
# Fuzzy preprocessing: calculate autocorrelation up to 50th lag
acf_fun <- function(series, ...) {
    lapply(series, function(x) {
        as.numeric(acf(x, lag.max = 50, plot = FALSE)$acf)

# Define overall configuration
cfgs <- compare_clusterings_configs(
    types = c("p", "h", "f", "t"),
    k = 19L:20L,
    controls = list(
        partitional = partitional_control(
            iter.max = 30L,
            nrep = 1L
        hierarchical = hierarchical_control(
            method = "all"
        fuzzy = fuzzy_control(
            # notice the vector
            fuzziness = c(2, 2.5),
            iter.max = 30L
        tadpole = tadpole_control(
            # notice the vectors
            dc = c(1.5, 2),
            window.size = 19L:20L
    preprocs = pdc_configs(
        type = "preproc",
        # shared
        none = list(),
        zscore = list(center = c(FALSE)),
        # only for fuzzy
        fuzzy = list(
            acf_fun = list()
        # only for tadpole
        tadpole = list(
            reinterpolate = list(new.length = 205L)
        # specify which should consider the shared ones
        share.config = c("p", "h")
    distances = pdc_configs(
        type = "distance",
        sbd = list(),
        fuzzy = list(
            L2 = list()
        share.config = c("p", "h")
    centroids = pdc_configs(
        type = "centroid",
        partitional = list(
            pam = list()
        # special name 'default'
        hierarchical = list(
            default = list()
        fuzzy = list(
            fcmdd = list()
        tadpole = list(
            default = list(),
            shape_extraction = list(znorm = TRUE)

# Number of configurations is returned as attribute
num_configs <- sapply(cfgs, attr, which = "num.configs")
cat("\nTotal number of configurations without considering optimizations:",

# Define evaluation functions based on CVI: Variation of Information (only crisp partition)
vi_evaluators <- cvi_evaluators("VI", ground.truth = CharTrajLabels)
score_fun <- vi_evaluators$score
pick_fun <- vi_evaluators$pick

# ====================================================================================
# Short run with only fuzzy clustering
# ====================================================================================

comparison_short <- compare_clusterings(CharTraj, types = c("f"), configs = cfgs,
                                        seed = 293L, trace = TRUE,
                                        score.clus = score_fun, pick.clus = pick_fun,
                                        return.objects = TRUE)

# ====================================================================================
# Parallel run with all comparisons
# ====================================================================================

registerDoParallel(cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()))

comparison_long <- compare_clusterings(CharTraj, types = c("p", "h", "f", "t"),
                                       configs = cfgs,
                                       seed = 293L, trace = TRUE,
                                       score.clus = score_fun,
                                       pick.clus = pick_fun,
                                       return.objects = TRUE)

# Using all external CVIs and majority vote
external_evaluators <- cvi_evaluators("external", ground.truth = CharTrajLabels)
score_external <- external_evaluators$score
pick_majority <- external_evaluators$pick

comparison_majority <- compare_clusterings(CharTraj, types = c("p", "h", "f", "t"),
                                           configs = cfgs,
                                           seed = 84L, trace = TRUE,
                                           score.clus = score_external,
                                           pick.clus = pick_majority,
                                           return.objects = TRUE)

# best results

stopCluster(cl); registerDoSEQ()

# ====================================================================================
# A run with only partitional clusterings
# ====================================================================================

p_cfgs <- compare_clusterings_configs(
    types = "p", k = 19L:21L,
    controls = list(
        partitional = partitional_control(
            iter.max = 20L,
            nrep = 8L
    preprocs = pdc_configs(
        none = list(),
        zscore = list(center = c(FALSE, TRUE))
    distances = pdc_configs(
        sbd = list(),
        dtw_basic = list(window.size = 19L:20L,
                         norm = c("L1", "L2")),
        gak = list(window.size = 19L:20L,
                   sigma = 100)
    centroids = pdc_configs(
        partitional = list(
            pam = list(),
            shape = list()

# Remove redundant (shape centroid always uses zscore preprocessing)
id_redundant <- p_cfgs$partitional$preproc == "none" &
    p_cfgs$partitional$centroid == "shape"
p_cfgs$partitional <- p_cfgs$partitional[!id_redundant, ]

# LONG! 30 minutes or so, sequentially
comparison_partitional <- compare_clusterings(CharTraj, types = "p",
                                              configs = p_cfgs,
                                              seed = 32903L, trace = TRUE,
                                              score.clus = score_fun,
                                              pick.clus = pick_fun,
                                              shuffle.configs = TRUE,
                                              return.objects = TRUE)
asardaes/dtwclust documentation built on July 23, 2024, 6:43 p.m.