The second element is
#' numeric vector of return averages of simulated portfolios.
#' Jankowitsch at al. (2007). Modelling the economic value of credit rating systems.
#' Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 31, Issue 1, \doi{10.1016/j.jbankfin.2006.01.003}.
#'#simulate model in use
#'miu.formula <- Creditability ~ `Age (years)` + `Duration of Credit (month)` +
#' `Value Savings/Stocks` + `Purpose`
#'miu <- glm(miu.formula, family = "binomial", data = loans)
#'miu.pd <- unname(predict(miu, type = "response", newdata = loans))
#'#simulate benchmark model with interaction.transformer support
#'bnm.pack <- stepFWDr(start.model = Creditability ~ 1,
#' p.value = 0.05,
#' db = loans,
#' check.start.model = TRUE,
#' offset.vals = NULL)
#'bnm <- bnm.pack$model
#'bnm.pd <- unname(predict(bnm, type = "response", newdata = bnm.pack$dev.db))
#'#prepare data for evrs function
#'db <- data.frame("Creditability" = loans$Creditability,
#' pd = miu.pd,
#' pd.benchmark = bnm.pd,
#' lgd = 0.75)
#'#calculate the difference in portfolio return between model in use the benchmark model
#'res <- evrs(db = db,
#' pd = "pd",
#' benchmark = "pd.benchmark",
#' lgd = "lgd",
#' target = "Creditability",
#' sigma = NA,
#' r = 0.03,
#' elasticity = 100,
#' prob.to.leave.threshold = 0.5,
#' sim.num = 500,
#' seed = 991)
#'#print simulation summary table
#'#portfolio return increase in case of using benchmark model
#'res[["summary.tbl"]][, "return.difference", drop = FALSE]
#'#summary of simulated returns
#'@importFrom stats rnorm
evrs <- function(db, pd, benchmark, lgd, target, sigma = NA, r, elasticity, prob.to.leave.threshold,
sim.num = 500, seed = 991) {
if (!is.data.frame(db)) {
stop("db is not a data frame.")
cols.comp <- c(pd, benchmark, lgd, target)
if (!sum(cols.comp%in%names(db)) == length(cols.comp)) {
miss.cols <- cols.comp[!cols.comp%in%names(db)]
msg <- paste0("Following column(s) does not exist in supplied db:",
paste(miss.cols, collapse = ", "), ".")
db.sim <- db[, c(target, pd, benchmark, lgd)]
names(db.sim) <- c("target", "pd", "benchmark", "lgd")
db.sim <- db.sim[complete.cases(db.sim), ]
if (!all(db.sim$target%in%c(0, 1))) {
stop("target is not 0/1 variable")
if (!all(db.sim$pd > 0 & db.sim$pd < 1) |
!all(db.sim$bechmark > 0 & db.sim$bechmark < 1)) {
stop("pd and bechmark has to be greater than 0 and less than 1.")
prob.to.leave.threshold <- prob.to.leave.threshold[1]
if (!(prob.to.leave.threshold[1] > 0 & prob.to.leave.threshold[1] < 1)) {
stop("prob.to.leave.threshold has to be greater than 0 and less than 1.")
r <- r[1]; elasticity <- elasticity[1]; seed <- seed[1]
if (!(r > 0 & elasticity > 0 & seed > 0)) {
stop("r, elasticity and seed have to be greater than 0.")
#measurement error
if (is.na(sigma)) {
db.sim$pd.dif <- db.sim$pd - db.sim$benchmark
sigma <- sd(db.sim$pd.dif)
if (sigma == 0) {
stop("sigma cannot be calculated. Check pd.benchmark values.")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(sigma) | length(sigma) > 1) {
stop("sigma has to be single numeric value greater than 0.")}
if (sigma <= 0) {stop("sigma has to be single numeric value greater than 0.")}
#calculate existing spreads
db.sim$spread.exis <- spread(r = r, pd = db.sim$pd, lgd = db.sim$lgd)
churn <- rep(NA, sim.num)
r.sim <- rep(NA, sim.num)
for (i in 1:sim.num) {
pd.sim <- pd.observed(pd = db.sim$pd, mean = 0, sigma = sigma, seed = seed + (i - 1))
spread.sim <- spread(r = r, pd = pd.sim, lgd = db.sim$lgd)
magnitude <- spread.sim - db.sim$spread.exis
probs <- prob.to.leave(alpha = elasticity,
magnitude = ifelse(magnitude < 0, 0, magnitude))
sim.indx <- !probs > prob.to.leave.threshold
churn.l <- sum(probs > prob.to.leave.threshold)
churn[i] <- churn.l
db.sim.l <- db.sim[sim.indx, ]
r.sim[i] <- portfolio.return(def.ind = db.sim.l$target,
r = r,
spread = spread.sim[sim.indx],
lgd = db.sim.l$lgd)
return.benchmark <- portfolio.return(def.ind = db.sim$target,
r = r,
spread = spread(r = r,
pd = db.sim$benchmark,
lgd = db.sim$lgd),
lgd = db.sim$lgd)
summary.tbl <- data.frame(sim.total = sim.num,
sim.succes = sum(!is.na(r.sim)),
population = nrow(db.sim),
measurement.error = sigma,
churn.avg = mean(churn, na.rm = TRUE),
return.sim = mean(r.sim, na.rm = TRUE),
return.benchmark = return.benchmark)
summary.tbl$return.difference <- summary.tbl$return.benchmark - summary.tbl$return.sim
res <- list(summary.tbl = summary.tbl, return.sim = r.sim)
score.trans <- function(x, type) {
if (type%in%"pd.to.score") {
res <- log(x / (1 - x))
} else {
res <- exp(x) / ( 1 + exp(x))
pd.observed <- function(pd, mean = 0, sigma, seed) {
score <- score.trans(pd, type = "pd.to.score")
nobs <- length(pd)
score.sim <- score + rnorm(nobs, mean = mean, sd = sigma)
pd.sim <- score.trans(score.sim, type = "score.to.pd")
spread <- function(r, pd, lgd) {
res <- (1 + r) * (pd * lgd) / (1 - pd * lgd)
prob.to.leave <- function(alpha, magnitude) {
res <- 1 - exp(-alpha * magnitude)
portfolio.return <- function(def.ind, r, spread, lgd) {
ret <- ifelse(def.ind == 0, 1 + r + spread - 1, (1 - lgd) * (1 + r + spread) - 1)
ret.mean <- mean(ret)
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