
Defines functions availableData

Documented in availableData

#' @title Check which Data types are available for each cancer study.
#' @description This function checks all the cancer studies that are registered
#' in 'cbioportal.org' to examine whether or not they contain RNA-Seq,
#' microRNA-Seq, microarray(mRNA), microarray(miRNA) and methylation data.
#' @details
#' \tabular{lllll}{
#' Package: \tab cbaf \cr
#' Type: \tab Package \cr
#' Version: \tab 1.20.0 \cr
#' Date: \tab 2022-10-24 \cr
#' License: \tab Artistic-2.0 \cr
#' }
#' @importFrom cBioPortalData cBioPortal getStudies sampleLists molecularProfiles
#' @importFrom openxlsx createWorkbook addWorksheet writeData saveWorkbook
#' @importFrom utils head setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @usage availableData(excelFileName, oneOfEach = FALSE)
#' @param excelFileName a character string that is required to name the output
#' and, if requested, excel file.
#' @param oneOfEach a character string that is used to alter the function's
#' behavior to select unique one cancer of each type that contains data for the
#' requested technique. The default value is \code{"FALSE"}. Supported
#' techniques include \code{"RNA-Seq"}, \code{"RNA-SeqRTN"},
#' \code{"microRNA-Seq"}, \code{"Microarray.mRNA"}, \code{"Microarray.mRNA"},
#' and \code{"methylation"}.
#' @return An excel file that contains all the cancer studies versus available
#' data types
#' @author Arman Shahrisa, \email{shahrisa.arman@hotmail.com} [maintainer,
#' copyright holder]
#' @author Maryam Tahmasebi Birgani, \email{tahmasebi-ma@ajums.ac.ir}
#' @export

################ Dataset availability in all cBioportal Cancers ################

availableData <- function(excelFileName, oneOfEach = FALSE){

  # Check input parameters


    stop("[availableData] 'excelFileName' must be a character string!")


  supported.techniques <- c("RNA-Seq",






  if(! oneOfEach == FALSE){

    if(! oneOfEach %in% supported.techniques){

      stop("[availableData] 'oneOfEach' must be either 'RNA-Seq', 'RNA-SeqRTN, 'microRNA-Seq', 'microarray.mRNA', 'microarray.microRNA', 'methylation', or simply FALSE !")

    } else{

      continue <- TRUE



  if(oneOfEach == FALSE){

    if(file.exists(paste(excelFileName, ".xlsx", sep = ""))){

      message("[availableData] Warning! '", excelFileName, ".xlsx", "' already exists!")

      choiceYesNo <- readline(prompt = "[availableData] Overwrite the file? (yes/no): ")

      if(choiceYesNo == "yes"){

        # Remove the previous file

        file.remove(paste(excelFileName, ".xlsx", sep = ""))

        continue <- TRUE

      }else if(choiceYesNo == "no"){

        continue <- FALSE


        stop("[availableData] please type 'yes' or 'no'!")


    } else{

      continue <- TRUE




    # Prerequisites

    # Prerequisites for cBioportal

    cbio <- cBioPortal()

    studies <- getStudies(cbio)

    # Converting new format to the old format

    colnames(studies)[colnames(studies) == "studyId"] <- "cancer_study_id"

    list_of_studies <- studies

    #! mycgds = CGDS("http://www.cbioportal.org/")

    #! list_of_studies <- getCancerStudies(mycgds)

    message("[availableData] Checking all cancer studies")

    # create progress bar

    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(list_of_studies)*2, style = 3)

    i <- 0

    ## core segment

    # looking for supported techniques at level 1

    list_of_available_data_L1 <- sapply(

      list_of_studies$cancer_study_id, function(cs, cbio_api) {

      # Obtain available techniques

      samp <- sampleLists(cbio_api, cs)

      # Converting new format to the old format

      colnames(samp)[colnames(samp) == "sampleListId"] <- "case_list_id"

      colnames(samp)[colnames(samp) == "name"] <- "case_list_name"

      available_options_1 <- samp

      #! available_options_1 <- getCaseLists(cgds, cs)

      # Update progressbar

      i <<- i + 1

      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

      if(length(available_options_1) > 1){

        if(any(colnames(available_options_1) == "case_list_name")){

          description <- available_options_1$case_list_name

          c(RNA.Seq = as.character(

            any(RNA.Seq_L1.terms %in% description)


          RNA.Seq.RTN = as.character(

            any(RNA.Seq_L1.terms %in% description)


          microRNA.Seq = as.character(

            any(microRNA.Seq_L1.terms %in% description)


          microarray_with_mRNA_data = as.character(

            any(microarray.with.mRNA_L1.terms %in% description)


          microarray_with_microRNA_data = as.character(

            any(microarray.with.microRNA_L1.terms %in% description)


          methylation = as.character(

            any(methylation_L1.terms %in% description))


        } else{

          c(RNA.Seq = "FALSE",

            RNA.Seq.RTN = "FALSE",

            microRNA.Seq = "FALSE",

            microarray_with_mRNA_data = "FALSE",

            microarray_with_microRNA_data = "FALSE",

            methylation = "FALSE")



        c(RNA.Seq = "FALSE",

          RNA.Seq.RTN = "FALSE",

          microRNA.Seq = "FALSE",

          microarray_with_mRNA_data = "FALSE",

          microarray_with_microRNA_data = "FALSE",

          methylation = "FALSE")


    }, cbio ) #! mycgds

    # looking for supported techniques at level 2

    list_of_available_data_L2 <- sapply(

      list_of_studies$cancer_study_id, function(cs, cbio_api) {

        # Obtain available techniques

        mols <- molecularProfiles(cbio_api, cs)

        # Converting new format to the old format

        colnames(mols)[colnames(mols) == "name"] <- "genetic_profile_name"

        colnames(mols)[colnames(mols) == "molecularProfileId"] <-


        available_options_2 <- mols

        #! available_options_2 <- getGeneticProfiles(cgds, cs)

        # Update progressbar

        i <<- i + 1

        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

        if(length(available_options_2) > 1){

          if(any(colnames(available_options_2) == "genetic_profile_name")){

            description <- available_options_2$genetic_profile_name

            c(RNA.Seq = as.character(

              any(RNA.Seq_L2.terms %in% description)


            RNA.Seq.RTN = as.character(

              any(RNA.Seq_rtn_L2.terms %in% description)


            microRNA.Seq = as.character(

              any(microRNA.Seq_L2.terms %in% description)


            microarray_with_mRNA_data = as.character(

              any(microarray.with.mRNA_L2.terms %in% description)


            microarray_with_microRNA_data = as.character(

              any(microarray.with.microRNA_L2.terms %in% description)


            methylation = as.character(

              any(methylation_L2.terms %in% description))


          } else{

            c(RNA.Seq = "FALSE",

              RNA.Seq.RTN = "FALSE",

              microRNA.Seq = "FALSE",

              microarray_with_mRNA_data = "FALSE",

              microarray_with_microRNA_data = "FALSE",

              methylation = "FALSE")



          c(RNA.Seq = "FALSE",

            RNA.Seq.RTN = "FALSE",

            microRNA.Seq = "FALSE",

            microarray_with_mRNA_data = "FALSE",

            microarray_with_microRNA_data = "FALSE",

            methylation = "FALSE")


      }, cbio) #! mycgds

    # close progressbar


    # Find double positives

    for(col_number in seq_len(ncol(list_of_available_data_L1))){

      for(row_number in seq_len(nrow(list_of_available_data_L1))){

        current_L1 <- list_of_available_data_L1[row_number, col_number]

        if(current_L1 == "TRUE"){

          current_L2 <- list_of_available_data_L2[row_number, col_number]

          if(current_L2 == "FALSE"){

            current_L1 <- FALSE

            list_of_available_data_L1[row_number, col_number] <- current_L1




    # Replacing True and False with available and ""

    list_of_available_data_L1[list_of_available_data_L1=="TRUE"] <- "available"

    list_of_available_data_L1[list_of_available_data_L1=="FALSE"] <- "-"

    # joining list.of.available.data to list.of.studies

    combined_list <- cbind(list_of_studies[,"cancer_study_id"],






    colnames(combined_list) <-

      c("Cancer_Study_ID", "Cancer_Study_Name", "RNA.Seq", "RNA.Seq.RTN",

        "microRNA.Seq", "microarray_with_mRNA_data" ,

        "microarray_with_microRNA_data", "methylation", "Number of All Samples",

        "PMID", "Description")

    rownames(combined_list) <- seq_len(nrow(combined_list))

    # Exporting results

    # Converting matrix to data.frame, and the store as an excel file

    combined_list_dataframe <- data.frame(combined_list)

    colnames(combined_list_dataframe) <-

      gsub("_", " ", colnames(combined_list_dataframe))

    colnames(combined_list_dataframe) <-

      gsub("\\.", "-", colnames(combined_list_dataframe))

    colnames(combined_list_dataframe) <-

      gsub("\\-RTN", " (RTN)", colnames(combined_list_dataframe))

    rownames(combined_list_dataframe) <- seq_len(nrow(combined_list))

    if(oneOfEach == FALSE){

      # Store Xlsx file

      ad <- createWorkbook()

      addWorksheet(ad, sheetName = "Available Data")


                sheet = "Available Data",

                x = combined_list_dataframe,

                rowNames = TRUE)

      saveWorkbook(ad, file=paste(excelFileName, ".xlsx", sep = ""))

      # message("[availableData] Finished.")

      message(c("[availableData] The output was stored as '",  excelFileName, ".xlsx","'."))


      if(oneOfEach == "RNA-Seq"){

        positive_index <- combined_list_dataframe$`RNA-Seq` == "available"

      }else if(oneOfEach == "RNA-SeqRTN"){

        positive_index <- combined_list_dataframe$`RNA-Seq (RTN)`== "available"

      }else if(oneOfEach == "microRNA-Seq"){

        positive_index <- combined_list_dataframe$`microRNA-Seq` == "available"

      }else if(oneOfEach == "Microarray.mRNA"){

        positive_index <-
          combined_list_dataframe$`microarray with mRNA data` == "available"

      }else if(oneOfEach == "Microarray.microRNA"){

        positive_index <-
          combined_list_dataframe$`microarray with microRNA data`== "available"


      if(sum(positive_index) == 0){

        stop("No '", oneOfEach,"' study is available!")


        # Obtaining positive cancer studies

        positive_list <-
          combined_list_dataframe$`Cancer Study Name`[positive_index]

        # Obtaining unique cancer types

        unique_cancer_types <- sort(unique(gsub("\\(.*" ,"", positive_list)))

        unique_studies <- vector("character", length = length(unique_cancer_types))

        # Finding best studies

        for(CSbest in seq_along(unique_cancer_types)){

          positive_candidate_indices <- grep(unique_cancer_types[CSbest], positive_list)

          positive_candidates <- positive_list[positive_candidate_indices]

          # Filter overlapping unique Cancers

          clean_names_positives <-

            gsub("\\(.*" ,"", positive_candidates)

          correct_positives_index <-

            which(clean_names_positives == unique_cancer_types[CSbest])

          positive_candidates <- positive_candidates[correct_positives_index]

          if(length(positive_candidates) > 1){

            tcga_indices <- grep("TCGA", positive_candidates)

            if(length(tcga_indices) >= 1){

              tcga_studies <- positive_candidates[tcga_indices]

              final_candidate <- tcga_studies[length(tcga_studies)]


              final_candidate <-



            unique_studies[CSbest] <- final_candidate

          } else {

            unique_studies[CSbest] <- positive_candidates




      message("[availableData] generating list of cancers studies ...")




    message("[availableData] Function was haulted!")


armanshahrisa/cBioAutomatedTools documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 2:38 p.m.