
#' @title Download COPERNICUS products
#' @description
#' Download COPERNICUS products, for a given period of time and tile(s)
#' @usage
#' download_copernicus(product,begin,end,extent,tileH,tileV,
#'                     outPath,user,password,ntry,allowParallel = FALSE,...)
#' @param product One of the following: 'NDVI_1km_V1' (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - VGT instrument),'NDVI_1km_V2' (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - PROBAV instrument),'LAI' (Leaf Area Index),'FCOVER' (Fraction of Vegetation Green Cover),
#' 'FAPAR' (Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation),'VCI' (Vegetation Condition Index),'VPI' (Vegetation Productivity Index),
#' 'DMP' (Dry Matter Productivity),'BA' (Burnt Areas)
#' @param begin begin of the time period. \code{Date} object, \code{numeric} or \code{character} of length 1 that can be transformed to a \code{Date} using \code{\link[lubridate]{ymd}}. See \code{?ymd} for more details. \code{ymj} format is also accepted (with \code{j} being the day of the year)
#' @param end end of the time period. Same format as \code{begin}
#' @param extent an object of class \code{Raster*}, \code{Extent} or \code{SpatialPolygons*} giving the extent from which tiles should be downloaded.
#' See \code{\link{get_tile_copernicus}} for details.
#' @param tileH H index of the tile COPERNICUS system (\code{numeric} or \code{character})
#' @param tileV V index of the tile COPERNICUS system (\code{numeric} or \code{character})
#' @param outPath Path where downloaded files should be stored. Default set via \code{copernicus_options('downloadPath')}
#' @param user User name to access COPERNICUS data portal. Default set via \code{copernicus_options('user')}
#' @param password Password associated with user name to access COPERNICUS data portal. Default set via \code{copernicus_options('password')}
#' @param ntry Number of tries after non-succes download response from the server. Increasing the value increases chances to actually get the data. Default set via \code{copernicus_options('ntry')}
#' @param allowParallel Logical. If a \code{foreach} parallel backend is loaded and available, should the function use it? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... argument passed to \code{\link{get_url_copernicus}}, such as groupByDate
#' @details If target files are already present in the \code{outPath} directory, they are not downloaded.
#' One should choose to use either an extent or pairs of (H,V) values. If extent is provided, tileH and tileV are not used.
#' @return Return invisibly the list of downloaded files
#' @author Antoine Stevens
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Don't forget to provide in copernicus_options() your user and password
#' # for COPERNICUS data portal before running this
#' # Let's download NDVI V1 prodct, for JUN 2009, and tile (h=19,v=4)
#' download_copernicus(product = 'NDVI_1km_V1', begin = '2009-06-01', end = '2009-06-30',
#'                    tileH = 19, tileV = 4)
#' # one could also use an extent object, instead of (tileH,tileV) pairs, eg:
#' library(raster)
#' e <- extent(c(-1,2,49,51))
#' # this will download 12 files (4 tiles x 3 time periods)
#' download_copernicus(product = 'NDVI_1km_V1', begin = '2009-06-01', end = '2009-06-30', extent = e)
#' }
#' @export
download_copernicus <- function(product = c("NDVI_1km_V1", "NDVI_1km_V2", "LAI", "FCOVER", "FAPAR", "VCI",
    "VPI", "DMP", "BA"), begin, end, extent, tileH, tileV, outPath = copernicus_options("downloadPath"),
    user = copernicus_options("user"), password = copernicus_options("password"), ntry = copernicus_options("ntry"), allowParallel = FALSE, ...) {

      stop("allowParallel should be a logical")

    if(!(is.numeric(ntry)&length(ntry)==1&ntry > 0))
      stop("ntry should be a numercic of length 1 and > 0")

      `%mydo%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
    } else {
      `%mydo%` <- foreach::`%do%`

    if (copernicus_options("user") == "" | copernicus_options("password") == "")
        stop("Set a user and password via 'copernicus_options()' to access COPERNICUS data portal")
      if (missing(tileH))
          stop("Please provide a tileH argument")
      if (missing(tileV))
          stop("Please provide a tileV argument")
    } else {
      tileH = NULL;tileV = NULL

    if (missing(begin))
        stop("Provide a begin date. Eg '20140101' or '2014001' or an object of class 'Date'")
    if (missing(end))
        stop("Provide an end date. Eg '20140101' or '2014001' or an object of class 'Date'")

    if (length(tileH) != length(tileV))
        stop("tileH should have the same length as tileV")

    # check the availability tiles
      tiles <- get_tile_copernicus(extent = extent,exclude = FALSE) else tiles <- get_tile_copernicus(tileH = tileH, tileV = tileV, exclude = FALSE)

    if (all(!tiles$availability))
        stop("No Tile(s) is/are available")

    if (sum(!tiles$availability))
        warning(paste0("Tile(s): ", paste0("H", tiles$h[!tiles$availability], "V", tiles$v[!tiles$availability], collapse = " "),
            " is/are not available"))

    # keep only those that are available
    tiles <- tiles[tiles$availability,]

    # check the availability of the provided time period
    ch_time <- check_time_copernicus(product = product, begin = begin, end = end)

    # get file url's
    urls <- get_url_copernicus(product, ch_time$begin, ch_time$end, tileH = tiles$h, tileV = tiles$v, ...)

    # create dir if necessary
    outPath <- normalizePath(outPath)
    if (!dir.exists(outPath))
        dir.create(outPath, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    a <- list.files(outPath)  # files that are already in the output directory

    print(paste0(length(unlist(urls)), " files to download"))
    # if urls is a list, we need to iterate over the elements of the list, then over the elements in each elements of the list
    f <- foreach(ul = iterators::iter(urls))%:%foreach(u = iterators::iter(ul),.combine = c)%mydo%{
      # Set password and user name
      h <- curl::new_handle()
      curl::handle_setopt(h, username = user, password = password)

      # destination file
      d <- basename(u)

      if(! d %in% a){

        print(paste("Downloading:", d))
        d <- paste0(outPath, "/", d)

        # download data
        for(ii in 1:ntry){
          # try at least ntry times
          f <- try(curl::curl_download(url = u,dest = d,handle = h))
            Sys.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 sec before re-try
        } else {
      } else {
        paste0(outPath, "/", d)

      f <- f[!sapply(f, is.null)]
    } else {
antoinestevens/copernicus documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:23 p.m.