context("Pipeline over linear test data")
testData <-
ERTMonSimpleTestData( numberOfEntities = 10, numberOfVariables = 3,
timeInterval = 900, numberOfTimeCells = 42, randomStartTimesQ = TRUE,
variableFunction = "Linear",
exportDirectoryName = NULL )
testData$ComputationSpecification$Aggregation.function <- "Count"
testData$ComputationSpecification$Aggregation.interval.length <- 3*900
testData$ComputationSpecification <- unique(testData$ComputationSpecification)
testData$ComputationSpecification <-
testData$ComputationSpecification %>%
dplyr::group_by( Variable ) %>%
dplyr::filter( dplyr::row_number() == dplyr::n() ) %>%
ertmon0 <-
ERTMonUnit() %>%
ERTMonSetEventRecords( testData$EventRecords ) %>%
ERTMonSetEntityAttributes( testData$EntityAttributes ) %>%
ERTMonSetComputationSpecification( testData$ComputationSpecification ) %>%
ERTMonProcessEventRecords( alignmentSpec = "MinTime" )
fmat0 <- as.matrix( ertmon0 %>% ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix )
dfTCI0 <- ertmon0 %>% ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation
dfTCI0 <- dfTCI0[ grep("^Var", dfTCI0$MatrixName), ]
## Positive time are expected because of alignmentSpec = "MinTime".
test_that("Positive time grid cells interpretation times", {
expect_equal( mean( dfTCI0$StartTime >= 0 ), 1 )
expect_equal( mean( dfTCI0$EndTime >= 0 ), 1 )
expect_equal( mean( dfTCI0$EndTime - dfTCI0$StartTime > 0 ), 1 )
## The aggregation function is "Count" and the aggregation time interval is 3 times
## larger than the time interval used in the simple test data creation.
## Hence we expect all 3's for the variable features. (With prefixex "Var".)
test_that("Counts of three for each time cell", {
expect_equal( mean( as.numeric(fmat0[, grep( "^Var", colnames(fmat0), value = T)]) == 3 ), 1 )
colVec1 <- purrr::map_chr( strsplit( grep( "Var.1", colnames(fmat0), value = T, fixed = T), "\\."), function(x) x[[length(x)]])
colVec2 <- purrr::map_chr( strsplit( grep( "Var.2", colnames(fmat0), value = T, fixed = T), "\\."), function(x) x[[length(x)]])
colVec3 <- purrr::map_chr( strsplit( grep( "Var.3", colnames(fmat0), value = T, fixed = T), "\\."), function(x) x[[length(x)]])
test_that("The feature matrix has properly ordered columns", {
expect_equal( mean( as.numeric(colVec1) == sort(as.numeric(colVec1)) ), 1 )
expect_equal( mean( as.numeric(colVec2) == sort(as.numeric(colVec2)) ), 1 )
expect_equal( mean( as.numeric(colVec3) == sort(as.numeric(colVec3)) ), 1 )
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