# DESCRIPTION =========================================================
# Author: Ashesh Rambachan <asheshr@g.harvard.edu>
# This script contains functions to implement the methods
# described in Rambachan & Roth (2019) for robust inference
# in difference-in-differences and event study designs.
# This script contains functions that are used to construct
# the FLCI for a general choice of vector l and Delta = Delta^{SD}(M)
# FLCI HELPER FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------
.createConstraints_AbsoluteValue <- function(sigma, numPrePeriods, UstackW){
# This function creates linear constraints that help to minimize worst-case bias
# over w using the optiSolve package, where we cast maximization of the absolute values
# as a linear problem.
# To do this, we assume that the optimization is over a vector (U, W) where
# U_1 = |w_1|, U_2 = |w_1 + w_2|, etc.
# This function creates a matrix of linear constraints that imposes these equalities
# and can easily be passed to optimSolve.
# To do this, we require that
# -U_1 + w_1 <= 0
# -U_1 - w_1 <= 0, and so on.
# We return the values to be passed to optimSolve.
K <- numPrePeriods
lowerTriMat <- base::diag(K)
lowerTriMat[base::lower.tri(lowerTriMat)] <- 1
A_absolutevalue <-
base::cbind( -base::diag(K), lowerTriMat ),
base::cbind( -base::diag(K), -lowerTriMat )
threshold_absolutevalue <- base::rep(0, base::NROW(A_absolutevalue))
direction_absolutevalue <- base::rep("<=", base::NROW(A_absolutevalue))
constraint = A_absolutevalue %*% UstackW <= threshold_absolutevalue
.createConstraints_SumWeights <- function(numPrePeriods, l_vec, UstackW){
# Creates constraints on the sum of the weights.
numPostPeriods = base::length(l_vec)
A_sumweights <- base::c(base::rep(0,numPrePeriods), base::rep(1,numPrePeriods))
threshold_sumweights <- t((1:numPostPeriods)) %*% l_vec
direction_sumweights <- "=="
constraint = t(A_sumweights) %*% UstackW == threshold_sumweights
.createObjectiveObjectForBias <- function(numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec, UstackW){
# Constructs the objective function for the worst-case bias.
constant = base::sum(base::sapply(1:numPostPeriods, FUN = function(s) { base::abs(base::t(1:s) %*% l_vec[(numPostPeriods - s + 1):numPostPeriods]) })) - base::t((1:numPostPeriods)) %*% l_vec
objective.UstackW = CVXR::Minimize( constant + base::t(base::c(base::rep(1,numPrePeriods), base::rep(0,numPrePeriods))) %*% UstackW )
.createMatricesForVarianceFromW <- function(sigma, numPrePeriods, l_vec, UstackW,
prePeriodIndices = 1:numPrePeriods){
# Constructs matrix to compute the variance of the affine estimator for a choice of weights W.
SigmaPre <- sigma[prePeriodIndices, prePeriodIndices]
SigmaPrePost <- sigma[prePeriodIndices, -prePeriodIndices]
SigmaPost <- base::t(l_vec) %*% sigma[-prePeriodIndices, -prePeriodIndices] %*% l_vec
WtoLPreMat <- base::diag(numPrePeriods)
if (numPrePeriods == 1) {
WtoLPreMat = 1
} else {
for(col in 1:(numPrePeriods-1) ){
WtoLPreMat[col+1, col] <- -1
UstackWtoLPreMat <- base::cbind(base::matrix(0, nrow = numPrePeriods, ncol = numPrePeriods), WtoLPreMat)
A_quadratic_sd <- t(UstackWtoLPreMat) %*% SigmaPre %*% UstackWtoLPreMat
A_linear_sd <- 2 * t(UstackWtoLPreMat) %*% SigmaPrePost %*% l_vec
A_constant_sd <- SigmaPost
base::return(base::list(A_quadratic_sd = A_quadratic_sd,
A_linear_sd = A_linear_sd,
A_constant_sd = A_constant_sd))
.createConstraintsObject_SDLessThanH <- function(sigma, numPrePeriods, l_vec, UstackW, h, ...){
# Creates constraint that the variance of the affine estimator must be less than
# some level h.
A_matrices <- .createMatricesForVarianceFromW(sigma, numPrePeriods, l_vec, ...)
threshold_sd_constraint <- h^2
constraint = CVXR::quad_form(UstackW, A_matrices$A_quadratic_sd) + base::t(A_matrices$A_linear_sd) %*% UstackW + A_matrices$A_constant_sd <= threshold_sd_constraint
.createObjectiveObject_MinimizeSD <- function(sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, UstackW, l_vec, ...){
# Create objective function to minimize the standard deviation.
A_matrices <- .createMatricesForVarianceFromW(sigma, numPrePeriods, l_vec, ...)
objective = CVXR::Minimize(CVXR::quad_form(UstackW, A_matrices$A_quadratic_sd) + base::t(A_matrices$A_linear_sd) %*% UstackW + A_matrices$A_constant_sd)
.qfoldednormal <- function(p, mu = 0, sd = 1, numSims = 10^6, seed = 0){
# Computes the pth quantile of the folded normal distribution with mean mu and sd = sd
# Vectorized over mu
normDraws <- stats::rnorm(n = numSims, sd = sd)
pQuantiles <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = mu, .f = function(mu){stats::quantile(base::abs(normDraws + mu), probs = p)})
.wToLFn <- function(w){
# Converts vector from w space to l space.
numPrePeriods <- base::length(w)
WtoLPreMat <- base::diag(numPrePeriods)
if (numPrePeriods == 1) {
WtoLPreMat = 1
} else {
for(col in 1:(numPrePeriods-1) ){
WtoLPreMat[col+1, col] <- -1
l <- base::c(WtoLPreMat %*% w)
.lToWFn <- function(l_vec) {
# Converts vector from l space to w space
numPostPeriods = base::length(l_vec)
lToWPostMat <- base::diag(numPostPeriods)
if (numPostPeriods == 1) {
lToWPostMat = 1
} else {
for(col in 1:(numPostPeriods-1) ){
lToWPostMat[col+1, col] <- 1
w = c(lToWPostMat %*% l_vec)
# FLCI FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------
.findWorstCaseBiasGivenH <- function(h, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec, M = 1, returnDF = FALSE) {
# This function minimizes worst-case bias over Delta^{SD}(M) subject to the constraint
# that the SD of the estimator is <= h
# Note: this function assumes M = 1 unless specified otherwise.
UstackW <- CVXR::Variable(numPrePeriods + numPrePeriods)
objectiveBias <- .createObjectiveObjectForBias(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, UstackW = UstackW, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, l_vec = l_vec)
abs_constraint <- .createConstraints_AbsoluteValue(sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, UstackW = UstackW)
sum_constraint <- .createConstraints_SumWeights(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, l_vec = l_vec, UstackW = UstackW)
quad_constraint <- .createConstraintsObject_SDLessThanH(sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, l_vec = l_vec, UstackW = UstackW, h = h)
biasProblem = CVXR::Problem(objectiveBias, constraints = base::list(abs_constraint, sum_constraint, quad_constraint))
biasResult <- CVXR::psolve(biasProblem, solver = "ECOS")
# Multiply objective by M (note that solution otherwise doesn't depend on M,
# so no need to run many times with many different Ms)
biasResult$value <- biasResult$value * M
# Compute the implied w and l
optimal.x <- biasResult$getValue(UstackW)
optimal.w <- optimal.x[ (base::length(optimal.x)/2 + 1):base::length(optimal.x) ]
optimal.l <- .wToLFn(optimal.w)
if(returnDF == FALSE){
base::return(base::list(status = biasResult$status,
value = biasResult$value,
optimal.x = optimal.x,
optimal.w = optimal.w,
optimal.l = optimal.l))
} else{
temp = base::list(status = biasResult$status,
value = biasResult$value,
optimal.x = base::I(base::list(base::unlist(optimal.x))),
optimal.w = base::I(base::list(base::unlist(optimal.w))),
optimal.l = base::I(base::list(base::unlist(optimal.l)))
base::return(base::as.data.frame(temp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
.findLowestH <- function(sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec){
# Finds the minimum variance affine estimator.
UstackW <- CVXR::Variable(numPrePeriods + numPrePeriods)
abs_constraint <- .createConstraints_AbsoluteValue(sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, UstackW = UstackW)
sum_constraint <- .createConstraints_SumWeights(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, l_vec = l_vec, UstackW = UstackW)
objectiveVariance = .createObjectiveObject_MinimizeSD(sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, UstackW = UstackW, l_vec = l_vec)
varProblem = CVXR::Problem(objectiveVariance, constraints = base::list(abs_constraint, sum_constraint))
varResult <- CVXR::psolve(varProblem)
if(varResult$status != "optimal" & varResult$status != "optimal_inaccurate"){
base::warning("Error in optimization for h0")
minimalVariance <- varResult$value
minimalH <- base::sqrt(minimalVariance)
.computeSigmaLFromW <- function(w, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec, ...){
# Compute variance of affine estmiator with choice w
A_matrices <- .createMatricesForVarianceFromW(sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, ...)
UstackW <- base::matrix(base::c( base::rep(0, base::length(w)), w ), ncol = 1)
varL <- t(UstackW) %*% A_matrices$A_quadratic_sd %*% UstackW +
base::t(A_matrices$A_linear_sd) %*% UstackW + A_matrices$A_constant_sd
.findHForMinimumBias <- function(sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec){
hsquared <- .computeSigmaLFromW(base::c(base::rep(0,numPrePeriods-1), base::t(1:numPostPeriods) %*% l_vec),
sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec)
h <- base::sqrt(hsquared)
.findOptimalFLCI_helper <- function(sigma, M,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
l_vec, numPoints = 100, alpha, seed = 0){
h0 <- .findHForMinimumBias(sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, l_vec = l_vec)
hMin <- .findLowestH(sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, l_vec = l_vec)
hstar <- .findOptimalCIDerivativeBisection(hMin, h0, M, numPoints, alpha, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec, TRUE, seed=seed)
if ( base::is.na(hstar) ) {
# Numerical derivatives will occasionally fail; fall back into grid
# search in that case
hGrid <- base::seq(from = hMin, to = h0, length.out = numPoints)
biasDF <- purrr::map_dfr(.x = hGrid,
.f = function(h){ .findWorstCaseBiasGivenH(h, sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, l_vec = l_vec, returnDF = TRUE) %>% dplyr::mutate(h = h) } )
biasDF <- biasDF %>% dplyr::rename(bias = .data$value)
biasDF <-
biasDF %>% dplyr::mutate(id = 1),
data.frame(m = M, id = 1),
by = "id") %>% dplyr::select(-.data$id)
biasDF <- biasDF %>%
dplyr::rename(maxBias = .data$bias) %>% dplyr::filter(.data$maxBias < Inf)
biasDF <- biasDF %>%
dplyr::mutate(maxBias = .data$maxBias * .data$m) %>%
dplyr::mutate(CI.halflength = .qfoldednormal(p = 1-alpha, mu = .data$maxBias/.data$h) * .data$h)
optimalCIDF <- biasDF %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$m) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$status == "optimal" | .data$status == "optimal_inaccurate") %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$CI.halflength == min(.data$CI.halflength))
} else {
optimalCIDF <- .findWorstCaseBiasGivenH(hstar, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec, TRUE)
optimalCIDF$m <- M
optimalCIDF$CI.halflength <- .qfoldednormal(p = 1-alpha, mu = (M * optimalCIDF$value)/hstar) * hstar
results = base::list(
optimalVec = base::c(base::unlist(optimalCIDF$optimal.l), l_vec),
optimalPrePeriodVec = base::unlist(optimalCIDF$optimal.l),
optimalHalfLength = optimalCIDF$CI.halflength,
M = optimalCIDF$m,
status = optimalCIDF$status
.findOptimalCIDerivativeBisection <- function(a, b, M, numPoints, alpha, sigma,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec, returnDF, seed=0) {
# Function of h, which is convex (returns CI half length)
.f <- function(h, ...) {
biasDF <- .findWorstCaseBiasGivenH(h, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec, returnDF)
maxBias <- M * biasDF$value
if (biasDF$value < Inf) {
base::return(.qfoldednormal(p = 1-alpha, mu = maxBias/h, seed=seed) * h)
} else {
# Minimum search relying on convexity; check for failures at each
# step; return failure and fall back on grid if failed
hstar <- NaN
failtol <- (.Machine$double.eps)^(1/2)
failed <- FALSE
dif <- base::min((b - a) / numPoints, base::abs(b) * (.Machine$double.eps^(1/3)))
fa <- .f(a)
fb <- .f(b)
fpa <- (.f(a + dif) - fa) / dif # Limit from the right for lb
fpb <- (.f(b - dif) - fb) / -dif # Limit from the left for ub
iter <- 1
maxiter <- 10 * base::ceiling(base::log(base::abs(b - a) / dif) / base::log(2))
if ( (fpa > fpb) | base::is.nan(fa) | base::is.nan(fb) ) {
failed <- TRUE
} else if ( fpb < 0 ) {
hstar <- b
} else if ( fpa > 0 ) {
hstar <- a
} else {
while ( !failed & base::abs(b - a) > dif ) {
iter <- iter + 1
x <- (a + b) / 2
fpx <- (.f(x + dif) - .f(x - dif)) / (2 * dif)
failed <- (fpx > fpb + failtol) | (fpx + failtol < fpa) | iter > maxiter
# fx <- .f(x)
if ( fpx > 0 ) {
b <- x
} else {
a <- x
hstar <- (a + b) / 2
# Only does 4 + 2 * iter function evaluations
if (failed) {
} else {
findOptimalFLCI <- function(betahat, sigma, M = 0,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
l_vec = .basisVector(index = 1, size = numPostPeriods),
numPoints = 100, alpha = 0.05, seed = 0) {
FLCI_Results = .findOptimalFLCI_helper(sigma = sigma,
M = M,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec,
numPoints = numPoints,
alpha = alpha,
seed = seed)
FLCI = base::c(base::t(FLCI_Results$optimalVec) %*% betahat - FLCI_Results$optimalHalfLength,
base::t(FLCI_Results$optimalVec) %*% betahat + FLCI_Results$optimalHalfLength)
Results = base::list(
optimalVec = FLCI_Results$optimalVec,
optimalHalfLength = FLCI_Results$optimalHalfLength,
M = FLCI_Results$M,
status = FLCI_Results$status
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