#' @title
#' Trace plots and convergence diagnostics for MCMC chains
#' @description
#' Produces trace plots and Gelman-Rubin and Geweke convergence diagnostics for the MCMC chains obtained from
#' \code{nma.run()}. The Gelman-Rubin and Geweke diagnostics are implemented using functions from the \code{coda} package.
#' @param nma A \code{BUGSnetRun} object produced by \code{nma.run()}
#' @param trace If TRUE, outputs trace plots. Default is TRUE.
#' @param gelman.rubin If TRUE, runs Gelman-Rubin diagnostic. Default is TRUE.
#' @param geweke If TRUE, runs Geweke diagnostic. Default is TRUE.
#' @param params Integer or character vector which specifies which parameters to produce trace plots for when trace is set to TRUE.
#' Default is "all" which plots every monitored parameter.
#' @param thin Thinning factor for the mcmc chains when producing trace plots. Default is 1.
#' @param nrow Number rows in each batch of trace plots
#' @param ncol Number of columns in each batch of trace plots
#' @param plot_prompt If TRUE, prompts the user to hit enter before plotting each additional batch of trace plots. Default is TRUE.
#' @param geweke_frac1 Fraction to use from beginning of chain. Default is 0.1.
#' @param geweke_frac2 Fraction to use from end of chain. Default is 0.5.
#' @return \code{gelman.rubin} An object of class \code{gelman.rubin.results} containing the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic results.
#' A formatted table with custom PSRF threshold can be printed using \code{print(x, gelman.rubin.threshold = 1.2)}.
#' @return \code{geweke} An object of class \code{geweke.results} containing the Geweke diagnostic results. A formatted table
#' with custom significance level can be printed using \code{print(x, alpha = 0.05)}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{nma.run}}
#' @importFrom coda gelman.diag geweke.diag
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string element_text geom_density geom_line geom_text ggplot ggtitle theme xlab ylab
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_sub
#' @examples
#' data(thrombolytic)
#' dich.slr <- data.prep(arm.data = thrombolytic, varname.t = "treatment",
#' varname.s = "study")
#' random_effects_model <- nma.model(data=dich.slr, outcome="events",
#' N="sampleSize", reference="SK",
#' family="binomial", link="log",
#' effects="random")
#' random_effects_results <- nma.run(random_effects_model, n.adapt=100,
#' n.burnin=0, n.iter=100)
#' nma.diag(random_effects_results)
#' @export
nma.diag <- function(
trace = TRUE,
gelman.rubin = TRUE,
geweke = TRUE,
params = "all",
thin = 1,
ncol = 1,
nrow = 3,
plot_prompt = TRUE,
geweke_frac1 = 0.1,
geweke_frac2 = 0.5
# Bind variables to function
str_sub <- NULL
str_extract <- NULL
gelman.diag <- NULL
geweke.diag <- NULL
if (!inherits(nma, 'BUGSnetRun'))
stop("\'nma\' must be a valid BUGSnetRun object created using the nma.run function.")
if (trace == FALSE && gelman.rubin == FALSE && geweke == FALSE)
stop("At least one of the \'trace\', \'gelman_rubin\' or \'geweke\' parameters must be set to TRUE")
#pull out column indices for the 'd' and 'sigma' parameters
if ((length(params) == 1 && params == "all") || is.numeric(params) == TRUE) {
clist <- grep("(^d\\[[0-9,]+\\])|(^sigma$)", colnames(nma$samples[[1]]))
clist <- clist[colnames((nma$samples[[1]])[,clist]) != "d[1]"]
#quick fix for inconsistency model
if (nma$model$type == "inconsistency")
i1 <- str_sub(str_extract(colnames((nma$samples[[1]])[,clist]), "d\\[[0-9]+"), 3, -1)
i2 <- str_sub(str_extract(colnames((nma$samples[[1]])[,clist]), ",[0-9]+\\]"), 2, -2)
clist <- clist[is.na(i1) | (i1 != i2)]
if (is.numeric(params) == TRUE)
clist <- clist[params]
mcmc.obj <- nma$samples[, clist, drop = FALSE]
} else {
mcmc.obj <- nma$samples[, params, drop = FALSE]
pnames <- colnames(mcmc.obj[[1]])
#run gelman.diag from the coda package and produced formatted output
if (gelman.rubin == TRUE)
gr <- gelman.diag(mcmc.obj)
gr.obj <- structure(list(psrf = gr$psrf,
mpsrf = gr$mpsrf), class = "gelman.rubin.results")
#run geweke.diag from the coda package and produced formatted output
if (geweke == TRUE)
gw <- geweke.diag(mcmc.obj, frac1 = geweke_frac1, frac2 = geweke_frac2)
gwtbl <- list()
for (i in 1:length(gw))
gwtbl[[i]] <- gw[[i]]$z
gwtbl <- do.call(cbind, gwtbl)
colnames(gwtbl) <- paste0("Chain ", 1:length(gw))
gw.obj <- structure(list(stats = gwtbl,
frac1 = geweke_frac1,
frac2 = geweke_frac2), class = "geweke.results")
#produce trace plots
if (trace == TRUE)
samples <- do.call(rbind, mcmc.obj) %>% data.frame()
n.iter <- nrow(mcmc.obj[[1]])
n.chains <- nrow(samples)/n.iter
samples$chain <- as.factor(rep(1:n.chains, rep(n.iter, n.chains)))
samples$iteration <- rep(1:n.iter, n.chains)
thinned_index <- NULL
for (i in 1:n.chains)
thinned_index <- c(thinned_index, (i-1) * n.iter + seq(1, n.iter, thin))
samples <- samples[thinned_index,]
traceplots <- list()
for (i in 1:length(pnames))
traceplots[[2*i-1]] <- ggplot(samples, aes_string(x = "iteration", y = make.names(pnames)[i], col = "chain")) +
geom_line() + xlab("") + ylab("") + ggtitle(pnames[i]) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position = "none")
traceplots[[2*i]] <- ggplot(samples, aes_string(x = make.names(pnames)[i], col = "chain")) +
geom_density() + xlab("") + ggtitle(pnames[i]) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position = "none")
for (i in 1:(ceiling(length(pnames) / (nrow * ncol))))
if (plot_prompt == TRUE && i > 1)
pstr <- readline(prompt = "Press [ENTER] to continue plotting trace plots (or type \'stop\' to end plotting)> ")
if (trimws(tolower(pstr), which = "both") == "stop")
grid.arrange(grobs = traceplots[((i-1)*2*nrow*ncol+1):min((i*2*nrow*ncol),length(traceplots))], ncol = 2 * ncol)
if(gelman.rubin == TRUE && geweke == TRUE){
return(list(gelman.rubin = gr.obj, geweke = gw.obj))
}else if(gelman.rubin == TRUE){
return(list(gelman.rubin = gr.obj))
}else if(geweke == TRUE){
return(list(geweke = gw.obj))
#' @noRd
print.gelman.rubin.results <- function(obj, gelman.rubin.threshold = 1.2)
psrf <- obj$psrf
psrf[,1] <- ifelse(psrf[,1] > gelman.rubin.threshold, sprintf("%.2f*", psrf[,1]), sprintf("%.2f", psrf[,1]))
psrf[,2] <- sprintf("%.2f", as.numeric(psrf[,2]))
mpsrf <- obj$mpsrf
mpsrf <- ifelse(mpsrf > gelman.rubin.threshold, sprintf("%.2f*", mpsrf), sprintf("%.2f", mpsrf))
cat("Gelman and Rubin's PSRF Convergence Diagnostic:\n--------------------------------\n")
cat(paste0("--------------------------------\nMultivariate PSRF: ", mpsrf,
"\n--------------------------------\n", paste0("* PSRF > ", gelman.rubin.threshold), "\n\n"))
#' @noRd
print.geweke.results <- function(obj, alpha = 0.05)
gwtbl <- list()
for (i in 1:ncol(obj$stats))
gwtbl[[i]] <- ifelse(abs(obj$stats[,i]) > qnorm(1 - alpha / 2, mean = 0, sd = 1),
sprintf("%.2f*", obj$stats[,i]), sprintf("%.2f", obj$stats[,i]))
gwtbl <- do.call(cbind, gwtbl)
colnames(gwtbl) <- colnames(obj$stats)
cat("Geweke\'s Convergence Diagnostic Results:\n--------------------------------\n")
"\nFraction in 1st window = ", obj$frac1,
"\nFraction in 2nd window = ", obj$frac2,
paste0("\n* Statistically significant at the ", 100 * (1 - alpha),
"% confidence level"), sep = "")
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