
Defines functions expression_filter is_rmonad_operator is_declaration get_monadic_operators get_declarations_rhs get_declarations_lhs get_declarations get_preamble get_body get_args is_function get_function get_bound_variables .get_hand get_lhs get_rhs get_free_variables get_dependency_matrix parse_as_block add_transitive_edges splice_function

Documented in add_transitive_edges get_dependency_matrix splice_function

rmonad_ops <- c(

#' Take a monadic bind operation's result and splice histories
#' We need to link input variables to the nodes in the nested pipeline that use
#' them.
#' @param f The function
#' @param m The monadic result of running f(ms)
#' @param ms The list of inputs passed to f
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to add_transitive_edges
splice_function <- function(f, m, ms, ...){

  .check_type(f,  test=is_function, type='function or function call')
  .check_type(ms, test=is.list,     type='list')
  .check_type(m,  test=is_rmonad,   type='Rmonad')

  ops <- get_monadic_operators(f)

  if(length(ops) == 0)

  bv <- get_bound_variables(f, ms)

  decs <- get_declarations(get_preamble(f))

  deps <- get_dependency_matrix(decs, names(bv))

  add_transitive_edges(m=m, bv=bv, deps=deps, ...)


#' Find inputs to a nest
#' @param m The current monadic node
#' @param bv A named list of bound variables
#' @param deps A mapping local variables to bound variable dependencies
#' @keywords internal
add_transitive_edges <- function(m, bv, deps, final){

  is_logical_matrix <- function(x) {
    is.matrix(x) && is.logical(as.vector(x))
  .check_type(deps,  test=is_logical_matrix, type='logical matrix')
  .check_type(m,     type='Rmonad')
  .check_type(bv,    type='list')
  .check_type(final, type='Rmonad')

  code <- lapply(get_code(m), parse_as_block)
  free_all <- lapply(code, get_free_variables)
  free_locals <- lapply(free_all, function(x) x[ x %in% dimnames(deps)[[1]] ])
  dependencies <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      bv[deps[x, , drop=FALSE] %>% colSums %>% '>'(0)]
  ) %>% lapply(unname)

  if(length(dependencies) > 0){
    for(child_id in seq_along(dependencies)){
      for(parent_id in dependencies[[child_id]]){

        child_id <- .get_ids(m)[child_id]

        .check_type(final,     type='Rmonad')
        .check_type(child_id,  type='igraph.vs')
        .check_type(parent_id, type='igraph.vs')

        final <- .connect(
          from = names(parent_id), # use vertex name, NOT naked vertex
          to   = names(child_id),  # because that will use index instead
          type = 'transitive'


parse_as_block <- function(code_str){
  # make a vector of expressions
  expr <- parse(text=code_str)
  # If there is only one expression, return this expression
  if(length(expr) == 1){
  # Otherwise wrap the expressions in a block
  } else {
    as.call(c(as.name('{'), as.list(expr)))

#' Get dependencies of local variables on inputs
#' @param declarations A list of declarations
#' @param bound_vars Character vector of variables names that are bound as
#' arguments to the function
#' @return logical matrix
get_dependency_matrix <- function(declarations, bound_vars){

  lhs <- lapply(declarations, get_lhs) %>% lapply(as.character) %>% unlist 
  rhs <- lapply(declarations, get_rhs)
  rhs_free_vars <- lapply(rhs, get_free_variables)

  deps <- bound_vars
  names(deps) <- bound_vars

  all_vars <- unique(c(bound_vars, lhs))

  deps <- matrix(
    dimnames = list(all_vars, bound_vars)
  for(v in bound_vars){
    deps[v,v] <- TRUE

  vars <- bound_vars
  for(i in seq_along(declarations)){

    varname <- lhs[i]
    rfv <- rhs_free_vars[[i]]

    # Only consider the free variables that are declared or imported in the header.
    # This allows globals or NSE variables (e.g. `subset(cars, dist > 10)`)
    rfv <- rfv[rfv %in% rownames(deps)]

    if(length(rfv) == 0){
      deps[varname, ] <- rep(FALSE, ncol(deps))
    } else if(length(rfv) == 1){
      deps[varname, ] <- deps[rfv, , drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      deps[varname, ] <- deps[intersect(vars, rfv), , drop=FALSE] %>% colSums %>% '>'(0)




# Find variables that are used within an expression but that are not locally bound.
# In calls, the function name is ignored.
# '.' is magic, being automatically bound.
get_free_variables <- function(expr, bound_args=""){

  # For functions, append all parameter names to the list of bound variables
  # (these are not free), and then recurse into the body
    names(get_args(expr)) %>%
      append(bound_args) %>%

  # If the expression is an access to a value inside a variable, the return the
  # accessed variable. For example, the expression `x$y` contains only the one
  # free variable, `x`, not two. Note that the expression `x[[y]]`, contains
  # two free variables.
  else if(is.call(expr) && length(expr[[1]]) == 1 && (as.character(expr[[1]]) %in% c('$', '@'))){

  # For declarations, append the defined variable to bound list, then recurse
  # into the right-hand side
  else if(is_declaration(expr)) {
    get_lhs(expr) %>%
      append(bound_args) %>%

  # Return a name is it is not bound
  else if(is.name(expr) && ! (as.character(expr) %in% bound_args)){

  # If this is a code block, recruse into each expression. If they are
  # assignments, record the newly bound variable.
  # NOTE: '{' is also a call, so must preceded `else if(is.call(expr))`
  else if(
    is.call(expr) &&
    expr[[1]] == '{'
    freevars <- character(0)
    for(e in as.list(expr)[-1]){
        bound_args <- c(bound_args, as.character(get_lhs(e)))
        e <- get_rhs(e)
      freevars <- c(freevars, get_free_variables(e, bound_args))

  # If any of the magrittr or Rmonad operators are in the expression, then '.'
  # will be automatically bound downstream.
  # On the lhs, '.' is global; on the rhs, '.' is bound.
  # in: `5 %>% add(.)`   -- no free variables
  # in: `. %>% add(.)`   -- '.' is a free variable
  else if(
    is.call(expr) &&
    any(as.character(expr[[1]]) %in% c('%>%', '%<>%', '%T>%', '%$%', rmonad_ops))
    rhs_freevars <- get_free_variables(expr[[2]], bound_args=bound_args)
    bound_args <- c(bound_args, '.')
    lhs_freevars <- get_free_variables(expr[[3]], bound_args=bound_args)
    unique(c(rhs_freevars, lhs_freevars))

  # For a call, recurse into each argument
  else if(is.call(expr)){

    lapply(expr[-1], get_free_variables, bound_args) %>% unlist %>% unique

  # Otherwise, return an empty vector
  else {

get_rhs <- function(expr){
  .get_hand(expr, function(x) x[[3]])
get_lhs <- function(expr){
  .get_hand(expr, function(x) x[[2]])
.get_hand <- function(expr, hand){
    if(length(expr) != 3)
      stop("Can only get side for binary operators")
  } else {
    stop("Can only get lhs of a call")

# Map the names of variables in a function to an input list. The main purpose
# is to check for mismatches and give explicit names to positional arguments.
get_bound_variables <- function(e, ms){

  .check_type(e, test=is_function, type='function or function call')
  .check_type(ms, test=is.list, type='list')

  if(length(ms) == 0)

  e <- get_args(e)

  # expression and monadic list labels
  el <- names(e)
  ml <- names(ms)

  # number of elements in each
  ne <- length(e)
  nm <- length(ms)

    if(ne < nm)
      stop("To many arguments passed function")
    ml <- el[seq_len(nm)]
  } else {
    # ms elements that have no names
    nameless <- is.na(ml) | is.null(ml) | nchar(ml) == 0
    pos <- setdiff(el, ml)
    ml[nameless] <- pos[seq_len(sum(nameless))]

  if(length(setdiff(ml, el)) != 0)
    stop("The parameter list has arguments not present in the function")

  names(ms) <- ml


get_function <- function(e){
  } else if(e[[1]] == '(' && e[[2]][[1]] == 'function'){
  } else if(is.call(e)){
    if(e[[1]] != "function")
      stop("Expected call to be a function expression")
  } else {
    stop("This doesn't seem to be a function")

is_function <- function(e){
  is.function(e) ||
    is.call(e) &&
    e[[1]] == "function"

get_args <- function(e) {

# Similar to `body` function, but also works for functions as calls. If it is
# given a block, it just returns the block.
get_body <- function(e) {
  if(class(e) == '{')


# Everything declared on the right of a rmonad operator is local. Data is only
# passed through sanctioned channels. This is because right hand elements are
# either functions or values enclosed in brackets. So any local variables in a
# function, must be in the preamble, preceding the first monadic operator. This
# function extracts that preamble.
get_preamble <- function(expr){
  bod <- get_body(expr)
  preamble <- list()   
  i = 0
  for(e in as.list(bod)){
    i <- i + 1

get_declarations <- function(expr){
  expression_filter(get_body(expr), is_declaration)

get_declarations_lhs <- function(expr){
  expression_filter(get_body(expr), is_declaration) %>% lapply('[[', 2)

get_declarations_rhs <- function(expr){
  expression_filter(get_body(expr), is_declaration) %>% lapply('[[', 3)

get_monadic_operators <- function(expr){
  expression_filter(get_body(expr), is_rmonad_operator)

is_declaration <- function(expr){
  class(expr) %in% c("=", "<-")

is_rmonad_operator <- function(expr){
  class(expr) == "call" && any(as.character(expr) %in% rmonad_ops)

expression_filter <- function(expr, keep_cond=true, desc_cond=true){
  keepers <- if(keep_cond(expr)){
  } else {

  if(desc_cond(expr) && class(expr) %in% c("{", "call")){
    append(keepers, unlist(lapply(expr, expression_filter, keep_cond, desc_cond)))
  } else {
arendsee/monadR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2020, 4:26 a.m.