
## Some comments about how htmlwidgets work in Rcloud.
## # In the notebook
## This is simple. We override the 'viewer' option when the
## rcloud.support package is loaded (see .onLoad in zzz.R),
## and the rcloud.htmlwidgets.viewer function will be called
## whenever the widget is printed.
## So one can simply do
##     library(radarchart)
##     chartJSRadar(scores = skills)
## in a notbeook, and the radar chart widget will be shown in a cell.
## Our viewer does the following:
## 1. Creates an OCAP for htmlwidgets, if it does not exist yet.
## 2. Creates a self-contained HTML file from the widget using
##    an internal function htmlwidgets:::pandoc_self_contained_html
##    which in turn uses Pandoc. So htmlwidgets won't work, unless
##    Pandoc is installed on the server. Unfortunately this also
##    means that we write the HTML for the widget to disk, twice.
##    This is fine for small widgets, but not ideal for some that
##    contain a lot of data.
## 3. Sticks the HTML in an iframe, using the 'srcdoc' attribute
##    This is supported in most browsers, except in IE. This polyfill
##    could be used for IE, if this is a concern:
##    https://github.com/jugglinmike/srcdoc-polyfill
##    We are not using it currently.
## 4. Sends the HTML with the iframe over via the OCAP, which sticks
##    it in the cell, and sizes it correctly. See sizing below.
## # In mini.html
## Mini is a bit different. Here is an example, it is also at
## https://gist.github.com/gordonwoodhull/fc9220160fb8819edb1c6e972d874305
##     library(rcloud.web)
##     library(rcloud.support)
##     library(DT)
##     library(rcloud.htmlwidgets)
##     out("Data set:")
##     oselection(
##         "dataset",
##         c("iris", "mtcars"),
##         onChange = "window.notebook_result.update(this.value, function() {});"
##     )
##     out("<div id=\"mytable\"></div>")
##     update <- function(dataset = "iris") {
##         data <- get(dataset, asNamespace("datasets"))
##         rcw.set("#mytable", datatable(data))
##     }
##     rcw.result(
##         update = update,
##         run = function(..., dataset = "iris") {
##             rcw.append("body", out())
##             update(dataset)
##         }
##     )
## This is mostly standard mini.html stuff. The widget is created via
## the datatable() call, and note that you can just stick it into
## rcw.set() and everything works magically.
## This is because rcw.set() calls as.character() on the second argument.
## Here: https://github.com/att/rcloud/blob/1a90eb240f8e96dd1ead1c0f21f5095a06954f85/rcloud.packages/rcloud.web/R/caps.R#L31-L35
## This is required, because we define as.character() for htmlwidget
## objects. Our new as.character() method basically uses the same
## method as above, to create an iframe that will be eventually put in
## the div in mini.html.
## Note that as.character() also creates the OCAP if it does not exist,
## but only if we are on mini.html, not in the IDE, i.e. not in the
## notebook editor.
## # Sizing
## Sizing of html widgets is tricky by itself. See the vignette in the
## R package, currently here:
## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/htmlwidgets/vignettes/develop_sizing.html
## In Rcloud it is even more difficult, because we need to update the
## size of the div that contains the iframe, whenever the user resizes
## the browser window, or just the width of the cell changes.
## The good thing is that the widgets within the iframe get the resize
## event and resize themselves properly, so we don't need to deal with
## that. But we need to capture when the width of the cell changes, and
## rezise the div(s) containing widgets, **after** the widget itself
## already resized itself properly within the iframe.
## The JS code that does this is in the OCAP, see the inst/htmlwidgets.js
## file for the source. There are four different cases we need to
## handle, and they come up both for the notebook editor and mini.html.
## 1. Notebook, the first widget is being put on the page
## * We set the hooks for capturing window resize events.
## * We wait (well, aync) for 100ms, and if the widget within the iframe
##   has its <body> built already, we resize the iframe, and thus the
##   cell. If there is no body yet, we try it again 100ms later, and keep
##   trying. A more robust implementation would maybe use a gradually
##   increasing timeout, but is only a problem for faulty widgets, that
##   do not create an HTML <body>, so if this happens, the user has bigger
##   problems to worry about. In case a widget is slow deciding about
##   its size, and the <body> is already there, but the widget will still
##   change its mind about the size, we also have a periodic size checker
##   and resizer, see below.
## 2. Notebook, a widget is being put on the page that already has one
## This is similar to 1., but we don't need to add the resize event
## hooks. They are there already. The hook resizes *all* widgets on the
## page, so we only want one hook, and not one for each widget.
## 3. Notebook, the browser window is resized
## Our hook is fired, it resizes all widgets on the page, in parallel.
## For each widget, it uses the algorithm in 1., i.e. it tries resizing
## it every 100ms, looking for a <body> tag in the iframe.
## 4. Notebook, the width of the cell changes, not the browser window size
## This is more tricky, because AFAIK we can't capture this event currently.
## In the future RCloud could trigger an event, maybe.
## So the way we handle this for now is by running a periodic check,
## currently every five seconds, to see if we need to resize any widget.
## This periodic check is installed when the htmlwidgets OCAP is
## installed. Actually, the check starts running every 200ms, but as soon
## as it resizes a widget on the page, it adjusts itself to run every five
## seconds. This is because of mini, see below.
## 5. Mini, first widget is being put on the page
## We add the hooks to the window resize event. We cannot directly size
## the widget(s) on the page, unfortunately, because we are not calling
## an OCAP explicitly from R to do this. (In the notebook this is called
## by the custom print method, but in mini, we want to avoid extra calls
## from the user just because of htmlwidgets, and we don't want to mess
## with the rcloud.web functions, either.
## Instead, we just use the periodic check to size the widget properly.
## We don't want the user to wait for 5 seconds for a correct sizing,
## so we start with periodic resize events every 200ms. Once a resize
## is successful, we switch to the 5 seconds period.
## 6. Mini, subsequent widgets
## Nothing special here, they work the same as the first in 5.
## One small glitch is that we cannot be sure how many widgets the page
## has, they are added dynamically, and we relax the check period after
## the first resized widget. So it might happen that one widget is sized
## properly when the page loads, but the others only 5 seconds later.
## 7. Mini, browser window is resized
## This is like 3. Our hook is fired and it takes care of business.
## 8. Mini, widget width changes without a resized browser window
## This probably does not happen in mini, because there are no cells.
## But even if it does, because of some complicated custom HTML layout,
## the periodic resizer takes care of it, albeit maybe only a couple
## of seconds later.

.htmlwidgets.cache <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

htmlwidgets.install.ocap <- function() {
  if (is.null(.htmlwidgets.cache$ocaps)) {
    jsfile <- file.path(
      system.file(package = packageName()),
      "javascript", "htmlwidgets.js"
    script <- paste(readLines(jsfile), collapse = "\n")
    oc <- rcloud.install.js.module("htmlwidgets", script, TRUE)
    .htmlwidgets.cache$ocaps <- oc


## this is ours and a new method - no hacks neede here (until they define theirs ;))
as.character.htmlwidget <- function(x, ocaps = TRUE, ...) {
  html <- htmlwidgets:::toHTML(x, standalone = TRUE)
  deps <- htmltools::htmlDependencies(html)
  deps <- htmltools::resolveDependencies(deps)
  deps <- lapply(deps, rcloudHTMLDependency)
  rendered <- htmltools::renderTags(html)
  build.html(list(body = rendered$html, head = rendered$head, dependencies = deps), ocaps)

## htmltoos does have as.character() mehtods

.htmltools.as.character.shiny.tag <- htmltools:::as.character.shiny.tag

#' @param ocaps should OCAP be installed
#' @param rcloud_htmlwidgets_print flag indicating that the 'as.character' method was invoked
#'  from a print method overriden by rcloud.htmlwidgets. If this parameter is FALSE, the default as.character 
#'  method from 'htmltools' package is invoked.
#'  This parameter ensures that the code relying on the original as.character implementation is not broken by
#'  this implementation.
as.character.shiny.tag <- function(x, ocaps = TRUE, rcloud_htmlwidgets_print = FALSE,  ...) {
  if( ! rcloud_htmlwidgets_print || 
     (('attribs' %in% names(x)) && 'data-rcloud-htmlwidgets-compact' %in% names(x$attribs))) {
    .htmltools.as.character.shiny.tag(x, ...)
  } else {
    rendered <- htmltools::renderTags(x)
    deps <- lapply(rendered$dependencies, rcloudHTMLDependency)
    build.html(list(body = rendered$html, head = rendered$head, dependencies = deps), ocaps)

build.html <- function(content = list(body = NULL, head = NULL, dependencies = list()), ocaps = TRUE) {
  background <- "white"
  html <- c(
    "<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html>", "<head>", "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>",
    htmltools::renderDependencies(content$dependencies, "href"),
    content$head, "</head>",
      "<body style=\"background-color:%s;\">",
    content$body, "</body>", "</html>"
  if (ocaps) htmlwidgets.install.ocap()
  where <- paste0("rc_htmlwidget_content_", as.integer(runif(1)*1e6))
    sep = "",
    "<div class=\"rcloud-htmlwidget-content\" id=\"",
    "<iframe frameBorder=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"400\" srcdoc=\"",
    gsub("\"", "&quot;", paste(html, collapse = "\n")),

print.htmlwidget <- function(x, ..., view = interactive()) {

  where <- paste0("rc_htmlwidget_", as.integer(runif(1)*1e6))
    "<div class=\"rcloud-htmlwidget\">",
    "<div id=\"", where, "\"></div>",
  where <- paste0("#", where)

  widget <- as.character(x, ..., ocaps = FALSE, rcloud_htmlwidgets_print = TRUE)

  ocaps <- htmlwidgets.install.ocap()

  ocaps$create(Rserve.context(), where, widget)


print.suppress_viewer <- print.htmlwidget

print.shiny.tag <- function(x, ..., view = interactive()) {
  if('attribs' %in% names(x) && 'data-rcloud-htmlwidgets-compact' %in% names(x$attribs)) {
    rcloud.html.out(as.character.shiny.tag(x, ...))
  } else {
    invisible(print.htmlwidget(x, ..., view = view))

## this is a hack for R 3.5.0+ which prevents us from
## overriding methods in htmlwidgets/htmltools
.replace.methods <- function() if ((R.version$major == "3" && R.version$minor >= "5") || R.version$major > "3") {
  .doit <- function(namespace, sym.list) {
    e <- getNamespace(namespace)
    o <- environment(.replace.methods)
    for (i in sym.list) {
      unlockBinding(i, e)
      e[[i]] <- o[[i]]
      lockBinding(i, e)
  .doit("htmlwidgets", c("print.suppress_viewer", "print.htmlwidget"))
  .doit("htmltools", c("as.character.shiny.tag", "print.shiny.tag"))

rcloudHTMLDependency <- function(dep) {
  file <- dep$src$file
  if(!is.null(file)) {
    # htmltools dependencies can be either file='absolute' or package='foo',file='relative'
    # we want to know:
    # * package name
    # * is this a user library, from the current user's .libPath() or from lib.loc?
    # * top directory within package - shared.R currently allow htmlwidgets, www, and lib
    # * rest of file path
    package <- dep$package
    if(!is.null(package)) {
      pkgpath <- getNamespaceInfo(package, 'path')
      user <- is_user_lib(pkgpath)
      rel_path <- paste0(package, '/', file)
    } else {
      user <- is_user_lib(file)
      if(!is.null(user)) {
        rel_path <- path_inside(file, rcloud.home('library', user=user))
      } else {
        lib <- where_in_path(file, .libPaths())
        if (is.na(lib)) {
          warning("Cannot find htmlwidgets dependency: ", file)
        rel_path <- path_inside(file, lib)
    c_rel_path <- path_components(rel_path)
    package <- c_rel_path[1]

    ## strip off package/www or package/htmlwidgets
    filepath <- paste(tail(c_rel_path, -2), collapse = "/")

    parts <- NULL
    if (length(c_rel_path) < 2) {
      warning("Invalid htmlwidgets dependency path: ", file)
    } else if (c_rel_path[2] == "htmlwidgets") {
      parts <- c('/shared.R', '_htmlwidgets')
      if(!is.null(user)) parts = c(parts, user)
      parts <- c(parts, package, filepath)
    } else if (c_rel_path[2] %in% c("www", "lib")) {
      parts <- c('/shared.R')
      if(!is.null(user)) parts = c(parts, user)
      parts <- c(parts, package, filepath)
    } else {
      warning("Invalid package subdirectory: ", c_rel_path[2])
      dep$src$href <- paste0(parts, collapse='/')


is_user_lib <- function(path) {
    found <- gsub(rcloud.home('library.*', user='([^/]*)'), '\\1', path)
    if(found == path) NULL else found

where_in_path <- function(path, parents) {
  for (parent in parents) {
    if (is_in_path(path, parent)) return(parent)

is_in_path <- function(path, parent) {

  path <- normalizePath(path)
  parent <- normalizePath(parent)

  c_path <- path_components(path)
  c_parent <- path_components(parent)

  if (length(c_path) < length(c_parent)) {

  } else {
    all(c_path[seq_along(c_parent)] == c_parent)

path_components <- function(path) {
  strsplit(path, "/+")[[1]]

path_inside <- function(path, parent) {
  c_path <- path_components(path)
  c_parent <- path_components(parent)

  paste(tail(c_path, -length(c_parent)), collapse = "/")

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
att/rcloud.htmlwidgets documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:12 p.m.