estimate_R: Estimated Instantaneous Reproduction Number

View source: R/estimate_R.R

estimate_RR Documentation

Estimated Instantaneous Reproduction Number


estimate_R estimates the reproduction number of an epidemic, given the incidence time series and the serial interval distribution.


  method = c("non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data",
  si_data = NULL,
  si_sample = NULL,
  config = make_config(incid = incid, method = method),
  dt = 1L,
  dt_out = 7L,
  recon_opt = "naive",
  iter = 10L,
  tol = 1e-06,
  grid = list(precision = 0.001, min = -1, max = 1),
  backimputation_window = 0



One of the following

  • A vector (or a dataframe with a single column) of non-negative integers containing the incidence time series; these can be aggregated at any time unit as specified by argument dt

  • A dataframe of non-negative integers with either i) incid$I containing the total incidence, or ii) two columns, so that incid$local contains the incidence of cases due to local transmission and incid$imported contains the incidence of imported cases (with incid$local + incid$imported the total incidence). If the dataframe contains a column incid$dates, this is used for plotting. incid$dates must contains only dates in a row.

  • An object of class incidence

Note that the cases from the first time step are always all assumed to be imported cases.


One of "non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data" or "si_from_sample" (see details).


For method "si_from_data" ; the data on dates of symptoms of pairs of infector/infected individuals to be used to estimate the serial interval distribution should be a dataframe with 5 columns:

  • EL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an integer)

  • ER: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an integer). Should be such that ER>=EL. If the dates are known exactly use ER = EL

  • SL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual (given as an integer)

  • SR: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual (given as an integer). Should be such that SR>=SL. If the dates are known exactly use SR = SL

  • type (optional): can have entries 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to doubly interval-censored, single interval-censored or exact observations, respectively, see Reich et al. Statist. Med. 2009. If not specified, this will be automatically computed from the dates


For method "si_from_sample" ; a matrix where each column gives one distribution of the serial interval to be explored (see details).


An object of class estimate_R_config, as returned by function make_config.


length of temporal aggregations of the incidence data. This should be an integer or vector of integers. If a vector, this can either match the length of the incidence data supplied, or it will be recycled. For example, dt = c(3L, 4L) would correspond to alternating incidence aggregation windows of 3 and 4 days. The default value is 1 time unit (typically day).


length of the sliding windows used for R estimates (integer, 7 time units (typically days) by default). Only used if dt > 1; in this case this will superseed config$t_start and config$t_end, see estimate_R_agg.


one of "naive" or "match", see estimate_R_agg.


number of iterations of the EM algorithm used to reconstruct incidence at 1-time-unit intervals(integer, 10 by default). Only used if dt > 1, see estimate_R_agg.


tolerance used in the convergence check (numeric, 1e-6 by default), see estimate_R_agg.


named list containing "precision", "min", and "max" which are used to define a grid of growth rate parameters that are used inside the EM algorithm used to reconstruct incidence at 1-time-unit intervals. Only used if dt > 1, see estimate_R_agg.


Length of the window used to impute incidence prior to the first reported cases. The default value is 0, meaning that no back-imputation is performed. If a positive integer is provided, the incidence is imputed for the first backimputation_window time units.


Analytical estimates of the reproduction number for an epidemic over predefined time windows can be obtained within a Bayesian framework, for a given discrete distribution of the serial interval (see references).

Several methods are available to specify the serial interval distribution.

In short there are five methods to specify the serial interval distribution (see help for function make_config for more detail on each method). In the first two methods, a unique serial interval distribution is considered, whereas in the last three, a range of serial interval distributions are integrated over:

  • In method "non_parametric_si" the user specifies the discrete distribution of the serial interval

  • In method "parametric_si" the user specifies the mean and sd of the serial interval

  • In method "uncertain_si" the mean and sd of the serial interval are each drawn from truncated normal distributions, with parameters specified by the user

  • In method "si_from_data", the serial interval distribution is directly estimated, using MCMC, from interval censored exposure data, with data provided by the user together with a choice of parametric distribution for the serial interval

  • In method "si_from_sample", the user directly provides the sample of serial interval distribution to use for estimation of R. This can be a useful alternative to the previous method, where the MCMC estimation of the serial interval distribution could be run once, and the same estimated SI distribution then used in estimate_R in different contexts, e.g. with different time windows, hence avoiding to rerun the MCMC every time estimate_R is called.

R is estimated within a Bayesian framework, using a Gamma distributed prior, with mean and standard deviation which can be set using the 'mean_prior' and 'std_prior' arguments within the 'make_config' function, which can then be used to specify 'config' in the 'estimate_R' function. Default values are a mean prior of 5 and standard deviation of 5. This was set to a high prior value with large uncertainty so that if one estimates R to be below 1, the result is strongly data-driven.

R is estimated on time windows specified through the 'config' argument. These can be overlapping or not (see 'make_config' function and vignette for examples).


an object of class estimate_R, with components:

  • R: a dataframe containing: the times of start and end of each time window considered ; the posterior mean, std, and 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975 quantiles of the reproduction number for each time window.

  • method: the method used to estimate R, one of "non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data" or "si_from_sample"

  • si_distr: a vector or dataframe (depending on the method) containing the discrete serial interval distribution(s) used for estimation

  • SI.Moments: a vector or dataframe (depending on the method) containing the mean and std of the discrete serial interval distribution(s) used for estimation

  • I: the time series of total incidence

  • I_local: the time series of incidence of local cases (so that I_local + I_imported = I)

  • I_imported: the time series of incidence of imported cases (so that I_local + I_imported = I)

  • I_imputed: the time series of incidence of imputed cases

  • dates: a vector of dates corresponding to the incidence time series

  • MCMC_converged (only for method si_from_data): a boolean showing whether the Gelman-Rubin MCMC convergence diagnostic was successful (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Anne Cori


Cori, A. et al. A new framework and software to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers during epidemics (AJE 2013). Wallinga, J. and P. Teunis. Different epidemic curves for severe acute respiratory syndrome reveal similar impacts of control measures (AJE 2004). Reich, N.G. et al. Estimating incubation period distributions with coarse data (Statis. Med. 2009)

See Also

  • make_config for general settings of the estimation

  • discr_si to build serial interval distributions

  • sample_posterior_R to draw samples of R values from the posterior distribution from the output of estimate_R()


## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009

## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")
## when not specifying t_start and t_end in config, they are set to estimate
## the reproduction number on sliding weekly windows                      
res <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
                  method = "non_parametric_si",
                  config = make_config(list(si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr)))

## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## to specify t_start and t_end in config, e.g. to have biweekly sliding
## windows  
t_start <- seq(2, nrow(Flu2009$incidence)-13)
t_end <- t_start + 13             
res <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
                  method = "non_parametric_si",
                  config = make_config(list(
                      si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr,
                      t_start = t_start,
                      t_end = t_end)))

## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 14-day window
## finishing on that day.

## example with an incidence object

## create fake data
data <- c(0,1,1,2,1,3,4,5,5,5,5,4,4,26,6,7,9)
location <- sample(c("local","imported"), length(data), replace=TRUE)
location[1] <- "imported" # forcing the first case to be imported

## get incidence per group (location)
incid <- incidence(data, groups = location)

## Estimate R with assumptions on serial interval
res <- estimate_R(incid, method = "parametric_si",
                  config = make_config(list(
                  mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## estimate the reproduction number (method "parametric_si")
res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method = "parametric_si",
                  config = make_config(list(mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## estimate the reproduction number (method "uncertain_si")
res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method = "uncertain_si",
                  config = make_config(list(
                  mean_si = 2.6, std_mean_si = 1,
                  min_mean_si = 1, max_mean_si = 4.2,
                  std_si = 1.5, std_std_si = 0.5,
                  min_std_si = 0.5, max_std_si = 2.5,
                  n1 = 100, n2 = 100)))
## the bottom left plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## Example with back-imputation:
## here we use the first 6 days of incidence to impute cases that preceded
## the first reported cases:

res_bi <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
                 method = "parametric_si",
                 backimputation_window = 6,
                 config = make_config(list(
                      mean_si = 2.6, 
                      std_si = 1,
                      t_start = t_start,
                      t_end = t_end)))
plot(res_bi, "R")

## We can see that early estimates of R are lower when back-imputation is 
## used, even though the difference is marginal in this case.

## Not run: 
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on rotavirus

mcmc_control <- make_mcmc_control(
  burnin = 1000, # first 1000 iterations discarded as burn-in
  thin = 10, # every 10th iteration will be kept, the rest discarded
  seed = 1) # set the seed to make the process reproducible

R_si_from_data <- estimate_R(
  incid = MockRotavirus$incidence,
  method = "si_from_data",
  si_data = MockRotavirus$si_data, # symptom onset data
  config = make_config(si_parametric_distr = "G", # gamma dist. for SI
     mcmc_control = mcmc_control,
     n1 = 500, # number of posterior samples of SI dist.
     n2 = 50, # number of posterior samples of Rt dist.
     seed = 2)) # set seed for reproducibility

## compare with version with no uncertainty
R_Parametric <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
                          method = "parametric_si",
                          config = make_config(list(
                          mean_si = mean(R_si_from_data$SI.Moments$Mean),
                             std_si = mean(R_si_from_data$SI.Moments$Std))))
## generate plots
p_uncertainty <- plot(R_si_from_data, "R", options_R=list(ylim=c(0, 1.5)))
p_no_uncertainty <- plot(R_Parametric, "R", options_R=list(ylim=c(0, 1.5)))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p_uncertainty, p_no_uncertainty,ncol=2)

## the left hand side graph is with uncertainty in the SI distribution, the
## right hand side without.
## The credible intervals are wider when accounting for uncertainty in the SI
## distribution.

## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_sample")
MCMC_seed <- 1
overall_seed <- 2 <- = MockRotavirus$si_data,
                 dist = "G",
        = init_mcmc_params(MockRotavirus$si_data, "G"),
                 burnin = 1000,
                 n.samples = 5000,
                 seed = MCMC_seed)
si_sample <- coarse2estim(, thin = 10)$si_sample
R_si_from_sample <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
                               method = "si_from_sample",
                               si_sample = si_sample,
                               config = make_config(list(n2 = 50,
                               seed = overall_seed)))

## check that R_si_from_sample is the same as R_si_from_data
## since they were generated using the same MCMC algorithm to generate the SI
## sample (either internally to EpiEstim or externally)
all(R_si_from_sample$R$`Mean(R)` == R_si_from_data$R$`Mean(R)`)

## End(Not run)

annecori/EpiEstim documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 7:34 p.m.