
Defines functions get_interview_history get_interview_transcript comment_question reject_interview_as_sup unapprove_interview reject_interview_as_hq approve_interview_as_hq assign_interview_to_sup assign_interview_to_int approve_interview_as_sup get_interview_stats get_interviews get_interviews_by_chunk get_interviews_count delete_interview

Documented in approve_interview_as_hq approve_interview_as_sup assign_interview_to_int assign_interview_to_sup comment_question delete_interview get_interview_history get_interviews get_interview_stats get_interview_transcript reject_interview_as_hq reject_interview_as_sup unapprove_interview

# GET ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}
# Gets all the answers for given interview

# DELETE ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}
# Deletes interview

#' Delete an interview
#' Delete the target interview.
#' Wrapper for the `DELETE ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}` endpoint.
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @import httr
#' @export 
delete_interview <- function(
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password       
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace, 
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id

    # get stats from the server
    response <- httr::DELETE(
        url = base_url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # success
    if (status == 200) {

        message("Interview successfully deleted.")

    # Interview not found
    } else if (status == 404) {

            "Interview not deleted.\n",
            "Reasons: Interview not found. HTTP code: 404"

    # Target interview was in status that was not ready to be deleted
    } else if (status == 406) {

            "Interview not deleted.\n",
            "Reasons: Target interview not in status such that it could be deleted. HTTP code: 406"

    # unknown error
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {

            "Interview not deleted.\n",
            "Reasons: Unknown error. HTTP code: ", status, "."



# GET ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}​/history
# Get interivew history for interview (?)

#' Get count of interviews
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API or admin user name for user that access to the workspace.
#' @param password Character. API or admin password
#' @return List consisting of two element: interviews information and interview count
#' @import ghql
#' @importFrom jsonlite base64_enc fromJSON
#' @importFrom glue glue double_quote
#' @noRd 
get_interviews_count <- function(
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password    
) {

    # compose the GraphQL request client
    interviews_request <- ghql::GraphqlClient$new(
        url = paste0(server, "/graphql"), 
        headers = list(authorization = paste0(
            "Basic ", jsonlite::base64_enc(input = paste0(user, ":", password)))

    # compose the query for all interviews
    # use string interpolation to pipe double-quoted workspace name into query
    qry <- ghql::Query$new()
            interviews (
                workspace: <glue::double_quote(workspace)>
                take: 1
                skip: 0
            ) {
        }", .open = "<", .close = ">")

    # send request
    interviews_result <- interviews_request$exec(qry$queries$interviews)

    # convert JSON payload to data frame
    interviews <- jsonlite::fromJSON(interviews_result, flatten = TRUE)

    # extract total number of interviews
    interviews_count <- interviews$data$interviews$filteredCount

    interview_info <- list(interviews = interviews, interviews_count = interviews_count)



#' Get chuck of interviews returned from the server
#' @param take_n Numeric. Number of interviews to take in one request.
#' @param skip_n Numeric. Number of interviews to skip when paging through results.
#' @param nodes Character vector. Names of attributes to fetch for each interview.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API or admin user name for user that access to the workspace.
#' @param password Character. API or admin password
#' @return Data frame. Interviews.
#' @import ghql
#' @importFrom jsonlite base64_enc fromJSON
#' @importFrom glue glue double_quote backtick
#' @importFrom dplyr `%>%` pull select rename_with starts_with left_join
#' @importFrom purrr map_if discard map_int
#' @importFrom rlang .data is_empty
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest pivot_wider
#' @noRd 
get_interviews_by_chunk <- function(
    take_n = 100,
    skip_n = 0,
    nodes = c(
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password    
) {

    # determine whether requested identifying data
    has_identifying <- "identifyingData" %in% nodes

    # compose the GraphQL request client
    interviews_request <- ghql::GraphqlClient$new(
        url = paste0(server, "/graphql"), 
        headers = list(authorization = paste0(
            "Basic ", jsonlite::base64_enc(input = paste0(user, ":", password)))

    # expand identifyingData node if relevant
    if (any(nodes == "identifyingData") == TRUE) {
        nodes[which(nodes == "identifyingData")] <- 
        "identifyingData {
            entity {
                options {

    # compose the query for all interviews
    # use string interpolation to pipe double-quoted workspace name into query
    qry <- ghql::Query$new()
            interviews (
                workspace: <glue::double_quote(workspace)>
                take: <take_n>
                skip: <skip_n>
            ) {
                nodes {
                    <paste0(nodes, collapse = '\\n')>     
        }", .open = "<", .close = ">")))

    # send request
    interviews_result <- interviews_request$exec(qry$queries$interviews)

    # convert JSON payload to data frame
    interviews <- jsonlite::fromJSON(interviews_result, flatten = TRUE)

    # extract number of interviews returned in request    
    interviews_count <- interviews$data$interviews$filteredCount

     if ("errors" %in% names(interviews)) {

        # extract and display error(s)
        errors <- dplyr::pull(interviews$errors) %>% paste0(collapse = "\n")

    } else if (interviews_count == 0) {

            "No interviews found in workspace {glue::backtick(workspace)}.",
            "If this result is surprising, check the input in the `workspace` parameter.",
            .sep = "\n"

    } else if (interviews_count > 0) {

        # extract interview data payload
        interviews_df <- interviews$data$interviews$nodes %>% 
            purrr::map_if(is.data.frame, list) %>% 

        if (has_identifying == TRUE) {

            # extract interview attributes from the payload
            id_cols <- names(interviews_df) %in% c("identifyingData")
            interview_attribs_df <- dplyr::select(interviews_df, -.data$identifyingData)

            # extract (nested) identifying data
            identifying_df <- interviews_df %>% 
                dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$identifyingData) %>%
                purrr::discard(rlang::is_empty) %>%
                purrr::map_if(is.data.frame, list) %>% 
                tibble::as_tibble() %>%
                tidyr::unnest(.data$identifyingData) %>%
                    .cols = dplyr::starts_with("entity."),
                    .fn = ~ gsub(
                        pattern = "entity.",
                        replacement = "",
                        x = .x
                ) %>%
                dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$value, .data$variable) %>%
                    id_cols = .data$id,
                    names_from = .data$variable,
                    values_from = .data$value

            # combine interview attributes and identifying data
            interview_list_df <- interview_attribs_df %>%
                dplyr::left_join(identifying_df, by = "id")

        } else if (has_identifying == FALSE) {

            interview_list_df <- interviews_df





#' Get interviews
#' Get list of interviews and their attributes
#' GraphQL implementation of deprecated REST `GET ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}` endpoint.
#' @param nodes Character vector. Names of attributes to fetch for each interview.
#' @param chunk_size Numeric. Number of records to take in one request.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API or admin user name for user that access to the workspace.
#' @param password Character. API or admin password
#' @return Data frame of interviews and their (user-specified) attributes.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @export
get_interviews <- function(
    nodes = c(
    chunk_size = 100,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password
) {

    # check inputs

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # nodes in known list
    nodes_allowed <- c(
        all(nodes %in% nodes_allowed),
        msg = "Invalid node listed in `node`. See documentation for allowed nodes."

    # nodes must contain `id`
    if (!"id" %in% nodes) {
        stop("The requested nodes must contain `id`.")

    # get total count of interviews
    interviews_info <- get_interviews_count(
        workspace = workspace, 
        server = server, 
        user = user, 
        password = password

    # case 1: handle "errors"
    # if request returns errors
    if ("errors" %in% names(interviews_info$interviews)) {

        # extract and display error(s)
        errors <- dplyr::pull(interviews_info$interviews$errors) %>% paste0(collapse = "\n")

    # if no interviews found
    } else if (interviews_info$interviews_count == 0) {

            "No interviews found in workspace {glue::backtick(workspace)}.",
            "If this result is surprising, check the input in the `workspace` parameter.",
            .sep = "\n"

    # case 2: handle interviews
    } else if (interviews_info$interviews_count > 0) {

        # page through interiews; compile data
        interviews <- purrr::map_dfr(
            .x = seq(from = 0, to = interviews_info$interviews_count, by = chunk_size),
            .f = ~ get_interviews_by_chunk(
                workspace = workspace,
                take_n = chunk_size,
                skip_n = .x,
                nodes = nodes,
                server = server, 
                user = user, 
                password = password            




#' Get statistics by interview
#' Fetch statistics for a single interview. 
#' These statistics provide metadata about the interview process. Columns include: `Answered`, `NotAnswered`, `Flagged`, `NotFlagged`, `Valid`, `Invalid`, `WithComments`, `ForInterviewer`, `ForSupervisor`, `InterviewId`, `InterviewKey`, `Status`, `ResponsibleId`, `ResponsibleName`, `NumberOfInterviewers`, `NumberRejectionsBySupervisor`, `NumberRejectionsByHq`, `InterviewDuration`, `AssignmentId`, `UpdatedAtUtc`. 
#' Wrapper for \code{GET /api/v1/interviews/{id}/stats} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return Data frame with all values provided by the server. 
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export
get_interview_stats <- function(
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password    
) {

    # check inputs:
    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace, 
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/stats"

    # get stats from the server
    response <- httr::GET(
        url = base_url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # return data payload
    result <- httr::status_code(response)
    # if request successful, then put stats in a df
    if (result == 200) {

        df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(response, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE)
        df <- as.data.frame(df)

    # if request not successful--or just results in unexpected code--then create an empty df with expected column names
    } else if (result != 200) {

            "Failed to obtain interview status for interview ", interview_id, 
            ". \nCheck the interview__id. HTTP code: ", result, "."))

        df <- data.frame(
            Answered = NA_real_, 
            NotAnswered = NA_real_, 
            Flagged = NA_real_, 
            NotFlagged = NA_real_, 
            Valid = NA_real_, 
            Invalid = NA_real_, 
            WithComments = NA_real_, 
            ForInterviewer = NA_real_, 
            ForSupervisor = NA_real_, 
            InterviewId = interview_id, 
            InterviewKey = NA_character_, 
            Status = NA_character_, 
            ResponsibleId = NA_character_, 
            ResponsibleName = NA_character_, 
            NumberOfInterviewers = NA_real_, 
            NumberRejectionsBySupervisor = NA_real_, 
            NumberRejectionsByHq = NA_real_, 
            InterviewDuration = NA_character_, 
            AssignmentId = NA_real_, 
            UpdatedAtUtc = NA_character_ ,
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE



#' Approve interview as supervisor
#' Has the server-side side-effect of approving a single interview on the server as a supervisor. For interactive use, prints a message to describe the outcome of the action. If \code{verbose = TRUE}, returns a logical value about the outcome that may be useful for functions that need to track successes and failures. 
#' Wrapper for \code{PATCH /api/v1/interviews/{id}/approve} endpoint.
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param comment Character. Comment to post upon approval.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose == TRUE`, return logical outcome.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome.
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @export
approve_interview_as_sup <- function(
    comment = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/approve"

    # transform NA comments to empty string
    comment <- dplyr::if_else(is.na(comment), "", comment)

    # form query portion of request
    query <- list(
        comment = comment

    # compose the full URL: base + query parameters
    url <- httr::modify_url(url = base_url, query = query)

    # get assignments from the server
    response <- httr::PATCH(
        url = url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # if verbose mode, return result and print message
    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # approved
    if (status == 200) {
        result <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " successfully approved. "))            
    # not found
    } else if (status == 404) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not approved. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not found."))
    # cannot be approved because of status
    } else if (status == 406) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not approved. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not in status to be approved."))
    # unknown outcome
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not approved. ",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {


#' Reassign interview to interviewer
#' Has the server-side side-effect of reassigning a single interview to a target interviewer. For interactive use, prints a message to describe the outcome of the action. If \code{verbose = TRUE}, returns a logical value about the outcome that may be useful for functions that need to track successes and failures. 
#' Wrapper for \code{PATCH /api/v1/interviews/{id}/assign} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param user_id Character. User ID. GUID from server.
#' @param user_name Character. User name of target interviewer.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose == TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message. Otherwise, be silent.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome.
#' @export
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
assign_interview_to_int <- function(
    user_id = "",
    user_name = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:
    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # check that either user ID or user name provided
    if (user_id == "" & user_name == "") {
        stop("Either `user_id` or `user_name` must be provided.")

    # if user_id provided, check that it is a valid guid
    if (user_id != "") {
            guid = user_id, 
            fail_msg = "User ID in `user_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/assign"

    # form the body for the assignment request
    # ... if only `user_id` provided
    if (user_id != "" & user_name == "") {
        body <- list(
            ResponsibleId = user_id
    # ... if only `user_name` provided
    } else if (user_id == "" & user_name != "") {
        body <- list(
            ResponsibleName = user_name
    # ... if both `user_id` and `user_name` provided
    } else if (user_id != "" & user_name != "") {
        body <- list(
            ResponsibleId = user_id,
            ResponsibleName = user_name

    # post request
    response <- httr::PATCH(
        url = base_url,
        body = jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE),
        encode = "raw",
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # if verbose, return success (TRUE/FALSE) and, if applicable and message.

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # if interview assigned
    if (status == 200) {
        success <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " successfully reassigned. "))            
    # if interview not found
    } else if (status == 404) {
        success <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not reassigned. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not found."))
    # if interview cannot be reassigned
    } else if (status == 406) {
        success <- FALSE
        err_msg <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(response, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE)
        err_msg <- ifelse(
            test = !is.na(err_msg), 
            yes = err_msg,
            no = "Unknown. Reason not provided by server")
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not reassigned. ",
            "\nReason: ", err_msg))
    # if unexpected status code
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {
        success <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, "not reassigned. ",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {  


#' Reassign an interview to a supervisor
#' Has the server-side side-effect of reassigning a single interview to a supervisor. For interactive use, prints a message about the outcome. For programmatic use, if `verbose = TRUE`, returns a logical value about whether interview successfully assigned, which may be useful for functionst that need to track success and failure of operations.
#' Wrapper for \code{PATCH ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}​/assignsupervisor} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param user_id Character. ID of target user. GUID from server.
#' @param user_name Character. User name of target user.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message. Otherwise, be silent.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome.
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @export
assign_interview_to_sup <- function(
    user_id = "",
    user_name = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # check that either user ID or user name provided
    if (user_id == "" & user_name == "") {
        stop("Either `user_id` or `user_name` must be provided.")

    # if user_id provided, check that it is a valid guid
    if (user_id != "") {
            guid = user_id, 
            fail_msg = "User ID in `user_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/assignsupervisor"

    # form the body for the assignment request
    # ... if only `user_id` provided
    if (user_id != "" & user_name == "") {
        body <- list(
            ResponsibleId = user_id
    # ... if only `user_name` provided
    } else if (user_id == "" & user_name != "") {
        body <- list(
            ResponsibleName = user_name
    # ... if both `user_id` and `user_name` provided
    } else if (user_id != "" & user_name != "") {
        body <- list(
            ResponsibleId = user_id,
            ResponsibleName = user_name

    # post request
    response <- httr::PATCH(
        url = base_url,
        body = jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE),
        encode = "raw",
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # if verbose, return success (TRUE/FALSE) and, if applicable and message.

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # if interview assigned
    if (status == 200) {
        success <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " successfully reassigned. "))            
    # if interview not found
    } else if (status == 404) {
        success <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not reassigned. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not found."))
    # if interview cannot be reassigned
    } else if (status == 406) {
        success <- FALSE
        err_msg <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(response, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE)
        err_msg <- ifelse(
            test = !is.na(err_msg), 
            yes = err_msg,
            no = "Unknown. Reason not provided by server")
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not reassigned. ",
            "\nReason: ", err_msg))
    # if unexpected status code
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {
        success <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, "not reassigned. ",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {    


#' Approve an interview as headquarters
#' Has server-side side-effect of approving a single interview as headquarters. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message.
#' Wrapper for \code{PATCH /api/v1/interviews/{id}/hqapprove} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param comment Character. Comment to post upon approval.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose == TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message. Otherwise, be silent.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome.
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @export
approve_interview_as_hq <- function(
    comment = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/hqapprove"

    # transform NA comments to empty string
    comment <- dplyr::if_else(is.na(comment), "", comment)

    # form query portion of request
    query <- list(
        id = interview_id,
        comment = comment

    # compose the full URL: base + query parameters
    url <- httr::modify_url(url = base_url, query = query)

    # get assignments from the server
    response <- httr::PATCH(
        url = url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # if verbose mode, return result and print message

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # approved
    if (status == 200) {
        result <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " successfully approved. "))            
    # not found
    } else if (status == 404) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not approved. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not found."))
    # cannot be approved because of status
    } else if (status == 406) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not approved. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not in status to be approved."))
    # unknown outcome
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not approved. ",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {


#' Reject an interview as headquarters
#' Has server-side side-effect of rejecting a single interview as Headquarters. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message.
#' Wrapper for \code{PATCH /api/v1/interviews/{id}/hqreject} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data.
#' @param comment Character. Comment to post upon rejection.
#' @param responsible_id Character. User ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data. User ID of the interviewer/supervisor to which the interview should be rejected.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose == TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message. Otherwise, be silent.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome. 
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @export
reject_interview_as_hq <- function(
    comment = "",
    responsible_id = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # if responsible ID provided, check that valid GUID
    if (responsible_id != "") {
            guid = responsible_id, 
            fail_msg = "User ID in `responsible_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/hqreject"

    # transform NA comments to empty string
    comment <- dplyr::if_else(is.na(comment), "", comment)

    # form query portion of request
    query <- list(
        id = interview_id,
        comment = comment,
        responsibleId = responsible_id

    # compose the full URL: base + query parameters
    url <- httr::modify_url(url = base_url, query = query)

    # get assignments from the server
    response <- httr::PATCH(
        url = url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # if verbose mode, return result and print message

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # approved
    if (status == 200) {
        result <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " successfully rejected. "))            
    # not found
    } else if (status == 404) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not rejected. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not found."))
    # cannot be approved because of status
    } else if (status == 406) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not rejected. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not in status to be rejected."))
    # unknown outcome
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not rejected. ",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {


#' Unapprove an interview
#' Has server-side side-effect of unapproving a single interview, returningn it to Approved by Headquarters status. For interactive use, prints a message to describe the outcome of the action. If \code{verbose = TRUE}, returns a logical value about the outcome that may be useful for functions that need to track successes and failures. 
#' Wrapper for \code{PATCH /api/v1/interviews/{id}/hqunapprove} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param comment Character. Comment to post upon unapproval
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose == TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message. Otherwise, be silent.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome.
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @export
unapprove_interview <- function(
    comment = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:

    # qnr_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/hqunapprove"

    # transform NA comments to empty string
    comment <- dplyr::if_else(is.na(comment), "", comment)

    # form query portion of request
    query <- list(
        id = interview_id,
        comment = comment

    # compose the full URL: base + query parameters
    url <- httr::modify_url(url = base_url, query = query)

    # get assignments from the server
    response <- httr::PATCH(
        url = url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # if verbose mode, return result and print message

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # approved
    if (status == 200) {
        result <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " successfully unapproved. "))            
    # not found
    } else if (status == 404) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not unapproved. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not found."))
    # cannot be approved because of status
    } else if (status == 406) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not unapproved. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not in status to be unapproved."))
    # unknown outcome
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not unapproved. ",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {


#' Reject an interview as supervisor
#' Has server-side side-effect of rejecting a single interview as a supervisor. For interactive use, prints a message to describe the outcome of the action. If \code{verbose = TRUE}, returns a logical value about the outcome that may be useful for functions that need to track successes and failures.
#' Wrapper for \code{PATCH /api/v1/interviews/{id}/reject} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param comment Character. Comment to post upon rejection
#' @param responsible_id Character. User to receive rejected interview. User ID. GUID from server.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose == TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message. Otherwise, be silent.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome. 
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @export
reject_interview_as_sup <- function(
    comment = "",
    responsible_id = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # if responsible ID provided, check that valid GUID
    if (responsible_id != "") {
            guid = responsible_id, 
            fail_msg = "User ID in `responsible_id` is not a valid GUID.")

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form the base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/reject"

    # transform NA comments to empty string
    comment <- dplyr::if_else(is.na(comment), "", comment)

    # form query portion of request
    query <- list(
        id = interview_id,
        comment = comment,
        responsibleId = responsible_id

    # compose the full URL: base + query parameters
    url <- httr::modify_url(url = base_url, query = query)

    # get assignments from the server
    response <- PATCH(
        url = url,
        authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # if verbose mode, return result and print message

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # rejected
    if (status == 200) {
        result <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " successfully rejected. "))
    # not found
    } else if (status == 404) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not rejected. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not found."))
    # cannot be rejected because of status
    } else if (status == 406) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not rejected. ",
            "\nReason: Interview not in status to be rejected."))
    # unknown outcome
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 404, 406)) {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Interview ", interview_id, " not rejected. ",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {


# POST /api/v1/interviews/{id}/comment/{questionId}
# Leave a comment on a question

#' Leave a comment on a question
#' Has server-side side-effect of posting a comment to a target question. To target a question, specify it in `variable_name`. If the question is in a roster, specify the row code as a comma-separated set of coordinates in `row_number`.
#' Wrapper for \code{POST /api/v1/interviews/{id}/comment-by-variable/{variable}} endpoint
#' @param interview_id Character. Interview ID. GUID from server or \code{interview__id} from exported data
#' @param variable_name Character. Variable name. User name from Designer.
#' @param roster_vector Character. Row code(s) of variable. If a single row code, a single character value (e.g., "102"). If multiple row codes, a character containing a comma-separated list (e.g, "1, 2").
#' @param comment Character. Comment to post.
#' @param verbose Logical. If `verbose == TRUE`, return logical outcome and print message. Otherwise, be silent.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return If `verbose = FALSE`, no return value. If `verbose = TRUE`, return logical outcome. 
#' @import httr
#' @export
comment_question <- function(
    roster_vector = "",
    verbose = FALSE,
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password  
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID.")

    # row_vector is either empty, a singleton, or a comma-separted list
        suppressWarnings((roster_vector == "" | is.count(as.numeric(roster_vector)) | grepl(x = roster_vector, pattern = "[0-9]+,[ ]*"))),
        msg = paste0(
            "Row vector(s) in `row_vector` must be a character that contains either:\n",
            "- empty (i.e., '')\n",
            "- singleton value (e.g., '3') or\n",
            "- comma-separated list (e.g., '1, 2, 3)'"

    # verbose
    if (verbose %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE)) {
            msg = "`verbose` must be `TRUE` or `FALSE` or `NA`."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # formulate API call
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, 			# interview
        "/comment-by-variable/", variable_name 		# variable

    # form query portion of request
    # first, convert character of comma-separated values to list
    rows <- as.list(strsplit(x = roster_vector, split = ", ")[[1]])
    # then, name each elementof the list rosterVector
    rows <- purrr::lmap(
        .x = rows,
        .f = ~ setNames(object = .x, nm = "rosterVector")
    # compose the query object as the combination of row vectors and the comment
    # to do so: start with the rows object and add comments as a named element
    query <- rows
    query[["comment"]] <- comment

    # compose the full URL: base + query parameters
    url <- httr::modify_url(url = base_url, query = query)

    # make request
    response <- httr::POST(
        url = url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    # return result
    # if verbose mode, return result and print message

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # commented
    if (status == 200) {
        result <- TRUE
        message(paste0("Question ", variable_name, " successfully commented in interview ", interview_id, "."))            
    # unknown outcome
    } else {
        result <- FALSE
        message(paste0("Question ", variable_name, " not commented in interview ", interview_id, ".",
            "\nReason: Unknown. HTTP code: ", status, "."))

    if (verbose == TRUE) {


# GET ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}​/pdf
# Get interview transcript in pdf file

#' Get interview transcript
#' Get a PDF transcript of interview responses.
#' Wrapper for the `GET ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}​/pdf` endpoint.
#' @param interview_id Character. GUID for interview.
#' @param path Character. Path to folder where transcript should be downloaded.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return Side-effect of generating and downloading the interview transcript for the target question.
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @importFrom fs path
#' @export 
get_interview_transcript <- function(
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password      
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # path
        dir.exists(path), # assertthat::is.dir does not seem to work; using base r replacement
        msg = "Download path specified in `path` is not a valid directory."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/pdf"

    # make request
    response <- httr::GET(
        url = base_url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # success
    if (status == 200) {

        # extract the file name from the prior response
        file_name <- stringr::str_match(httr::headers(response)$`content-disposition`, "(?<=filename=).+(?=;)")

        # download file
        response <- httr::GET(
            url = base_url,
            httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),
            httr::write_disk(fs::path(path, file_name), overwrite = TRUE)

            "File ", file_name, " successfully downloaded to ", path
    # Authorised user has no access to interview
    } else if (status == 403) {

            "Unable to get the interview transcript.\n",
            "Reason: User does not have authorized access to this interview.\n",
            "HTTP code: 403."

    # Interview not found or pdf cannot be generated
    } else if (status == 404) {

            "Unable to get the interview transcript.\n",
            "Reason: Interview not found or pdf cannot be generated.\n",
            "HTTP code: 404."

    # unknown error
    } else if (!status %in% c(200, 403, 404)) {

            "Unable to get the interview transcript.\n",
            "Reason: Unknown error.\n",
            "HTTP code: ", status, "."



# GET ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}​/history

#' Get interview history
#' Get the history of interview actions for the target interview.
#' Wrapper for the `GET ​/api​/v1​/interviews​/{id}​/history` endpoint.
#' @param interview_id Character. GUID for interview.
#' @param server Character. Full server web address (e.g., \code{https://demo.mysurvey.solutions}, \code{https://my.domain})
#' @param workspace Character. Name of the workspace whose interviews to get. In workspace list, value of `NAME`, not `DISPLAY NAME`, for the target workspace.
#' @param user Character. API user name
#' @param password Character. API password
#' @return List
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export 
get_interview_history <- function(
    server = Sys.getenv("SUSO_SERVER"),     # full server address
    workspace = Sys.getenv("SUSO_WORKSPACE"),
    user = Sys.getenv("SUSO_USER"),         # API user name
    password = Sys.getenv("SUSO_PASSWORD")  # API password    
) {

    # check inputs:

    # interview_id
        guid = interview_id, 
        fail_msg = "Interview ID in `interview_id` is not a valid GUID."

    # workspace:
    # - invalid name
    # - workspace does not exist
    check_workspace_param(workspace = workspace)

    # form base URL
    base_url <- paste0(
        server, "/", workspace,
        "/api/v1/interviews/", interview_id, "/history"

    # make request
    response <- httr::GET(
        url = base_url,
        httr::authenticate(user = user, password = password),

    status <- httr::status_code(response)

    # success
    if (status == 200) {

        df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(response, as = "text"))

    # unknown error
    } else if (status != 200) {

            "Unable to get interview history.\n",
            "Reason: Unknown error. HTTP code: ", status, "."


arthur-shaw/susoapi documentation built on Feb. 10, 2023, 7:47 p.m.