
#' Analyse behavioral Data from Eprime/text/Excel files specifying single or multiple accuracy columns
#' \code{analyse_behav} uses takes information from a named text file and extracts multiple behavioral measures
#' In current implementation, it finds raw values that are at 0,0 or negative x, negative y values
#' uses packages: openxlsx, plyr
#'Atesh Koul, RBCS, Istituto Italiano di technologia

analyse_behav <- function(resultfiles,scriptfile,signal,yesResp,save,integration,ResultCat=NULL){
  # Atesh koul
  # atesh.koul@gmail.com
  # 06-10-2015
  # adapted from Motor simulation.R script
  # 06-11-2015
  # updated to join both functions:
  # now the script goes directly from the raw txt data to signal detection parameters
  # I deliberately kept signal and yesResp as compulsary as otherwise its dangerous and do bad things
  # 07-01-2016
  # load the library
  #   if(missing(signal) | missing(yesResp)){
  #     stop("Signal or yesResp has not been provided. Please check again")
  #   }
    # good to provide the signal
    stop("Signal or yesResp has not been provided. Please check again")
  # default to TRUE
    save <- F
    # choose the tex
    filenames <- choose.files(filters = Filters[c("txt"),])
    directory <- dirname(filenames)
  # forcebly say integration is 0 for now.
  # integration = 0
  # colnames from previous experiment Exp4 predizioni
  # For main experiment
  colNames <-  c("ExperimentName","Subject","Age","Sex","Condizione","Video","StaticMs","DurataVideo","MovieStart.FramesDropped","MovieStart.RESP","ITI.RESP","MovieStart.ACC","ITI.ACC","MovieStart.RT","ITI.RT","Confidence.RESP","Confidence.RT")
  # for part 2
  # colNames <-  c("ExperimentName","Subject","Age","Sex","Condizione","Video","StaticMs","DurataVideo","MovieStart.FramesDropped","MovieStart.RESP","ITI.RESP","MovieStart.ACC","ITI.ACC","MovieStart.RT","ITI.RT","VasSlide.VAS","VasSlide.RT")

  DataFull <- NULL
  k <- list()
  DataSig <- list()
  Results <- list()
  ResultsSelf <- list()
  wbResults <- createWorkbook("Wilma")
  SubResults <- createWorkbook("Freddy")
  #wb <- createWorkbook("Fred")
  #signal <- "Drinking"
  RawMerged <- NULL
  for(i in filenames){
    Data <- read.table(file = i,header = T,sep='\t')
    Data <- Data[Data$Procedure=="ShowStim"|Data$Procedure=="ShowStim2",colNames]
    RawMerged <- rbind(RawMerged,Data)
  # get the condition column (anything that contains Condi); not obvious as it could have
  # been in any language, condizione, condition.. whatever helps u sleep at night :)
  # you can use any of the files as they all should contain same colnames
  ConditionCol <- names(Data)[grep("Condi",names(Data))]
  # categories based on which u want ur results
  ResultCat <- c(ResultCat,ConditionCol)
  for(subs in unique(RawMerged$Subject)){
    # old implementation with each filename for loading data. now i load data before and loop over the subjects
    # Data <- read.table(filenames,T,'\t')
    # Take one subject data at a time
    Data <- RawMerged[RawMerged$Subject==subs,]
    #Data <- Data[Data$Procedure=="ShowStim"|Data$Procedure=="ShowStim2",colNames]

      # get the condition column (anything that contains Condi); not obvious as it could have
      # been in any language, condizione, condition.. whatever helps u sleep at night :)
      ConditionCol <- names(Data)[grep("Condi",names(Data))]
    # categories based on which u want ur results
    ResultCat <- c(ResultCat,ConditionCol)

    # Get the subject no. for saving data
    sub = unique(as.character(Data$Subject))
    # mentioning what are the response slides (also implemented in sigDetect.R)
    respSlides <- c("MovieStart.RESP","ITI.RESP")
    # generating a generic resp column
    Data[,"Resp"]  <- ifelse(!is.na(Data[,respSlides[1]]),Data[,respSlides[1]],Data[,respSlides[2]])
    # better way to formalise rather than copy the one in excel
    Data[,"ACC"] <- ifelse(Data$MovieStart.ACC+Data$ITI.ACC==2,1,Data$MovieStart.ACC+Data$ITI.ACC)
    # accuracy only for cases where the participants responded
    Data[,"Resp_Acc"] <- ifelse(!is.na(Data$Resp),Data[,"ACC"],NA)
    # getting correct normalised RT in 1 step
    #Data[,"NormRT"] <- ifelse((Data$MovieStart.ACC & Data$ITI.ACC)==1,(Data$MovieStart.RT/Data$DurataVideo),
    #                          (Data$MovieStart.RT/Data$DurataVideo)*Data$MovieStart.ACC + ((Data$ITI.RT+Data$DurataVideo)/Data$DurataVideo)*Data$ITI.ACC)
    # Wrong way - there are cases where participants press button in both slides and can get wrong in the next one
    # Data[,"NormRT"] <- ifelse((Data$MovieStart.ACC & Data$ITI.ACC)==1,(Data$MovieStart.RT/Data$DurataVideo),
    #                          (Data$MovieStart.RT/Data$DurataVideo) + (Data$ITI.RT+Data$DurataVideo)/Data$DurataVideo)
    # This case takes care of the scenarios, if the participant responded first, irrespective of whether it
    Data[,"NormRT"] <- ifelse(Data$MovieStart.RT>0,(Data$MovieStart.RT/Data$DurataVideo),ifelse(Data$ITI.RT>0,(Data$ITI.RT+Data$DurataVideo)/Data$DurataVideo,NA))
    # get corrected normalized RTs for only correct trials
    Data[!(Data[,"ACC"]==0),"CorrectRT"] <- Data[!(Data[,"ACC"]==0),"NormRT"]
    Data[which(!(scale(Data$NormRT) >2.5) & !(scale(Data$NormRT) < -2.5)),"RT_outRemoved"] <- Data[which(!(scale(Data$NormRT) >2.5) & !(scale(Data$NormRT) < -2.5)),"NormRT"]
    Data[!is.na(Data$NormRT),"Confidence"] <- Data$Confidence.RESP[!is.na(Data$NormRT)]
    Data[!is.na(Data$NormRT),"ConfRT"] <- Data$Confidence.RT[!is.na(Data$NormRT)]
    # automatically determine which is the yesResponse; based on the logic that yesResponse is
    # basically the hit - response key that provides correct accuracy on signal trials
    yesResp = unique(Data[which(Data$Condizione == signal & Data$ACC==1),"Resp"])

      DataSig[[subs]] <- sigDetect(Data,signal,yesResp)

    ## integration with stumuli information
    if(integration ==1){
        scriptfile <- choose.files(caption = "Select Script File")
        wbSub <- loadWorkbook(scriptfile)
      ## gets information about the subject number - this is assumed to be in the filename e.g. "I:\\Motor_simulation_strategies\\Results\\Actionvideo_SO_BA_14-1-1.txt"
      # sub = strsplit(strsplit(basename(i),"_")[[1]][4],"-")[[1]][1]
      # use the subject number in the Data
      sub = as.character(unique(DataSig[[subs]]$Subject))
      # specific to motor simulation
      # I may check if I can implement equivalent checks for other experiments
      # for now (28-01-2016), I solve the MS issue
      DataTrials <- readWorkbook(wbSub,sheet = sub)
      DataTrials <- DataTrials[,1:10]
      #       # this sum should be =30
      #       MSGVideos <- ifelse((sum(1*(unique(Data$Video[order(Data$Video)]) ==unique(DataTrials$Video[order(DataTrials$Video)])))==30),"Good : videos are the same from script and experiment",
      #                           "Bad : videos are the NOT same from script and experiment")
      #       # check no. of trials should be 120
      #       MSGNTrials <- ifelse((dim(Data)[1]==120),paste0("Good : No. of trials are correct - ",as.character(dim(Data)[1])),paste0("Bad : No. of trials are NOT correct. The no. of trials are - ",as.character(dim(Data)[1])))
      #       # no. of movie frames dropped - should be 1 or 0
      #       MSGDroppedFrames <- ifelse(any(Data$MovieStart.FramesDropped>1),paste0("Bad : one of the dropped frames is more than 1. those are : ",as.character(which(Data$MovieStart.FramesDropped==2))),
      #                                  paste0("Good : dropped frames are less than 1"))
      #       # checking if no. of self, other and diff videos are equal
      #       k[[i]] <- merge(DataTrials,Data,by="Video")
      #       # change depending on what is the signal
      #       #signal <- "Pouring"
      #       #k[[i]] <- sigDetect(k[[i]],signal,yesResp)
      #       #     k[[i]][,"Resp"]  <- ifelse(!is.na(k[[1]]$MovieStart.RESP),k[[1]]$MovieStart.RESP,k[[1]]$ITI.RESP)
      #       #     k[[i]]$signal <- ifelse(k[[i]]$Condizione.x==Signal,1,0)
      #       #
      #       #     k[[i]]$Dprime <- ifelse(k[[i]]$signal==1 & k[[i]]$Resp ==2,"HIT",ifelse(k[[i]]$signal==1 & k[[i]]$Resp ==1,"MISS",ifelse(k[[i]]$signal==0 & k[[i]]$Resp ==1,"CR",ifelse(k[[i]]$signal==0 & k[[i]]$Resp ==2,"FA",NA))))
      #       #     k[[i]]$ROC_confid <- ifelse(k[[i]]$Dprime=="HIT" | k[[i]]$Dprime=="FA",k[[i]]$Confidence+4,abs(k[[i]]$Confidence-5))
      #       p <- ddply(k[[i]],c("Mtype","Condizione.x"),summarise,n=length(unique(Video)),sub=unique(Sub),resp=unique(CorrResp))
      #       MSGVideo2 <- ifelse((length(unique(p$n))==1 & unique(p$n)==5),paste0("Good : 5 trials have been selected"),paste0("Bad : more than 5 trials or different no. of trials present"))
      #       MSGMtype <- ifelse(!length(unique(p$Mtype))==3,"Bad : Mtype not correct","Good : Mtype Correct")
      #       MSGSubNo <- ifelse(!length(unique(p$sub))==3,"Bad : more than 3 Subjects","Good : Correct no. of subjects")
      #       # prints all messages at the same time
      #       print(rbind(MSGNTrials,MSGDroppedFrames,MSGVideos,MSGVideo2,MSGMtype,MSGSubNo))
      #DataSig[[subs]]$Video <- ifelse(!is.numeric(DataSig[[subs]]$Video),as.numeric(levels(DataSig[[subs]]$Video)[DataSig[[subs]]$Video]),DataSig[[subs]]$Video)
      DataSig[[subs]] <- merge(DataTrials,DataSig[[subs]],by="Video")
      ResultsSelf[[subs]] <- ddply(DataSig[[subs]],c("Mtype","Condizione.x","cluster"),summarise,acc = mean(ACC),rt = mean(CorrectRT,na.rm=T))
      # MS part
      # generate column for merging with cluster data
      # this has to be so as the cluster data (for no particular reason) are as sub, trial of the execution data
      # these could have also been simply Video
    }    else {
      print("No integration selected")

    writeData(SubResults,sheet = sub,DataSig[[subs]])
    DataFull <- rbind(DataFull,DataSig[[subs]])
    #     # for the time being as with the trial I just had the same subject no. which will definately not be the case in actual life
    #     addWorksheet(wb,strsplit(strsplit(basename(i),"_")[[1]][4],"-")[[1]][1])
    #     writeData(wb,sheet = strsplit(strsplit(basename(i),"_")[[1]][4],"-")[[1]][1],Data)
    #     #addWorksheet(wb,as.character(unique(Data$Subject)))
    #     #writeData(wb,sheet = as.character(unique(Data$Subject)),Data)
    #     DataFull <- rbind(DataFull,Data)
  if(!"Sub" %in% colnames(DataFull) & !"Trial" %in% colnames(DataFull)){
    SublevelStim <- choose.files(caption = "Select Sub level stimulus File")
    wbSub <- loadWorkbook(SublevelStim)
    DataTrials <- readWorkbook(wbSub,1)
    # all this is to create only a single column called cluster
    # that provides the cluster number irrespective of condition
    # for now, I remove the clusters for placing (4) and passing (2) (we dont use them)
    # and drop the columns of Condizione and Placing which are reduncdant
# get the results according to the parameters that u like
Results_cus <- ddply(DataFull,ResultCat,summarise,acc = mean(ACC),rt = mean(CorrectRT,na.rm=T))

ResultsSigDetect <- ddply(DataFull,.(Subject),summarise,
                          Age = unique(Age),
                          pHit = ifelse(!(sum(Dprime=="HIT",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==1,na.rm=T) >=1),sum(Dprime=="HIT",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==1,na.rm=T),sum(Dprime=="HIT",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==1,na.rm=T)-0.05),
                          pMISS = sum(Dprime=="MISS",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==1,na.rm=T),
                          pCR = sum(Dprime=="CR",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==0,na.rm=T),
                          pFA = ifelse(!(sum(Dprime=="FA",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==0,na.rm=T) <=0),sum(Dprime=="FA",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==0,na.rm=T),sum(Dprime=="FA",na.rm=T)/sum(signal==0,na.rm=T)+0.05),
                          Dprime = qnorm(pHit)-qnorm(pFA),
                          C = -(qnorm(pHit)+qnorm(pFA))/2,
                          Controllo_C = ifelse(C<0,"Bias a rispondere 1","Bias a rispondere 2"),
                          ACC = mean(ACC,na.rm=T),
                          Resp1 = mean(Resp==1,na.rm=T),
                          Resp2 = mean(Resp==2,na.rm=T))

  ClusterResults <- ddply(DataFull,.(Subject,Condizione,cluster),summarise,clustAcc = mean(ACC,na.rm=T),Condizione=unique(Condizione),Age = unique(Age))





  saveWorkbook(SubResults,file=paste0(directory[1],"/","Subject_results_prior.xlsx"),overwrite = TRUE)

Results = list(DataFull=DataFull,Data=Data,wbResults = wbResults, SubResults = SubResults,ResultsSigDetect=ResultsSigDetect)

ateshkoul/KinematicAnalysis documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:08 p.m.