
Defines functions .validPhIPData .checkSampleInfo .checkNames .checkObjectDim .checkCounts .checkAssays .tidyPeptideInfo .tidyAssays .getSampleNames .getPeptideNames .checkDims PhIPData

Documented in PhIPData

#' @import SummarizedExperiment methods S4Vectors
#' @include defineBeads.R

### PhIPData class  ==============================================
#' The PhIPData class
#' @description
#' The \code{PhIPData} class is a matrix-like container designed to organize
#' results from phage-immunoprecipitation (PhIP-Seq) experiments. Rows in
#' PhIPData objects represent peptides and columns represent samples. Each
#' object contains at least three assays:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{counts}:} a matrix of raw read counts,
#'     \item{\code{logfc}:} a matrix of log2 estimated fold-change in
#'          comparison to beads-only samples,
#'     \item{\code{prob}:} a matrix of probabilities associated with whether
#'          a sample has an enriched antibody response for a peptide.
#' }
#' The \code{PhIPData} class extends the
#' \linkS4class{RangedSummarizedExperiment} class, so methods documented
#' in \linkS4class{RangedSummarizedExperiment} and
#' \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} also work on \code{PhIPData} objects.
#' @details
#' Rows of \code{PhIPData} objects correspond to peptides of interest and are
#' organized in \link{GRanges} or \link{GRangesList} objects. Though originally
#' designed for genomic ranges, the sequence name and genomic range information
#' in \link{GRanges} objects can be replaced with peptide names and amino acid
#' positions, respectively. If no peptide names are given, peptides are given
#' the names of \code{pep_rownum}. Peptide positions are specified by columns
#' \code{pos_start} and \code{pos_end} in the \code{peptideInfo} argument of the
#' constuctor. Missing position information is set to 0. Additional peptide
#' annotation can also be stored in \link{GRanges} objects and can be used
#' to subset \code{PhIPData} objects as shown below.
#' Columns of \code{PhIPData} objects represent samples. Sample metadata
#' are stored in a \link{DataFrame} and can be accessed as shown below. If no
#' sample names are specified, samples are given default names of
#' \code{sample_colnum}.
#' Unlike \link{RangedSummarizedExperiment}/\link{SummarizedExperiment} objects,
#' \code{PhIPData} objects must contain \code{counts}, \code{logfc},
#' \code{prob}. If any of the three assays are missing when the constructor is
#' called, an empty matrix of the same names and dimensions is initialized for
#' that assay. Sample and peptide names are harmonized across assays and
#' annotation during construction and replacement.
#' Though `counts` typically contain integer values for the number of reads
#' aligned to each peptide, `PhIPData` only requires that stored values are
#' non-negative numeric values. Pseudocounts or non-integer count values can
#' also be stored in the `counts` assay.
#' @section Constructor:
#' \code{PhIPData} objects are constructed using the homonymous function and
#' arguments as described above. Any \code{PhIPData} object can be created
#' so long as peptide and sample identifiers (or lack thereof) are specified
#' via any of the parameters.
#' @seealso
#'      \code{\link{PhIPData-methods}} for accessors and modifiers for PhIPData
#'      components.
#'      \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}
.PhIPData <- setClass("PhIPData", contains = "RangedSummarizedExperiment")

### PhIPData constructor =============================================
#' @rdname PhIPData-class
#' @param counts a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, or
#'     \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}}of \strong{integer} read counts.
#' @param logfc a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, or
#'     \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} of log2 estimated fold changes.
#' @param prob a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, or
#'     \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} of probability values (p-values or
#'     posterior probabilities) for enrichment estimates.
#' @param peptideInfo a \code{data.frame} or \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} of
#'    peptide information.
#' @param sampleInfo a \code{data.frame} or \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} of
#'     additional sample information.
#' @param metadata a \code{list} object containing experiment-specific metadata.
#' @param .defaultNames vector of names to use when sample and peptide
#'     identifiers disagree across the metadata and the \code{counts},
#'     \code{logfc}, and \code{prob} matrices. If \code{.defaultNames} is of
#'     length 1, the same source is used for both peptide and sample
#'     identifiers. If \code{.defaultNames} is longer than 2, the first and
#'     second elements correspond to the names for peptides and samples,
#'     respectively.
#'     Valid options are:
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item{"info": }{names should be taken from the \code{SampleInfo} or
#'             \code{peptideInfo} objects.}
#'         \item{"counts": }{names should be taken from the row/column names
#'             of the \code{counts} object.}
#'         \item{"logfc": }{names should be taken from the row/column names of
#'             the \code{logfc} object.}
#'         \item{"prob": }{names should be taken from the row/column names of
#'             the \code{prob} object.}
#'     }
#' @return A \code{PhIPData} object.
#' @examples
#' ## Construct a new PhIPData object
#' counts_dat <- matrix(sample(1:1e6, 25, replace = TRUE), nrow = 5)
#' logfc_dat <- matrix(rnorm(25, 0, 10), nrow = 5)
#' prob_dat <- matrix(rbeta(25, 1, 1), nrow = 5)
#' peptide_meta <- data.frame(
#'     pos_start = 1:5,
#'     pos_end = 6:10,
#'     species = c(rep("HIV", 3), rep("EBV", 2))
#' )
#' sample_meta <- data.frame(
#'     gender = sample(c("M", "F"), 5, TRUE),
#'     group = sample(c("ctrl", "trt", "beads"), 5, TRUE)
#' )
#' exp_meta <- list(
#'     date_run = as.Date("2021/01/20"),
#'     reads_per_sample = colSums(counts_dat)
#' )
#' rownames(counts_dat) <- rownames(logfc_dat) <-
#'     rownames(prob_dat) <- rownames(peptide_meta) <-
#'     paste0("pep_", 1:5)
#' colnames(counts_dat) <- colnames(logfc_dat) <-
#'     colnames(prob_dat) <- rownames(sample_meta) <-
#'     paste0("sample_", 1:5)
#' phip_obj <- PhIPData(
#'     counts_dat, logfc_dat, prob_dat,
#'     peptide_meta, sample_meta, exp_meta
#' )
#' phip_obj
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom edgeR DGEList
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame isEmpty setValidity2
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_warning
PhIPData <- function(counts = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    logfc = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    prob = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    peptideInfo = S4Vectors::DataFrame(),
    sampleInfo = S4Vectors::DataFrame(),
    metadata = list(),
    .defaultNames = "info") {

    ## Variables defined for convenience
    assays <- c("counts", "logfc", "prob")
    assays_missing <- assays[c(missing(counts), missing(logfc), missing(prob))]

    assay_list <- list(counts = counts, logfc = logfc, prob = prob)
    .defaultNames <- if (length(.defaultNames) == 1) {
        rep(.defaultNames, 2)
    } else {

    ## Check that input dimensions are matched.
    dims <- .checkDims(counts, logfc, prob, peptideInfo, sampleInfo)
    if (is.character(dims)) {

    ## Get peptide names. If no peptide names are given but there are peptides,
    ## assign names of "pep_rownumber"
    peptide_names <- .getPeptideNames(
        counts, logfc, prob, peptideInfo,
    peptide_names <- if (is.null(peptide_names) & dims[1] != 0) {
        paste0("pep_", seq_len(dims[1]))
    } else {

    ## Get sample names. If no sample names are given but there are samples,
    ## assign names of "sample_colnumber"
    sample_names <- .getSampleNames(
        counts, logfc, prob, sampleInfo,
    sample_names <- if (is.null(sample_names) & dims[2] != 0) {
        paste0("sample_", seq_len(dims[2]))
    } else {

    ## Set missing assays to DataFrames with dimensions and names corresponding to
    ## given matrices. All sample and peptide names are set to be identical
    ## even if they were mismatched in the inputs.
    assay_list <- .tidyAssays(
        assay_list, assays_missing, peptide_names,

    ## Define peptide information
    tidied_pepInfo <- .tidyPeptideInfo(peptideInfo, peptide_names)
    pep_meta <- tidied_pepInfo[["pep_meta"]]
    pep_start <- tidied_pepInfo[["pep_start"]]
    pep_end <- tidied_pepInfo[["pep_end"]]

    row_info <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
        seqnames = peptide_names,
        ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
            start = pep_start,
            end = pep_end
    if (!S4Vectors::isEmpty(pep_meta)) {
        mcols(row_info) <- pep_meta

    ## Define sample information
    sample_meta <- if (missing(sampleInfo)) {
            group = rep(NA, length = length(sample_names)),
            row.names = sample_names
    } else {

        ## Add 'group' column if it is not present
        if (!"group" %in% colnames(sampleInfo)) {
            cli_alert_warning("No 'group' column in sampleInfo. Adding empty column.")
            sampleInfo$group <- NA

        ## Warn if there are no beads-only samples
        if (!getBeadsName() %in% sampleInfo$group) {
            cli_alert_info("No beads-only samples present in the PhIPData object.")

        S4Vectors::DataFrame(sampleInfo, row.names = sample_names)

    ## Make RangedSummarizedExperiment
    se_object <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
        assays = list(
            counts = assay_list[["counts"]],
            logfc = assay_list[["logfc"]],
            prob = assay_list[["prob"]]
        rowRanges = row_info,
        colData = sample_meta,
        metadata = metadata


.checkDims <- function(counts, logfc, prob, peptideInfo, sampleInfo) {
    row_dims <- c(nrow(counts), nrow(logfc), nrow(prob), nrow(peptideInfo))
    col_dims <- c(ncol(counts), ncol(logfc), ncol(prob), nrow(sampleInfo))

    fixed_row <- if (length(unique(row_dims)) == 1) {
    } else {
        unique(row_dims[row_dims != 0])
    fixed_col <- if (length(unique(col_dims)) == 1) {
    } else {
        unique(col_dims[col_dims != 0])

    match <- c(length(fixed_row) == 1, length(fixed_col) == 1)
    error <- paste0(
        "The number of ",
        paste0(c("peptides", "samples")[!match], collapse = " and "),
        " differs across inputs."

    if (sum(match) < 2) {
    } else {
        c(fixed_row, fixed_col)

.getPeptideNames <- function(counts, logfc, prob, peptideInfo, default) {
    peptide_names <- list(
        rownames(counts), rownames(logfc),
        rownames(prob), rownames(peptideInfo)
    non_missing_len <- vapply(peptide_names, length, numeric(1))
    peptide_names <- unique(peptide_names[non_missing_len != 0])

    peptide_warning <- paste0(
        "Peptide names are not identical across inputs. ",
        "Using peptide names from "
    default_error <- paste0(
        "Invalid '.defaultNames' supplied. Valid ",
        "'.defaultNames' options are 'info', 'counts', ",
        "'logfc', or 'prob'."

    if (length(peptide_names) == 0) {
        peptide_names <- NULL
    } else if (length(peptide_names) == 1) {
        peptide_names <- peptide_names[[1]]
    } else if (default == "info") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(peptide_warning, "'peptideInfo'."))
        peptide_names <- rownames(peptideInfo)
    } else if (default == "counts") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(peptide_warning, "'counts'."))
        peptide_names <- rownames(counts)
    } else if (default == "logfc") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(peptide_warning, "'logfc'."))
        peptide_names <- rownames(logfc)
    } else if (default == "prob") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(peptide_warning, "'prob'."))
        peptide_names <- rownames(prob)
    } else {


.getSampleNames <- function(counts, logfc, prob, sampleInfo, default) {
    sample_names <- list(
        colnames(counts), colnames(logfc),
        colnames(prob), rownames(sampleInfo)
    non_missing_len <- vapply(sample_names, length, numeric(1))
    sample_names <- unique(sample_names[non_missing_len != 0])

    sample_warning <- paste0(
        "Sample names are not identical across inputs. ",
        "Using sample names from "
    default_error <- paste0(
        "Invalid '.defaultNames' supplied. Valid ",
        "'.defaultNames' options are: 'info', 'counts', ",
        "'logfc', or 'prob'."

    if (length(sample_names) == 0) {
        sample_names <- NULL
    } else if (length(sample_names) == 1) {
        sample_names <- sample_names[[1]]
    } else if (default == "info") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(sample_warning, "'sampleInfo'."))
        sample_names <- rownames(sampleInfo)
    } else if (default == "counts") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(sample_warning, "'counts'."))
        sample_names <- colnames(counts)
    } else if (default == "logfc") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(sample_warning, "'logfc'"))
        sample_names <- colnames(logfc)
    } else if (default == "prob") {
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0(sample_warning, "'prob'."))
        sample_names <- colnames(prob)
    } else {


.tidyAssays <- function(assay_list, assays_missing,
    peptide_names, sample_names) {
    assays <- c("counts", "logfc", "prob")
    assays_present <- assays[!assays %in% assays_missing]
    num_missing <- length(assays_missing)

    ## Create empty matrix missing assays
    empty_mat <- matrix(
        nrow = length(peptide_names),
        ncol = length(sample_names)
    rownames(empty_mat) <- peptide_names
    colnames(empty_mat) <- sample_names
    for (assay in assays_missing) {
        assay_list[[assay]] <- empty_mat

    ## Coerce all assays into matrices
    assay_list <- lapply(assay_list, as.matrix)

    ## Correct names
    for (assay in assays) {
        if (!is.null(peptide_names)) {
            rownames(assay_list[[assay]]) <- peptide_names
        if (!is.null(sample_names)) {
            colnames(assay_list[[assay]]) <- sample_names


.tidyPeptideInfo <- function(peptideInfo, peptide_names) {
    peptideInfo <- DataFrame(peptideInfo)

    if (all(c(dim(peptideInfo), length(peptide_names)) == 0)) {
        pep_meta <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(row.names = peptide_names)
        pep_start <- rep(0, length(peptide_names))
        pep_end <- rep(0, length(peptide_names))
    } else {
        pep_meta <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(peptideInfo[, !colnames(peptideInfo) %in%
            c("pos_start", "pos_end"),
        drop = FALSE

        warnings <- c(
            no_start = (!"pos_start" %in% colnames(peptideInfo)),
            no_end = (!"pos_end" %in% colnames(peptideInfo))
        warnings["missing_start"] <- if (!warnings["no_start"]) {
            any(is.na(peptideInfo[, "pos_start"]))
        } else {
        warnings["missing_end"] <- if (!warnings["no_end"]) {
            any(is.na(peptideInfo[, "pos_end"]))
        } else {

        msg <- if (sum(warnings[c("no_start", "no_end")]) > 0) {
                "Missing peptide ",
                paste(c("start", "end")[warnings[c("no_start", "no_end")]],
                    collapse = " and "
                " position information."
        } else {

        msg <- if (any(warnings)) {
            paste0(msg, " Replacing missing values with 0.")
        } else {
        if (length(msg) > 0) {

        ## Add pos_start and pos_end columns if not present, set to 0 if missing
        if (!all(c("pos_start", "pos_end") %in% colnames(peptideInfo))) {
            pep_start <- rep(0, length(peptide_names))
            pep_end <- rep(0, length(peptide_names))
        } else {
            pep_start <- if ("pos_start" %in% colnames(peptideInfo)) {
                    is.na(peptideInfo[, "pos_start"]), 0
            } else {
                rep(0, length(peptide_names))

            pep_end <- if ("pos_end" %in% colnames(peptideInfo)) {
                replace(peptideInfo[["pos_end"]], is.na(peptideInfo[, "pos_end"]), 0)
            } else {
                rep(0, length(length(peptide_names)))

        pep_meta = pep_meta,
        pep_start = pep_start,
        pep_end = pep_end

### Validity ==============================================
## 1. `counts`, `logfc`, and `prob` must be matrices in a valid PhIPData object.
.checkAssays <- function(x) {
    assay_list <- c("counts", "logfc", "prob")

    if (!all(assay_list %in% names(assays(x)))) {
        missing_assays <- assay_list[!assay_list %in% names(assays(x))]
            "`counts`, `logfc`, and `prob` assays must be included ",
            "in a PhIPData object. The following assays are missing: ",
            paste(missing_assays, collapse = ", "), "."
    } else {

## 2. counts cannot have negative entries
.checkCounts <- function(x) {
    error <- character()

    if (all(dim(x) != 0)) {
        counts_pos <- (counts(x) >= 0) | is.na(counts(x))
        if (!all(counts_pos)) {
            msg <- "cannot have negative entries"
            error <- c(error, msg)

        error <- paste0(error, collapse = " and ")

        if (error != "") {
            paste0("'counts' ", error, ".")
        } else {
    } else {

## 3. Sample and peptide dimensions must be the same within the object.
.checkObjectDim <- function(x) {
    dim_check <- .checkDims(
        counts(x), logfc(x), prob(x),
        peptideInfo(x), sampleInfo(x)
    if (is.character(dim_check)) {
    } else {

## 4. sample and peptide names must be identical across all assays
## and annotation information.
.checkNames <- function(x) {
    sample_names <- list(
        colnames(counts(x)), colnames(logfc(x)),
        colnames(prob(x)), rownames(sampleInfo(x))
    peptide_names <- list(
        rownames(counts(x)), rownames(logfc(x)),
        rownames(prob(x)), names(peptideInfo(x))

    match <- c(
        length(unique(sample_names)) == 1,
        length(unique(peptide_names)) == 1

    error <- paste0(
        "Names do not match across ",
        paste0(c("samples", "peptides")[!match], collapse = " and "),

    if (sum(match) < 2) {
    } else {

.checkSampleInfo <- function(x) {
    if (!"group" %in% colnames(sampleInfo(x))) {
        "'group' column must be present in sample information."
    } else {

.validPhIPData <- function(x) {
    if (!isEmpty(x)) {
            .checkAssays(x), .checkCounts(x), .checkObjectDim(x), .checkNames(x),

S4Vectors::setValidity2("PhIPData", .validPhIPData)

### Getters ==============================================
#' @name PhIPData-methods
#' @title Accessing and Modifying Information in PhIPData objects
#' @description Methods to extract and modify \code{assay(s)}(including
#' convenient functions for \code{counts}, \code{logfc}, and \code{prob}),
#' \code{sampleInfo}, \code{peptideInfo}, and \code{metadata}.
#' @details In addition to the functions detailed in
#' \linkS4class{RangedSummarizedExperiment}, the \code{PhIPData} class includes
#' conveniently named functions to quickly access and modify frequently used
#' components of PhIPData objects.
#' Replacement functions ensure that names of the replacement object are matched
#' with the names of the \code{PhIPData} object.
#' Since packages for identifying differential expression in RNA-seq experiments
#' are frequently used for estimating fold-changes for peptide enrichments,
#' the class also includes coercion methods to and from \linkS4class{DGEList}s.
#' @section Available methods:
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a \linkS4class{PhIPData} object,
#' \code{value} is a matrix-like object with the same dimensions as \code{x},
#' and \code{...} are further arguments passed to \code{\link{assay}}
#' (for the getter) or \code{\link{assay<-}} (for the setter).
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{counts(x, ...)}, \code{counts(x, ...) <- value}:}{
#' Get or set a matrix of raw read counts
#' }
#' \item{\code{logfc(x, ...)}, \code{logfc(x, ...) <- value}:}{
#' Get or set a matrix of log2 estimated fold changes (in comparison to
#' beads-only samples)
#' }
#' \item{\code{prob(x, ...)}, \code{pob(x, ...) <- value}:}{
#' Get or set a matrix of probabilities associated with whether
#'          a sample has an enriched antibody response for a peptide.
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' example("PhIPData")
#' replacement_dat <- matrix(1L, nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
#' ## SummarizedExperiment Accessors and Setters
#' assays(phip_obj)
#' assays(phip_obj)$counts <- replacement_dat
#' assay(phip_obj, "logfc")
#' assay(phip_obj, "logfc") <- replacement_dat
#' ## counts
#' counts(phip_obj)
#' counts(phip_obj) <- counts_dat
#' ## logfc
#' logfc(phip_obj)
#' logfc(phip_obj) <- logfc_dat
#' ## prob
#' prob(phip_obj)
#' prob(phip_obj) <- replacement_dat
#' ## coercion functions
#' as(phip_obj, "DGEList")
#' as(phip_obj, "List")
#' as(phip_obj, "list")
#' @param object A \code{PhIPData} object
#' @param x A \code{PhIPData} object
#' @param i A \code{numeric}, {character}
#' @param withDimnames Parameter for
#'      \linkS4class{RangedSummarizedExperiment} class functions. Overrided
#'      since row/column names are automatically synced within each object.
#' @param ... parameters for \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{assays}},
#'      which are typically not needed.
#' @param value A \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, or \linkS4class{DataFrame}
#'      of the same dimensions (not necessarily the same names)
#' @return Accessors: a \link{DataFrame} object
#' @return Setters: a \code{PhIPData} object
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{assays}} for
#' \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} operations.

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics counts
setMethod("counts", "PhIPData", function(object, ...) {
    SummarizedExperiment::assay(object, "counts", ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("logfc", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("logfc"))

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setMethod("logfc", "PhIPData", function(object, ...) {
    SummarizedExperiment::assay(object, "logfc", ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("prob", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("prob"))

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setMethod("prob", "PhIPData", function(object, ...) {
    SummarizedExperiment::assay(object, "prob", ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("peptideInfo", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("peptideInfo"))

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setMethod("peptideInfo", "PhIPData", function(object, ...) {
    SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(object, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("sampleInfo", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sampleInfo"))

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setMethod("sampleInfo", "PhIPData", function(object, ...) {
    SummarizedExperiment::colData(object, ...)

### Setters ==============================================
# This `assays` and `assay` replacement functions differs from the
# SummarizedExperiment assays functions in that mismatched names returns
# a valid object rather than an error.
#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setReplaceMethod("assays", c("PhIPData", "list"), function(x, ..., value) {
    pep_names <- rownames(x)
    sample_names <- colnames(x)

    value <- if (length(value) == 1) {
        rownames(value) <- pep_names
        colnames(value) <- sample_names

    } else if (length(value) > 1) {
        lapply(value, function(assay) {
            rownames(assay) <- pep_names
            colnames(assay) <- sample_names

    } else {

    new_object <- callNextMethod()

    # Ensure that counts, logfc, and probs are in the final object
    error <- .checkAssays(new_object)
    if (length(error)) {


#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
    "assays", c("PhIPData", "SimpleList"),
    function(x, ..., value) {
        pep_names <- rownames(x)
        sample_names <- colnames(x)

        value <- if (length(value) == 1) {
            rownames(x) <- pep_names
            colnames(x) <- sample_names

        } else if (length(value) > 1) {
            lapply(value, function(assay) {
                rownames(assay) <- pep_names
                colnames(assay) <- sample_names

        } else {

        new_object <- callNextMethod()

        # Ensure that counts, logfc, and probs are in the final object
        error <- .checkAssays(new_object)
        if (length(error)) {


#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
    "assay", c("PhIPData", "missing"),
    function(x, i, withDimnames = TRUE, ..., value) {
        new_object <- if (!is.null(value)) {
            rownames(value) <- rownames(x)
            colnames(value) <- colnames(x)

        } else {
            remaining_assays <- setdiff(assayNames(x), "counts")
            assays(x) <- assays(x)[remaining_assays]


        # Ensure that counts, logfc, and probs are in the final object
        error <- .checkAssays(new_object)
        if (length(error)) {


#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
    "assay", c("PhIPData", "numeric"),
    function(x, i, withDimnames = TRUE, ..., value) {
        new_object <- if (!is.null(value)) {
            rownames(value) <- rownames(x)
            colnames(value) <- colnames(x)

        } else {
            remaining_assays <- assayNames(x)[-i]
            assays(x) <- assays(x)[remaining_assays]


        # Ensure that counts, logfc, and probs are in the final object
        error <- .checkAssays(new_object)
        if (length(error)) {


#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
    "assay", c("PhIPData", "character"),
    function(x, i, withDimnames = TRUE, ..., value) {
        new_object <- if (!is.null(value)) {
            rownames(value) <- rownames(x)
            colnames(value) <- colnames(x)

        } else {
            remaining_assays <- setdiff(assayNames(x), i)
            assays(x) <- assays(x)[remaining_assays]


        # Ensure that counts, logfc, and probs are in the final object
        error <- .checkAssays(new_object)
        if (length(error)) {


# Convenience functions for standard Assays
#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics "counts<-"
setReplaceMethod("counts", c("PhIPData", "ANY"), function(object, ..., value) {
    assay(object, "counts") <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("logfc<-", function(object, ..., value) standardGeneric("logfc<-"))

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setReplaceMethod("logfc", "PhIPData", function(object, ..., value) {
    assay(object, "logfc") <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("prob<-", function(object, ..., value) standardGeneric("prob<-"))

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setReplaceMethod("prob", "PhIPData", function(object, ..., value) {
    assay(object, "prob") <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("peptideInfo<-", function(object, value) {

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setReplaceMethod("peptideInfo", "PhIPData", function(object, value) {
    # check # of peptides match with assays
    if (nrow(value) != nrow(counts(object))) {
        msg <- paste0(
            "The number of peptides in the annotation differ from ",
            "the number of peptides in `counts`."

    # get peptide names and sample names from existing x
    rownames(value) <- peptide_names <- dimnames(object)[[1]]

    new_pepInfo <- .tidyPeptideInfo(value, peptide_names)

    pep_meta <- new_pepInfo[["pep_meta"]]
    pep_start <- new_pepInfo[["pep_start"]]
    pep_end <- new_pepInfo[["pep_end"]]

    row_info <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
        seqnames = peptide_names,
        ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
            start = pep_start,
            end = pep_end
    if (!S4Vectors::isEmpty(pep_meta)) {
        mcols(row_info) <- pep_meta

    # Why does setting a new rowRanges erase all my row names for the x?!?!?!?!?
    rowRanges(object) <- row_info
    rownames(object) <- peptide_names



#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
setGeneric("sampleInfo<-", function(object, ..., value) {

#' @export
#' @rdname PhIPData-methods
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_warning cli_alert_info
setReplaceMethod("sampleInfo", "PhIPData", function(object, value) {
    # check # of samples match with assays
    if (nrow(value) != ncol(counts(object))) {
        msg <- paste0(
            "The number of samples in the annotation differ from ",
            "the number of samples in `counts`."

    # get peptide names and sample names from existing object
    rownames(value) <- sample_names <- dimnames(object)[[2]]

    sample_meta <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(value, row.names = sample_names)

    ## Add 'group' column if it is not present
    if (!"group" %in% colnames(sample_meta)) {
            "No 'group' column in sampleInfo. ",
            "Adding empty column."
        sample_meta$group <- NA

    ## Warn if there are no beads-only samples
    if (!getBeadsName() %in% sample_meta$group) {
            "No beads-only samples present in the ",
            "PhIPData object."

    colData(object) <- sample_meta



### Subsetters ==============================================

### Generics ==============================================
setMethod("show", "PhIPData", function(object) {
    beads_name <- getBeadsName()
    num_beads <- sum(sampleInfo(object)$group == beads_name, na.rm = TRUE)
    cat("beads-only name(", num_beads, "): ", beads_name,
        sep = ""

setMethod("isEmpty", "PhIPData", function(x) {
    isEmpty(counts(x)) & isEmpty(logfc(x)) &
        isEmpty(prob(x)) & isEmpty(peptideInfo(x)) &

### Coercion methods ==============================================
# DGEList to PhIPData
setAs("DGEList", "PhIPData", function(from) {
    count_mat <- if (is.null(from[["counts"]])) {
        matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
    } else {
    sample_info <- if (is.null(from[["samples"]])) {
        matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
    } else {

    pep_info <- if (is.null(from[["genes"]])) {
    } else {

    PhIPData(counts = count_mat, peptideInfo = pep_info, sampleInfo = sample_info)

# PhIPData to DGEList
setAs("PhIPData", "DGEList", function(from) {
    count_mat <- counts(from)
    sample_info <- sampleInfo(from)
    peptide_info <- peptideInfo(from)
    group_labs <- if ("group" %in% colnames(sample_info)) {
    } else {

        counts = count_mat,
        samples = sample_info[colnames(sample_info) != "group"],
        group = group_labs,
        genes = peptide_info

# PhIPData to list
setAs("PhIPData", "list", function(from) {
        assays = assays(from),
        peptideInfo = peptideInfo(from),
        sampleInfo = sampleInfo(from),
        metadata = metadata(from)

setAs("list", "PhIPData", function(from) {
        counts = from$assays[["counts"]],
        logfc = from$assays[["logfc"]],
        prob = from$assays[["prob"]],
        peptideInfo = from$peptideInfo,
        sampleInfo = from$sampleInfo,
        metadata = from$metadata

# PhIPData to List
setAs("PhIPData", "List", function(from) {
        assays = assays(from),
        peptideInfo = peptideInfo(from),
        sampleInfo = sampleInfo(from),
        metadata = metadata(from)

setAs("List", "PhIPData", function(from) {
        counts = from[["assays"]][["counts"]],
        logfc = from[["assays"]][["logfc"]],
        prob = from[["assays"]][["prob"]],
        peptideInfo = from[["peptideInfo"]],
        sampleInfo = from[["sampleInfo"]],
        metadata = from[["metadata"]]

# PhIPData to DataFrame
setAs("PhIPData", "DataFrame", function(from) {
    if (length(metadata(from)) != 0) {
        cli::cli_alert_warning("Metadata will be lost during coercion.")
    n_samples <- ncol(from)
    n_peps <- nrow(from)

    ## Tidy assays
    assay_df <- DataFrame(lapply(assays(from), as.vector))

    ## Tidy sample_info
    sample_df <- rep(cbind(sample = colnames(from), sampleInfo(from)),
        each = n_peps
    ## Tidy peptide_info
    peptide_df <- rep(cbind(
            peptide = rownames(from),
            pos_start = start(peptideInfo(from)),
            pos_end = end(peptideInfo(from))
    times = n_samples

    cbind(sample_df, peptide_df, assay_df)
athchen/PhIPData documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 1:34 a.m.