# Simulate Product-Shot-Noice Cox point process?

#' Gaussian kernel with bandwidth omega
#' @export
kernThomas <- function(r, omega, ...){
  exp(- r^2/(2 * omega^2)) / (2 * pi * omega^2)
#' Variance-Gamma (Bessel) kernel with bandwidth omega and shape parameter nu.ker
#' @export
kernVarGamma <- function(r, omega, nu.ker){
  stopifnot(nu.ker > -1/2)
  sigma2 <- 1 / (4 * pi * nu.ker * omega^2)
  u <- r/omega
  u <- ifelse(u > 0, (u^nu.ker) * besselK(u, nu.ker) / (2^(nu.ker - 1) * gamma(nu.ker)), 1)
  return(abs(sigma2 * u))
#' Cauchy kernel with bandwith omega
#' @export
kernCauchy <- function(r, omega, ...){
  ((1 + (r / omega)^2)^(-1.5)) / (2 * pi * omega^2)

#' Simulation of the PSNC as given by the authors
#' @import spatstat parallel
#' @export

rPSNC <- function(rho, kappa, omega, alpha, win=owin(), clusters=NULL, nsim=1,
                   nu.ker=NULL, ij=NULL, eps = NULL, dimyx = NULL, xy = NULL,
                   epsth=0.001, mc.cores=1L) {
  bkernels <- list(Thomas=kernThomas, Cauchy=kernCauchy, VarGamma=kernVarGamma)
  m <- length(rho)
  if ((length(kappa) != m) || length(omega) != m )
    stop("kappa and omega paramters must be of the same size.")
  if (!all(dim(alpha) == c(m, m)))
    stop("alpha paramter is not a matrix of correct dimensions.")
  if (is.null(clusters))
    clusters <- rep("Thomas", m)
  else if(length(clusters) != m)
    stop("clusters must be a vector of the size of the number of components.")
  if (is.null(nu.ker))
    nu.ker <- rep(-1/4, m)
  diag(alpha) <- 0
  if (all(alpha == 0))
    return(rmkppm0(rho=rho, kappa=kappa, omega=omega, win=win, clusters=clusters,
                   nsim=nsim, nu.ker=nu.ker, ij=ij, eps = eps, dimyx = dimyx,
                   xy = xy, epsth=epsth, mc.cores=mc.cores))

  rho <- as.list(rho)
  frame <- boundingbox(win)
  dframe <- diameter(frame)
  W <- as.mask(win, eps = eps, dimyx = dimyx, xy = xy)
  wx <- as.vector(raster.x(W))
  wy <- as.vector(raster.y(W))

  sigma <- rmax <- numeric(m)
  for (i in 1:m)
      rho[[i]] <- as.im(rho[[i]], dimyx=W$dim)
    keri <- function(r){ bkernels[[clusters[i]]](r, omega[i], nu.ker[i]) }
    keri0 <- keri(0)
    sigma[i] <- kappa[i] / keri0
    kerithresh <- function(r){ keri(r) / keri0 - epsth}
    rmax[i] <- uniroot(kerithresh, lower = omega[i], upper = 5 * dframe)$root # 4 * omega[i] #
  dilated <- grow.rectangle(frame, max(rmax))

  corefun <- function(idumm) {
    Phi <- lapply(kappa, rpoispp, win=dilated)
    fr <- vector("list", length=m)
    for (i in 1:m)
      keri <- function(r){ bkernels[[clusters[i]]](r, omega[i], nu.ker[i]) }
      keri0 <- keri(0)
      fr[[i]] <- keri(crossdist.default(wx, wy, Phi[[i]]$x, Phi[[i]]$y)) / keri0

    if (is.null(ij))
      ij <- 1:m
    xp <- yp <- mp <- NULL
    for (i in 1:m)
      Si <- rowSums(fr[[i]])  / sigma[i]
      E <- matrix(1, nrow=length(wx), ncol=m)
      for (j in (1:m)[-i])
        E[, j] <- apply(1 + alpha[j, i] * fr[[j]], 1, prod) * exp(-alpha[j, i] * sigma[j])
      values <-  Si * apply(E, 1, prod)
      Lam <- im(values, xcol=W$xcol, yrow=W$yrow, unitname = unitname(W))
      rhoi <- rho[[i]]
      Xi <- rpoispp(eval.im(rhoi * Lam))
      xp <- c(xp, Xi$x)
      yp <- c(yp, Xi$y)
      mp <- c(mp, rep(ij[i], Xi$n))

    simout <- ppp(xp, yp, window=win, marks=as.factor(mp))
    # attr(simout, "parents") <- Phi
  outlist <- if (mc.cores == 1) lapply(1:nsim, corefun)
  else mclapply(1:nsim, corefun, mc.cores=mc.cores)
  if (nsim == 1)
  names(outlist) <- paste("Simulation", 1:nsim)

#' Simulation of the independent components SNC as given by the author
#' @export

rmkppm0 <- function(rho, kappa, omega, win=owin(), clusters=NULL, nsim=1,
                    nu.ker=NULL, ij=NULL, eps = NULL, dimyx = NULL, xy = NULL, epsth=0.001, mc.cores=1L)
  m <- length(rho)
  if ((length(kappa) != m) || length(omega) != m )
    stop("kappa and omega paramters must be of the same size.")
  if (is.null(clusters))
    clusters <- rep("Thomas", m)
  else if(length(clusters) != m)
    stop("clusters must be a vector of the size of the number of components.")
  if (is.null(nu.ker))
    nu.ker <- rep(-1/4, m)
  rho <- as.list(rho)
  if (is.null(ij))
    ij <- 1:m
  corefun0 <- function(dumm)
    xp <- yp <- mp <- NULL
    for (i in 1:m)
      rhoi <- rho[[i]]
      if (is.numeric(rhoi))
        mui <- rhoi / kappa[i]
      else if (is.im(rhoi))
        mui <- eval.im(rhoi / kappa[i])
      Xi <- switch(clusters[i],
                   Thomas = rThomas(kappa[i], omega[i], mui, win=win),
                   Cauchy =  rCauchy(kappa[i], omega[i], mui, win=win, eps=epsth),
                   VarGamma = rVarGamma(kappa[i], nu.ker=nu.ker[i], omega[i], mui, win=win, eps=epsth, nu.pcf=NULL))
      xp <- c(xp, Xi$x)
      yp <- c(yp, Xi$y)
      mp <- c(mp, rep(ij[i], Xi$n))

    out <- ppp(xp, yp, window=win, marks=as.factor(mp))
    #  attr(out, "parents") <- Phi
  outlist <- if (mc.cores == 1) lapply(1:nsim, corefun0)
  else mclapply(1:nsim, corefun0, mc.cores=mc.cores)
  if (nsim == 1)
  names(outlist) <- paste("Simulation", 1:nsim)

# trash
# rPSNC <- function(rho, kappa, xi, range, window = square(), nx = 128, ny) {
#   #
#   xi <- check_xi(xi)
#   K <- ncol(xi)
#   if(length(kappa) != K) stop("dimension mismatch: kappa != ncol(xi)")
#   if(length(rho)   != K) stop("dimension mismatch: kappa != ncol(xi)")
#   if(length(range) != K) stop("dimension mismatch: range != ncol(xi)")
#   #
#   frame <- boundingbox(window)
#   if(missing(ny)) ny <- nx * diff(frame$yrange)/diff(frame$xrange)
#   # 1. potentially inhomogeneous intensity fields
#   if(is.vector(rho)) {
#     # make images
#     W <- as.mask(win, eps = eps, dimyx = dimyx, xy = xy)
#     wx <- as.vector(raster.x(W))
#     wy <- as.vector(raster.y(W))
#     lapply(rho, as.mask, window, dimyx = c(ny,nx)))
#   }
#   if(any(!sapply(rho, is.im)))
#     stop("rho should be vector (constant intensity) or a list of im-objects.")
#   # 2. shot noise
#   bases <- lapply(kappa, function(k) rpoispp(k, window=window) )
# }

# check_xi <- function(xi){
#   if(!is.matrix(xi)) stop("xi should be a square matrix giving the interactions.")
#   if(!ncol(xi)==nrow(xi)) stop("xi should be a square matrix")
#   xi
# }
antiphon/sseg documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:22 p.m.