
Defines functions detectorGIF isoLabel prettyPlot drawRNG drawRange polyCurve

Documented in detectorGIF drawRange drawRNG isoLabel polyCurve prettyPlot

# This file contains methods for visualizing APT data.

#### polyCurve ####
#' Shade regions under a curve
#' @seealso
#' \url{www.fromthebottomoftheheap.net/2013/01/11/shading-regions-under-a-curve}
#' for more details.
# Add ability to shade regions
polyCurve <- function(x, y, from, to, n = 50, miny,
                      col = "red", border = NA) {
  drawPoly <- function(fun, from, to, n = 50, miny, col, border) {
    Sq <- seq(from = from, to = to, length = n)
      x = c(Sq[1], Sq, Sq[n]),
      y = c(miny, fun(Sq), miny),
      col = col, border = border
  lf <- length(from)
  stopifnot(identical(lf, length(to)))
  if (length(col) != lf) {
    col <- rep(col, length.out = lf)
  if (length(border) != lf) {
    border <- rep(border, length.out = lf)
  if (missing(miny)) {
    miny <- min(y)
  interp <- approxfun(x = x, y = y)
    from = from, to = to, col = col, border = border,
    MoreArgs = list(fun = interp, n = n, miny = miny)

#### drawRange ####
#' Color ranges on a MassSpectrum
#' `drawRange` draws a colored range on a plot
#' @param ms The \code{\link[MALDIquant:MassSpectrum-class]{MassSpectrum}} or
#'  `data.frame` (with columns named `mass` and `intensity`) on which the ranges
#'  are to be drawn
#' @param start numeric. The start of the range(s).
#' @param end numeric. The end of the range(s).
#' @param col The color of the range(s).
#' @return `NULL`
#' @seealso \code{\link{drawRNG}}
#' @export
drawRange <- function(ms, start, end, col = "red", miny = 0) {
  if (isMassSpectrum(ms)) {
    ms <- as.data.frame(ms)
  if (!all(c("mass", "intensity") %in% names(ms))) {
    error <- paste(
      dQuote("ms"), "must have fields", dQuote("mass"), "and",
  polyCurve(ms$mass, ms$intensity, start, end, col = col, miny = miny)

#### drawRNG ####
#' Color ranges from an RNG on a MassSpectrum
#' `drawRNG` draws colored ranges from an RNG (as generated by
#' \code{\link{readRNG}}) on a plot
#' @param ms The \code{\link[MALDIquant:MassSpectrum-class]{MassSpectrum}} or
#'  `data.frame` (with columns named `mass` and `intensity`) on which the ranges
#'  are to be drawn
#' @param rng The RRNG `data.frame` used to color the ranged peaks in the
#'   mass spectrum
#' @return `NULL`
#' @seealso \code{\link{drawRange}}
#' @export
drawRNG <- function(ms, rng, miny = 0) {
  if (isMassSpectrum(ms)) {
    ms <- as.data.frame(ms)
  if (!all(c("mass", "intensity") %in% names(ms))) {
    error <- paste(
      dQuote("ms"), "must have fields", dQuote("mass"), "and",
  polyCurve(ms$mass, ms$intensity, rng$start, rng$end,
    col = rng$color, miny = miny

#### prettyPlot ####
#' Plot a pretty \code{\link[MALDIquant:MassSpectrum-class]{MassSpectrum}}.
#' \code{prettyPlot}
#' @param ms The \code{\link[MALDIquant:MassSpectrum-class]{MassSpectrum}} to
#'   be plotted
#' @param rng Optional. The RRNG `data.frame` used to color ranged peaks in the
#'   mass spectrum
#' @param hold.par
#' @export
# Lift the assumption of a log10 transformed spectrum.
prettyPlot <- function(ms, rng = NA, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, lwd = 1,
                       main = NULL, hold.par = F, ...) {
  if (log10(max(ms@intensity)) > 1) {
    stop("prettyPlot should only be used with log10 transformed spectra.")
  if (is.null(main)) {
    main <- attr(ms, "metaData")$name
  ms.old <- par(no.readonly = T)
  par(mgp = c(2.2, 0.5, 0), cex = 1.5, las = 1, mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 1.5, 1))
    yaxt = "n", tck = -0.02, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, lwd = lwd,
    xlab = "Mass-to-Charge-State Ratio (Da)", ylab = "Counts (arb.)",
    main = main
  ms.lims <- par("usr")
  ms.exp <- sapply(1:ms.lims[4], function(x) {
    paste0(c("10^", x), collapse = "")
  axis(side = 2, at = 1:ms.lims[4], labels = NA, tck = -0.02)
    side = 2, at = 1:ms.lims[4], labels = parse(text = ms.exp),
    las = 1, lwd = 0
  ms.tck <- lapply(1:2, axTicks)
  ms.diff <- ms.tck[[1]][2] - ms.tck[[1]][1]
  ms.tck[[1]] <- seq(
    min(c(ms.tck[[1]], 0)),
    max(ms.tck[[1]] + ms.diff),
    ms.diff / 5
  ms.tck[[2]] <- log10(rep(1:9, ms.lims[4] + 1) * rep(10^(0:ms.lims[4]),
    each = 9
  invisible(lapply(1:2, function(x) {
    axis(x, at = ms.tck[[x]], labels = NA, tck = -0.01)
  if (class(rng) == "data.frame") {
    drawRNG(ms, rng)
  if (hold.par) {
#### isoLabel ####
#' Label a prettyPlot with isotope patterns
#' `isoLabel` adds a set of lines and labels of isotopes generated by
#' \code{\link[enviPat]{isopattern}} to a \code{\link{prettyPlot}}. It currently
#' assumes (like `prettyPlot`) that the spectrum is log10 transformed. This will
#' be extended to arbitrary spectra in the future.
#' @param ms A \code{\link[MALDIquant:MassSpectrum-class]{MassSpectrum}}. The
#'   (log transformed) mass spectrum to be marked.
#' @param pat A list of isotopic patterns as generated by
#'   \code{\link[enviPat]{isopattern}}
#' @param rng Currently unused.
#' @param col A vector of colors for the isotopes. If `NULL`, the standard R
#'   sequence of colors will be used.
#' @param halfWindowSize A numeric. The half-width of the window for determining
#'   the height of the main isotope peak.
#' @return `NULL`
#' @seealso \code{\link[enviPat]{isopattern}}
isoLabel <- function(ms, pat, rng = NULL, col = NULL, halfWindowSize = 0.5) {
  if (is.null(col)) {
    col <- seq_along(pat)
  lab <- names(pat)
  main <- sapply(pat, function(X) {
    m <- X[, 1]
    m[X[, 2] == 100]
  height <- sapply(main, function(m) {
    wh <- which(ms@mass > (m - halfWindowSize) & ms@mass < (m + halfWindowSize))
  invisible(lapply(seq_along(pat), function(n) {
    lines(pat[[n]][, 1], log10(10^height[n] * pat[[n]][, 2] / 100),
      type = "h", col = col[n]
  invisible(mapply(function(x, y, label, col) {
    text(x = x, y = y, labels = label, pos = 3, col = col, cex = 0.5)
  }, main, height, lab, col))

#### detectorGIF ####
#' Create a GIF that steps through detector hits.
#' `detectorGIF` generates a GIF that shows the positions of detector hits.
detectorGIF <- function(ato, len = 100000, range = NULL,
                        size = 7, name = "detector", path = "./", save.pdf = F,
                        delay = 10, ...) {
  gif.wd <- getwd()
  gif.pdf <- paste0(name, ".pdf")
  gif.gif <- paste0(name, ".gif")
  pdf(file = gif.pdf, width = size, height = size, bg = "white")
  gif.n <- floor(dim(ato)[1] / len)
  for (i in 0:gif.n) {
      ato[i * len + seq_len(len), ],
      plot(dy, dx, asp = 1, ... = ...)
  # convert pngs to one gif using ImageMagick
  gif.sys <- paste(
    "convert - delay", delay, "-background white",
    "-alpha background -density 100 +antialias",
    gif.pdf, gif.gif
  if (!save.pdf) {
    file.remove(list.files(pattern = gif.pdf))
aproudian2/rapt documentation built on Dec. 15, 2022, 4:24 a.m.