Man pages for annecori/EpiEstim
Estimate Time Varying Reproduction Numbers from Epidemic Curves

aggregate_incAggregating daily incidence to longer time windows
backimpute_IImpute unobserved generations of infection
check_cdt_samples_convergenceChecking convergence of an MCMC chain by using the...
coarse2estimLink coarseDataTools and EpiEstim
compute_lambdaCompute the overall infectivity
compute_si_cutoffIndex before which at most a given probability mass is...
compute_t_minCompute the smallest index at which joint estimation should...
covid_deaths_2020_ukData on the 2020-2022 SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the UK.
default_mcmc_controlsSet default for MCMC control
default_priorsSet default for Gamma priors
discr_siDiscretized Generation Time Distribution Assuming A Shifted...
DiscrSIFunction to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0
draw_epsilonDraw epsilon from marginal posterior distribution
draw_RDraw R from marginal posterior distribution
estimate_advantageJointly estimate the instantaneous reproduction number for a...
estimate_REstimated Instantaneous Reproduction Number
EstimateRFunction to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0
estimate_R_aggEstimated Instantaneous Reproduction Number from coarsely...
estimate_R_plotsWrapper for plot.estimate_R
first_nonzero_incidGet the first day of non-zero incidence across all variants...
Flu1918Data on the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic in Baltimore.
Flu2009Data on the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in a school in...
flu_2009_NYC_schoolData on the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in a school in New...
get_shape_epsilonPrecompute shape of posterior distribution for epsilon
get_shape_R_flatPrecompute shape of posterior distribution for R
init_mcmc_paramsinit_mcmc_params Finds clever starting points for the MCMC to...
make_configSet and check parameter settings of estimate_R
make_mcmc_controlmake_mcmc_control Creates a list of mcmc control parameters...
Measles1861Data on the 1861 measles epidemic in Hagelloch, Germany.
mers_2014_15Data on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in Saudi...
MockRotavirusMock data on a rotavirus epidemic.
overall_infectivityOverall Infectivity Due To Previously Infected Individuals
OverallInfectivityFunction to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0
plot.estimate_RPlot outputs of estimate_r
process_I_multivariantProcess incidence input for multivariant analyses with...
sample_posterior_Rsample from the posterior R distribution
SARS2003Data on the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong.
Smallpox1972Data on the 1972 smallpox epidemic in Kosovo
wallinga_teunisEstimation of the case reproduction number using the Wallinga...
WTFunction to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0
annecori/EpiEstim documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 7:34 p.m.