
Defines functions short.name diff.character

Documented in diff.character

#' Compare Files
#' Show differences between files or folders.
#' @param x a file or folder name.
#' @param y another file or folder name.
#' @param file if \code{x} and \code{y} are folders, then \code{file} can be
#'        used to select a specific file that exists in both folders.
#' @param lines if \code{x} and \code{y} are folders, then \code{lines = TRUE}
#'        compares the contents (lines) of files that exist in both folders,
#'        instead of listing filenames that are different between the folders.
#' @param ignore patterns (regular expressions) to exclude from the output.
#' @param short whether to produce short file paths for the output.
#' @param similar whether to show similarities instead of differences.
#' @param simple whether to replace \code{character(0)} with \code{NULL} in
#'        output, for compact display.
#' @param trimws whether to trim whitespace and exclude empty strings.
#' @param \dots passed to \code{readLines}.
#' @details
#' When comparing folders, two kinds of differences can occur: (1) filenames
#' existing in one folder and not the other, and (2) files containing different
#' lines of text. The purpose of the \code{lines} argument is to select which of
#' those two kinds of differences to show.
#' If \code{x} and \code{y} are files (and not folders), the \code{file} and
#' \code{lines} arguments are not applicable and will be ignored.
#' @return
#' List showing differences as strings, or similarities if
#' \code{similar = TRUE}.
#' @note
#' This function uses \code{setdiff} for the comparison, so line order, line
#' numbers, and repeated lines are ignored. Subfolders are excluded when
#' comparing folders, but can be examined in subsequent calls.
#' This function has very basic features compared to full GUI applications such
#' as \emph{WinMerge} (Windows), \emph{Meld} (Linux, Windows), \emph{Kompare}
#' (Linux), \emph{Ediff} (Emacs), or the \command{diff} shell command. The use
#' of full GUI applications is recommended, but what this function offers in
#' addition is:
#' \itemize{
#' \item a quick diff tool that is handy during an interactive R session,
#' \item a programmatic interface to analyze file differences as native R
#'       objects, and
#' \item a tool that works on all platforms, regardless of what software may be
#'       installed.
#' }
#' The \code{short} and \code{simple} defaults are designed for interactive
#' (human-readable) use, while \code{short = FALSE} and \code{simple = FALSE}
#' produces a consistent number of list elements and retains longer paths.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[base]{diff}} is a generic function. Depending on \code{x}, it
#' will show differences between numbers, date-time objects, files, folders,
#' etc.
#' \code{\link{dir}}, \code{\link{readLines}}, and \code{\link{setdiff}} are the
#' underlying functions performing the file and folder comparison.
#' The \pkg{diffobj} and \pkg{diffr} packages provide visually effective
#' comparisons of two files in specialized formats (S4, HTML). Unlike the
#' \code{diff} function, however, they do not compare folders or return
#' differences as plain R objects.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Compare two files
#' write(c("We", "are", "not"), file="one.txt")
#' write(c("We", "are", "the same"), file="two.txt")
#' diff("one.txt", "two.txt")
#' diff("one.txt", "two.txt", similar=TRUE)
#' file.remove("one.txt", "two.txt")
#' # Another example with two files
#' x <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package="base")
#' y <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package="stats")
#' diff(x, y)
#' diff(x, y, similar=TRUE)
#' # Filter out noise
#' diff(x, y, ignore=c("Package:", "Title:", "Description:", "Built:"))
#' # Compare filenames in two folders
#' A <- system.file(package="base")
#' B <- system.file(package="stats")
#' diff(A, B)                # these filenames are different
#' diff(A, B, ignore="^C")   # exclude entries starting with C
#' diff(A, B, similar=TRUE)  # these filenames exist in both folders
#' # Compare content of files that exist in both folders
#' diff(A, B, lines=TRUE)                # the INDEX files are very different
#' diff(A, B, lines=TRUE, similar=TRUE)  # but not completely different
#' diff(A, B, lines=TRUE, n=20)          # demonstrate passing n to readLines
#' diffs <- diff(A, B, lines=TRUE)       # store comparison as list
#' names(diffs)                          # these files are different
#' str(diffs, vec.len=1)                 # first difference in each file
#' # Alternative format
#' diff(A, B, ignore="^C")                             # short format
#' diff(A, B, ignore="^C", short=FALSE, simple=FALSE)  # long format
#' # Compare one file that exists in both folders
#' diff(A, B, "DESCRIPTION")                       # same as diffs$DESCRIPTION
#' diff(A, B, "INDEX", similar=TRUE, trimws=TRUE)  # trim whitespace
#' }
#' @aliases diff
#' @export
#' @export diff.character

diff.character <- function(x, y, file=NULL, ignore=NULL, lines=FALSE,
                           short=TRUE, similar=FALSE, simple=TRUE, trimws=FALSE,
  ## 1  Calculate A and B entries, containing filenames or lines of text
  if(dir.exists(x) && dir.exists(y))
        files <- intersect(dir(x), dir(y))  # excluding subdirs:
        files <- files[!(files %in% list.dirs(c(x, y), full.names=FALSE))]
        out <- list()
        for(f in files)
          out[[f]] <- diff.character(file.path(x, f), file.path(y, f),
                                     ignore=ignore, lines=FALSE, short=short,
                                     similar=similar, simple=simple,
                                     trimws=trimws, ...)
          out <- out[!sapply(out, is.null)]
        A <- dir(x)  # excluding subdirs
        A <- A[!(A %in% list.dirs(x, full.names=FALSE))]
        B <- dir(y)
        B <- B[!(B %in% list.dirs(y, full.names=FALSE))]
      A <- readLines(file.path(x, file), ...)
      B <- readLines(file.path(y, file), ...)
  else if(file.exists(x) && file.exists(y))
    A <- readLines(x, ...)
    B <- readLines(y, ...)
      stop("'", x, "' not found")
      stop("'", y, "'not found")

  ## 2  Compare
    A <- trimws(A)
    A <- A[A != ""]
    B <- trimws(B)
    B <- B[B != ""]
  diffA <- if(similar) intersect(A, B) else setdiff(A, B)
  diffB <- if(similar) intersect(B, A) else setdiff(B, A)
  for(i in seq_along(ignore))
    diffA <- grep(ignore[i], diffA, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
    diffB <- grep(ignore[i], diffB, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
    out <- list(similar=diffA)
    out <- list(diffA, diffB)
    names(out) <- if(short) short.name(x, y) else c(x, y)

  ## 3  Replace character(0) with NULL
    out[sapply(out, length) == 0] <- NULL
    if(length(out) == 0)
      out <- NULL

short.name <- function(A, B)
  ## 1  Convert \\ to /
  A <- gsub("\\\\", "/", A)
  B <- gsub("\\\\", "/", B)

  ## 2  Distinguish between three cases
  ## case one: identical, nothing to do - only happens when user runs diff(x, x)
  ## case two: basename is unique, use that
  ## case three: basename is identical, chop off basename until it's unique
  if(A == B)
    c(A, B)
  else if(basename(A) != basename(B))
    c(basename(A), basename(B))  # x/y/A.txt and x/y/B.txt => A.txt and B.txt
    short.name(dirname(A), dirname(B))  # x/A/y/z.txt and x/B/y/z.txt => A and B
arnima-github/arni documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 6:18 p.m.