
Defines functions approximate_strauss_constant_PS

Documented in approximate_strauss_constant_PS

#' approximate Strauss constant using Path sampling
#' The unconditonal constant, so you can't give n for this. 
#' @param nsim number of sims for MC expectation
#' @param steps grid reso for gamma
#' @param perfMaxIter max iter for the first perfect pattern
#' @param MHiter iterations per MH simulations starting from perfect pattern
#' @param ... passed on to rstrauss simulator
#' @return
#' Value is the natural log of Z(theta), unconditional.
#' @import parallel
#' @export 

approximate_strauss_constant_PS <- function(beta, gamma, range, bbox, nsim=10, 
                                            steps=10, perfMaxIter=1e5, MHiter=1000, ...){
  if(steps<3) stop("Need gamma grid steps > 2")
  # Simulate in a dilated bbox to encounter edge effects
  bbox_sim <- bbox_dilate(bbox, range)
  # helpers: Simulate a pattern given gamma
  rst0 <- function(gam) rstrauss(beta=beta, gamma=gam, range=range, bbox=bbox_sim, perfect=TRUE, iter=perfMaxIter, ...)
  rst <- function(x0, gam) rstrauss(n=nrow(x0$x), gamma=gam, range=range, bbox=x0$bbox, start=x0$x, iter=MHiter, ...)
  d <- ncol(bbox)
  # Calcuate one Sr, use reduced window border correction
  Sr <- function(x) {
    orig <- which(rowSums(sapply(1:d, function(i) bbox[2,i] >= x$x[,i] &x$x[,i] >= bbox[1,i]   ))==d)
    # within original window
    loc <- x$x[ orig, ]
    ok <- which(bbox_distance(loc, bbox) > range) # exclude too close to border
    Gok <- geom(loc, from=ok, to=ok, r=range)
    Sok <- sum(sapply(Gok[ok], length)) / 2 
    Gout <- geom(loc, from=ok, to=setdiff(1:nrow(loc), ok), r=range)
    sum(sapply(Gout[ok], length)) + Sok 
  # path integral grid
  ggrid <- seq(gamma, 1, length=steps)
  dg <- (1-gamma)/(steps-1)
  # The expectations
  E <- NULL
  dummy <- as.list(2:nsim)
  # loop for estimating the expectations
  for(g in ggrid){
    sim0 <- rst0(g)
    sf <- function(v) rst(sim0, g)
    sims <- mclapply(dummy, sf)
    Srs <- c(Sr(sim0), sapply(sims, Sr))
    Ex <- mean(Srs)
    E <- c(E, Ex)
  # then approximate the integral
  bw <- 2:(steps-1) # intermediate values on the path
  A <- dg * ( E[1]/(2*gamma) + E[steps]/2 + sum(E[bw]/ggrid[bw]) )
  # then back to Z, log scale
  V <- prod(apply(bbox, 2, diff))
  # done
  (beta-1)*V - A
antiphon/rstrauss documentation built on June 2, 2022, 7:19 a.m.