#' Probability-Probability Plot of FCS2 Model Fit
#' Produces a \dfn{Probability-Probability} (\acronym{P-P}) plot of the fitted
#' total catch that can be used to assess the model fit.
#' If \code{addCI} is \code{TRUE}, a confidence interval is found by Monte
#' Carlo simulation. \code{n.sims} datasets of fish catches are simulated from
#' the fitted model, each using the same observed covariates, and the
#' \acronym{P-P} plot line is found for each. The confidence interval then
#' represents the extent covered by the central \code{ciprob} proportion of
#' these.
#' If the observed data is typical of data simulated from the model, we would
#' expect the observed \acronym{P-P} plot line to fall within the confidence
#' interval \code{ciprob * 100}\% of the time.
#' @param fit an \code{"fcs2Fit"} object, usually returned by
#' \code{\link{fcs2FitModel}}.
#' @param dataFrame a data frame with surveys as rows and variables as columns.
#' It should contain all variables required by \code{fit}. This is usually the
#' same data frame used to create \code{fit}.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of surveys to be used
#' to create the \acronym{P-P} plot.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data
#' contain missing values (\code{NA}s). The default is set by the
#' \code{na.action} setting of \code{\link{options}} and this is usually set to
#' \code{\link{na.omit}}. This setting removes surveys that contain missing
#' data in any required variables. A vector indicating the rows that were
#' removed can be extracted from the returned object using
#' \code{\link{na.action.fcs2Fit}}. Alternatively, \code{\link{na.pass}} can
#' be used to ignore missing values (where possible) or \code{\link{na.fail}}
#' can be given to signal an error if missing values are found.
#' @param n.sims the number of datasets to simulate from the fitted model to
#' generate the confidence interval if \code{addCI} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ciprob the desired limits for the confidence interval added if
#' \code{addCI} is \code{TRUE}. The default is \code{0.95} representing a 95\%
#' interval.
#' @param title an optional title for the plot.
#' @param addCI whether to add a confidence interval to the plot (default is
#' \code{TRUE}).
#' @param progressBar whether to show a progress bar when calculating the
#' confidence interval, since this can take some time.
#' @param mu a matrix of abundance samples can optionally be provided, as
#' generated from \code{\link{abundance}} using the same \code{fit},
#' \code{dataFrame} and \code{subset}.
#' @param rho a matrix of prevalence samples can optionally be provided, as
#' generated from \code{\link{prevalence}} using the same \code{fit},
#' \code{dataFrame} and \code{subset}.
#' @param seed set random seed to allow repeatable results.
#' @return If \code{addCI} is \code{TRUE}, the proportion of observed
#' \acronym{P-P} plot points within the confidence limits is printed to screen
#' and invisibly returned.
#' @section Warning: Generating the confidence interval can take some time,
#' especially if \code{n.sims} is large.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.fcs2Fit}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @export
ppplot <-
function(fit, dataFrame, subset = 1:nrow(dataFrame), na.action, n.sims = 100,
ciprob = 0.95, title = "", addCI = TRUE, progressBar = TRUE, mu, rho, seed=NULL)
if (class(subset) == "logical" || min(subset) == 0)
subset <- which(as.logical(subset))
# get default na.action if missing
if (missing(na.action)) {
na.action <- getOption("na.action")
if (is.null(na.action))
na.action <- na.omit # use 'na.omit' if option not set
na.action <- eval(parse(text=na.action))
# calculate or extract posterior samples of shape r, prevalence, abundance and q
r <- fit$bugsFit$sims.list$r
if (missing(mu))
mu <- abundance(fit, dataFrame, subset, na.action)
if (missing(rho))
rho <- prevalence(fit, dataFrame, subset, na.action)
if (fit$multiRun)
q <- fit$bugsFit$sims.list$q
# if multiple runs, calculate or extract number of runs
if (fit$multiRun) {
if (fit$nRunsVar %in% colnames(dataFrame))
nRuns <- dataFrame[, fit$nRunsVar]
else {
nRuns <- rep(NA, nrow(dataFrame))
for (i in 1:nrow(dataFrame))
nRuns[i] <- sum(!is.na(dataFrame[i, fit$runTotalVars]))
# check number of runs variable isn't larger than number of catch variables
if (max(nRuns, na.rm=TRUE) > length(fit$runTotalVars)) {
warning(paste("Number of runs ", if (fit$nRunsVar %in% colnames(dataFrame))
paste("variable '", fit$nRunsVar, "' ", sep=""),
"clipped to not exceed number of catch variables (", length(fit$runTotalVars), ")", sep=""))
nRuns[!is.na(nRuns) & nRuns > length(fit$runTotalVars)] <- length(fit$runTotalVars)
## calculate mean eqr
eqr <- fcs2SingleEQR(fit, dataFrame, subset, na.action, mu=mu, rho=rho)
na.action <- attr(eqr, "na.action")
eqr <- mean(eqr)
# remove entries missing in other matrix
na.action.mu <- attr(mu, "na.action")
na.action.rho <- attr(rho, "na.action")
if (length(setdiff(na.action, na.action.rho)) > 0) {
which <- rep(TRUE, length(subset))
which[na.action] <- FALSE
if (length(na.action.rho) > 0)
which <- which[-na.action.rho]
rho <- rho[, which]
if (length(setdiff(na.action, na.action.mu)) > 0) {
which <- rep(TRUE, length(subset))
which[na.action] <- FALSE
if (length(na.action.mu) > 0)
which <- which[-na.action.mu]
mu <- mu[, which]
# multiply abundance mu by survey area
isubset <- subset[setdiff(1:length(subset), na.action)]
mu <- mu * matrix(dataFrame[isubset, fit$surveyAreaVar], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mu), ncol=ncol(mu))
# if multiple runs, multiply again by (1 - (1 - q)^nRuns)
if (fit$multiRun)
mu <- mu * (1 - (1 - matrix(q, nrow=length(q), ncol=ncol(mu))) ^ matrix(nRuns[isubset], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(mu), ncol=ncol(mu)))
# calculate zeroprob = 1 - rho
rho <- 1 - rho
# sort eqr
eqr <- sort(eqr)
n <- length(eqr)
prob <- ppoints(n)
graphics::plot(0, 0, col="white", xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0, 1),
xlab="Theoretical Probabilities", ylab="Sample Probabilities", main=title) #paste("P-P plot:", title))
graphics::abline(0, 1, col="grey50")
graphics::abline(v=c(0, 1), h=c(0, 1), col="grey80")
graphics::lines(prob, eqr, col="blue")
## add CI
if (addCI) {
if (progressBar)
bar <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
# sample indicies corresponding to Monte Carlo sample
if(!is.null(seed)) { set.seed(seed) }
index <- sample(1:nrow(mu), n.sims, replace=TRUE)
# sample from fitted distribution
sample <- matrix(rzinbinom(n.sims*n,
r[rep(index, n)],
zeroprob=as.vector(rho[cbind(rep(index, n), rep(1:n, rep(n.sims,n)))]),
nbmean=as.vector(mu[cbind(rep(index, n), rep(1:n, rep(n.sims,n)))])), nrow = n.sims)
# for each sample, calculate mean eqr values
sampleEQRs <- array(NA, dim=c(n.sims, n))
for (i in 1:n.sims) {
sampleEQR <- matrix(pzinbinom(sample[i, rep(1:n, rep(nrow(mu), n))],
r[rep(1:nrow(mu), n)],
zeroprob=as.vector(rho[1:nrow(mu), ]),
nbmean=as.vector(mu[1:nrow(mu), ])), nrow=nrow(mu))
sampleEQRs[i, ] <- colMeans(sampleEQR)
if (progressBar)
setTxtProgressBar(bar, i / n.sims)
if (progressBar)
# sort each sample
apply(sampleEQRs, 1, sort)
for(i in 1:n.sims)
sampleEQRs[i,] <- sort(sampleEQRs[i,])
# find CI
ci <- array(dim=c(2, n))
cirange <- (1 - ciprob) / 2
cirange <- c(cirange, 1 - cirange)
for(j in 1:n)
ci[, j] <- quantile(sampleEQRs[,j], cirange, name=FALSE)
# add to plot
graphics::lines(prob, ci[1,], lty=2)
graphics::lines(prob, ci[2,], lty=2)
graphics::lines(prob, eqr, col="blue") # make sure blue line on top
# count proportion of data points outside CI
prop <- sum( eqr >= ci[1,] & eqr <= ci[2,] ) / n
cat("proportion within ", 100*ciprob, "% CI = ", prop, "\n", sep='')
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