

ComputePercentChange <- function(stock, plotit = FALSE) {
  # Computes the value percent change in stock value for open and close times

  # Args:
  #   stock:  object of class stock
  #   plotit: whether to plot the stock values

  if(plotit) {
    p <- plot(stock)

  n_obs       <- nrow(stock$data)
  change_data <- stock$data[c(1, n_obs), c("date", "open", "close")]

  pct_change_open  <- round(.ComputePercentageChange(change_data$open), 4)
  pct_change_close <- round(.ComputePercentageChange(change_data$close), 4)

  open_change <- structure(pct_change_open,
                           price_change = round(diff(change_data$open), 2))
  close_change <- structure(pct_change_close,
                            price_change = round(diff(change_data$close), 2))

  out <- structure(list(open  = open_change,
                        close = close_change),
                   data = change_data)



.ComputePercentageChange <- function(vector) {
  if(length(vector) != 2) stop("Problem with input vector in .ComputePercentageChange")
  first <- vector[1]
  last  <- vector[2]
  absolute_change <- last - first
  percent_change  <- absolute_change / first * 100


ComputePriceChange <- function(stock) {
  # Simple wrapper around PercentChange to get price change; returns no other information.

  # Args:
  #   see PercentChange.

  # Returns:
  #   length-1 numeric.

  pct_change <- ComputePercentChange(stock, plotit = FALSE)
  out <- list(open  = attr(pct_change$open, "price_change"),
              close = attr(pct_change$close, "price_change"))


# StockChange -------------------------------------------------------------------------

.FindStockChangeCandidates <- function(price, pct_change, window = 1) {
  # Determine the day on which a given percent change occurs within a given time window.

  # Args:
  #   price: vector of stock prices under consideration
  #   pct_change: the desired percent change in stock price (positive or negative)
  #   window: the number of days within which the change occurs.

  # Returns:
  #   logical vector of length length(price) where TRUE indicates a candidate for
  #   taking an action on the stock based on the pct_change criterion.

  # Checks
  if(pct_change == 0) stop("What are you even doing?")
  if(window < 1) stop("That's not a real time window.")

  # Take the appropriate lagged differences
  diffs <- diff(price, lag = window)

  # To get percent change we compare lagged differences to starting point
  start_prices  <- price[1L:(length(price) - window)]
  price_changes <- diffs / start_prices * 100

  # Padding for ineligible values at start of stock time window
  pad <- rep(FALSE, window)

  # Comparing price_changes to pct_change depends on sign of pct_change
  compare <- if(pct_change < 0) `<` else `>`

  # Return vector of dates on which desired pct_change is achieved within given window
  c(pad, compare(price_changes, pct_change))

# PostChangeBuyDate --------------------------------------------------------------

.FindEarliestDateAmongConsecutives <- function(stock_change_candidates) {
  # Calculate date of earliest stock change per run of TRUES coming from StockChangeCandidates.
  # The purpose is to whittle down the candidates for action by keeping only the first candidate
  # among many consecutive candidates.  This means we don't keep buying a stock as it keeps falling
  # day after day; we rather buy once and wait for an increase downstream.

  first_n_minus_1_cand <- head(stock_change_candidates, n = length(stock_change_candidates) - 1L)
  substraction_vector  <- c(FALSE, first_n_minus_1_cand)

  first_dates_are_greater_than_0 <- stock_change_candidates - substraction_vector
  first_dates_post_change        <- first_dates_are_greater_than_0 > 0


# PostChangeDateBuyDelay ----------------------------------------------------------

.AddWaitTimeBeforeAction <- function(action_date_candidates, delay = 0) {
  # Produce time delay between stock price change and date of action equal in number
  # of days to value 'delay'

  trimmed_action_dates <- head(action_date_candidates,
                               n = length(action_date_candidates) - delay)
  delay_vector         <- rep(FALSE, times = delay)
  action_date_vector   <- c(delay_vector, trimmed_action_dates)

  action_date_vector[length(action_date_vector)] <- FALSE  # to prevent action on last day


# FindStockPercentChanges ----------------------------------------------------------

.FindStockPercentChanges <- function(current_price, other_prices) {
  # From a given price and a vector of other prices, find the % change of other prices
  # relative to current price.
  (other_prices - current_price) / current_price * 100

.ProduceTrades <- function(price, actions, threshold) {
  # From vector of action dates, produce true actions and reversions using trade threshold

  # set up reversion vector
  reversions <- rep(FALSE, times = length(price))

  # Return if no actions taken
  if(sum(actions) == 0) {
    out <- list(actions    = reversions,
                reversions = reversions)

  # If actions taken, set up for a while-loop
  .CompareFun <- if(threshold < 0) `<` else `>`
  i <- which(actions)[1L]

  while(TRUE) {
    # Find ALL timepoints when threshold is crossed, INCLUDING backwards in time
    pct_changes           <- .FindStockPercentChanges(price[i], price)
    all_candidates        <- .CompareFun(pct_changes, threshold)
    all_candidates_ix     <- which(all_candidates)

    # if there are reversion candidates after this action, find the correct one;
    # otherwise, kill all future action candidates and revert on the last possible day
    if(any(all_candidates_ix > i)) {
      all_fwd_candidates_ix <- all_candidates_ix[which(all_candidates_ix > i)]
      min_fwd_cand_ix       <- min(all_fwd_candidates_ix)

      actions[(i+1):min_fwd_cand_ix] <- FALSE
      reversions[min_fwd_cand_ix]    <- TRUE
    } else {
      actions[(i+1):length(actions)] <- FALSE
      reversions[length(reversions)] <- TRUE


    # find next i
    if(min_fwd_cand_ix < length(actions)-1L && any(actions[(min_fwd_cand_ix+1L):length(actions)])) {
      current_actions <- which(actions)
      i <- min(current_actions[current_actions > i])
    } else {

  out <- list(actions    = actions,
              reversions = reversions)

# CalculateStockDropReturn -----------------------------------------------------------

.CalculateStockDropReturn <- function(price, trades, budget, trade_fee, threshold) {
  # Computes dollar return from the trade strategies given by actions and reversions

  # Args:
  #   price: vector of stock prices under consideration
  #   trades: list output of .ProduceTrades()
  #   budget: the maximum dollar amount to invest at each buy
  #   trade_fee: the dollar fee for each trade
  #   threshold: the percent threshold that signals action; used to determine "buy" or "short"

  action_prices    <- price[trades$actions]
  reversion_prices <- price[trades$reversions]

  action_quantity   <- StockQty(budget, action_prices)
  action_dollars    <- action_quantity * action_prices
  reversion_dollars <- action_quantity * reversion_prices

  n_trades_vector <- sapply(trades, sum)
  n_trades        <- sum(n_trades_vector)

  if(threshold < 0) {
    dollars_net      <- sum(reversion_dollars - action_dollars) - n_trades * trade_fee
    dollars_invested <- sum(action_dollars) + n_trades * trade_fee
  } else {
    dollars_net      <- sum(action_dollars - reversion_dollars) - n_trades * trade_fee
    dollars_invested <- sum(reversion_dollars) + n_trades * trade_fee

  percent_return <- if(n_trades > 0) {
    dollars_net / dollars_invested * 100
  } else {

  stock_drop_return <- list(net_return  = round(dollars_net, 2L),
                            amt_spent   = round(dollars_invested, 2L),
                            pct_return  = round(percent_return, 2L),
                            amt_pledged = budget * n_trades / 2,
                            n_trades    = n_trades)

# BuyAndHoldSingle -----------------------------------------------------------------------

BuyAndHoldSingle <- function(price, budget, trade_fee = 9) {
  # Compute earnings from buy-and-hold strategy over entire stock history provided.
  # Use this as a benchmark to compare any trading strategy attempted.

  if(budget > 0) {
    buy_price  <- price[1L]
    sell_price <- price[length(price)]

    buy_qty  <- StockQty(budget, buy_price)

    money_in  <- buy_price * buy_qty + trade_fee * 2  # only two trades are ever made in this approach
    money_out <- sell_price * buy_qty

    net_cash   <- money_out - money_in
    pct_return <- net_cash / money_in * 100

    out <- list(net_return   = round(net_cash, 2),
                amt_spent  = round(money_in, 2),
                pct_return = round(pct_return, 2))
  } else {
    out <- list(net_return = 0,
                amt_spend  = 0,
                pct_return = 0)


# StockDropAndRoll ---------------------------------------------------------------------

StockDropAndRoll <- function(stock, budget, pct_change, reversion_pct, search_window = 1,
                             action_delay = 0, trade_fee = 9, time = "open") {
  # Performs all steps to compute return from stock change trading strategy
  price <- stock$data[[time]]

  change_candidates <- .FindStockChangeCandidates(price, pct_change, search_window)
  post_change_dates <- .FindEarliestDateAmongConsecutives(change_candidates)
  actions           <- .AddWaitTimeBeforeAction(post_change_dates, action_delay)

  trades            <- .ProduceTrades(price, actions, reversion_pct)

  stock_drop_returns <- .CalculateStockDropReturn(price, trades, budget, trade_fee, pct_change)

  buy_and_hold_returns <- BuyAndHoldSingle(price,
                                           budget = budget * stock_drop_returns$n_trades / 2,
                                           trade_fee = trade_fee)

  drop_list <- list(stock_drop_returns,
                    symbol                   = stock$symbol,
                    budget                   = budget,
                    pct_change_trigger       = pct_change,
                    reversion_pct_trigger    = reversion_pct,
                    search_window            = search_window,
                    action_delay             = action_delay,
                    trade_fee                = trade_fee,
                    time                     = time,
                    pct_return_buy_and_hold  = buy_and_hold_returns$pct_return,
                    points_over_buy_and_hold = stock_drop_returns$pct_return -
                    stock$data[c("date", time)],

  drop_return <- unlist(drop_list, recursive = FALSE)

  names(drop_return)[grepl(time, names(drop_return))] <- "price"

  out <- structure(drop_return, class = "drop_model")

# print.drop_model -----------------------------------------------------------

print.drop_model <- function(x, ...) {
  # Makes readable format for drop_model object

  line1 <- paste0("Stock:                    ", x$symbol)
  line2 <- paste0("Amount spent:             ", x$amt_spent, 2)
  line3 <- paste0("Net return:               ", x$net_return, 2)
  line4 <- paste0("Percent return:           ", x$pct_return, 3)
  line5 <- paste0("Points over buy-and-hold: ", round(x$points_over_buy_and_hold, 2))

  cat(paste(line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, sep = "\n"))

# predict.drop_model --------------------------------------------------------

predict.drop_model <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
  # Get return from test data based on parameters of drop_model object.
  # Pass test stock data to argument "newdata".

  out <- StockDropAndRoll(stock = newdata,
                          budget = object$budget,
                          pct_change = object$pct_change_trigger,
                          reversion_pct = object$reversion_pct_trigger,
                          search_window = object$search_window,
                          action_delay = object$action_delay,
                          trade_fee = object$trade_fee,
                          time = object$time)

# plot.drop_model  -------------------------------------------------------------------

.ComputeRectDataDrop <- function(price, date, actions, reversions) {
  # Creates rectangle coordinates for plot

  # Args:
  #   price:      vector of prices associated with actions and reversions vectors
  #   actions:    logical vector indicating when to execute action
  #   reversions: logical vector indicating when to revert action

  # Coordinates for rectangles
  xmin <- date[actions]
  xmax <- date[reversions]

  ymin <- rep(min(price), times = length(xmin))
  ymax <- rep(max(price), times = length(xmin))

  # Data frame for plotting
  data.frame(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)

.MakePlotDataDrop <- function(drop_model) {
  # Creates data frame for ggplot2

  data.frame(date = drop_model$date,
             price = drop_model$price)

plot.drop_model <- function(x, ...) {
  # Plots stock timeline with highlighting rectangles in trading regions.

  # Args:
  #   x: object of class drop_model

  rect_df   <- .ComputeRectDataDrop(x$price, x$date, x$actions, x$reversions)
  plot_data <- .MakePlotDataDrop(x)

  ggplot(NULL) +
    geom_rect(data = rect_df,
              aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
              alpha = 0.3, fill = "skyblue") +
    geom_line(data = plot_data, aes(x = date, y = price), lwd = 1.2) +
    labs(x = "Date", y = "Price", title = "Trading Periods") +
ataustin/stocking documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:08 p.m.